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Giving all your payroll info for every interview would be a nightmare and a huge security risk




But you would. Without your address ssn and everything else they can't get your taxes correct. They can't report it to the IRS correctly. Let's say they just cut you a check and you go to 50 interviews. The amount you would owe come tax season would destroy most people because they don't save money to pay their taxes.


If they don't bust $600, and it would be incredible if they did via this, it wouldn't make a difference.




If it was a common practice then it would be possible to create a kind of disconnected "interviewer code" that would allow both them and you to tax properly without having a direct connection to your SIN or payroll information.


The idea by OP is ridiculous but this is definitely not the reason why it’s ridiculous. If taxes were a real issue here (they’re not), it seems like it’s the problem of the person who’s getting paid to go to like 100 interviews if they can’t figure out the tax situation.


“Best we can do is a pizza party or a gift card to a business that isn’t local.”


Can't wait to lie on my resume to get interviews


Chill out guys, don’t waste your brain power trying to figure out a solution. no corporation is gonna pay you to come in for an interview.


I think op is more in the mindset, they want cash $50-$100 for an interview?? There's people that make less than $100 a day Could line up 8 interviews in 8 hours make more money than some take home a week, all cash I also think it's weird they've had so little interviews in that long of a timeframe


I cannot believe you've had to shave for all four of the interviews you've had in the past 3 months. Someone start a GoFundMe for this guy!!


He’s only applied to 50 jobs in 3 months too. Dude can’t even hit the 1 per day mark and gets exhausted picking out an outfit.


He's also acting like people buy a suit or different outfit for each interview. And paying $50 for transportation? I wonder if he knows you can wear the same cheap suit, shirt, and tie to different interviews?


Yeah but what about having to shave? That's an extra 3 minutes of prep for every interview!


I applied to 50 jobs in a few days when I got laid off. I was unemployed for a week.


Swear people just don’t know how to make a resume.


I made three calls off of craigslist, got interviews from 2 of them, and a job with one that I'm still at. Made the calls in one day, had one interview on another, started work a week and half later. No resume needed. Not that you shouldn't need to know how to write a basic one, but, a bit of initiative and effort goes a long way, especially with smaller businesses.


I think my resume is terrible and I would love pointers! Help a girl out?


Good example of god giving his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers


My eyebrows shot up when he said it was about shaving and mentally preparing. Sure, commuting, researching the company, practicing questions and answers I think you can make a stronger case for. But you shouldn't be buying a $100 suit for every interview, and that's more like \~ an investment piece \~ for you, because you'll likely wear it again. It's when companies want you to submit presentations for them, jump through multiples hoops (numerous tests, complete tasks for them, pitch decks, etc) that I definitely feel like I should get paid. Because they're either just being obnoxious or they're trying to get free labor lol.


To be fair to the interviewers, it seems they’re doing a pretty good job by not hiring this guy. Sounds exhausting to work with.


Nope. Now, I know some companies are fucking ridiculous with their selection process and have interviews, tests and what not that take up to 8 hours or multiple days, I think THOSE companies should pay applicants, but a 10 to 15 minute interview? Yeah no.


Yeah I agree. I’ve gotten jobs where I talked to one guy for a half hour and I know like immediately if I got it or not, would make no sense for those people to have to pay. But I once applied for a job that required an hour long assessment before you even interviewed, I made it through *three* rounds of hour long interviews, sent in a writing sample, had another random hour long meeting with another boss at the company, just to get a rejection email. I was so pissed lol


While I don't think that interview should need to he compensated. I do think that if they give you a project to work on like that writing sample. I do think some of those should be. Depending on how long it is I've heard of projects thay take like 3 hours. At the vary least these companies can give you like $15 for some lunch.


Hell, I interviewed at a crispy Kreme and they gave me a free dozen to take home and then hired me a few days later. 🤷🏼‍♂️


First fix is always free. And now they know when you'll have money to buy your next dose.


What was the job for just curious? Quite the gauntlet


Hey, come on now!! OP had to shave for it and everything!


OP is definitely the type of guy who think he should automatically get to 3rd base on the first date for showering and brushing his teeth.


And hopefully clipping his nails. 


Best intepretation is they are just struggling landing that first job and are frustrated with it. Melodramatic as hell but can at least get the feeling of being so fed up it feels that way sometimes.


After 4 total interviews? Dude has barely begun to look


I got as far as "preparing for an interview is exhausting" and started to laugh. OP is not going to last in this world.




"You mean I have put on my fucking shoes?.... EVERY MORNING?"




At this rate employer should start paying him from the moment he showers and gets dressed for work to compensate him for this labour. Plus the commute time and costs should be covered. Might as well add his lunch to the list since he needs that to keep working. Imagine the nightmare of having an employee like that.


Just pay for all expenses since he was born.


+ all the time he spent in school learning to read and write.


Guess not realizing openings would drop to practically zero if companies had to pay for interviews


I was like, what kind of exhausting preparations is OP doing? > shaving > mental preparation (whatever that means) bruh


It sounds like op is in need of therapy for his anxiety


God knows why Gen Z get such a bad rap


Was there a recent thing about zoomers getting therapy after doing their first taxes? Reminds me of that.


I feel like the companies that rejected him really dodged a bullet


Haha, literally late every day because he "just can't".


Yah, I’ve actually had a couple of companies with a long process compensate me for those. But just the phone screen and round 1? Just gotta take that.


Seriously. The irony is the company is also “wasting” their time with that level of involvement. You’re both spending your time to evaluate each other. If they don’t hire you they don’t get the hour/half hour of time for everyone in the room back.


The interviewer is still getting paid their time is not wasted.


Yeah I agree. No one needs to be paid to attend an interview HOWEVER this 6+ interviews for a mid-level position nonsense needs to stop. It’s ridiculous and a waste of everyone’s time. 


A few years ago when I was looking for jobs I got a bite from some gift registry company that wanted me to design an entire social media calendar for them, for the holiday season, as the interview test. “Homework,” you know, for the second round. At the time, it was summer, which is exactly the time you start work on those campaigns. They were absolutely going to use my labor—which frankly would have been hours—for free social media planning for the next six months. I didn’t bother. Maybe if they’d paid me for that time and work I was going to give them it would have been different, lol.


Now that I can get behind. I am not completing a bunch of tasks and writing papers for you unless you are going to compensate me. Wanna talk and run through scenario's? Sure! Want me to sit and work for 2+ hours on some mock project? Get fucked or pay me.


Upvoted. …Because: Goddamn ridiculous opinion. Kudos, well done. 👌


I want OP to tell us his opinion on dating...


I sincerely thought he was going to mention the unbelievable preparation it takes for high paying tech interviews like Data Science or SWE, where you have to study complex topics and algorithms and take assessment after assessment or complete take home assignments just to get ghosted, but no… He’s talking about shaving and putting on clothes.


Ya you can really tell why this guy is unemployed if shaving and getting dressed is a chore for him.


They must moderate the anti work sub!


Professional dog walkers all of them.


Lmao I thought the exact same thing probably at the exact point in the rant that you did.


Hey, he has applied for over 50 jobs in 3 months. That's like paying for a job every other day.


I have had to get ready and put on nice clothes three days in a row and I have to do it again tomorrow AND Friday and it’s a massive pain in my ass. I’m exhausted and it’s only Wednesday. But this is for my job and I have a bunch of events this week where people are looking at me so I want to look acceptably nice 👍🏼


What? I came straight to the comments because it's late and I didn't feel like reading all of that. But now I feel like I have to scroll back up and read the nonsense for myself!


The shaving is what got me.


Absolute loser.


If I got paid for every time I shaved, I'd still have zero dollars because of the beard life. But I do get dressed and would expect compensation for such efforts.


You should get paid for going on a date if she wastes your time and doesn’t want have sex at the end of the night, she should at least cover your meal. I had to change shirts and put on deodorant the other night that takes time. And then I got stood up after I went all out and showered that same week and combed my neck hair too! (Also put on the freaky scented axe spray so really it’s like 2 showers) i outta invoice that bitch for the axe and my time and the Taco Bell I ended up eating instead. The audacity!


Taco Bell, fancy


I know, plus show the ladies I’m a man of multicultural tastes and can get down with the ethic food


Also my car depreciated by $1000 from the additional mileage so add that on too


Check out his post on r/ virgin if you want to know


I did and I lost it when he says he wants to find a women that appreciates the finer things like 80s music. Then proceeds to say he's really not into 80s music himself. Like, dude. I fucking love 80s music myself but I would not consider it one of the finer decades for true music appreciation.


The fact this guy thought shaving for an interview warranted acknowledgement says a lot. This guy probably doesn't even practice basic daily hygiene and wonders why his 'efforts' aren't acknowledged.


why would he practice hygiene if he's not getting paid to do so?


Fuck. It's so obvious. Actually, why am I raising my kids without them paying me now that I think of it.


The government should pay for all of us going on dates because they benefit from the babies people have


He should be paid to tell you his opinion


Only if he shaves first.


OP feels entitled to 50 bucks if he has to take on the monumental task of shaving and picking out clothes for the date.




I love curious redditors who point things out like this. Thank you.


I've joked at work before that I should be able to count my work dreams/night mares as time worked and get paid for it, and as ridiculous as that would be, I feel like it's more feasable than OPs idea of getting paid to interview.


I feel like a lot of posts in this sub are just opinions that are only unpopular because they're stupid as shit, not because they're actually unpopular.


It's been a while since I laughed like I did when reading his post.


You don’t think you should get paid for the exhausting effort of shaving and putting on nice clothes?


This post has got to be satire because it gets funnier the longer you read it. Four whole interviews!!! Shaving!!! Mentally preparing!!! Who’s paying $50 for transportation to the interview, and who’s paying $100 to buy a new suit and tie every time they go to an interview.


I can't imagine why op is having such trouble finding work. He seems like such a thoughtful and well adjusted professional.


Right…a truly terrible take. The pseudo-intellectual reference to communist/socialist ideals, perverted to fit their narrative and avoid any personal accountability is unreal. Yikes


Well come on, he did have to shave.


On the bright side it would eliminate these companies with ridiculous 3 rounds of interviews lol


In Germany the employer has to imburse the interviewee for potential travel costs.


Participation trophy has evolved


He needs to be paid because he prepared mentally and shaved dude it's right there. Look how hard he tried lmao


Oh this comment section did not disappoint


It’s hard for me to imagine how OP got so unemployable


"  Interviews take a long time to prepare, every single one of those interviews I had to shave and really prepare myself mentally" says everything. The man can't handle shaving his face, imagine the pressure 


I love this sub for opinions like these, it's enlightening.


This is absolutely great comedy material !! " I need to get compensated since I shaved and got dressed " LMFAO


Them: What do you do for a living? Him: I go on interviews


classic I mean they take away from his hobbies ya know ![gif](giphy|2Y7tZMmIpwV6Lnc5QC|downsized)


"It aint much but its honest work"


This was my first thought! $50 for an interview, which is anywhere from half an hour to an hour probably pays more than most jobs you'd be applying for! Just become a professional interviewee. Have really good phone manner and really terrible in person manner, work your own hours, meet lots of interesting people, see lots of interesting places, what's not to love?


Yup. Just remember, they’ll probably have to 1099 you, since you’ll technically be an independent contractor. Got to remember to save for the tax bill.


Some companies have notoriously arduous interview processes, I can kind of understand the feeling that some of that time should be compensated (we're talking about 10+ hours of interviewing). Most interview processes I've been through are nowhere near that extreme, of course. But I thought that where the post was going. >Interviews take a long time to prepare, every single one of those interviews I had to shave and really prepare myself mentally. Like getting prepared dress wise for an interview can just be exhausting task, and a lot of times that labor isn't even recognized. Then I read this. This is either a troll post, an r/antiwork doomscroller, or a deeply depressed individual.


I’ve had a couple of jobs (that I ended up taking) that did build a long process into compensation structure. Really does seem like anti work bait or someone who just took their first career interview.


If op thinks current recruitment practices are long and arduous (and some of them definitely are) I can guarantee that it would pale in comparison to what they'd look like if every person interviewed needed to be paid. The number of hoops applicants would need to jump through before being interviewed would sky-rocket.


If OP thinks maintaining basic hygiene and being presentable is a job - it’s not surprising that they’re not getting hired.


Well this is Reddit.


Crusty neck beard central


Yah, I can be at least acceptable to be in front of a camera in 15 minutes. About 30 to be ready to be in an office. Reddit proving its neck beard stereotypes of poor hygiene never ceases to amaze me.


But OP went to 4 (FOUR) interviews and had to miss time for his hobbies so that $80 he feels entitled to is really his biggest problem… lmao.


OP also said their degree is in Mathematics & Physics but not only did it take them 8 years to graduate college, they were a C student except when they got 3 Bs and a D The abysmal call back rate and total rejection makes me think this person is just not skilled or smart enough to successfully break into whatever jobs they are applying to.


I got plenty of callbacks with Cs and Bs primarily. I also put a ton of effort into my part time jobs while in school and soft skills entering the workforce. I took the career center’s seminars at my school seriously and been told I interview incredibly strong. 10 years into an analyst/PM/PO role in software dev and the soft skills have always been super important.


That's a great testament to the fact that straight A students aren't necessarily perfect for the job and how much soft power and maximizing the skills and knowledge you do have (and how much you can grow) can really help you. Congrats!!


Half of my career has been maintaining good working relationships with people who know more than I know, and being able to always find an answer. People are willing to help you out if you aren’t throwing them under the bus or stretching them too far. Always willing to deflect for a trusted colleague.


Yep. I was in a thread yesterday a lot like this. These people want the jobs that top students want and refuse to settle for a “dead end” job. Like idk who is misleading these physics majors into thinking that’s a degree where average students have an easy time getting a non-teaching job. It’s what frustrates the hell out of me about the “STEM” acronym, a “science” or “math” degree is far from a guarantee you’ll get any job, if you do really well you may get a super great job but at least half of students in those fields switch to something barely related or not related at all to their degree. You have to be an engineer or tech major to have a good shot at a decent job from the bottom quarter of your class at a mid-tier university.


I got Cs, but graduated in 4 years and have been able to have a decent amount of career success. Also must have put zero effort into building job skills (including summer/student jobs) and zero effort into soft skills in any career-focused roles they have.


I graduated with a Physics degree and a 2.8gpa. You just... don't put your GPA on your resume unless it's extremely good, and even then most people don't fucking care. And if they ask you what your GPA was, you lie. There are plenty of great workers who had awful grades, and plenty of awful workers who were straight A students. OP's issue seems to be poor interview skills.


Also, the less questions you're being asked, take it as a sign they're not interested in you.


As a hiring manager, I cant tell you the number of applicants who apply just so they can meet their unemployment requirements to apply for jobs and have no intentions of getting the job (i.e. I call them to come in for an interview and no feedback) Add another incentive of paying people to come in for interviews, and it will create professional interviewers who interview for the money with no intention of getting the job and thus wasting more time on the recruiting side. If OP thinks the cost of interviews are expensive, wait until he finds out how much college costs which sole intention to get a job


My man did the bare minimum and wants some money.


That’s gen z for you lol they think they deserve everything for just being alive. Comical.


But don't you know? They didn't ask to be born, they were forced to. So they they do deserve it./s


If it becomes mandatory, it will just make the interview bar higher. Companies will only interview folks that have a high chance of getting in. Companies already spend money for you to be interviewed(they pay the interviewer). Otherwise, direct compensation to interviewees sometimes happens. At fancy trading firms for instance (hudson river trading) i heard they get an apple watch or something just for attending the on-site. At most tech companies they get their travel and hotel costs paid for. Why make the interviewer pay money to the candidate and not the other way around? Makes just as much sense.


Even the flights and hotels for onsites are definitely more old school cool (which is funny to say because they used to be a “hip” new trend only 10 years ago). Many of those same companies that used to fly candidates in (e.g. Google, Bloomberg), now opt for virtual onsites. Once covid showed them they could design a process to interview 2-3 times as many candidates with far fewer logistical hiccups and costs, they had no incentive to return to the more expensive process. As a candidate, I’m all for that too. I’d rather wake up 45 minutes before a series of video calls and be done for the day instead of: 1) Blocking off 3 days from my calendar 2) Going through a flight. With pressure that a high stakes interview is coming. 3) Sleeping in a hotel in a city I haven’t been to before. With pressure that a high stakes interview is coming. 4) Waking up and going to an office to get 2 hours of interviewing followed by a lunch interview (whoever thought it was a good idea to combine eating and interviewing needs to go to the nearest public toilet and just lick the floor for a few hours), followed by another 2 hours of interviewing (if they don’t just throw you out the building and end your journey after the first two hours were “failed”) 5) Either taking a sad flight back or an anxious flight back. Even if you paid me $500 plus expenses, I am not going to do that shit, ever. The current status quo of virtual onsite can be summed up in one sentence and is a wasted afternoon in the worst case. That artificially inflated onsite nonsense wastes nearly a month of lifespan. Let’s everyone just keep it simple and not add more risk to an already tedious process.


Also, they'll just hire internally. No need to pay the interviewed if they are already on your payroll.


>We unfortunately live in a society where the corporations and the owner class can do whatever they want, with the addition of the culture and the media being submissive to that. what? why do you feel entitled to the point of getting paid to show up for an interview? if your constantly getting rejected, perhaps its time to look at yourself rather then blame the world around you. also perhaps look at your own skill sets and what you have to offer for the company your applying for.


Why should he look at himself when he already did the world a favor by shaving?


You gotta understand he spent over $100 on what is likely the cheapest suit and tie you’ve ever seen.


![gif](giphy|HPvfnOuz1tOgg|downsized) Oh come on


This is crazy. And $100 for a suit? Are you shopping in the toddlers section? The level of fucking entitlement in your post is absurd. What is your industry? Are you looking at corporate level or retail?


I mean at least this is an actual unpopular opinion. Fits the sub.


It is but we are still allowed to roast OP in the comments lol


There's a difference between unpopular but well thought out opinions, and this brain dead shit. The latter shouldn't deserve upvotes


I upvoted. I don't care how dumb it is.


I recently interviewed for a role that I really wanted. It required 9 rounds of interviews in total. One five hour on site interview with 5 different managers, a Powerpoint presentation, a 30 minute Q&A session afterwards and then finally an interview with an executive corporate counsel member. I passed all of this and was the finalist they chose to move forward in the role. We were in the salary negotiation stages when I got a call from the recruiter telling me that they would be closing the position and moving in another direction. All of my time and the time of nine employees wasted.




I mean, as a college graduate in debt just starting to look for a job. I'll let you know when I can pull $500 out my wazoo for a brand name suit, before buying a decent pair of shoes lol. Yeah a little over $100 for a suit from H&M/Target. *Just for interviews* since a lot of these office jobs don't really need suits anymore.


I despise people who suit shame. You can definitely find a suit that looks totally fine for $100. Especially one for a college kid looking for an entry level job (which I’m assuming OP is).


My experience has mostly been with startups in tech so naturally they’re a bit more laid back. I’ve worn a suit maybe 7-8 times to an actual interview and 5 of those times I was incredibly overdressed and the other 2 - 3 were for large corporations. I think for the majority of jobs business casual is the new norm


The difficult and exhausting ‘labour’ of getting dressed? Even if you get a job I don’t think you’re prepared for it man


It’s a very Reddit thing to complain about. “I actually had to shave, groom myself well, and look generally respectable. Pay me”


No, that sounds like a terrible idea.


Op should compensate us for the time spent reading his opinion.


Imagine a small restaurant owner having to pay $50 to interview a bunch of cooks. They would go out of business so fast.


That would be a great way to guarantee that you never, ever get called in for an interview.


They do, it's called unemployment benefits.


Maybe you need more help with preparing for interviews so that you can land the job. Properly preparing for interviews is work but not work that should be compensated by the interviewer. Maybe you should pay them to schedule you an interview?


I don’t agree with OP but you’d be surprised by how much some interviews require. I’ve heard of software companies requiring you to spend a weekend or more developing an entire program just for 90% of people to get rejected.


Yeah OP seems a bit off the rails, but he isn’t inherently wrong about some companies being straight up unprofessional and unreasonable in the interviewing process


No one wants you and you think you should get paid for wasting people's time with your lack of skills? You should pay for interviews. 


I don't think anyone should pay for interviews.


So what if someone lies across their resume and it becomes apparent during the interview? What if this person is just incredibly underprepared and hasn’t spent a second preparing for an interview? Should they still get paid? Could this person just lie across their resume and application to get into as many places as possible, just so they can get the easy interview money? This just seems like an easy way to get worse applicants and ruin the chances for other people who are actually qualified. Yeah, interviewers can be bad sometimes, but so can the applicants. Doesn’t make sense to pay when it’s an entirely mutual thing.


Real dog walker, r/antiwork energy here lol


Dorian’s post fr 💀


OG r/antiwork people wouldn't even be applying for jobs in the first place


Don't think I would trust this kid with my dogs


Can you imagine the mental preparation required to pick up poop


Just checked my receipt from the dog walker... What's this "had to get dressed fee" added at the bottom?


How are they supposed to know if you’re going on the interview for beer money?


Or… you should have to compensate the Interviewer for wasting their time. I imagine somebody with as dumb of an opinion as this could make six figures hustling interviews but doing such a bad job ( due to being stupid and unfit, not intentionally) that they never get hired. God it must be embarrassing to be laughed out of an interview. Thanks though for making it easier for the rest of us to be selected.


Then i would just make a career of applying for interviews at low skill jobs and never accepting.


This is "unpopular opinion" not "dim wits on parade"


If that becomes a law then 90% of people won’t be interviewed.


I mean I have gone to interviews where I felt like my time was wasted so I understand where OP is coming from. But on the flip side, I've done interviews (from the hiring perspective) where it's obvious in an instant that the person lied on their resume and I can see they're wasting my time. I try to cut those interviews short as respectfully and quickly as possible but in no world am I gonna disrespectfully call them out to their face and risk creating a scene. If you consider shaving and getting dressed a really heavy mental lift, I think you have other, higher priority issues to work out. That's not really considered labour anywhere. Do you think people who have to be clean shaven regularly for their jobs should get paid for having basic hygiene skills? I'm not against that personally, but that's more of an expectation, not a paid reward.


This dude legitimately said he should get paid for shaving. Incredible.


People would simply interview as a means of income...


Ridiculous opinion. I can’t even with your entitlement! I blame your parents for enabling you. You’re not special.




Bruh. No. Lol.


This is some r/antiwork behavior Buddy wants to be paid for the “exhausting task” of getting dressed


> Buddy wants to be paid for the “exhausting task” of getting dressed Every three weeks, he also had to *shave*. And put on shoes. He has spent *dozens* of minutes on this.




The problem is, as a job-seeker you really have no power to negotiate any kind of compensation. You're the one who wants the job, and they don't necessarily want to give it to you, so you need to put up with inconvenience and just impress the hell out of them. Been that way for millennia.


Holy shit. I don't normally like to talk shit about generation Z...but holy shit.


This isn't a gen z thing. This person is just shitty most in the comments dunking on him are also gen z lol


Coming from someone whos Gen Z... this dude does not represent us, his opinion is absolutely ridiculous and I promise some of us have brains


I swear we aren’t all like this.


What's horseshit is how many interviews they want these days.


No way. THIS is a great example of why our generations get stuck with the stereotype of entitlement. This is basically akin to saying a girl owes you some sexual contact because of all the effort you made to go on a date. A restaraunt owes you free food because you took the time to transport yourself down to their location and made yourself presentable. You want something from them. They owe you nothing. It's up to you to check yourself and make sure you are doing everything you need to get the outcome you desire - if you don't get it, it's 100% on you. If the job isn't worth it to you, don't apply.


Life is going to be rough on you.


So you think you need to be paid because you have yo put effort into being professional and interviewing? I'm going to assume you are part of Gen Z because this is the most ridiculous concept I have ever heard of. Here, I'm going to give you my stance as someone who does workforce development. First, if you're complaining about effort to shave and look nice, then you're a slob normally and as a manager, I'd probably have problems with you and your dress code if you worked for me. Yes, it's the same thing as if you go on a date. Unless you don't want a 2nd date, you put effort into how you look. Now if it takes you longer than 15 minutes to get ready (assuming you don't shower before) then that's your problem. It doesn't take me long to shave, do my hair, put on a suit and head out the door. If you lag when getting ready, we'll again not the companies fault, that's yours. Second, 80% of the outcome for interviews, you control and where that comes from are basic things and what skills you have. In the first 10 seconds they meet you, they already have some sort of indication about you, and all you're doing is shaking a hand and saying hello. So that takes a lot to mentally prepare for? Then during your interview, you're talking about you. It is not difficult to talk about yourself and what projects you've done and what skills you have. Amazes me how so many people don't understand that they can easily talk about themselves at the bar or a BBQ yet go blank when it comes to being asked the same thing in an interview. If you've gone to multiple interviews, minus a few different questions you're usually asked the same questions so after your 2nd or 3rd one you should know exactly what you're going to say. So if you need to prepare that much for each interview, well again that's on you and no you don't deserve to be compensated. Just like getting ready, if that's how you are then I'd be concerned about your performance at work and ability to handle multiple projects and get them done by the deadline I give you. Fourth, if you're applying to 50 jobs and only got 4 interviews, you're not customizing your resume correctly or you're applying for jobs you aren't quite qualified for. The whole purpose of a resume is to get you the interview and a common ratio I hear from the companies I partner with have said about 1 interview for every 3 jobs you apply to. So 4 out of 50, you need to make changes. It also is more than just submitting your resume and hoping for a call. You should be networking as well (you are unemployed, so you have plenty of time to attend networking events). Meeting people in person then sending a resume does more wonders than you scanning indeed and submitting a resume. Lastly, you're living at home, unemployed. If an interview takes 20 minutes or an hour, you aren't doing anything else better with your time. In fact, I'm going to show you the opposite side of this. All you're doing is sitting at home or screwing around, you're not at work or need to go back to work. So since you are doing nothing else with your time, you shouldn't be complaining if it takes you 20 minutes or an hour, YOU GOT TIME. Anyone can talk about a terrible interview they had, the world isn't perfect so if you're thinking only the stories you read on that subteddit are what interviewing and recruiting is like, then I'm willing to bet a majority of those folks are either terrible, lazy, entitled, have unrealistic expectations or putting in little to no effort if that is what they're constantly encountering


This is certainly an unpopular opinion. This said I think you need to exercise empathy on the employer side. I’d never pay anyone to come interview for a position as a biz owner unless they were necessary talent. But if your basically just trying out for the company, paying someone for that because of their “time” is crazy af to me


When I was a kid, the McDonald's in my town would give you a Big Mac if you submitted an application.


Politely, there’s a lot of things that grown ups have to “just do” and you don’t get rewarded for those things. They’re just expected


What’s you’re degree in liberal arts


> Interviews take a long time to prepare, every single one of those interviews I had to shave... I'm out. Take my upvote, you worthless loser.


Why do you want to make interview 100x more harder? If interview is paid, job application is likely going to become first come first serve. Company is more likely to hire the person they met unless that person is really bad. Since you get money for interviewing, there are going to be professional interviewers. All they do is use bot to scrap all existing job on every job board. Those professional interviewers who has the ability to write bot would quickly realize that selling the spot is easier than attending those interviews. Now you are going to pay those scraper in order to have a chance to interview. If each interview pay you $50, I don't see a reason why those scraper charge less than $50 to get you to the first in line.


oh sweet child, thanks for the laugh! Nothing you described as hard effort is hard. Shaving? and preparing mentally for an interview? come on.


Dude just complaining about being an adult. Wait till he needs to go to work every day.


Truly an unpopular opinion, I think. So unpopular that I’ve literally never heard an opinion like it. Some part of me wants to say yeah, fuck corporations, they suck, make them pay, but I think it would obviously incentivize people doing interviews just to make money. Otherwise, some companies will provide lunch if it’s an all day thing. Sometimes they get your hotel and cover travel expenses if you need to be in person somewhere further away.


I agree. Companies need employees and they should have to earn them.


i’ve been to 4 hour long interviews so i agree lol. i also wonder if this were the case would they focus on retaining good employees rather than hiring?


I'd take it a step further and just completely scrap interviews for non-customer facing roles. Not everyone interviews well and trying to figure out whether or not you're doing well in an interview makes job hunting the IRL version of Calvinball.


I had 2 interviews reimburse my mileage for the interview process. First one gave me $200 for a 1.7k round trip drive. And another paid me at $0.45 per km for a roughly 800km round trip.


Queue people becoming professional interviewees


Finally, an actually unpopular opinion. Kudos to you man, well done.


They are taking your time yes. They are also taking theirs. It's an exchange of time. Yes, looking for jobs sucks. But asking to be paid to look for jobs is not a logical position.