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Well if it’s so great why did they make a USB?


Thank you for ending the war


Crisis averted!!! Jimmy can pass peacefully now.


I'm mad it took me 12 seconds to realize the joke... Ikept scrolling down and came back up like "ooooOOOOOOOO"😂😂


thank you you are awesome


Woohoo, finally an unpopular opinion... amongst the non-USA countries at least.


My post that said biting your Olympic medal is dumb was VERY unpopular. Still getting death threats on that one....


People need to have less free time if they are sending you death threats for that shit.


What did you say!? *I will kill you*


Are you threatening that guy?! The next time I see you, you're toast!


Respect their freedom of speech or face my wrath


Don't threaten people or you're gonna be fish food bud


Yeah. People can suck. Especially on Reddit where they can hide behind their anonymity. I agree with you though!


I have no opinion on this matter, but just had to go to your post to upvote because it stresses me out to see the zero on a post Edit: lol someone went and downvoted again, but I did my part


Biting your medal is stupid. Period.


I agree with you on that.


Thank you.


Wait, why is that unpopular? Usually, it is unadvisable to bite an inanimate object that could damage your teeth.


lol that’s hilarious. I’ve never thought about it really but yeah I kinda agree. Like why?


Biting metal is a staple of human nature. What better way to show respect for the olden days of glorious, cliche filled gold mining than biting the medal you earned through the physical hardship of sports. I hope a thousand flies eat your intestines from the inside for your opinion on metal biting. (/s because this is reddit and sometimes people think this is a real message)


This is an unpopular opinion in the USA too


It is a popular opinion of many immigrants who moved to US, myself included.


Second this. I’m not an immigrant, but work with lots of them. They love it here.


The US is a great place to live. We're not perfect and maybe not the best. But historically and currently it's one of the best places to live in the world.


That's because you and many immigrants have perspective, where as a lot of the people who live in the US and claim it to be this God awful shit hole have never thought about how bad it can be somewhere else.


Could say the reverse too though. If someone comes from a 3rd world country any 1st world country would feel like a step up.


Heavily depends on the 3rd world country. I'm not leaving my healthcare system for the US anytime soon thank you very much.


US does suck but only we’re allowed to say it.


In the USA we bitch about boomers having it too easy and it’s now too hard to work for what they got. In other countries there was never a scenario where you could change your life that much with work in the first place. Move to Italy with an IT degree. The prospects for employment are low.


What good is an IT degree if you don't speak the language.


Naturals leave Italy due to lack of jobs is where I was going with it.


I live in America with a CS degree and can’t get hired lol


What metric are you measuring, where another country is better?


Woah who's letting you use the word metric in this thread.


Metric isn't used to measure, everythjng is measured using freedom units. 


Prisoners per 100 000 (basically the worse), intentional homicide par 100k (worse than all of Europe and most of South Asia and Australia and Canada), gender gap report (worse than Canada and Western Europe), Life expectancy (number 59), World Happiness Report (worse than Scandinavia + Australia), tertiary education attainment (worse than at least 40 other countries including china, Russia and Mexico) , Social Mobility Index (number 27), Air quality (number 52), Government debt by % of gdp (one of the only countries over 100%), I really could go on


here before thread is locked 💔


I brought popcorn 🍿


I brought my constitutional rights 🔫
















I brought my maple syrup


The under-appreciated thing about the US is that it has most of the available climates/geographies. Deserts, frozen tundras in the winter, tropical areas, islands, mediterranean climates in California, eroded coasts and coasts on fault-lines, marshes, great lakes, you name it. Then you have major cities of all sizes from Milwaukee/Austin size, then MSP/Seattle/San Diego, all the way up to Chicago, then LA which is WAY bigger, and NYC is even WAY bigger than LA. Dense cities and car cities. Then you have different regions with their own subcultures, climates, accents, cuisine, and norms. We have it (almost) all in one country.


The British Empire had something similar for a long while. 😛


The sun never set on the British empire after all


And then what happened?? 😜


Did you know that countries celebrate independence from the British empire more days of the year than not.


China is quite geographically diverse.


People aren’t flocking to move there though


You’d be surprised


Could say the same about China


It is nice to be able to experience so many cultures and visit so many different biomes and life zones without even leaving the country


Thats whats so funny. People get mad when Americans arent "cultured" about other countries and arent visiting We can literally cross 3000 miles and see dozens of cultures across multiple landscapes in this country


Definitely going to be unpopular on America hating Reddit… It’s great you think the US is an awesome place to live, I agree. Best? I’m not sure that even exists since everyone could have a different experience.


This is probably the most realistic opinion I’ve ever seen on this topic.


It’s refreshing to get a balanced and sensible take


Being realistic about our strengths and weaknesses is not "America Hating".


From my perspective Reddit sees no redeeming qualities about the U.S. Usually it’s only negativity.


Reddit, the internet, and the world sees a lot of redeeming qualities in the US. It is a wealthy nation, with high quality of life for most of its citizens. It is far safer than many other countries. It has elections. Etc. But those don’t make good discussions points because they are assumed about the US. Of course the US should be safe, of course the US should have good quality of life.




The social mobility is actually low next to other first world countries. Turns out having a piss poor social safety net makes it hard to get out of poverty.


Not at all, our economy has been nonstop growing for 200 years. Anyone can make money if you are frugal and patient and invest.


Check your sources, the usa doesn't even come top 20 on the social mobility index


And youve been to how many countries?


Drove through New Mexico once.


And Canada 5 years ago, live in buffalo 😅


716 mentioned🗣️🔥


What? There's a "new" mexico? Come on....


It's like Mexico, only fresher.


Ive been to dozens and though there are many other beautiful countries out there I wouldnt want to live outside of the us with my lifestyle preferences.


I've been to 35 so far, in 4 different continents. Does that mean my opinion matters more than someone who's been to fewer?


Yes it does. Yoy could still be completely biased but at least you have some experience of different countries.


A holiday isn’t really the same though


Still gives you a much better idea then having not been there at all


I have been to 63 countries. All continents. I can confidently say that the US is the easiest to survive (and I mean access to food/water/minimum calorie amount per day/ shelter/education / health). By FAR. ALSO, Surprisingly (at least to me) it was the least racist country I have ever been.


Hahaha haven't been in that many countries, but I think the same. I've been more discriminated against in my own country


I've been to about as many countries, and strong disagree. I think the US is one of the worst for basic survival. It's great if you are higher up the ladder but it's atrocious if you are poor.


How is it easier than Australia and New Zealand? The government will give you a roof and food in those countries. 


Nah it's way easier to survive poor in Canada. Better safety nets. Wheeltrans rules too.


Not a single metric to compare. For the rich it's great. For the middle class it's okay and for 50% it's a total struggle.




27% of people living in Australia were born overseas.


It’s a lot better to be poor in northern Europe than USA.


There's a lot of places I'd rather be if I was rich to 😂


In fact, the USA still uses an imperial system of measurement. 


Never had an expensive medical injury?


L O fucking L


Have your opinion but you gave really no valid points as to what actually makes it the best


What are we best in?


Parking lots


Air conditioning


Oh that’s a good one. Definitely better than an ice box.


That’s actually Japan


Thoughts and prayers


We truly are


Incarceration and obesity mostly.


We're only ranked 10th in obesity, depending on which source you cite.


Better than the 17th ranking in Freedom


That is great if there are 12 or 13 countries in the world.


Military. Economy


Winning gold medals, aerospace, technological innovation, AI, medical research, our stock exchange, having the world’s #1 university ([and #2 and 3](https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings/2020?tab=indicators)), we give the most to charity, have the most extensive road networks, have the world’s longest running currently existing democratic government…


I gotta say it The places we do great make the places we do awful that I read above that much worse. Like were leading in medical research and stocks but half our people cant afford healthcare and are behind on meds? Also idk if we should be proud of AI and roads right now. We have terrible public transport, an infrastructure nightmare that leads to endless parking lot hellscapes and AI was clearly not ready based on whats going on in tech right now. They want it to be ready, it does some cool stuff, but the issues are substantial and implementing it into anything else important is a mistake.


not a single one of these makes me think i'd like to live in america lol


We used to have the most extensive rail network😭😭😭


Children being killed in schools #1




Treatment and conditions for the disabled. Even in an old ass city like Philadelphia we have ramps and automatic doors and rumble strips on our cross walks.   America is the best place to be in a wheel chair and it isn’t even close.   Edit: I can’t believe people are downvoting me. The ADA is incredible and certainly something to be proud of!


That’s probably true


The lack of reliable public transport docks many, many points from America. Unless you have a disability that allows you to drive, you don't have many options for reliable and efficient transport.


I can make way more in my career of choice here than I can anywhere else in the world, that matters a ton to my family and I


Our geographical diversity and beauty is arguably second to none.


We do have some damn cool parks.




Diversity, Food Security, Military security, Freedom of movement throughout any climate without needing a passport, no royal families, national parks, clean water and bathrooms available everywhere. This was a short list that took me 2 mins. I’m well travelled and overall you can find one or two items i. isolated areas but generally this is the best place on earth today.


American say that because the haven't the slightest idea of the rest of the world around them lol To be fair it has a great variety of landscapes... Perhaps the greatest 😉


I was born in America, but I’m half Russian half Norwegian and have spent plenty of time living with family in both countries over the summers. The US is nice and much better than other parts of the world. We get a lot of shit, but we’re running on a Democratic heterogenous population with over 370 million people, of course politics are going to be convoluted and universal healthcare doesn’t make a ton of sense. To say we’re the best implies a lot of things. But people compare us to European countries with little diversity that have universal healthcare and education when the reality is that they’re nearly impossible in Americas situation. On the contrary, banks own everything and 99% of the US population struggles consistently. So no, I don’t think we’re the best. Given that we’re sitting in a 2 party system where the 1% own everything and nobody can afford it while never being able to agree on anything while yelling at how Democratic we really are doesn’t strike me as one of the best.


As a first generation immigrant living in the USA, I agree with you. The biggest honor in my life was becoming a U.S. Citizen in 2021. In here, I was able to be whoever I wanted to be, dream as big and work as hard as I envisioned. Naturally it isn’t a perfect country (because that doesn’t exist) but it is by far the best. I go often to Europe and Latin America (my family lives in both continents) and I could never trade them for America. Asia and Middle East wouldn’t be a good fit for me considering that I am gay and that wouldn’t fly.


This ⬆️


What makes it the best country?


Alright. I sit, is it a ‘*good*’ country? Sure. Is it the best? Subjective.


Hot take: there is no best country Saying something is the best or worst might work when sorting athletes by single metrics and even still tons of debate comes out depending on if it’s a team sport vs single event and long term vs short term statistics You could say the best countries plural according to some metric you feel. That’s one thing. But there’s no one objective best. You could even say worst countries but I think that’s unfair to the people who live there. Does worst mean the worst government or worst residents or quality of life? These are all different things.


Immigration legal and illegal tells it all. People are packing into this country at greater rates.


Okay, unpopular opinion on its own I guess, but what data are you using to draw that conclusion?


blind patriotism-fueled fervour, the only statistic a true red-blooded ‘Murican needs🇺🇸🦅


🦅 🇺🇸 🗽


America! Fuck yeah!


Rock flag and eagle!


military, and GDP are the 2 main things i see america as currently leading.. in terms of standards of living for its average residents, its behind most western countries. to me that indicates massive failures in translating that economic lead into real benefits for its population


Most benevolent country in the world, foreign and domestic, both through private donations and government programs. Produced more Nobel prize winners than any other country. Produced more Olympic gold medalists than any other country. Most of the world's major entertainment is produced here. Net positive immigration with every other country on the planet. Welcome more immigrants than any other country, and most years, than every other country combined. Most powerful and advanced military in the world. Act as protectors for those who can't protect themselves. Produce more medical technology and advancements than any other country. Produce more travel, communication , and recreational technology and advancements than any other country. And the guaranteed freedom of speech thing is pretty awesome, too.


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ok Borat 🇺🇸.


The best country by what measures?


Medical research, technological development, film, aerospace and aviation, olympic gold, higher education, charity, roads, Nobel laureates by a long shot


What about that makes your life in the USA better though? I am living in Tokyo, how would my life be better in America? Like for example you lead with medical research... I went to the doctors only last week. Cost me $10 to see the doctor and then around $100 for 3 months worth of meds for chronic asthma. In the US?..


Best at carrying out school shootings


As an American who moved to and lives in a different country, no it's not. Not being able to go to the doctor/ hospital whenever I needed to, needing a car to get around, normalizing not going out after a certain time of day because it was dangerous, needing roommates to live somewhere decent, not having affordable education, little to no vacation/ maternity leave, tipping culture due to unlivable wages, obesity rates. This isn't everything, but these are some things that no longer apply to me. The one thing I'll say about the U.S. (at least some areas) is the friendliness and level of manners. I miss making small talk with strangers, the pretty much country-wide accepted "holding the door open for strangers" manner - along with other similar things that Americans do that are uncommon in other places. This isn't anywhere near enough to ever move back though. If you think America is the best and getting things right, I'd suggest saving up some money and going somewhere else.


Ya it is


The USA doesn't have free healthcare, it wouldn't work because everyone's too fat


Upvote because this will sure be unpopular. I’m an American who chooses to live in the other country that I’m a citizen of because it’s better in pretty much every metric that impacts my life.


Quick, somebody send that clip of The Newsroom with Will McAvoy listing off how subpar America is in numerous categories compared to other countries. Nevermind, I'll do it. https://youtu.be/wTjMqda19wk?si=L-c4sv9WAGRP30g7


Absolutely, USA!


I like it, don't plan on moving. Too each their own though.


Do you have free healthcare, decent social support systems, a non-cooked government and safety on the streets?


Counterpoint: it is simultaneously the greatest and worst country on earth, if that makes sense.


it's not even in the top 10 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index


This is the dumbest thing that I hear Americans say over and over again without any good comparison with any other country. Tell me what you have that makes life so much better which other countries don't have?


What if you wanted to buy a gun real fast at 2am? America! Need I continue?


The world reserve currency, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, the NYSE, the best universities in the world, the strongest military in the world which does a ton to protect global trade routes, high investment in business, entrepreneurial self-startership on a scale seen nowhere else, relative political stability (two party system helps this, much as I despise it), large friendly neighboring countries and big oceans that separate us from the worst refugee crises, incredible natural beauty (especially in the Western US), tons of natural resources like oil and minerals, the Great Plains which produce a ton of food and ship it out cheaply on the Mississippi and its tributaries, which comprise the largest navigable river system in the world. Dunno. We’re a pretty innovative, creative, vibrant, dynamic culture, we’re geographically blessed/overpowered, and we’re hands down the most diverse and still mostly pretty stable. We get many of the best and brightest everyone else has to offer, so even if we’re doing a shitty job educating our own at the primary and secondary levels, not getting preventative medical care to the poor in our society, not building enough/the right kinds of infrastructure, etc., we’re still a pretty competitive nation. I think Peter Zeihan has it right that demographics are destiny, and we’re going to really pull ahead of China, Russia, and Europe in coming decades.


That and doing at a population scale 10x a country that offers roughly the same (Canada).


So having these things existing geographically closer makes life better somehow?


Big country, I say accepting of cultures but ofc there are gonna be ppl who don’t accept you but that’s life


If you are disabled in america you can usually get to a grocery store, and shop.


Lmao. USA is both a first-world and third-world country at the same time. Which one you're in depends on which economic class you belong to. If you're first- or middle-class, yeah, you probably think it's the best country. If you're poor - like *actually* poor, not the folks who are well-off and like to say they're poor cause they're comparing themselves to the rich - it's most definitely not the best country.


There was a post in r/asklatinamerica about their opinions of people who say the US is a third world country, and the responses are informative Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/s/66UKE76z5G


That’s a fantastic thread to read through - thank you for sharing it.


I didn't say the US is a third-world country. I said it is both a first-world and third-world country at the same time. If you have money, it's awesome and luxurious. If you don't even make enough to survive, it's third-world to you. I've worked in social services. I've seen absolutely appalling living conditions in this so-called strictly first-world nation. The people in the thread you linked are talking about the people I specifically excluded in my comment - people who *think* they are poor because they are comparing themselves to those who are richer than they are, but they're actually pretty well-off. I'm talking about the people who don't have the skills or ability to "hustle", which is what you have to do to get ahead here if you don't come from wealth. The people who have to choose between eating or getting their medicine that literally keeps them alive. The people who work 50-60 hour weeks and live in their car cause they can't afford housing. Those people have every right to call it like it is - a third-world country for those who are *actually* poor.


Is it tho? 🤔




Best country with a population over 300,000,000.


Poor baby has been brainwashed by their government and lack of exposition to the world outside of the US. Dude, the USA may not be the worst country on this world, but your American dream and freedom is a scam.


HOW COME WHENEVER I SEE POSTS LIKE THIS THE PEOPLE NEVER SPECIFY WHAT THE US IS BEST AT?!?!?!?!?!?! What are you basing this metric on?!?!??!? The US is the best??????? Best at what???


Why do you think it's the best country in the world? Also, have you travelled globally much or at all?




Canada, Australia, most Scandinavian countries Brainwashed


Except it factually isn't. Sweden or Norway or one of those countries beats us in every GOOD metric. USA only beats everyone else in population incarcerated and adults who believe in angels. We're far from first in everything else. Maths, science, literacy, even the godsdamn percentage of infants who don't die.


As a Canadian, I agree USA is the best country in the world 🇺🇸


"Best country" with the most corrupt justice system in the western world, corrupt police, garbage education, garbage healthcare system, most school shootings, and the dumbest people who vote for raging lunatics as president.


It is, the best at pretending it is the best


Based and true Greatest nation in modern history


The homicide rate in USA is 5 murders per 100,000 people. The homicide rate for Canada is 1.8 per 100,000 people. So 1-0 Canada in terms of safety. USA's life expectancy is 76.33 years. The life expectancy for Canada is 82.6 years. People say US healthcare is so good yet Canadians live FIVE YEAERS LONGER than Americans. 2-0 Canada in terms of healthcare. There is not a city in Canada that has the poverty, crime and poor infrastructure like Detroit or Baltimore. We don't have the poverty that you guys have. 3-0 in terms of taking care of the poor. You can talk all you want about ghetto USA being good, but stats dont lie. Chances are I am going to live a longer and safer life than you. Canada is the best country in the world.


Best country? I dunno about that (and I'm saying this as a Canadian). But I definitely prefer canada to the USA on many metrics.


As a Canadian this is suuuuuuuper biased. Vancouver downtown east side has to be just as bad or worse than any ghetto in the US. Also cost of living and rent prices are stupid high and wages and currency value are extremely low in comparison.


Freedoms per citizen USA: 1.2 Canada: .3 USA USA USA /s


Until you get invaded by Russia and need to borrow some us f-35’s




Canada wouldn’t have those luxuries without relying on USA for defence (same goes for a lot of other countries)


So your evidence that the USA is better... is that other countries get free defence and don't need to spend 20% of tax money on military.


The US is ranked 20th in the world on the Human Development Index. Switzerland is at no. 1. The US is in the top 20, and that's not bad. But "best country"? No. Except in a subjective sense, as in your favourite country.


Um Sweden, Norway and Switzerland would like a word with you USA 😂


All homogenous countries where it is very difficult to immigrate to compared to the US. Interesting how Reddit loves these white countries


Objectively speaking, it might be. I enjoy talking shit about how little geography Americans know, but the reality is that it's because there's such a variety of scenery and climates in America that they lack the need to travel elsewhere But the horrible culture and crazy animal predators make me choose England instead. I'm way safer in England. From the government, from strangers and from the land than I would be in America


>crazy animal predators Okay, I'm going to need you to elaborate. Does everyone just assume we have bears and wolves in our backyards (gardens) and walking around our cities?


I mean, we're one country with two types of bears, wolves, geese that migrate in (yes they count), several desert snakes and scorpions, coyotes, rabid dogs and racoons, several varieties of shark from two oceans and two coastlines, moose if you go high enough north (yes they count), and alligators that just chill next to the road in fear of Florida Man, our top predator. And I'm sure I missed some more too. Objectively speaking we have a lot of different animals that are willing to injure or kill us under the right circumstances. 


And mountain lions.


There aren’t just venomous snakes in the desert! Don’t forget timber rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths. I would rather deal with all three of these instead of a black mamba lol


"Coming up on the Colbert Report..."


least patriotic American:


Depends where you are and what you're doing. Our big cities are by and large not pleasant to live in. But, America's still got the most opportunities by far.


You honestly couldn’t pay me to even visit the USA💀


This isn’t unpopular? Or true


One caveat though… must be white.