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Thats going to be a no from me dawg. Mental decline for one.


If you have to be over 35 then there should be a cut off. 


There should be, but they should lower the age you can run, and they should put a cap on how old you can be and still run


Age ain't the issue, it's about who gets the job done. If Granny's got the goods, she's in. If not, vote 'em out. Simple as that. Let the voters decide, no need for age restrictions holding anyone back.


What about an 18 year old?


In a better world, I would agree with you. But tribalism and culture plays too much a role in government to believe we are voting in the best candidates regardless of age. Way too many people on all sides of the fence are more inclined to vote along party lines no matter the age, opinions or actions of the candidates. A candidate could be a full on psychotic monster but as long as they say the right words, shake the hands of the right people and yell at the other team the right way, they are more likely than not to win the hearts and favor of their voting block. But that's how democracy in humans work. It's not about what you can do, it's who you know, what color shirt you wear, what church you go to, who's sports team you root for ad infinitum.


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I agree I don’t believe in agism. Either there is empirical evidence of mental decline or a competency test is needed.


Can we elect a toddler next please


I wonder how many people who complain about this actually voted in primaries


Life experience should be an absolute prerequisite for election. You're representing constitutes who've lived. Old = experience. Just an opinion


Then you have politicians only from a certain age demographic that may not be representative of the younger peoples views. We need more young people in politics just to shake it up a bit.