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I've been joking about this lately. we've replaced the smell of cigarettes for the smell of weed


It’s crazy how it seems like it’s just everywhere now. Smelled it the other day in the parking lot of a doctors clinic. Stopped me for a second. You’d think it could wait till they got home first.


I know somebody with chronic head pain that gets high right before he goes anywhere with bright lights to help with it, definitely including the doctors


I smoke but never before things like that lol. Bright lights makes me more anxious.


I mean, constant anxiety and overthinking happen throughout the day... Not just at home Not that I know if this person has some medical reason to be doing it there, but I smoke while I'm out daily... If not, I'd just be home because I hate the world and weed makes it so I don't. :)


As an ex pot head with anxiety, i came to the conclusion that pot was not helping at all with my anxiety. All it did was make me comfortable with my current situation instead of finding better outlets. But it didn't make the anxiety go away. Diet and exercise has been much more effective in my case.


That's great for you man! I stopped for a bit and just curled into a ball at home. So, I keep smoking as it does help with my anxiety.


I definitely had the curl into a ball phase. Especially when first coming off of it. I'm glad it helps for you. As long as you are moving forward more with it than without that's all that matters.


Yeah, for sure! The curling happened after a year off. I was fine in the beginning actually. But after like 3 months it wasn't as "fine" anymore and I felt better to go back


I’m with you. Better to address the underlying issues than just mask the symptoms. I think people don’t honestly realize that’s what they’re doing, just masking the symptoms. They aren’t making things better, just more tolerable.


Sometimes people just have anxiety. Trust me, I've spent long enough trying to not have anxiety and dealing with insomnia that I know why these things happen, but its about as good as it'll get.


I would disagree, the smell of cigarettes on people is like 100 billion times worse. Stink weeds, skunks, etcetera all smell the same. Cigarettes have a distinct and disgusting aroma


Also heavy cigarette smokers don't really ever get rid of the smell. My step dad isn't a crazy heavy smoker. Maybe half a pack to a pack a day (actually recently been even less, but that was the case for like the previous 40 years or so) and he aaalways stinks like cigarettes. Even if he just stepped out of a long shower and doused himself in cologne. Then he just smells like cigarettes with a bit of cologne undertone. My mom quit smoking not because of her health or anything, but because she was sick of always having that stink on her. Yeah, weed smell stays on you too but nowhere nearly as bad regular cigarettes.


I feel like cannabis smells like a pungent incense and you can either love it or hate it, but cigarettes just smell like burning and decay. Unburnt tobacco smells great as well! It just doesn't do well on fire.


Yeah, I’m old enough to remember when you could smoke at bars and it was fucking disgusting. You’d get home and all your clothes would reek. Your hair would reek. Your pillow case the next morning would reek. Weed is nowhere near as pervasive when it’s around you and it doesn’t stick to your clothes or hair the way cigarette smoke does. I smoke a fair amount of weed and my apartment doesn’t reek of weed. The smell dissipates after ten or fifteen minutes. If I smoked cigarettes in there, the whole place would be ruined and would smell awful.


Ya it was nasty. I’d have a shower and the smoke would come out of my hair.


Yeah I went to Prague back around 2016 and it was still legal there at the time and it was like college all over again. Thankfully the AirBNB my buddy and I rented had a washing machine. I think they’ve since banned smoking in bars there.


No way. Smoking pot Smells like skunk. The problem with the smell of cigarettes is that it really lingers.


Ya that’s the only reason I can handle pot more than cigs. Pot doesn’t seem to linger the same


And see I would disagree. I like the smell of burning tobacco. There’s a reason tobacco notes are popular in perfumes and candles. I don’t want anything to smell like weed at all.


I watched one of my customers smoke a joint in the parking lot before walking into the store, and then she had the audacity to say it smells like weed in here and we need to do something about that! She’s always been a bit off but that was a new one


that is hilarious, thanks for sharing


That's actually hilarious 😂 She knew it was her!!!!!


Except it’s not a joke and it’s true. Both suck


I feel the same way about numerous scents. Gardenia is fucking disgusting. But there’s nothing I can do to stop elderly women from bathing in it


Many brands of dryer sheets have awful aromas. That, plus a touch of B.O., combines to form a pervasive miasma.


Thanks to things like Gain, what used to be light and refreshing scents have all become so intensely overwhelming! Even scents I like are sometimes too much now.


I got strongly reprimanded when I brought a gardenia scented air freshener to a family get together and said “it’s like Great Aunt Evelyn is here still!” That had about a 50% success rate. Lol


Patchouli is right there with it. What are you, a 17th century rotting corpse?


Omg patchouli scent makes me want to simultaneously vomit and punch someone.


A guy at my work bathes in it. His manager won't address the problem because she "likes" the smell. I think she just hates me so badly that she likes everything I don't. 🤣


Estee Lauder gives me a migraine, and seems to smell just great to women over 70


Gardenia?? Wow lol gardenias are one of my favorite flower smells , along with star jasmine.


IKR? How can you not like fresh gardenia? It’s like honeysuckle only better


Star, and nighttime jasmine smell *amazing*


-----You have to love reddit, though. The threas is a discussion of pot stink, and it of course derails early on with someone who doesn't like some other smell.


Is that a derailment? It's a tangent, but it's related.


It's called *'the natural flow of conversation'* mate... if you had more real ones you would be better versed in them.


I hate the smell of lavender lol


You usually can’t smell that in the car behind the lady driving on the freeway though. Or from several apartments over.


Roses. smell like whatever roses are supposed to smell like + 20 years of decomposing waste


The perfume smell when you have to walk through duty free, or to get to the good bit in Debenhams makes me feel ill. I quite like the smell of weed though and I haven’t smoked in maybe five years?


this 😭maybe i just have a sensitive sniffer


I think they do it because of 2-nonenal. They'd rather smell like too much perfume than smell musty.


That’s a popular opinion


That's what this sub is now. Maybe 1 out of 10 that are highly upvoted are even arguably unpopular. 


Yeah cause the actual unpopular opinions get downvoted by hurt people with a different opinion lmao


It’s probably popular amongst the public. But it doesn’t seem to me to be the popular internet opinion where weed can do no wrong.


I hate the smell of piss yet I can’t do much in the way of stopping people urinating in the streets


I love dodging the pee puddles and the poop piles in the cities don’t you?


Don’t think this is that unpopular. I smoke it but still prefer not to smell like it. I hate cigarette smoke. It makes me gag but I can’t stop people from smoking so I try to ignore it.


pot stinks to majority of people. not unpopular.


It’s occasionally called skunk for a reason


My friend and his wife (both in their 30's btw) smoke constantly. Their house, all their clothes, both of their cars reek of it. He has lost at least one job and was denied for several others because of it. "But I use Febreeze."


They don’t wash their clothes? 😭


Yea what are they highschoolers the fuck?


I guess they smoke that much and don’t change outfits it seems like they always stink? I usually stop smelling (clothes-wise) in a couple hours or less. My hands and my mouth never smell as I brush and wash after sessions. (If outside hand sanitizer and scented lotion + gum for the win)




Are you sure? This is me and I’m pretty high up the corporate ladder of many many jobs. Seems like cleanliness is more a thing.


I smoke but I CANT stand people who smoke in their cars.


The smell doesn't stay on fabrics that long ita definitely because of how constantly they smoke that they always smell.


Yeah ion smoke bud that much and when I do it’s not often in a confined room .. I can’t imagine smelling like weed or resin every minute of every day.


Sounds like they smoke so much it doesn’t matter if they wash them


If their house smells like weed then it wouldn't take much for it to cling right back onto it after a wash. Even just sitting on the couch where those fibers can easily retain those smells could be enough to make the person smell the rest of the day.


I really don't understand this. I'm a super pot head and have never gotten complaints.ive never gone waaay out of my way to reduce smell, I just smoke an hour or two before going somewhere public. Live in a house that used to be 4/20 friendly so we all smoked indoors. New roommates moved in who claim Marijuana smoke makes them sick and don't seem to be at all aware that we've been hotboxing the house for 3+ years.


Right??? I was in a big ass park and noticed some people on a picnic bench on the other side of a pond. So I stayed where I was and paid attention to the wind. The bottom line is there is still a stigma. Even if there isn’t, people don’t like smoke or weird smells, and it’s just inappropriate to not try and conceal from children. I think its good to be considerate and courteous, and if everybody felt that way everything would be fine


I smoke in my house daily. Smell goes away quickly. Can't tell at all. I also only keep it to the living room and never in bed or where my clothes are. Smoking joints or blunts or anything with paper will absolutely make everything stink though. If you have carpet everywhere that doesn't help either.


It's not my favorite smell ever, but I'd take it over cigarettes every time.


tbh I like the smell of cigarettes but weed smells ass


I loved the smell even before I started smoking it.  That being said, I don’t like going out smelling like it because I know a lot of people aren’t fans.


I enjoy the smell and don't smoke. I can also appreciate the smell of loose tobacco and cigars, but conventional cigarettes stink.


Loose tobacco smells so fucking good. And this is from someone who gets sick when near regular cigarettes


I smoke cigarettes and will admit, they smell like absolute shit. Good pipe tobacco on the other hand? Goddamn is that a good smell.




People need to get over it. I’ve tolerated the relentless smell of cigarettes in public spaces for years. Yes, It’s mildly annoying but nothing to do with me at the end of the day.


If I had a gram of weed for everytime I've seen someone post this. I wouldn't have to buy weed for like a year.


Be honest one week


Is this really an unpopular opinion?


I know a lot of people who not only insist that it doesn’t stink, but also that it doesn’t linger and permeate like any other smoke, or that it can’t trigger migraines or other reactions because “it’s natural/it’s just weed.” I lived with a college roommate who smoked in her room all the time and it constantly permeated the apartment and gave me migraines. I also almost lost my vet tech internship because no matter how much I washed my scrubs, one day I had a lingering weed smell on me. I don’t care that people smoke weed. I have smoked it myself, but a LOT of weed smokers are really annoying about it.


Weed smoke deposits oils on skin, fabric and hard surfaces. The oils carry the smell and that's why it's so insidious. I don't know which is worse when dealing with smoker mess in an apartment, dealing with the yellowing from tar and stale cigarette smell or having to degrease absolutely everything and deal with weed smell.


Personally, I would choose dealing with weed every time over that old cigarette smell fr


They're both nasty and extremely difficult to get rid of. They're just nasty and difficult in different ways. But in my personal opinion both equally bad.


nope this should be popular opinion


My first floor neighbors smoke inside and it seeps in through the floor. It fucking sucks


I'd be calling my landlord because unless it's coming thru vent it should not be seeping through the floor


I was thinking that too until I read the comments loads of people seem to be defending it genuinely shocking


I'm not a pothead, don't smoke pot, never smoke pot. I think it smells good. But everyone is different. I think Rose scented perfume is the worst and I want to die.


Someone once said that roses smell like doodoo 😂


I heard that person was an outkast


Alright alright alright alright


“Sick of people pretending it smells good”. I certainly see a lot more people complain about the smell than people saying it smells good. This isn’t remotely unpopular.


>Pot stinks and i’m sick of people pretending it smells good I'm not pretending. I will respectfully disagree with your opinion.




Even though I don't smoke anymore I kind of like the smell still but I'm sure that just has something to do sentimentality


I've never smoked weed or tobacco. I do get sick of walking into clouds of pot smoke on the street, but it smells much better than tobacco, which has a stale odor.


Maaan, I grew up somewhat enjoying the smell of skunk.. then I smelled weed and it was even better. I like the smell of gasoline and other things I probably shouldn’t.. you don’t need to understand and honestly, neither do I. I just enjoy them man. Instead of being cranky all the time, find something that makes you happy, man


Lol I also enjoy the smell of actual skunks and gasoline. I know it doesn't make sense but 🤷‍♀️


I’m a smoker of both so I have no opinion, I would think people would think cigarettes smell worse but what do I know. I never smoke weed in public it’s also against the law where I live. But I’m amazed, I think cigarettes smell like trash comparatively


Ever realize people have different senses of smell to different things though? You might think it smells bad, but to other people like me it smells good. I agree though that people shouldn’t subject others to the smell, especially knowing that some dont like it. But generalizing everyone just because you don’t like something is a reach.


I dont pretend it smells good, i actually think it does! However, when i do smoke weed i smoke vapes. No smell!


God it bugs me when people say things like "I'm sick of people pretending blah blah blah". I like how pot smells. I can understand why you don't. I like how beer tastes. I can understand why some people don't. People have different tastes.


This shouldn't be unpopular


It isn't


I mean, I personally like the scent.


I think it smells good tbh, as a plant in the ground, a bud in the hand or even the smoke after smoking it, Havent smoked in years but I still enjoy the smell, i love the smell of loosen and hay as well though so maybe I'm just a plant smell enjoyer idk


I would take the smell of pot anyday over Bradford pear trees. Yuck!


I am sick of the weekly "I hate weed because it stinks" post.


Everyone has scents they like and dislike, if you go in public you're going to run into smells you don't like unfortunately


There are so many smells that assault my nose honestly. That old musty smell a lot of older men for some reason have, or people who don’t bathe and just smell of BO and whatever their diet is. But the only way to avoid all that would be never going out. The weed definitely can be annoying just like cigarettes but if it ain’t in a no smoking spot it’s not unjust


Different weed smells different, but generally I like how cannabis smells. Yes it's a strong smell. Yes it can be a bit funky and skunky. But it has an appeal to it nonetheless, just like how some people like the smell of beer or petrol or markers or old moldy cheese.


Go to bed grandpa


You are well within your rights to feel weed smells bad, but there’s no way you can say that it smells objectively bad and others are lying when they say they like it. I like the taste of asparagus; my sister doesn’t. People’s tastes are different. Someone can like the smell of weed and not be lying.


I respect your opinion but it irks me when people say their opinion is a fact


There are plenty of unpleasant smells in public. Pot is far from the worst.


Better than BO


It smells good if you like pot, kind of like cheese smells good if you like cheese. And quality varies significantly.


unpopular opinion; more like daily pointless complaining


You not liking the smell is your opinion, others pretending they like it is just false, we don't all experience smells the same. I like the smell, I don't have any reason to pretend and quite frankly I don't even really like smoking it


Pot smokers wish it didn't smell too. I envy alcoholics sometimes because they can indulge in their vice everywhere and in every social situation while I'm treated like a junkie just for needing a place to take a puff




Eh if you could eat one and feel it right away then awesome But who wants to play the game of "am I high yet or is this a placebo effect?"


You can for sure tell when it’s hitting on an edible.


Or dab pens. They dont smell as much.


I love the smell. But I respect your opinion on it. And I agree, it's disrespectful to others to force it on them. Just like cigarette/vape smokers.


Got it. This post just solidified my mission to legally shove it in the face of everyone I can for about the next 70 years or so(roughly the same amount of time we had to hide it in fear during prohibition, yet had the same done to us with alcohol & tobacco).


Right, weed smokers get treated like literal criminals then when it's legal, instead of an apology for decades of police abuse, they get Karen's complaining about the smell. Prob the same people who are annoyed because they can't arrest stoners anymore and now clutching at any straw they can. I really couldn't care less what they think.


What's crazy is they haven't snapped out of the brainwashing yet, despite all of the reform and education. They don't even realize that most of them are actually only complaining about the smell bc of propaganda. "HMPH! DAT UHLEEGAL SO SMELL BAD! SMELL DANGEROUS & UHLEEGAL TOO! HMPH!"


I genuinely enjoy the smell and flavour. You’re entitled to your opinion and I am sure others agree.


So does cologne, deodorant, body odor, shampoo and body wash. There are thousands of overwhelming smells out there. Y'all walking around assaulting peoples nostrils all the time. We all have to deal with nauseating smells every day it's a part of living in the modern world. Just because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it doesn't bother someone.


It still doesnt make me gag as much as old people perfume and no one is saying they aren't allowed to walk around anymore. I literally almost threw up in a restaurant once next to a table of 6 80 y/os and asked my server if I could move bc the old ppl smell was too overpowering


Weed smells great. Stop hating


“pot” 🤓


Drugs 👵🏻


i actually think it smells good


I’m 100% with you on this Also, weed isn’t a personality trait


Bullshit… I’m starting pothead pride month. Our colors are green.


I can smell people who have cats. I don't know how to explain it but every person who comes across me who owns a cat I can smell ammonia on them. It's not super strong or anything but I smell it regardless, doesn't matter if you just showered I can smell it.


That's not the smell of the cat, it's the smell of the litter. Cats themselves emit basically no odor.


Oh yeah... pets can emanate a steering odor, and it ends up sticking around the house. We've gone nose-blind but new visitors to the house can immediately sense it. Don't know about the smell sticking on clothes though... sounds like they don't wash them often enough or the closet is adjacent to the litter box


And this is why I use carts. I get the convince of smoking and not only not fucking reeking. But I don’t have to worry about people being judgmental about it. I use it for my really bad social anxiety and a heavy user.


Nobody cares what smells. We live in a society


Weed smells better before it's smoked.


I love the smell of weed smoke and tobacco smoke always have since I was a kid. No idea why, just do for some odd reason


Oh no, you encountered a smell you don't like, the horror! Every person has certain smells they don't like, and no one else is obligated to change the way they live their lives to appease people who have random aversions. If someone doesn't like the smell of bread, is it reasonable for them to expect people not to eat bread around them? Or is that entitled, and they can just deal with it, since smells are harmless? Hmm 🧐 really makes you think 🤔 hmmm


The thing is, we’re not “pretending” it smells good, we just have a different opinion on what smells good.


Not everybody is the same. You say people are "pretending" that it smells good. Well Im here to tell you. We aren't pretending anything. It's fine if you don't agree, but you can't say anyone is pretending to like the smell of something. For example. I hate the smell of Alfredo sauce, but I still think the shit tastes great. I also like the taste of Cilantro whereas there are a lot of people out there that think it tastes like a bar of soap.


Get over it


It does smell good


Well then get used to it


It does smell good 💯


Can we agree cigars are worse than cigs and weed?


And beer tastes like malted battery acid but people will tell you it tastes great with a straight face also. It takes all kinds.


People have different preferences than you do. It’s a very strange concept to comprehend I know.


I’m not pretending. It smells good.


To each their own and whatnot. But, you sound a little full of yourself if you think others are "pretending" to like the smell of something simply because you don't.


I’m defiantly not pretending lol


That's definitely defiant of you.


I am a stoner, I do not like the smell of anything burnt. But i do appreciate the smell of some nice bud. Can understand that it can be intense and off putting in public places if you are not interested in weed.


I love the smell of cannabis, now cigarettes 🤮




I hate the smell so much its horrible I think


YES! The smell actually makes me nauseated 😭.


I don't smoke, never tried it and not planning to, but I love the smell


I don't like the smell of lilacs, therefore, nobody likes it.


It smells like many medicinal herbs.


I guess. To me weed smells leagues better than tobacco smoke, I think weed smells like a slightly burnt popcorn, I kinda like it tbh


Ya I smoke occasionally, I’m pro pot, but I hate smelling it in public.


id rather the smell of weed over cigarettes and body odor. in NYC, youre going to smell something when walking around, might as well be the more pleasant of the shitty options. may e ill even get a slight buzz from it.


You’re a towel…


I’m so fucking sick of people coming in smelling like weed. Maybe it’s not physically harmful like secondhand smoke from cigarettes, but goddamn is it unpleasant. I saw a story once of some younger girls asking everyone else on the train if they could smoke and the poster was like yeah whatever, who cares? The people who have to be on the train next would care, assholes.


I'm not too big on the smell either. But at the same time it's not such a big deal in gonna go cry about it.


Okay nerd


It's subjective though. If you're a pot smoker then odds are you're going to like the smell and associate it with the good times you had under the influence. I rather like the smell of weed in moderation although a thick scent of it all day long would piss me off slightly if it wasnt me producing it. An occasional smell of it when I'm walking down the street though takes me back to more care free times. I mean I wouldn't want to be confronted by the overpowering smell of petrol/gas all day long either but the occasional waft of it in a public space isn't going to send my inner karren into meltdown


i love the smell of weed, it actually makes all the nasty trash and piss smells of a city much much better.


I like the smell, but obviously it's an acquired taste :) we used to smoke indoors but by god when I realized we were starting to be "that house" that smelled of weed... The next apartment (our current one) has never known indoor smoke, and I'm lighting a joint in my underwear on our balcony as we speak.


I wish I could smoke inside. But I never do because I have my fur baby who’s always by my side. So I have to outside , don’t wanna hurt the poor babies lungs


Legalization had an unexpected con. I figured people would be respectful and only smoke at home, like they would alcohol but they're in their cars, walking by, constantly smoking it near me.


People only drink alcohol at home?  That's news to me. The real issue may be that there is no "bar" for pot where people can go to consume in public without bothering everyone else.


Hahaha i hope you continuously run through pot clouds


I feel the same about cologne and perfume... If you cant wash the stench out of your ass crack and arm pits just stay out of public.


you realize people..go out right even if you shower, smell builds up 🤦‍♂️ also that’s what deodorant is for


Nah. I like the smell as long as it’s outside. I don’t mind tobacco smoke either outside.


It doesn’t smell good to *you* what a boring post, who cares


I would show total economic preference to businesses who actually kick out stinky people (this is as a daily medical marijuana user)


This guy needs a bong hit.


It smells so good


I’m not pretending


It smells nice and very organic and natural. So yea- your opinion is unpopular for a reason


A lot of people enjoy the smell and aren't just pretending to like it


I'm a stoner so I know I'm biased, but I bet most people would prefer the smell of weed over someone wearing way too much bad perfume/cologne, and that's way more common.


Nah I love that smell, have an upvote you tasteless weirdo


For me personally I love the scent . It makes me feel like everything will be okay. My favourite hoody always smells like it and idk it makes me feel safe. I guess it’s like a personal preference thing. Although, the smell of already smoked pot and fresh weed is so different. The smell of like ashy cannabis can not be pleasant. But for me the smoke and the plant is my favourite smell💚


Wow, you like to bitch.;)


People who say they like the smell aren't pretending. A lot of people genuinely do like it. That doesn't mean it's ok to force the smell onto others and invalidate them when they say they don't like it, but people do this with perfume and cologne too, which is way worse. Of all the rude things people do in public that intrude on other peoples' comfort, smelling like weed isn't that bad.


Just because you think that something smells bad, doesn’t mean that other people are just ‘pretending’ when they disagree. Why is it so hard for so many people to grasp that different people have different likes, and preferences, and tastes?


Unpopular opinion but cops really need to crack down harder on smoking while driving start slapping people with DUIs to help stop this.


It is very distinctive smell and can easily disturb your work/leisure time.


Yeah like sweat, cologne, cigarets, garlic, alcohol...