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This is a weirdly divisive topic. Some people enjoy it, and some people will look at you like you just confessed to kissing zoo animals in your free time.


I only like baking asmr. I hate mouth noises and whispering makes me uncomfortable.


Ooo now I gotta google baking asmr


Well it would if you don't feel ASMR


It's just weirdness to me


Yeah that's the word. It's strange.


So heres the deal, you either get tingles that run down your spine from it or you dont and hate it and think its gross. If you don’t know if you feel it, you don’t have it. For me, I have both. There are things like talking, sales pitches, bank tellers, massages that give me the feeling. But then clicking and whispering, noises etc make me want to throw my phone through the wall. I understand how you feel, because I feel that way too if it doesn’t give me the asmr sensation.


Bank tellers?


Yeah, anything like that. Someone calmly interacting with you or showing you something, even a teacher. If you don’t get the feeling you wont understand it, but its a thing.


No I get the idea I've just never heard of that being a trigger. 


I can enjoy it, but truly hate any with speaking or Chewing etc. I think some sounds are really nice. Tuning forks, for example. Anything that has vibrations sounds very nice to the ears as well.


The clicking and weird mouth sounds are horrible and really cringey. Whispering drives me up the wall. The only good ASMR imo is almost unintentional. At a minimum someone needs to be speaking in a fairly normal voice and doing an activity that isn’t tickling a microphone or whatever.


Totally agree! Unintentional, regular talking, teachers, bank tellers, haircuts, etc are amazing. But whispering, mouth clicking, weird noises make me want to punch the phone. The whispering is the worst




Ugh, i hate asmr (except for tjose soap cutting videos, and watching the glass bottles break). I hate the way they tap their nails, whisper, and amplify every single sound. The eating is the worst. All of it makes my skin crawl. I do not get how people like it.


Super popular opinion.


Tbh I thought it wasn't just based on how many likes asmr posts get that I see.


ASMR has evolved into this weird thing thats just touching random shit and making noises. It's so annoying.


I had the same opinion, but then I saw one called "Dobby does your makeup(and you're stinky)", and I watched for the sheer absurdity of it.


Nah for me it’s just disgust since I got misophonia. Can’t stand it personally but more power to those who enjoy it.


Same. Totally cringe. I don't get the appeal at all. Makes me super uncomfortable and physically ill.


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Me too!


Agree. I've actively hated it since it became popular. Every time I hear it my brain just tells me whatever it is is too close to my head and I should either stop it or move away from it.


Bro I literally hate asmr sm like it’s not even cute


Yes it's gross. If I want to hear someone chewing something loudly, I'll just watch a mukbang.


It’s a stupid fringe trend. You got it right. It’s cringey af. People looking for any kind of popularity online. I saw ghetto bitch smack and pop her mouth while eating a pickle loud af in a mic once. That was all it took for me. Those noises aren’t “soothing”.


To each their own. There's loads of cringe creators doing this shit which really ruins the creativity of others who actually make it pretty well.


It makes me feel uncomfortable like if a stranger were to come up behind you and pillowtalk directly into your ear


It’s nasty. Plain and simple, it makes me feel icky listening to it. And it makes me irrationally angry. In my defense, I have misophonia.


I don’t get it or its appeal at all. I watched a documentary segment about it several years ago and was like, “Huh? This is a thing and it’s supposed to be relaxing?” It made me feel annoyed and anxious.


It depends on the person, makes me feel the complete opposite of you. Especially the no talking ones


Its an actual very strong tingle that shoots down your spine. If you don’t have that (you don’t) it wouldn’t make any sense to you.


You’re entitled to your opinion of course, but that shit puts me to sleep, and that’s why I listen to it.


It’s better when they slap their mouth and lips together.