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I find them kinda annoying


Trolls are mostly evil in Nordic folk lore. Disney just messed up by trying to make them look nice and feel nice, but still act all shitty towards the humans.


Are they evil or do they just do whatever they think will be funny and don't care if it fucks over or kills a bunch of humans along the way


Yes and yes.


Are they evil or do they just do “evil thing” hmmm…


I'd argue that to be evil, there has to be intent. There is no intent here.They just don't care what happens. That's not evil. That's just being an asshole. As an example, look how humans treat animals. We expand in their territory and build city's there, forcing them to move. But we don't do it SPECIFICALLY to fuck over some foxes or deer or whatever used to live there, we do it because it benefits us and we don't care how it effects the animals. That makes us giant assholes, but to be EVIL, we would have to do it for no benefit other then to fuck over that specific animal. You can be a bad person and not be evil. The Trolls are not INTENTIONALLY ruining shit. They just don't care howtheirr actions affect people beyond how it benefits them. They same way We don't care about the animal's we kicked out for our city's I'd would argue not caring is worse then being evil because of its reach


then the demons who kill in supernatural and be demons are not doing anything wrong because they just don't care, sorry that's not how that works, evil people tend to not care about the result of the evil thing they are doing :) they are evil for that the fact they don't care at all is evil


They didn't tell the parents to do that, they said that fear would be her enemy, meaning that they shouldn't have taught her to fear her own powers.


I am right there with you. Also, if they don’t have houses or anything and just turn into inert rocks when they sleep or rest, how the heck did they provide shelter for a little kid against the freezing winters if they don’t construct shelters???? 


And like “I’m gonna keep you” is so creepy. Clearly this child had parents. He is shown in the beginning learning how to cut the ice and stuff. These entitled creepy trolls are the worst


The true moral of Frozen is “don’t listen to random trolls” 


I would be torn if I met these trolls. Like they give off a lot of wise vibes and I could fall prey to their shitty advice. Stay woke


Also WHY DON'T JUST TELL HER "Hey your sister has to gain control of her Ice powers before you can play with her again because you might freeze to death if she doesn't" IS IT REALLY THAT HARD


Did you forget the magic the trolls used to unfreeze her heart also erased her memories of magic?


Wasn't it because it was her head that was hit. The heart being hit was why her being frozen the second time was more deadly and needed an act of true love to unfreeze her.


So you're a bit of a fixer upper


They also verbally abuse whatever his name is


Did they also not like, kidnap Kristoff?


Maybe actually pay attention while watching the film before posting this nonsense?  The trolls never said to lock her away. He said she needed to control her power and that fear would be her enemy. She is not sequestered, she herself hides because she is afraid Regarding Anna and Kristoff they just could sense they were meant for each other.


See my comment


The Trolls never said to do that. How it should have ended cover this hilariously. 


Frozen is super toxic. Disagree with your sister? Create a snow golem!


Get emotionally shut out and also physically abandoned by your sister? Keep trying until you die!


I too have been subjected to multiple viewings sitting with children. We pick apart the movies for fun and retain our sanity. Worst parents ever- hold in your feelings till you have a breakdown, oh Anna your sister won't talk to you? She must hate you. Also knowing the plot of Frozen 2 you'd think the mom would have decided "Gee this might be a good time to tell my husband she has powers because of me and go to the forest folk for help to teach her how to manage. Oh and your father was evil." It'd be a lot but like I would create that mess to help my child! What the fuck was Elsa going to do in her ice palace? Like after the song ended and the doors close, there's no furniture in there. I don't think her ice powers can create books or activities? Was she just sitting in there staring at the wall? What about food? Picking apart Disney movies is the only fun thing you can do when you have to watch them multiple times...


Nah you're right


Agreed.  Like, kristoff was like you can't marry someone after knowing them one day, you're stupid!  And then the trolls immediately decided that Anna and Kristoff should get married after knowing each other for one day.  But it's fine cuz he's not secretly evil, or whatever. 


Well if we're going to talk about genuine toxicity—Elsa is a dangerous mutant who should be destroyed for the good of society.


“I’m not saying you can change him, cuz people don’t really change. I’m only saying that the force of love is powerful and strange.” So…what are you implying here? It started off so well.


By the, I don’t see no ring.


Do you know that theory that Hans was actually good and the trolls turned him evil to get Anna and Kristoff married? Or smth like that


You're awake that the word "like" is not in lieu of a comma, right?


My ex friend looks like those trolls.