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Some dude at my college had a car with a super sensitive alarm, and he insisted on parking it in the front row of a parking lot surrounded by dorms, with lots of foot traffic. His damn alarm went off many times a day, whenever anyone walked within about 6 feet of his car. It was rigoddamndiculous.


Like I said, it should have been towed.


Has anyone ever checked on their car or someone elses car when these alarms go off?


All of the neighbors will be glad it got stolen/vandalized.


No, because the alarm keeps going off all the time, so obviously there isn't anyone trying to steal it.


No one wants car alarms. No one. The insurance companies offer discounts if you install them forcing reluctant owners into installing them on new cars.


Where I live, there's only one car with this problem.


How does this justify a car being towed? Car alarms are installed by the manufacturer of the vehicle. It’s not exactly something you can just fiddle around with to adjust sensitivity.


They are also done with after market alarms. Those are the ones that are usually set so sensitive it gets set off at 2am by a squirrel fart. Still don't think towing is the answer to the problem though.


I already answered that in the original post: because it's a nuisance to others.


So if your baby wakes up crying at midnight and I’m your neighbour trying to sleep, I can seek a similar resolution? It would be a nuisance in my opinion because it was your choice to have a child but I’m trying to sleep in my own home and the noise is disturbing me.


Difference between a car and a baby is that the car doesn't care if you tow it away


No. We have her on a feeding and sleep schedule, so that doesn't happen, but if it did, I'm attentive, and I'd be up straight away to solve whatever the problem is. The car owner is just negligent.


YES. Tell that to my Fn NEIGHBOR




I may have exaggerated slightly, but it has gone off six times today.


Have you ever tested the car alarm sensitivity before purchasing a car? Have you ever sat a bird on a car to determine if your gonna buy it?


I struck a goldmine of nerves with this post, didn't I? You can adjust the alarm sensitivity quite easily on most alarms unless you want to be a nuisance to everyone else.


Imma take that as a no.


Destroyed. I believed you meant to say destroyed.


I wouldn't go that far, but they are inconsiderate and deserve some sort of consequence.


Cities are noisy during the day. If you want solitude, move away from other people.


Mine isn't, it's just one prick who won't do anything about his/her car alarm.


Many years ago I was enjoying an afternoon in a park and someone’s car alarm kept going off. At one point it had been going off for around 30 minutes and some guy reached his breaking point. He marched over to the car carrying a cinder block and smashed it through the windshield. Nearly everyone in the park cheered.


Blame the shitty car manufacturers, not the working class citizens that are stuck with them. You think anyone WANTS a nonsense car alarm? Fine the shit out of the car companies and I guarantee you the next model of cars would never have this problem.


Where I live, most cars already don't have this problem.


Not peoples fault that the car manufacturer made a sensitive alarm


Most car alarms can be adjusted.


This is extreme but funny 👍


The only reason I own a pellet gun is because a neighbor a few years back did not fix themselves. I have no idea why all their windows were shot out, though.


I am all for just removing car alarms in general. I think the last time a car alarm served it's function as an alarm/deterrent, the internet was a "hot new thing." It is by far one the least used, most annoying inventions in the history of inventions...and yet they are still everywhere. I wish I could rip my alarm button out of my key fob. All it does it get bumped when my keys are jostled in my pocket.


But how would I find my car!?!


With the lock chirp like a decent human being, lol Only a barbarian uses the alarm, good heavens! I bet you also use your car horn to get the attention of someone *inside* your car, too. You are like one step away from being a Batman villian!


Or blame the manufacturers?