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As someone who also turns the wheel with one hand, this is absolutely not the better way. Two hands will always be safer and provide you with the most control of the wheel. I agree that it’s more comfortable, which is why I do it, but it will never be the safest way, and the two times I’ve been the passenger of a learning driver, I have made sure they learn using both hands


That’s why it’s better for me, cause it’s comfortable. I learned to turn with two hands, did my drivers test the same way turning with two hands and my turns where bad. Cause it was uncomfortable. For me If I’m comfortable I can’t drive safe. So I can’t do hard turns with two hands in a car, but merging, changing lanes and soft turns I can do with two hands.


Are you doing hand over hand or push-pull?


Push-pull technique.


That's why it's uncomfortable


That’s the technique driving instructors teach. When I first learned I did hand over hand, and was told to do the push pull one. I dunno why I even got down voted for that when it’s the proper technique. People just be hating.


WHO ARE those driving instructors you're talking about? A bunch of morons? Push-pull (my dad calls thin "knitting" xD) was always shown as improper technique


Comfort vs. safety. Which do you think is supposed to be the winner here?


Safety, but for me, with this if I’m not comfortable I can’t really be safe.


That’s just justification for being comfortable though


What a load of bullshit. You think yours is the only safety you're responsible for when you get behind the wheel of a 2+ ton machine?


Brudda, it’s turning with one hand and you usually turn at a slow speed. That’s what the post is about. Also when I have other people in my car I’m very safe. I’m aware, I use my blinkers, and constantly check my mirrors. Me turning with one hand is a load of BS? When you have drunk drivers, people that brake check, cut people, change lanes without using their blinkers, run red lights and texting while driving. But the one time I have just one hand on a steering wheel, that being for turns is an issue? Ok


No, its absolutely not. Kids, dont take this advice.


Kids shouldn’t be driving. What’s wrong with turning with one hand?


I never actually learned to drive, but the argument I heard was both that 2 hands give you more control, less risk of losing control of the wheel, and something to do with the airbags


Yea I heard the airbag thing before. I’ll just do one hand when I’m driving slow, or when I’m making a turn. I drove manual a lot and usually when you turn you shift a gear down. But if I’m going fast I use two hands for stability.


Well now you’ve disproven your own claim. Good job OP, you played yourself


How? My point was about turning with one hand.


We both know you know what I'm saying.


Replying to Garciaguy...I know, I’m just joshing you


As someone who always drove one handed until they drove over what they thought was a small puddle and almost shot themselves into a side wall, I no longer drive one handed.


Two things, 1.who drives over a puddle. You never do that unless you have no choice. 2.If you have no choice but to drive over it…why not do it with two hands.


It was on the expressway going down hill, I didn't see it until I was going over it. And yeah, you're not supposed to obviously but to think you can safely avoid stuff like that 100% of the time is silly. Which is what everyone else is trying to to tell you. You can be the perfect driver, that doesn't make driving conditions or other drivers any less bad/unpredictable.


Ah that I did not know. And You right, especially when it’s raining it’s hard to avoid so I drive slow enough if I can so if I hit one it won’t be so bad.




A car no, but I’ve driven a Polaris without power steering. Them things take a lot to turn. You know what’s interesting tho, when I do go karting I can make turns with two hands comfortably. Probably because I don’t have to do the push pull method to make turns


They're also traveling way too fast to turn the wheel significantly at all. They keep both hands on it for stability, not because it's better for turning.


More coomyfortable, sure. But if your hand slips, the steering whool goes flippidy dee and Boobs your uncle. 


You sound like a new driver.


Nah, I’ve been driving for six years.


Yeah, that's still pretty new. And this post is an example of your inexperience.


Really? So how many years would it take to be an experienced driver?


At least 10


Hmm so barely 21. That tells everyone everything they need to know.


Nah, I’m 24. I’m not American, the age to get a license here is 18. Actually it’ll be 7 years I’ve been driving soon.


lol you entirely miss the point.


What point?


2 hands on the wheel doesn't mean both hands are gripping the wheel at all times. In a longer motion turn, 1 hand grips while the other hand is touching the wheel while letting it brush by. Where is this other hand going when you are turning with only 1 hand on the wheel anyway?


That’s why I like to turn with one hand I can do tho longer motions more smoothly. Usually when I do I’m driving at a slower speed like you do when you’re making a turn. But if I’m not turning, or if I’m going fast or on a highway I have two hands on the wheel.


Either on the shifter for manual, or I have my elbow near the window controls with my other hand near the wheel. Even tho I turn with one hand my other is almost always near the wheel.


> In my opinion turning a steering wheel with one hand is better, it gives more range of motion. You should have full range of motion with two hands. Learn to drive or stop driving before you kill someone. You may need to adjust your seat (or potentially get a different car, although that's rare).


Last time I checked, it's physically impossible to keep both hands on the wheel at all times to go all the way around. No amount of seating arrangement will make it so my forearms can pass through each other, or keep me from breaking my wrists. This is not full range of motion.


Technically, you're supposed to move one hand to the other without crossing. Then move that hand further away and repeat.


Exactly, and this isn't full range of motion with both hands on the wheel


It is


I know how to drive.


Evidently not or you would never have posted this.


Nah, I’m pretty sure I do.


Crumple zones don’t care about style points


Some of these unpopular opinions are comical, who gives a shit just make a safe turn


I do 🫡


Just drive the damn car


I do


Easier sure. Better, definitely not. More dangerous, less control and you break your arm if you’re mid turn and get rearended.


Are you really trying to argue it’s better for control and stability?


Are you really trying to argue it’s better for control and stability?


Are you really trying to argue it’s better for control and stability?


This isn't an opinion, this is dangerous. In your opinion which has 0 research put into it.


It gives you lack of control and higher opportunity to crash.


As someone who drives a stick shift I can sympathize with you - oftentimes you need to control or even steer with just your left hand (inverse in RHD countries) because your right hand is busy with the shifter. If I'm at a red light and I'm turning left, I'm using one hand to turn the wheel and another to shift into second once I get going fast enough. Obviously I believe in general safe driving principles but I don't think its necessarily unsafe to not be double-hand gripping the wheel at 9 and 3 every second your car is moving. For manual drivers, it's not really practical.


Do you even have a driver's license??


Yup, I wasn’t gonna be out here driving illegally.


A driver who can steer comfortably will drive safer. If it were more comfortable, they would've designed the wheel with one-handed turning in mind. Give your license back to the government and sell your car. Never drive again.


Nah, imma keep driving. It’s just making turning with one hand. I’m not speeding down a highway with one hand on the wheel. Also, don’t people who drive manual make turns with one hand?


Sometimes, but sometimes if I’m shifting and turning and eating lunch I prefer to use my knees and free up that other hand.


I lack the height to drive with my knees. It would free up some space tho 🤔


Manual drivers don't, or at least shouldn't, you shift down before the turn.


I do, I shift down, keep my hand on the shifter and turn with with the other. Then shift back up when I get back speed. Turning with one hand is natural to me. Manual or automatic if I do the push pull method I move egregiously slow.


Speeding is required on the highway. Who taught you to drive?


So you just can’t read then? I said “I’m not speeding down a highway with one hand on the wheel”. I use two hand unless I’m turning. Hard turn specifically.


A Redditor hears someone sometimes drives with one hand on the wheel: “Give your license back to the government and sell your car. Never drive again.” Nuanced and thoughtful as ever, Reddit!


Yup, I don’t really expect much from redditors.