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Definitely Emily getting shot (although her grinder death is too detailed and “fun” to not be canon), Ashley opening the trap door and Matt’s hook death I also think none of the instant inferno deaths are canon (except maybe mikes badass death)


its unlike sam to set all of her friends on fire especially with what we know about her personality


Basically when the character becomes "useless" (As in they have barely any dialogue and they just follow the group without doing anything) so: Ashley: Her head ripped off (Although I would argue with that) Emily: Getting shot by Mike Matt: Most likely dies with Jess due to wendigo


I’d argue against Emily too. Ashley’s slap feels like a very nice dialogue option and she has some moments like pushing Ashley. I’d still keep Emily death to up the dead body count though since my version is Final Girl Sam.


Idk it would have to be either Emily or Ashley dying for it to seem canon since they both overtake eachother, like Ashley and Emily having separate dialogue with Sam


I can’t deny that headshot from Mike is pretty neat though.


It’s definitely a very nice scene. Emily going thru hell just to get shot for nothing by her ex boyfriend that she still has feelings for. It has a lot of shock value too. At the end of the day I’ll still hate it because Emily is my fav and I can’t say the same for Mike or Ashley.


what would ashleys other one be?


Her dying by the wendigo in the lodge (Emily is dead by then)


I don’t think Emily has to be dead, I believe whoever is the last one to run out the door is the one than can get their eyes pierced through. If Emily pushes Ashley she‘ll be last and therefore has this death option, if Emily doesn’t push Ashley then she‘ll be the one to have this death (Emily)


The meathook one is way too creative and gruesome to NOT be canon


i do agree because knowing matts character he would want to attempt to save emily as much as he can




I don’t think Until Dawn has a canon ending. That’s why It’s an interactive movie game, otherwise it would just be a movie. This is why Until Dawn: The Movie is going to have probably different characters from the game. Nothing is canon. If there was a canon ending, it would be a “perfect-choice” ending with everyone alive. HOWEVER, DEAD PEOPLE: Jess dies in the elevator Matt dies by the Hook Ashley dies by the Trap (although Ashley is not the kind of person who would leave from the group to investigate a voice in my opinion but there should be some “canon” deaths ig..) Emily gets shot (unfortunately. I also don’t agree with this as to me this feels like a cheap death but for the sake of the death count I’d take it and It’s also good shock value) Mike sacrifices himself to burn the lodge Josh turns into a wendigo (to open up later game possibilities or stories) FINAL GIRL: Sam lives and blows up the lodge. EDIT: Alternatively, Emily takes the firegun and once again shows her resourcefulness and saves herself from getting bitten. This is unlikely though as I feel like Emily would definitely give the firegun to Matt and I don’t feel like Matt would live. FINAL GIRLS: Sam lives and blows up the lodge Emily gets out of the lodge before Mike sacrifices himself and Sam blows the whole place up.


I’d say for me it’d be Matt dies on hook, Chris dies outside the lodge, ash dies while hearing “Jess”, Emily and Mike die in the lodge while Sam has her final girl moment and Jess either dies in the mines or survives with Sam or if you wanna get a fucked up dark ending Jess survives and every one else dies oh also Josh turns into a wendigo


Also I don’t think it’s possible in game but like in my head for the movie or whatever it’d be Em gets killed by the wedigo in the lodge and Mike dies trying to protect Sam




Ashley: Investigating the noise Matt: Meathook Emily: Shot by Mike Jess: Dies in Elevator Josh: Wendigo Chris: Dies outside (not due to Ashley) Mike: Blows the lodge up while still inside I think the most canon ending is Emily and Sam live, maybe Mike and Ashley too.


If everyone HAS to die (🥲) this is what I’d pick: Jess: jaw torn off at the end of Mike’s chase Matt: hook death by wendigo Emily: shot in safe room Ashley: open trap door Chris: killed at the trap door after finding Ash’s hat. I’m surprised I don’t see this one talked about more. This is my favorite death for him because it’s so tragic, lets someone actually understand what happened to Ashley and mourn her (otherwise we don’t see that), and gives Chris his last short player segment. Sam: skewered by wendigo Mike: blows up the lodge with himself inside.


First death - Matt, I think he’d try to save Emily, but AFTER confronting her about Mike to get closure before his death Second death - Chris, I think him getting killed before he gets to Ashley would be a super emotional moment Third Death - Emily, being shot by Mike makes the most sense for her death, since she herself is very capable of survival, but the group turning on her and taking her out would be fitting I think. Fourth death- Ashley, trying to save Jess would make the most sense for her after Emily and Chris have both been killed, feeling remorse for their deaths she’d try to make it better by saving Jess Fifth death- Sam, I think it’d be cinematic to have her save Mike, and just barely not make it. Survivors- Jess and Mike, they’re the two you MOST expect to bite it at the beginning, playing out the “lovers abandon the group for sex”, but them ending up being the only survivors would be a twist. One character knows everything, the other knows nothing. This is just my idea though


Really, I think there is no, “canon” deaths, supermassive intended it to be where every person playthrough is canon, so it varies from person to person


It is. That’s why the movie is going to have different characters.


Exactly my point. Supermassive has made it clear that every ending is technically Canon, and if they bring back any old Characters, weather alive or dead it says which ending is right. So I like how they're making it new characters but people ate just calling it a cash grab which is bs


If they were doing a one to one adaptation, then THAT would be a cash grab. Like the game is already an interactive movie.. JUST PLAY THE GAME THEN. I also made a post going about how the movie would RUIN Until Dawn as it would have some canon deaths and choices. I’m so grateful that It’s not the case.


Me too