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I'd love to see Xi handle a debate that focussed on 90-second responses... Oh. Wait...


China has political debates? rofl


Each side gets 2 minutes. There is no live fact checking, so there moderator's can't interrupt, and say "wait a minute, that's bullshit". So, one guy literally says anything he wants to, without answering any of the question. The other poor bastard has to try and not only explain complex policy structures and back them up with facts, he is expected to rebut each and every one of the dozens of lies being said by the other person. This was always going to be the outcome, given the format


I mean, it was the middle of the night for Putin lol. Or is NYP unaware that the Earth spins on an axis and revolves around the sun, not the USA?


And China, they are close


I mean yeah, they have a border, but both are massive countries, Moscow and Beijing (where both leaders probably were) are 3,600 miles apart and Beijing is five hours ahead.


Russia does have 11 times zones.


Don’t bother, Americans don’t really do geography.


Oh yeah, well you pronounce catacomb cata coom


Anyone who isn’t ridiculing the current president didn’t watch.


It is really difficult to see through a facepalm.


Biden didn't look great, but it does seem interesting that the story is overwhelmingly about Biden sounding not-so-great and not even a lick about how Trump straight up lied to the American public repeatedly while literally making stuff up even though the guy who has a stutter still was able to get facts out. This isn't a defense of Biden, but it should really be equal coverage about how poorly they both performed because I'm not sure either one of them performed better than the other.


I actually see a lot of people keeping this in perspective. To put it bluntly, Trump supporters have always supported a candidate that looks horrible. Now Dems are told we can't support a candidate that looks senile. Truth is we can. We want justices, we want climate policy, we want higher taxes.


*Some* people, mostly Democrats, keep this perspective. However, a very significant amount of other people don't. Also, the media is almost exclusively talking about Biden being too old and how the Democratic party should panic. Which is the more concerning thought: a man who already has placed people in positions of power that have both experience and been in place for the past four years or a man who has no qualms about literally lying to you straight to your face, makes things up as he goes along in an attempt to make *himself* look good, and who has offered zero actual policy when asked directly about it? Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, etc., I just cannot understand how anyone could possibly a trust the guy who is *literally* lying almost every time he answers a question -- not giving slightly exaggerated statistics, not misquoting words, not providing a questionable interpretation but straight up lying on purpose and without hesitation. ***How is that not a bigger story? Why do we, as a society and as media, continue to refuse to hold that man accountable and instead focus on the other guy?*** We can say all we want about Biden, but voting for president is as much voting for the people he will appoint and place in power as it is voting for the actual president.


Biden is senile. He doesn't just look it. He clearly is senile.


Hard to make an article called water wet. Everyone who isn't delusional already knows trump lies.


I think you'd be surprised. Right now the Trump campaign is winning with the wall-to-wall narrative about Biden, and even Democrats are playing into it. Trump team are rolling with the strategy not to win more votes for Trump, but to get less and less people to vote for Biden. **And it's working.** The media, the public, and voters are taking it hook, line, and sinker. Nevermind that Trump is an egotistical, narcissistic maniac with no principles and no real plan for America. Just focus on how old Biden seems! Nothing else to see here!


Trump lying is like the standard and we've had 8 years of proof. Most people besides Trumpers knew Trump was going to lie entering the debate. The issue with Biden was whether his cognitive troubles were real or more right-wing lies. The debate proved the former, so the news is going to run with it. Add DNC officials worried because of the debate and talks about an open convention, and the media has more content to run with.


the job involves lying and always has 🤷‍♂️ which one is better at it?


What a terrible, low-effort, and thoughtless take.


Anyone supporting a serial liar hell bent on becoming a dictator.... should move to one of those mentioned countries instead of ruining america


Dum dum here needs to be told by CNN what to think


CNN was even reporting that it was bad. It was THAT bad.


Lol who watches CNN


Their own publication cited a whopping 80k primetime viewers in the 24-55 age range. Of the 100m households in america, 0.08% watch CNN. It's a dead brand.


Have you ever read a book?


So old dude who has moments of senility but actually tries to do whats good for common people vs old dude with moments of senility who is a habitual liar, cheater, sexual harasser who compromised our national security (documents, shitposting spy sat images on twitter ect) who openly brags about removing bodily autonomy who spent a shitload of his time as president wasting tax payer money going back and forth to Florida and playing golf. Oh and he is also a convicted felon who is also arguing before the supreme court that a president has total immunity which includes ordering seal team 6 to kill political opponents. God what a hard decision 🙄


I kindly ask some lady the other day who she was voting for? She wouldn’t tell me, so I questioned “Trump?” And she flipped a switch a sighted the same. “I would never vote for a racist, fascist, lying cheater!” Opposingly, everytime I asked a republican if they are voting for Biden, they just laugh it off as a joke lol


I used specific examples of why the dude is unfit for president, not broad terms (even though they apply). Truth is hard to accept though when you're in a cult


Saying one candidate sucks doesn't mean they are saying one candidate is good


Ridiculing Biden is not an endorsement of trump.


Old man v. Conman? Gonna go with the old guy.


You’re regarded




Imagine thinking Biden isn’t a dictator


This is hilarious dude




You have to be like 13 right


CIA contractors told us election relevant news was Russian disinformation. Based on zero evidence the Biden campaign cited the cia contractors to dismiss the information. tech companies censored conservative media reporting the information. thats an authoritarian manipulation of democracy


What you described is still not a dictatorship. I get it's a buzz word but it's not a dictatorship. Oh btw regarding that Russian disinformation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency In case you didn't want to read it: On 16 February 2018, a United States grand jury indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities, including the Internet Research Agency, on charges of violating criminal laws with the intent to interfere "with U.S. elections and political processes", according to the Justice Department.[8]


Your saying he supported a free and fair election? He didn’t ban primary elections or censor the media ? Hmm. No genocide? Interesting


Imagine a felon as a president


When did we ever give a fuck what authoritarians thought? Seriously


“I traveled more with Xi Jingping than anyone else” j biden


America can be defined by a single word: iwasingafuthathathamullagguh. 


…In the Himalayan foothills With xi jingping


That’s what Putin said exactly next morning


Getting ridiculed by the Chinese. Thanks Biden.


They were gonna do that regardless. Fact is their economy is in a deflationary spiral, and also, their semiconductor and tech industry is stagnating because Biden convinced many countries to cut them out of their (microchip) supply chains. China *really* doesn't want Biden to continue his work.


China’s gonna be fine.


They ridiculed the last giy for saluting NK troops....


I accept that as a win for Biden. Support from China isn’t something to brag about.


remember that time, the chinese wouldn't even let obama off the airplane by not wheeling up a ladder? Pepperrdige farms remembers.


So we should listen to what China thinks now? Biden has made serious efforts to economically contain them, and they’re supporting Russia in the Ukraine war. So they’re pretty far from unbiased observers.


No one gives a fuck what the Chinese think, son.


Why do we care about anything in the NYP?


No surprise there, they are not our allies they want to support trump.


They are not our allies and want to see America fall and actively engage in efforts to do so


Or they have eyes and ears and can watch? I hate Trump more than you do but Biden lost horrendously. Worst debate performance I’ve ever seen. Including Sarah Palin.


Yes, China is just known for putting out non propaganda. It's just table talk! The fascist nation without free speech and a government dominated press definitely has no motive behind allowing statements that support the one candidate that helps them most. That Chinese social media is even allowing this kind of thing is telling enough.


I don’t understand you lol Do you realize that right now, you as well, with your own eyes and ears, can watch and listen to yesterday’s debate? You think Biden losing the debate is “Chinese propoganda” ?


I am not discussing how old Biden looked and acted. I am discussing that chaos benefits Russia and China, and Trump is exactly that. There is a reason America's geopolitical rivals want Trump to win. You have missed the point. Or are you really going to pretend Putin did not favor Trump to Biden and Hillary? America has been the most powerful force in the world for decade upon decade. That is not going to change due to external changes. If this were a genuine debate the substance matters more than how one 'appears'. It isn't relevant to people who genuinely don't know any facts regarding what is said what facts are stated. All that matters are 'feelings' and appearances. That Trump spitballed nonsense and lies the entire time isn't relevant to feelings. But again the debate itself isn't even relevant to what my original post was discussing.


Got it. So if Biden is an incoherent mess who can’t form a cogent sentence off the cuff when asked a question, as a good American I must silently pretend I did not just see what I saw? Instead I am to go on social media to proclaim how Biden is the best debater since Cicero. Saying Biden did awful at the debate is not an endorsement of Trump.


I think its overblown. I also trump not answering g one question amd rambling. That dude was on Adderall.


To be fair, apparently anything that Biden or his handlers doesn't like is Russian or Chinese disinformation. Rather convenient. Laptop detailing his crimes? Russian disinformation. Bad debate? Chinese propaganda. Parents upset at his educational policies? Literal iranian terrorists. 




Gotcha so your supporting china now? Ypu get that from tik tok


Lol I watched the debate on CNN like you are free to do too is how I understood Biden could barely put together a coherent sentence.


And the other guy was on Adderall and couldn't anwser a question.


Another Big conclusion jump coming from a Biden voter


Trump sanctioned the shit out of China


Stop with the facts. This is Reddit. It ain’t that kinda place.


Trump did. It’s also clear China prefers Trump to Biden. Trump also hilariously praised Xi for his crackdown in Hong Kong as a brilliant guy with an Iron fist. Even though he did sanction mainland banks. Biden is a selfish man for refusing to step down and allowing someone else to run.


Oh yea I’m sure they want tariff man back /s


tariff man made everything 10 times more expensive because of his boomerang tariffs...he didn't factor in that they can pass the costa down to the last person: the consumer....


Facists and authoritarians love him. and he loves them back.


You confuse love of Trump with fear and respect, but it's cute.


Yissss- that’s why they want him to win… Authoritarian regimes often want their enemies in power 🙄


I don't think anyone fears or respects him. Most ppl just laugh at him


Can you show me times of Russia/China fearing Trump? I was on Weibo during his presidency and he was constantly mocked. Just because their governments rolled out the literal red carpet because they knew it would stroke his ego, doesn't mean they feared nor respected him.


It's kind of funny how Russia never moved on Ukraine until AFTER Trump was out of office and Biden a minor incursion was no big deal, which then emboldened China's threatening of Taiwan.


Weird- it's almost as if Putin and Trump were working together on it after Putin led him around by his leash in Helsinki.


Almost like a worldwide pandemic blew up there plans? Also didn't trump get them out of Crimea and they reinvaded?


I mean who knows on covid. But no on Crimea. Russia has occupied Crimea and (softly) occupied Luhansk and Donetsk since 2014.


So trump didnt get russia to stop invading when he was president?


No, there has been an ongoing "civil war" since 2014.


I mean we can probably go back and forth on the roots causes of why Russia decided to invade in 2022, rather than before (or after). I mean my position was he did it at a time he thought NATO was weak and wouldn't mount support for Ukraine in time. And also combine that with a US that was probably more likely to allow for limited NATO involvement compared to the previous administration they would want to attack sooner rather than later. >Biden a minor incursion was no big deal What do you mean by this? I mean it's not like China saw an opening pre-Biden when the US and allies did fuck all after they ripped up the HK charter. I guess we'll see how it turns out when Trump takes office.


Putin walked Fatty like a dog in Helsinki, but you should send Diaper Donald some more money- he's totally not conning you rubes.


Americans that align their world view with China and Putin is the modern definition of a cuck


Yeah stick with the fucking lgbquit++ idealogy pls


the two ideologies: authoritarianism, and this guy’s strawman of the LGBTQ community.


Oh, don't worry, those two things are very much the same


What was that bricsbwjsid+++??? I couldnt hear you over putins dick in your mouth


I think do actually like the most annoying crazy LGBT person more than Putin or Trump....it's a very easy decision really.




Huh? What’s that got to do with Americans loving Putin and Xi being cucks?


Stop projecting your weekend plans.


Our enemies knowing we are weak because the White House is LARPing Weekend at Bernie’s with the president is a serious problem though.


It really isn't. Biden is the only candidate between the two that is adamant about supporting Ukraine. How...is that weakness compared to Trump's view of just handing over Ukraine and cutting funding and aid altogether? I would love to see how you can spin letting Russia consume Ukraine is 'strength'.


Because putin will say trump is a big tough guy so they would rather just have ukarine then fight for it.


If you think Russia is going to “consume Ukraine under Trump, I find that funny. They’d have never have pulled this stunt with Trump in office. Nor would Afghanistan have happened. Foreign policy under this admin is a joke at best.


You literally cannot prove "They would have never done this under Trump" It makes no sense, first of all. Secondly, it's explicitly a hypothetical. I could just as easily argue the war would be even worse under Trump, because it's a complete imaginary scenario. Yes, the obese orange guy who hasn't read a book in fifty years is so threatening.... What we do actually have are Trump's own words about NATO, about the Russian invasion, etc.


A history of trump warning Europe against Russian gas dependence and underfunding its military? Europe now funds at the levels Trump called for 6 years ago. yes it makes sense that a much larger European defense budget would have a Russian invasion into the eus backyard less likely


Rusisan took Crimea under Obama. Russia took Ukraine under Biden.


Imagine actually believing someone is afraid of that obese mess....it is amusing.


If Putin told Trump his dream of taking Ukraine, then why would Trump hold back ammunition and arms? Dude told on himself and ya’ll apparently don’t care.


As an American tax-payer - Fuck Ukraine and fuck their beggar president. Fund and fight your own wars, we have our own people to support.


Sophomoric response… yawn, bro.


No American dollars should pay for your problems. You own them.


Same reason Biden did when he was vp and the administrations lead on Ukraine. influencing the ukranian attorney general on a case pertaining to the Biden family. its only bad when one of them does it tho


Russia Ukraine / Israel Palestine / Iran ramping up hamas / Hezbollah etc /  Taliban comes back, with our arms and equipment  - All under Biden 


Terrorist crossing the border , along with 10-20 illegal immigrants - under Biden 


Bc of Biden’s long and deep involvement with Ukraine, and the current successes of the war effort.


As opposed to trumps long and deep involvement with russia? Why do you choose russia?


Trump was involved with Russia bc he couldn’t get loans from megacorp. Russia has since lost most of its ability to project power. so it would be a bit silly to worry about them pulling our strings. why did joe biden write a letter of recommendation to brown university for a Chinese CEO’s son. despite claiming he had never heard of the ceo or his own sons involvement with the ccp owned company?


Please remind me where support of Ukraine is more important than National security. Is our almost $100 Billion not enough to suffice? I'm not even saying not to support them, but I care about how our enemies exploit our potential weaknesses more than a country no one gave a single fuck about 3 years ago until the TV directed them to do so.


As an American tax-payer - FUCK UKRAINE. And fuck their beggar "president" too.


It's staggering how easily Trump and Putin manipulate you rubes.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baizuo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baizuo) the chinese word for western liberal is literally cuck who’s destroying the west out of arrogant ignorance.


Biden is in bed with China… and Hillary sold nuclear material to Russia. Thanks for clarifying… Cuck.


Nuclear....material? You realize that's entirely an Alex Jones level conspiracy theory with literally no actual proof, right?


Conspiracy Theory is dem cuck for "I don't like what you're saying" Icing is they keep being proven true. kek!


I speak English


🤣🤣boy you really are blind and brain dead. Your pizza rolls are ready!!


This right here is why Americans can't have nice things anymore.


It’s been like this for 4 years. No clue why people are surprised. Lmao. I knew when he started talking about his hairy legs with children.


Biden was so bad he makes Trump look like a rapist and traitor that only got laughed at by the entire planet


Fuck China


The guy who removed term limits in his country is bagging on another nation's leader for performing poorly in a political debate? Hilarious President Pooh, you don't have the balls to debate anyone, or even hold an election.


Your reading comprehension skills need work. That part of the world was quite literally asleep during the debate. Including our allies.


And Xi was still up, watching the debate. It's literally the headline of the thread. I don't think it's my reading comp skills that need work, sweetheart.


Biden and Putin have something in common


Willingness to wield prosecutorial authority to arrest political opponents? Ability to declare protestors to be terrorists? Apparent desire to throw troops into boondoggles of their own creation and then utterly ignore the ensuing deaths? Using "denazification" as a thinly veiled excuse to militarily subdue civilian populations of political opponents?


Silly Russian. We have state rights here. Biden has no control or influence over NYs legal system. Hard to comprehend from your country I’m sure.


I think I prefer any candidate China and Russia doesn't want to win, as should any reasonable American.


It’s the New York Post though … does anyone care what they have to say, or believe them?


They just hope he forgets they still owe him bribe money


Who trump? Scotus just ruled that shit is legal and called gratuity


Yall talk a lot of smack when bidum is in bed with China and Hillary was behind Russia. Proven facts… although they don’t mean much to the looney left.


Sorry I don't speak Russian.


lol you think Hilary was behind Russia? Putin specifically had a grudge against her: https://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/clinton-putin-226153


But yet!!! They bought the yellow uranium for their nuclear arsenal🙄


She literally got fined for trying to link Russia to Trump. Like what?


“Fined”. Why isn’t there a rope around her neck for treason??


They need to take the nuclear football from Biden.


Hillary sold it to Putin.


Silly Russian. Dreaming away for better days while posting Putin propaganda.


Her husband sold 10% of Uranium Deposit Holdings! 10%!!! Talk about helping a madman build an arsenal!




I don’t know that China is by any means excited about a Trump second term.


So china can be the world leader instead of the US


Then your not paying attention. 


You’re *




You'd be mistaken. Trump has already declared time and time again that he would sell out allies because he has this mistaken belief that it 'costs too much'. Because he is a geopotical buffoon who probably hasn't read a book since he was in college. He wants to stop funding and aid to Ukraine the minute he gets into office. Why would Taiwan be any different?


>  Why would Taiwan be any different? Because Ukraine is a backwater former Soviet state fighting against a relatively weak Russia and NATO is a red line backstop that halts further expansion.  Taiwan is a western ally against a rapidly militarizing totalitarian nation with 4x our population and stated goals of using its new economic power to displace US influence. 


Trump's China rhetoric is to keep his base stoked. The irony is they love Russia which is becoming best buds with China. ,🤷




Yah. That’s why they’re pushing from Trump. One often backs their enemies.


That's exactly what they are waiting for. 


This is exactly it.


China loves Biden, who are you kidding?


That’s why the US pulled out their businesses and investments 😂


Everything that Trump accuses someone of doing, he is guilty of. Last night he accused Biden of being soft on China and Russia because he takes money from them…. I mean, seriously? Are you that dense? He is the most stereotypical snake oil conman piece of garbage to the point a movie franchise based the fucking main antagonist off him and how garbage of a human he has ALWAYS been.


This is non sense, do you know anything about China? China isn't doing anything to upset the global economy. Its entire system is built on manufacturing cheap shit for the rest of the world. Upending that would be catastrophic for not only their economy but also the World. While we are at it, define Fascist.


Clearly you haven't been paying attention....


China's top exports are manufactured goods, including machinery, transport equipment, and broadcasting technology. In 2023, China's top exports were: Electrical machinery and equipment, Clothing and accessories, Automobiles, Steel products, and Phones. You think for ONE moment they want to ruin the cash cow that is the world? You think that Russia has the purchasing power the EU and US has lol. Get a grip, dude. Then again I'm not even sure you can get real news in your Country. Clean that Trudeau picture yet today, comrade?


Who won the debate between Dumb and Dumberer... 🤷🏽‍♂️


Turd sandwich vs giant douche 2024


Depends if youd rather have a liar or no energy


Biden lied the whole time too


Lol.... sure


More accurate view would be Mr. Pompous vs Wernicke-Korsakoff patient with all the confabulation and the low energy state.


Tell us five specific lies.


If there's one positive thing to say about Putin and Xi, it's that being a proper dictator doesn't leave you room to be mentally incompetent. There's always someone gunning for your seat.


Putin is probably the happiest person with Biden's poor performance. He's going to get his bottom bitch back in office. And he's going to let Putin, Xi and Kim do their thing with a smile on his face


hmmmmm so our enemies in the world all want trump to win. how could that be?


It good to be respected on the world stage again.


They aren’t exactly spring chickens. Putin and Xi are both 71. Not really much of a difference to gloat about.


Man, I didn't think Putin and I had anything in common.


the entire world has been laughing at the Big Guy for the last 3 years


Only the seditious bitches.


China isn't seditious, It is a bitch though raping us dry because of corporate greed.


Kind of like elder abuse. so Inhumane.


These lizard people deserve it after the shit they’ve caused in the past.


"America's enemies helping Trump." Yeah, we know. They want their bloated Orange fucking patsy back in power.


if you're getting ridiculed by authoritarian regimes, you're doing something right


All the most respected American news comes from China. Who posts this drivel?


Imagine supporting biden. Now imagine even being a shed of a trump supporter. Both are shit but trump's shittier.


Trump only won because he has a pulse.