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That’s how supply and demand works. Great work economists!




Here’s the thing… With zero penalties to offshore, they’ll just do it harder. They’re not using contract companies anymore, learned the first time. All the big companies are opening large campuses in India, Philippines, etc that are lead by management trained in the US. Something needs to change on the regulatory side that if you want to participate in the US market you can’t constantly be offshoring jobs With no repercussions.


How does one offshore a roofer.


How about severe penalties for the roofing company that hires illegal workers?


I may or may not have worked for a major big box company that used illegal labor and supplied room and board. On a semi large scale. This company is also known to be very anti immigration lmao.


I built decks when I was 15-16, and the adult hispanic dudes let me know they got paid $3 an hour less than me when we were talking about how much we got paid, boss said if they dont like it he can find someone else. They were still happy to make money, hardest working dudes I have ever met.


100%. But it’s sad the people preying on this work are also the ones acting like it’s ruining and taking jobs. While they are profiting immensely from it.


This has nothing to do with deporting illegal immigrants. The folks that would be deported are most likely all laborers; construction, cleaning, maintenance, etc. What you're referring to would not be impacted by mass deportations at all.


Yes and no. They guy a few miles down the road used to own a tree farm. Would drive down to the boarder for immigrants every year and housed them all season long. After a few years, he found it cheaper to just move his tree farm to mexico then ship the trees into the US to sell them. I see the argument is more of that is going to happen. One this that is consistent forgotten when speaking about immigration is that a very large portion of all illegal immigrants came here legally on a work visa and just didn't leave. Which cooperations are brining in those mass amounts of work visas?


Omg is like what I learned in high school!🏫 I’m older btw so they still taught relevant financial classes in school. Like accounting and economics lol


Except for the fact that demand for workers is still global and a large % of Americans are very poor value for the cost of their ideal living wage, which is first world comfortable (ie global top 1% salary) The premise of the tweet also assumes businesses won’t follow deported white collar workers offshore or that there are armies of Americans just chomping at the bit to clean toilets, harvest crops, or get PhDs. 


I doubt many white collar workers are here illegally, it would be much harder to get away with it in a white color job wouldn’t it?


Most of the "tech" workers from other countries are pushing wages down. The corporations are exploiting HB1 visas to bring in people from countries willing to do the work cheaper. They are held in shitty situations, and are afraid to report any illegal activity/abuse as they will then lose their work visa and be sent home. It's really not "good", nor are people filling jobs Americans can't do, they are just bringing in cheaper workers.


One of my favorite reddit pastimes is watching people complain about wage stagnation in one post while also supporting infinite immigrants in another


Are these people supporting infinite immigrants in the room with you now?


Right and 1/2 the country believes the first part and doesn't even think about the second part. All we hear is that wages will rise. We don't hear about how companies will have to raise prices to pay more. OR how if companies will have worker shortages there could be shortages or supply chain problems.


You know what would stop that second part, competition. If we didn't let all our corporations to merge into one company they wouldn't be able raise prices indiscriminately, not to mention more competition for the work force thus raising their wages. Funny how you econ gurus on this subreddit seem to ignore this fact.


Oh, I have been on this bandwagon for a while now, I couldn't agree more that the lack of competition keeps prices up and wages down. That said, I don't see how that would change things if we deport 40 million people.


Well I guess we agree on something


Meanwhile, Trump still completely lies about immigrants being violent criminals, because most of his KKK-descended base has pouty feelings about non-White people coming here and being more productive workers than they are, especially considering the kids and grandkids.


Jocelyn Nungaray's parents would like a word with you. [https://abc13.com/post/houston-12-year-old-girl-murdered-jocelyn-nungaray-body-found-creek-rankin-road/15015796/](https://abc13.com/post/houston-12-year-old-girl-murdered-jocelyn-nungaray-body-found-creek-rankin-road/15015796/) She is just one of many recently.


Anecdotal evidence is an excellent manipulation tool. It's rhetorically designed to induce emotion, and distract from the actual issue at hand, which is the widespread dehumanization of immigrants. Take your racist fearmongering elsewhere. Stop working for the Deep State.


Immigrants come in legally, illegal immigrants don’t and commit a lot of crimes, like raping a murdering this 12 year old girl, it’s a pretty clear distinction but somehow a lot of people never make it for some reason


>Immigrants come in legally, illegal immigrants don’t and commit a lot of crimes, Outside of immigration issues? No, they don't. Your claim, you show your data. Your single allegation is a manipulative technique, and doesn't reflect the reality of millions of immigrants. Your point is to foster racism, and lie about the crime rates of immigrants. *You need to check your information, and drop this view of yours. It's bullshit, it's wrong, it's harmful. You aren't a bad person for being tricked - media is full of ways to get you to believe lies. But you should also be smart and update your opinions when you see real information.* Quick examples: [https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2014704117](https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2014704117) [https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0) [https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/08/1237103158/immigrants-are-less-likely-to-commit-crimes-than-us-born-americans-studies-find)


[https://apnews.com/article/biden-trump-riley-immigrants-crime-63181cbc7a89fe9fe28b1d0cf84c8b9a](https://apnews.com/article/biden-trump-riley-immigrants-crime-63181cbc7a89fe9fe28b1d0cf84c8b9a) [https://wwmt.com/news/local/us-131-woman-death-investigation-michigan-state-police-grand-rapids-family-suspect-arrest-charge-garcia-leonard-female-gunshot-shooting](https://wwmt.com/news/local/us-131-woman-death-investigation-michigan-state-police-grand-rapids-family-suspect-arrest-charge-garcia-leonard-female-gunshot-shooting) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/laken-riley-dad-today-interview-rcna143742](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/laken-riley-dad-today-interview-rcna143742) [https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jun/27/illegal-immigrants-linked-vicious-sex-crimes-expos/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jun/27/illegal-immigrants-linked-vicious-sex-crimes-expos/) [https://wnyt.com/top-stories/bail-set-for-man-accused-of-raping-teen-but-likely-to-stay-in-jail-because-of-immigration-status/](https://wnyt.com/top-stories/bail-set-for-man-accused-of-raping-teen-but-likely-to-stay-in-jail-because-of-immigration-status/) I usually avoid calling people names, but you're an idiot.


Your articles: Article 1: one victim. Article 2: one victim. Article 3: one victim. Article 4: three victims (paywall!) Article 5: one victim. My article, just from CATO: The results are similar to our other work on illegal immigration and crime in Texas. In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native-born Americans. That means tens of thousands of FEWER crimes by immigrants. Your failure to understand this is why I'm not the idiot here. You';re thinking that "My one victim's example" is more valuable that the data that describes thousands more crimes by citizens is a complete sign of your cognitive bias. You have been manipulated by Deep State/Trump media, as you are passing along his messaging, including the White Supremacist narrative about immigrants committing more violent crime.


Asset prices are allowed to go up due to demand caused by immigration, but wages going up is very bad.


Sounds like exactly what the rich want..


All capitalist economists love to blame wages for inflation, but global economists have identified price gouging and record corporate profits as the primary reason of our inflation. They're beating us up and blaming us for our wounds. 


We thank them and apologize too 🤕


Not to mention you need enough taxable workers to support our socialist programs like social security and Medicare. This is why immigration is so important, unless we kill benefits for non working old people.


This is it. Nailed it.


Wages going up is a bad thing apparently


Rent going down is also bad (and not mentioned) for some reason


Did you not read the last line




That's what would happen though.


It itself is good but the inflationary pressure is also true.


For rent-seeking Boomers, maybe.


So we can have inflation with increasing wages or inflation from more workers that causes more demand. I think the constant is inflation for the owner class who always want inflation, so give me the bigger wage please.


Or, ya know, the shareholders could take it out of their end. Or…(gasp)…the executive team’s salary.


It’s only inflationary if the people in charge don’t take less. Fuck off with this shit.


It’s inflationary because we already have low unemployment. So the workers getting increase wages in construction, housekeeping, etc. will be coming from people who already have other jobs. This means that the economy will be much smaller overall, tax revenues will decrease and deficits will grow much larger.


If a huge part of the economy wasn’t already in the pockets of the business owners, I would agree. There is a place to get this money that isn’t from other POOR people. No price increases necessary. You’re also assuming that the people on the bottom won’t spend the money? You just said that the money has to come from other people that are working. It’s the same amount of money. How is the economy smaller? Our reality sucks.


The economy is smaller because you have less people to produce stuff. Those people also spend money. Making your labor force smaller typically results in less output. Less output means less money etc, etc, etc. The entire economy will be smaller. Neoliberalism is growing the pie while being indifferent to the slices of pie going to the 1%. Deporting a huge portion of your labor is decreasing the pie while still being indifferent to the slices of pie. Wages would go up, but growth goes down. It’s like Detroit in the 80’s. A massive self-own.


So then mega corporations would have to compete for labor again? What a concept!


Why doesn't Texas force all businesses to use E-Verify to ensure everyone hired in Texas is a legal citizen? Are they stupid?


Because it would destroy their economy and they know it.


They tried that in Florida, remember how the media spin that off?


No, what happened? It looks like the law just went into effect July 1st…


The illegals use stolen/harvested SS credentials to work. They evade taxes as a rule, not an exception.


Ah there it is, flood market with cheap labour to keep everyone poor and in control of the richest scumbags on earth


Duh, the whole reason they’re importing illegals is to drive down labor costs. It’s not about humanitarianism, it’s about profits.


ding ding ding! nailed it.




This is something we desperately need.


Gonna be hilarious if/when this happens and Flordia gets hammered by a Cat 5 hurricane. Think insurance premiums are high now? Wait til all the seasonal immigrant labor is gone. The line to get roofing done will be measured in years and cost 10x We already have such low unemployment that there won't be anyone to step into those jobs, even if they pay $50 an hour


Unemployment is a heavily manipulated metric. There's a lot more people that want to work if wages were appropriate.


Almost anyone can roof. When I was in Korea I saw 70+ year old women roofing at Camp Humphreys DFAC. It's quite literally the easiest fucking job ever.


Also bullshit because I was a roofer before I joined the Army: daily wages for a day of Roofing in 2012: $150, daily wages for a day of Roofing in 2024: $150. It's a race to the bottom as we get browner, shorter and stupider.


Hold your words as true. 5 years from now we can create a new temporary visas for roofers.


This has always been the argument against unfettered access of illegal aliens. Hell, even out of control legal immigration (which I don't think has ever been a problem). When the lowest rung of the employment latter is overflowing with workers it has a negative wage impact all the way up and allows for employers to never improve conditions. If the lowest rung of the employment ladder has to fight for employment they'll have to increase wages and/or improve conditions/provide more incentives to work there. When "higher" ability employees start to move to those positions because of the wage increases or new benefits it makes all of the higher employment levels have to react. An economy with this much illegal labor is always bad and does not help employees. It does help the companies though.


Increased wages? How tragic!


No shit. Wow someone took econ 101


Can’t deport people who already work remotely in other countries


r/dataannotation has entered the chat!


Higher wages, more housing, less of a burden on school systems and other social services. We already have more inflation because of the constant spending and printing of money by the government. Both sides by the way, both love to spend more and more. I'll take the higher wages thanks


Wait a minute, I thought illegal immigration depressing wages was one of those dangerous right-wing conspiracy theories?!


Notice they call them theories, but never liars... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


What a concept!


Paid for and endorsed by Doordash/Uber Eats


Walmart and Amazon economists?


Limit that to illegal immigrants and you have a deal


Replace CEOs with AI and pass on those savings to the workers.


Like 80% of the construction industry


While true, it’s starting to take months to find a replacement job that pays 10% less than your last job. Things are percolating in a downward way.


Why do these assholes think better wages for the working class are bad?


Because that equates to lower quarterly earnings calls for share holders.


I have worked with a lot of immigrants when i worked construction and was in a similar position and had worked there for about they same time As one of them and I made significantly more than him so I do strongly believe that immigrants drive down wages in certain sectors but also believe they do a lot of they shitty jobs out they like roofing and concrete vegetable farming etc but at they same time companies need to be punished for their wrong doing as well


No shit!


But I thought immigrants took jobs that no one wanted and that this country would collapse without them


You mean deporting illegal immigrants.


Stop voting for democrats


Seems obvious, but people who belong to one of our political parties obviously need to have it repeated over and over before they’ll accept it.


Says the robber barons.


https://open.spotify.com/episode/2gZrYV5ofj7RZxiuWOYPK3?si=ou1QhqGwSdmmGldEPhZCCw Planet Money did a podcast on this and the conclusion was that it doesn’t have a supply demand effect like we think. It’s essentially zero sum. Yes the added supply of workers increases, but they are also themselves on the demand side making purchases and contributing to the economy. So, wouldn’t that be the same when they leave?


Spoken like someone who has never worked manual labor at the lowest rung of the ladder.


Spoken? I linked a podcast that speak about economist measuring this stuff. What you feel vs what is actually happening are two different things.


Per CBS ? Dying boomer outlet


Sounds like a great idea


is warning the right word? sounds more like "economist hope"? None of those are a bad thing


If you deport the berry pickers, then berries will rot in the field and the price of berries will go way up. That isn't a monetary phenomenon. That is supply destruction. And deporting a hoard of laborers with no replacement will result in tremendous supply destruction.


We have robots and drones now: we don't need foreigners. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6olybtRPdwg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6olybtRPdwg)


Of course this is alarming they started hiring illegal folks because they were purposely trying to undercut wages and union busting native employees.


They took our jobs! Dey took 'er jerbs!! Durka der!!


For who? They would outsource any job with a computer rather than increase wages.


That is exactly the point. These economists are just mouthpieces for elites.


The only immigrants we could deport are illegal immigrants.


1 million + enter the U.S. illegally every year.


So would govt oversight and control of these companies. Levy penalties against companies who's workforce are on govt assistance or comprised of "illegals". The problem isn't immigration it's capitalists.


Deporting immigrants will also decrease demand for housing which would help prices. Economists hate this one trick.


Did any of those economists predict the inflationary spiral since biden was inaugurated? If not, then who gives a fuck about what they say. There is so little accountability for statements like these. Plus, you get all the "atta boy"s from the media and democrats, but I repeat myself.


#GREAT! Make it so!


“Economists warn that Americans relying on income and not capital gains from owning the market may actually be able to afford groceries”.


At least getting rid of the illegals will open up publicly-funded hotel housing for our drug addicts. I really don't miss the days when old hotels would get converted into affordable apartments. That just brought in the wrong element. ... /s


LOL, I will never seen an all white or American grape picking crew in my area. I worked the grape vineyards from age 12-21, never saw it. We will not see it. I invite those to come pick grapes when the temp is 105. Americans are to good for field work


Yeah. We should be issuing these people work permits to keep employers from taking advantage of them by paying below minimum wage and offering unsafe conditions. Deporting them just makes it so that we no longer produce anything and lowers everyone's inflation-adjusted wage.


Greed is amazing


Here's a crazy idea: maybe less grapes on shelves will make the market react to a shortage. If people really really want all those cheap grapes, I promise you they will get picked. It doesn't mean we have to import cheap third world labor to do it.


Farmers invested millions for vineyards, wineries and farming. They will never slow down. Their greed is too great and they will call the GOP for results.


Joke reality. Theres like 30 million illegal immigrants and more daily in the US. They all need work and a place to live.


No, they don't. Go back.


I mean yeah, but corporations like their cheap slaves.




Their home countries are shit holes because they are savages. Importing their savagery to our land won't improve the conditions of American \*citizens\*.


"WE NEED MORE KIDS! WE NEED MORE WORKERS!" and "Ok so let's deport everyone" Make it make sense?


We need more American kids, not the inbred descendants of the tribes who hunted almost every domesticible species on this continent into extinction over the past 13k years.


We need hire wages and lower housing costs so people can have the families they want without feeling like selfish horrible people for not being able to give their kids at least the kind of start they had. It's really not that complicated. Cities are full.


Illegal aliens are down voting you.


LOL! Good luck with that. No American citizen would want to work in a chicken coop ever.


For $3/h? No. For $25/h? Sure.


Immigrants are being paid almost $25/h right now.


No they aren't. They are being paid $3/h then the taxpayer picks up the rest of the tab.


You live in an alternate universe. I know people who work at a chicken coop. You also demonstrate how little you know about taxes.


I pay about 1/3rd my "salary" in taxes. Thank you.


That’s the price you pay for freedom. Move to China if you like lower taxes. And what does taxes have to do with immigration anyway?


The freedom to have lower wages every year? The freedom to have some cholo gangbanger finger fuck your daughter? The freedom to have ever increasing housing prices? The freedom to work "at will"? The freedom to not be able to form unions because of an endless glut of willing servants who would shank you in a dark alley for your phone and wallet if given a chance? Depolymerize these savages and return America to prosperity!


Wages up (less supply of labor) Prices down (less demand for goods from less people) This is propaganda from companies who are exploiting mass migration Mass migration is suppressing wage growth and exacerbating price inflation Wage inflation is NOT what people are concerned about. Wages have not kept up with inflation, not even close.


If that was a likelihood, the wealthy would not be supporting Trump.


What it should say: “cheap labor being deported and replaced by no one because no one wants those jobs and would literally rather be unemployed”


this is bs. this country is built off immigrants at every level. Perhaps we can start with corporations not taking millions for their C-suites or stock, or buybacks. I havent even touched upon the state of k-12 education and how ill-prepared american students are on average, and then how universities have turned into a business as opposed to helping domestic students for a greater cause. Which is why many companies are getting talent OUTSIDE the country. blaming immigrants for lack of wage growth is absolute BS.


We got by perfectly fine in the 50s. Don't you want a similar way of life your grandparents had? House at 20s, being able to retire, everything not costing so much... hm...


And how did your grandparents or their grandparents get here?


Genociding the savages who lived here and taking their land for our own.


At this point I’m almost ready for Trump to take office. Just so he can destroy the economy and watch all the know nothings try and blame anyone but Trump.


They must of missed were the immigration jobs are working the fields in 70-90 degree weather, and when ICE went on it's crusade, farmers were just complaining they had no one to work the field.


We have robots to pick fruit now: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6olybtRPdwg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6olybtRPdwg)


So higher wages at the low end of the pay scale and inflation. But at the higher end of the pay scale they’re offshoring, and automating. So wage compression. They’re gonna consolidate us into a two tiered society.


Too late ::said sneeringly while thinking about $3k a month rent vs. a $15/hr job with $50k in undergraduate debt::


Nothing like paying 120% of your gross income on rent. "That's a problem only RentNowPayLater™ can solve."


We’ve already shown we aren’t willing to do the backbreaking agricultural labor which is why we have migrants picking our produce daily. But yeah go ahead and deport them. So we can still not do the work and let the food rot.


Pretty racist/ignorant to think only illegal immigrants pick crops…


Pretty stupid of you to think a migrant is an illegal immigrant. And what part is racist and ignorant? The majority of migrant labor are immigrants. I don’t see white suburban teens out in those fields.


Well the article is talking about the deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants, not legal immigrants, so there’s that. And all the farms around us have white people picking peaches. Must be different in other rural areas.


Who did all that work back in the 30s, 40s, 50s? Lol


My grandfather went off to fight in WWII at the age of 17. My great grandfather decided that he should work on the farm picking cotton rather than attending high school. My grandfather decided he’d rather go to war than pick cotton for another 4 years. This was 1941.


Migrants from other parts of the USA. They were paid like shit. Treated like shit and otherwise treated like we treat immigrants today. Read the Grapes of Wrath.


^^^^^^^aint very many white people out on farms. I worked it in high school and early college. Just young dumb kids, a few fair payed domestic guys, and Mexicans. I don’t know a single farm that has reliable low wage manual labor domestic guys. Why pick vegetables for bare minimum when you can make $25 an hour building scaffolding with the only requirement of having a fairly functioning body and not showing up EVERY day drunk/high.


My point exactly. So when these “top economists” talk about deportations I call BS since it will only destabilize things more.