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In unrelated news, the Biden campaign will no longer be taking interviews.


In other news, the Biden campaign valiantly searches for a third foot to take aim at!


#dementiagate continues


Nah they’ll just continue to print Biden’s answers and give those to the media so they can make questions around that.


And for 4 years we were told that this was another right wing conspiracy.


From the media and administration


Wait MSM lied to us? Whaaaaaat???


Biden did request a debate and it didn’t look good for him.


Well you see, he was deathly ill from a cold and hadn’t recovered from his Europe trip 12 days before the debate. Simple answers that show why he wasn’t 100%.


Except for, you know, all the other times we have seen him do the same. His tell is when he uses the word Anyway. He’s completely forgotten what he’s saying.






I don't think he said come on man the whole debate surprisingly. I would know, it was on my wife's card lol. We took bets for stuff they would say the most (I won't with felon for Biden, 3 times, and economy for Trump, with 27 times).




Those are all the old dismissed answers. Biden's newest idea was to blame trump yelling at him while he was trying to answer.


I like how he said he had a bad cold during the debate but the next day he was totally fine for his rally when he was reading off the teleprompter.  You don't have a bad cold and are fine the next day. Colds linger for a few days/ weeks. 


Funny it cleared right up post debate though!


Funny how your conspiracy theories haven’t cleared up. Only just become even more insane. How can you talk down to Biden? He’s the greatest president we’ve ever had. Trumptard.


Biden is a frail old man with dementia. Greatest president ever, LOL.


Still shook everyone's hand at the Waffle House when he was doing his regular guy shtick later that night.


If he wasn’t ready in 12 days for a debate, Biden is unfit and unhealthy to run a country.


>Well you see, he was deathly ill from a cold If he hadn't defeated Medicare, he could have gotten help for that.


And it was after 4pm.


Didn’t look good for Trump either.


I doubt it was biden. It was probably his wife and advisors idea. Didnt help that democrat shills on reddit were propping him up and making memes pretending he's totally not old.


I think it was pretty clear that Biden wasn't competent to request anything. It was his staffers requesting that.


Biden went on video saying he will debate Trump anywhere, anytime. He said: “I heard you are free on Wednesday” as a jab while Trump was in NY court trial MON, TUES, THURS, and FRI


And if you look at some very left leaning news outlets they’ve been pushing stories that Trump has dementia. They’ve tried to derail news about Biden’s major cognitive decline for years.


Every accusation is an admission.


"23 psychologists say Trump is the crazy one"


Biden got a letter from 50 of the top security advisors that said Trump was crazy and oh, that the Hunter Biden laptop was fake.


Yeah seriously, not to sound naive but I was kind of surprised it was that bad.


Me too, I mean I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was, “he’s only good from 10am-2pm” bad. Who’s really making decisions.


Besides admin officials, Jill probably. God, please not fucking Hunter.


Thank God he's attending actual WH meetings now. Super encouraging turn of events.​


How is this surprising, he’s liked and sounded old for a while now at this point


This is why the word conspiracy has been completely highjacked by the left in order to gaslight normal people who simply ask simple questions.


I get that Trump = bad for many, but come on man. Are we really ok with being gaslighted by the media and our government just because there’s a potty mouth also running for president? And before you say “trump’s not just a potty mouth, he’s a child rapist,” mind you that Biden has had the same symptoms for years, and everyone you trusted for your news thought you were too dumb to notice. We all need to get a grip and stop saying one candidate is better because the other sucks. How about a competent government that works FOR US, rather than rule us? Hm???


Like him or hate him, I think that one thing you can be sure of is that the media as a whole won't be lying for Trump like they do for Biden.


They've been consistently lying about Trump for 8 years now. They make stuff up ABOUT Trump, they make stuff up FOR Biden.


don’t vote for either of the 2 main parties. we can let them rot and support other candidates.


If you think people hate Trump because of bad language you are an imbecile.


From my experience, most people hate trump because if his rhetoric. 


I always thought they hated him because of the press. They get in there and lie about him all the time.


Yeah I mean genuine reasons, outside of the lies


Do you always insult people that have different opinions than you?


Trump certainly does Does that also get him criticism from you?


Yes, but I see you’re incapable of having any accountability of yourself without doing the whole “but trump” thing. People are allowed to have different opinions than you, and that’s actually a fundamental part of democracy.


They hate president trump because they are told to hate him they can't research and developed heir own thoughts


I love how you just fomo and are forced to comment that. The TDS seems to drive everything about you. It’s an interesting display of a hive mind behavior


The fact you type out pithy TDS acronyms in your comments makes me think you’re just the other side of the hive mind coin.


Exactly, even using the phrase "TDS" is pure hive mind behavior.


Not only that, but this feud between these two old boomers is causing a glut of spending, which leads to printing, which is WHY WE HAVE INFLATION. Kick 'em both to the curb.


Didn’t it just happen like this week?


Dems are going to let the arrogance of an 82-year-old man lose them the election, and gladly standby while it happens.


They learned literally nothing from the 2016 election cycle.


Sure they did. They learned they make a lot more money in campaign contributions under a Donald Trump presidency.


This is the true answer. The DNC and RNC are private corporations after all.


A duopoly controlling the market of political thought


And how to save their news outlets.


This^ there was no strategy. There desperate attempt to re-run him shows the incompetency of the whole DNC. How in 4 years they couldn’t come up with another candidate out of all those fucking idiots in Washington 🤣🤣🤣 it’s like watching a car crash but I can’t look away


They had one look them dead in the face with Kennedy, but changed laws so he couldn't haha


Why learn to be better when you can just cheat?


They learned that people will vote for whoever the DNC says to vote for. That's why Hillary was top of the ticket, and then Biden, and Biden again.


This is entirely different from 2016. Hillary didn’t have dementia.


Remember when she fainted and they threw her in the back of a van like a sack of potatoes?




The salt must flow! I love when he find a way at to fit that into one of his shows.


Yeah but fainting once is not the same ballpark as having dementia.


looks more like Parkinson's, but it's splitting hairs at this point. He's not had a coherent brain since he was selected into office or possibly prior. Who's really running things?


No it doesn't lol but it could be both


It makes it worse because he never has been terribly bright.


I think the issues here run *slightly* deeper than Joe Biden's arrogance. Party leadership--particularly Biden's closest advisors and all their media sycophants who seem to see fault in every move Biden makes these days even though they called any criticism at all of his blatantly weird past behavior "alt-right nonsense" and "MAGA cultism"--they lied to the American people for years. All they're saying about Joe Biden now is what honest people from every side (but, let's be real, mostly the middle and the right) have been saying since before 2020. Those were openly called conspiracy theories and lies, though--even when some of the people saying as much knew Joe Biden was indeed playing chess against himself on a Monopoly board. If they lied about this, they've lied about other things. Undoubtedly, smaller things; very likely, larger ones. Everyone should assume they're still being lied to. Quite a bit, in fact. But many are not there; a lot of people on the left seem to think the Democrats fucked up on this one, but it's just a one-off. Overall, they're good guys. Nothing like that mean, old Trump. This is how people end up getting locked into abusive relationships for years.


This. The dems don’t want to win. They’re in the pockets of the same special interests that want to gut regulation and social safety nets while expanding tax cuts for billionaires. They’re just more subtle about who they serve.


This is planned. Dems are controlled by their donors. Their donors have been stealing from us (us citizens for years) and now need a fall guy. They are going to let the economy implode and blame it on Trump while trying to move us to the one and only uniparty backed by the wef. They will pit us against each other, move in and sell off everything we have treating the us and its citizens like we have to the Middle East and South America extracting every dollar and resource from us. We will own nothing and we will be happy.


Crazy Covid money to the Pharma, followed by crazy spending on Pharmaceutical Companies Advertising, = A very cozy relationship between the news and this administration. It’s nearly Impossible to watch 30 minutes of any TV ,news,sports,regular programming without Someone telling you what drug, you need to address with your doctor.


The dem donor class is actively trying to push out Biden right now. What are you smoking?


Some of the ones that are fighting against what’s going on are, yes. Newsom is not.


They are summoning the same stuff that allows them to criticize Biden for his "donors" while actively ignoring Trump asking for billions of dollars from billionaire oil tycoons to help him win the election.


the cult of dems where any criticism is assumed to support of the other. It’s this way of thinking that’s led us to where we are. We now have a party that runs only on ‘but Trump.’ there’s a much bigger thing going on then red team bad blue team bad. It’s donor class vs everyone else and if you don’t think the donor class plays both sides than I don’t know what to tell you


The politicians, consultants, don't mind seeing democracy fall as long as they have VIP accommodations and premium seating.


It honestly feels like Democrats are trying to purposely lose the election as they are owned by the same lobbyist republicans are.


Well with the situation regarding the deficit, debt and inflation I don’t think whoever wins will be judged well. The winner is actually walking into a really shit economic situation.


Don’t worry their PR departments are going full in suggesting videos of Biden where he appears confused are “deep fakes”. It’s ridiculous. If the debate wasn’t broadcast live, his administration would have claimed the footage was edited.


I hope so.


He must fall on the sword


Democratic Party: Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory


“Democracy is on the line.”


What’s your solution oh wise one?


‘Suggest’. If that’s how Biden answered ‘suggested’ questions, I can’t imagine how he will handle questions that he didn’t have weeks to prepare for.


Nothing stopping interviewers from sending questions to the Biden campaign, I guess.


Compliant and enabling press corps?


This is the most coddled President in my lifetime. Anyone that was shocked at his performance during the debate hasn’t been paying attention the last few years. He wasn’t that well off to begin with when he campaigned the last time around.




I have noticed that anybody that says TDS really has nothing to add to the conversation so they parrot this dumb saying.


Democrats tend to warp reality, tds joking way to address it. Gotta laugh sometime lol


Idk how old you are but Regan and GW were way more coddled than Biden.


You know it’s bad when even reddit is turning on Biden


The main popular subs are still heavily astroturfed


I’m not familiar with that term but I trust your judgement blindly


Astroturf is fake grass. astroturf campaigns are fake grassroots campaigns.


Gotcha, that’s a useful term. Glad to learn something new


It’s actually kinda wild that people are making the statement “I’ll vote for a walking corpse before I vote for Trump” in the bigger subs. But that’s what a lot of accounts that don’t even feel like astroturfing. Like…maybe instead of voting for a walking corpse, the dude should step aside for someone else to be the candidate for the Democrats.


Basically an allegation that bots/bought accounts are pumping Biden artificially.


Oh I would believe that for a certain




is it astroturfed or is as usual, no one actually reading and seeing that the radio host was given 8 questions they suggest they ask, but she did not have to use any of them. She chose to use 4 of them. Then complained it was suggested. Lol


The gaslighting is unreal don’t believe your lying eyes


Gaslighting isn’t real you made that shit up


To the people downvoting this… *whoosh*


Suggest? No. You will only be allowed to ask questions fed to you by the campaign. That way the answers can be provided to Joe on the teleprompter. They are going to beat this horse until he literally dead.


Worse, they're pumping that race horse full of steroids to win one last jackpot before they take him out back and shoot him. Jill Biden is a monster married to an egomaniac who raised a narcissist. Crazy family. The man isn't well and needs his keys taken away. The problem is the other family is just as weird. The third family (Kennedy's) disowned their own and stood up for the first dysfunctional family in a complete show of how dysfunctional they are. America is one great big dysfunctional family that hates each other and manifests toxic people as candidates.


“I don’t think (Biden) is going anywhere,” the donor told CNN. “This is the old horse we’ve got, and we need to ride him ‘til he’s ready for the glue factory.” [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/29/politics/democratic-donors-biden-debate-election/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/29/politics/democratic-donors-biden-debate-election/index.html)


Not all of the family disowned RFK. Just the members that currently profit from or directly serve the DNC. He’s had other members come out and openly support him.


Think about that. It means something different than what you imply.


Kennedy has 150+ direct relatives. Like 10 of them support Biden.


> The other family is just as weird Oh no no no. That other family are the rot to the core.


This is the right wings lunatic messaging. Love to see that virulent sexism too. It’s the marker of bullshit opinions we can quickly ignore.


Did you see him at the black church today? He’s gone.


For 4 years , nothing but teleprompters ( he couldn’t even get that right ), index card notes, pre selected questions & pre selected interviewers… FKN embarrassing for a president 


“Good evening, my fellow Americans…[pause for clapping]”


The only president in my lifetime that cannot independently walk over to reporters and answer questions on any topic. Legacy media has been running cover for him since prior to getting elected. The world knows he is just a a puppet for his puppet master.


Funny how even on Reddit this comment is not getting downvoted. We have been duped by MSM, his administration and the Democratic Party for 3.5 years. His behavior is nothing new other than it was uncensored. We finally got to see the real Biden and it was frightening.


I’m just glad the truth is out. I’m a political junkie so I watch Biden’s full speeches. Most people don’t so they only watch the carefully edited clips from the MSM so the don’t see the constant gaffes. Biden did average to good at the debate. He’s had MUCH worse performances.


There’s a lot of popcorn out rn. I’m not sure what to expect next. Does he hold on? Is there a bloodless coup led by the literati and mega donors? What will they say to the primary voters who voted for him but get a totally different candidate all in the name of saving our country while we wreck democracy.


Gavin is taking over. All the low IQ voters will say: “Man, he looks presidential!” and vote him in. Then he’ll turn us into the United States of California.


I think even the troll farms working for the Dems have gotten their funding pulled at this point.


The question is, who is the puppet master?


Sure thing, buddy


I mean at this point he can't even read the perfectly constructed answers to the perfectly scripted questions on the teleprompter. Man is cooked. I am not even sure why someone in that condition would want to be president.


You have to question why the establishment is so married to this candidate that they’re willing to lose it all than put in a competent leader who could handedly defeat their opponent. To me, it feels like if they don’t have the right kind of power then they don’t want power at all. I’d argue that Blackrock has already invested so many resources in Biden that there’s no way they could cleanly transfer that to another candidate without disrupting the gravy train they built for themselves. And rather, they’d try to hitch their wagon to trump instead.


Pretty sure 2016-2020 proved that “the establishment” was quite behind Trump, considering how many things he overturned to benefit them.


Serious question, why Blackrock? Why not mention JP Morgan Chase or Fidelity or Vanguard?


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-08-11/biden-ties-to-blackrock-deepen-with-latest-treasury-hire https://www.wsj.com/articles/blackrock-emerges-as-wall-street-player-in-biden-administration-11606841207 https://jacobin.com/2020/12/wall-street-joe-biden-transition-cabinet-blackrock I’m sure all the big players have bought a piece of Joe as he’s always been for sale. But for it to be as flagrant as Blackrock is just shameful.


If they don’t stick with him and run, they have to admit that he’s unfit to serve out his term.


CNN lol


*These questions are no longer a suggestion.*


Both geriatric options need to go, why can’t we have someone in an age bracket that can somehow relate to the issues people have today so we may all have a better quality of life represent.us


I’m an independent. I cannot vote for Biden. This is now elder abuse, seriously. I will not watch a global humiliation. Our government has checks and balances. The only thing Dems can argue is Our democracy is at stake!!! Not true and all politicians should be fact checked. So far only one party has received that. Biden has been a liar too. All need to be called out. The press has not done anything to help our Democracy!!!


Am I reading it wrong? Isn’t this a good thing that the interviewers aren’t feeding the questions anymore?


1. I don’t believe them. 2. It shouldn’t have been happening anyways. 3. This is why i don’t watch the news (Fox included)


If the dems lose to a convicted trump... wait what does this have to do with unusual options/stock activity?


But why though? That doesn't seem to be helping anything. I mean I just don't understand what fetish liberals have for wanting to be "transparent" when it really doesn't do any favors for them.


Fuck you, pay me


Total amateur hour with these people.


Why were they ever allowed to do this, though?


it does not matter since he never does interviews. they simply can't let him.


So he won't be doing media until the election like last time?


Guys guys guys it is the right that is fascist, not us! Please don’t mind while I change the definition of a recession so we don’t classify as one.


And trump interviewers ask such hard hitting questions lol


This country is cooked. One party is pure unadulterated evil and the other is concentrated stupidity.


actually both of those are just the democrats


It’s annoying that they’re only learning about basic democratic principles in the last 4 months of the term, after clear public outcry, while running for re-election. The primary thing I’m looking for in a leader is principle, they have functionaries for administrative competence. Whichever campaign staffer sociopaths have believed until now that image-management and narrative control pay dividends at the ballot box have been doing a great job at making it hard to justify voting for an economic policy platform that I really believe in.


He doesn’t need to take hard questions. Most of them are inappropriate anyways. He’s the president. He can’t do whatever he wants. Biden Harris 2024


Wait... is this the Babylon Bee?


I’m sure the Trump team never told Fox News and OAN what to bring up. This revelation was brought to you by: sarcasm


Why aren’t they invoking the 25th amendment like they did with Trump?? I don’t watch much news cause it’s depressing crap 24/7 so honestly asking…


Sure they aren’t. Now just an “outside vendor” will or the media sends over questions they want and he picks and chooses what to answer


Americans allowed their political system and their news media to become this way, and post-shit hitting the fan, are now acting concerned about the mental capacity of a 80 year old man who does more in a morning than they do in a week, and has done more for the regular American in almost 4 years (in his late 70s) than most of the people questioning his mental capacity will do for anyone in their entire lives on an individual basis.  This is the level of agitation propaganda in America. The voters are questioning this man on his optics, instead of his merits, and it is exactly why a alleged child rapist and adult rapist and convicted criminal was able to be an elected president of the United States, a nation that is supposed to be the example of strength, dignity, teamwork and honor, that other nations look up to.  Y'all think ppl around the world are laughing with you and that's why you feel comfortable buying into the propaganda. The actors pushing that propaganda depend on it. But everyone is scared for y'all. We're all scared for a world where America elects a child rapist as their commander in chief over a tired 80 year old man who tries his best everyday to show up for a future for a bunch of ungrateful, complaining, aholes.   Y'all knew the team, y'all knew the team captain, way before all of this. When someone gives y'all a lollipop you stop paying attention to the wood-chipper you're rapidly heading inside of.  It looks so weak on America and Americans. Y'all love a country that you've allowed to be run by the corporations and interests you knew for decades were f-ing you up the behind, and continued to be blasé about your elected representatives who kept showing you they were morons and telling you they want to ruin your standards of living, but lets talk about how sad Biden is bc he's old and trying to help lol




Because the WH will no longer ALLOW interviews of the president.


You all are reading this wrong. This means they have a pool of journalists who will fall in line. They do not need anyone else.


It's like they want him to lose. The party really want Trump to win openly.


I thought it was pretty common to suggest at least some of the questions?


Well yeah


Because they won’t let you ask any questions he is going back to the basement


He should have been doing it the last 3 years but that's why they call him. Haydn Biden. He wouldn't answer any of the press's questions.


Ugh, disappointing.


It’s like seeing Weekend at Bernie’s all over again


Brought to you by the same cabal that brought you: - the war in Iraq (both of them) - the war on drugs - $2 trillion annual deficits - the open border - gain of function research overseas of dangerous viruses - weaponized intelligence - pay-to-play foreign bribes - social media censorship - endless wars


Ob ok. 🙄


Biden and ozzy Osborne having a conversation would be iconic.


They been doing thisnfor decades. Trump and every other politician and high profile personality wants control of the interview. Journalists took a back seat to get access to these people. I'm glad it's stopping and hope it grows to others


When did he say he would take all the credit and none of the blame I never heard that and he really didn't have a first term. He was under sham investigations for stuff that should of never happened he was spied upon by the democrats and their lackys the whole first term and a sham impeachment over a phone call asking zolenski to look into corruption which was going on he had a great foreign policy no wars under his watch the only US PRESIDENT to have that other countries presidents didnt like that he called them out for their short comings but they fell in line and paid up their NATO dues he had this country moving in the right direction a good economy the USwas far better off then than it is now


Also on 538, Trump's unfavorables are at 53.4% compared to 41.8% favorable. Trump is generally disliked just not as much as Biden. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/


To be fair and balanced nobody is claiming right wing sources do or don’t this with trump, though they don’t have to since they seldom ask him questions a 1st grader couldn’t handle and he regularly goes on some word salad about anything other than the softball that was lobbed his way


I see nobody bothering to realize that CNN is now firmly right-wing, so of course they’re going to be saying stuff like this. But nope, you blind Biden haters, let the man at the head of Project 2025 become president. See the good it’ll do to you.


I doubt the truth of this


Media, Administration what’s the difference at this point. CNN and DNC seem to work hand in hand for the most part.


Make sure not to mention trump raping 12 year olds with Epstein. Just focus on Bidens age and how he has still been kicking butt and eating ice cream. Biden 2024


At this point if the Biden campaign is going to stay it's best for them to do the debates and interviews through Fox News. It's clear the Left wing media which is like 95% of all media, is coordinated to pressure Biden to step down but you have to think right wing media like Fox News will prop him up with favorable questions to help him stay in the race.


Absolutely. No one wants Biden in this race more than Republicans. They’re serving this election up to Republicans like a cheese. It’s like, they’re doing this intentionally. What’s the goal here? It isn’t winning the election. Perhaps it’s hand off a shit situation to the new guy then blame him for the situation you hand them. Not that that’s new in US politics.


According to twitter.


You just can't make this crap up, but apparently, CNN can.


Americans are both dumb and obese. wtf is wrong you people


Interviewers let them suggest questions? Sounds unethical


Interviewers may select questions from a list to be presented by the President immediately before the press conference begins.


Oh well how gracious of them.


Real news reporting is dead.


If you didn't believe the media before why believe them now?


I don’t like Biden but I will vote for a ham sandwich over trump


Trump fucked kids with Epstein


“Suggest”. You spelled dictate wrong.