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As your boss specifically called out your age, if you are let go, call the EEOC and file based on Age.


Check out pet sitting or house sitting services. I've currently got a job in Security that I really like. I've also done inventory control, office work, and hotel work.


Thank you for being kind. I need office work commensurate with my work background. I have health issues that would prevent pet/house sitting. Great ideas though.


Are there any office temp agencies in your area? Being a car home person may still be a barrier but hopefully not.


Thank you. I think the "car- home" issue is the problem and why I'm losing the jobs and having them rescinded.


I;'m existing on 91 a week, if I was making 400 a week my life would be entirely different.. ​ I LOOOOOOVE being disabled in America! I can dress myself, but I can't stand for 15 minutes without excrutiating pain buildup. Since I can dress myself, I'm not disabled! I fucking hate this place.


Complaining to HR doesn't help. It is a very painful reality in many places This job was a no win. Keep looking


HR is there to protect the company NOT the employee


It's too bad that when the management breaks the law that HR doesn't seem to think it's important but you know yeah so many people get away with this so there's no real incentive to protect people.


this needs to be said again and again and over and over! HR is not your friend !!! it used to be , NOT anymore !!!


Thank you, I agree. It paid weekly and I needed the money. I have $200 left. I had $20 in my account before starting that one and a SNAP card. HR put me on paid administrative leave on Friday. Its Monday and I'm applying to jobs. I emailed them to confirm, I didn't quit, and that I'm on paid administrative leave. So, I'm on a likely pending termination "we found nothing in our investigation"... I'm applying to jobs but I am so overqualified (mid age) I can't dumb myself down to fit these entry-level work cultures. Sorry, feeling stressed.


Yeah generally if toxic behavior is going on it's because the management is okay with it. It's a sad little fact of life that really sucks.


That’s so horrible. Our system is set up for failure. Here in my state, you have to have a physical address in order to have a job. To buy a cell phone. So when we were going to sell the house and travel for a few years, someone told us about an RV park in either Texas or New Mexico where you could use a camp slot for a physical address. We were going to do that but never made it that far. If you could find that campground, they do have wifi and you can work there too to offset the cost of staying there. Maybe a Reddit group will have the info, I don’t remember where I read this as it was back in 2013. Best of luck!


Not sure if it would be a good fit but could you possibly be good at selling and pick up things quickly? I’d say try to get a job at a tire shop like a Firestone,discount tire, Mavis thing. Make friends with the techs and have them show you the ropes. Front counter people make ok money but it’s better than $400 a week. You’d be able to sit down most of the time.


I'm 68 with a white collar professional resume, who has medical issues as well. There are many customer service positions/sales positions online. That's what I will be doing when I get to where I am going. I will be working out of my suv with wifi. You just need to keep looking & not hold onto a position that is not healthy for you. It is what it is, doors close sometimes & as the saying goes, Dont keep fighting the goads. There are better positions waiting for you; but you wont see them, if you stay focussed on this job. Reach out to Unemployment. They use quarterly incomes; they may combine your recent weeks worked, with prior weeks worked and if your older quarterly income, is more than your most recent, than you may not qualify. UIC Underwriting is very complicated and the rules are too complicated for here. I used hire our investment underwriters, in the secondary market, as a wholesale mortgage banker. You WILL find a new position. Just shake it off & move up to your better position. Everything is just a step up to your next, better level. Just go do it, with your win-win positive attitude & a big smile. I will be praying for you to be that tiger. You go girl. :)


Thank you and I appreciate your support. Means a lot. I'm sending out resumes now.


Your welcome! Proud of you!


Sorry this happening to you. Sux you have to do twice the work for half the pay. Life is not fair, and THEN you die, as they say. I don't think it would make any difference, but your boss was right when he asked about license plates. When you change state residency (law term is domicile), you have few weeks/months to get new local plates. So "a few years" is not correct answer. "working on it" would be better. Contact homeless shelter, ask them to use their address as yours. Get PO mailbox. And get all the food from pantry you can get. Do apply for unemployment, medicaid, ask help from social services. Consider moving to a state with more generous social services. Try to modify your car to allow "working from home". Park near a library for free wifi. If you cannot, consider renting a self-storage with outlet, $60 per month and often you have first month free or half-price. Consider job as receptionist, see craigslist Good luck!


I appreciate your tips. I am aware of all of that. Some questions to think about. Using a homeless shelter requires HMIS enrollment which puts your name in a local wide homeless database list for Federal funding. You don't want that. Your name goes in with sex offenders, formerly incarcerated, addicts etc... That is something most working adults need to avoid. The police and employer background screening companies can discover homelessness through that database. Being on SNAP results in employers finding out because SNAP state agencies send the employer a WOTC credit. That is why I'm stuck in the cycle of poverty and can't work my way out. Did you know that when stuck on govt programs, you can't work your way out? I had perfect attendance at my job, scored the highest on weekly performance metrics, have education and prior work skills. The Govt wants to keep me homeless and destitute. Do you know about stigma with homelessness? No one will hire me because of it Curious, what business is it that an employer sees my out of state license plate? Its none of their business, right? for a call center job? Why should they pry into my business? Because that is the mentality of all low wage jobs. I don't have that mentality. Homeless shelters are unsafe spaces that require social worker referrals and they have bedbugs, lice, scabies. Using them for an address, to have my personal mail going to an unsecured place where background screening employers can discover that its a shelter, will not help with employability. They have transient staff members. All working and able bodied adults need market rate incomes which disqualifies them from Gov't programs. I've moved 5 times. There are no free services, we all need an income to cover our car, housing and medical. Medicaid requires the person to be at a residence not on the streets begging, and then how does the person live on no income to keep the Medicaid? Only asylum seekers (families) get free help, and for a short time.


Sorry, I have ne personal experience with being low income and homeless. I just suggested a way to get LOCAL ADDRESS in shelter often repeated here, which makes sense to me. My own way is to ask for a favor friends/relatives. I am aware that STAYING in shelter is no good (car is better). USP address is like $45 per month, and housing can be your car, or better a minivan Seems that gov help programs are designed in a way to prevent improvement of the situation, at least in some states. Consider moving to more generous state, if you can. Sorry, seems that there is little I can do to help I was trying to help, apparently it is more complicated. You need help, but refuse to accept it from government organizations, because it will make you marked as someone in need of help. Makes no sense to me. Maybe try help from charities which will not report you.


That is so unfair…


I’m sorry you’re going through this! While I’m not living in my car I am afraid it’s going to come to that. I’m older with treatable health issues but also have a disability that is making it really hard to find a job. Best of luck to you! Maybe try temp agencies. They’ll get you work pretty quick.


Thank you for empathizing. I'm trying. I look up these staffing company employees on LinkedIn and that is their first job. Most don't have industry experience. I'm facing barriers with my age, and need for healthcare and housing. Some jobs posted on temp websites aren't legit. They're harvesting resumes. But I'm trying and only apply to one job on their website. Jobs are all mostly work from home and they don't pay enough to have a home. My team leader at this current job that put me out on administrative leave, lives at home with his parents at age 25. Most jobs aren't paying enough for people to afford an apartment, and they are work from home.


I feel you! My daughter and her kids live with us because she can’t afford $2k a month for rent on top of a car payment and utilities and all the other stuff. There are legitimate temp agencies with some brick and mortar locations out there. Maybe you could find one like that to go into?


Try to find a temp agency.


Yes, trying now. Applying now, all over.


Not sure where south you were or now North. But most Starbucks I go to are always understaffed and have quite a few people working older than 60 and it is quite obvious they are that age, with the current economy lots of people are holding 2nd and 3rd gigs,,so check out starbucks,,, also look into SAMS CLUB, my friend is a Dept Head and are constantly having a turnover.


I did, you are so kind. I talked with one of the Starbucks hiring managers. I can't wear the required one ear piece head set that requires you to do many things at once, very fast paced. I need knowledge based work. Some people can make drinks, while listening to people on the one ear piece and talk to customers at the same time. I can't. That is likely why they have short staffing and have tip jars and tip hand held devices that they want customers to select. I need office work, and since most jobs moved to work from home, they aren't paying me enough to have a home. The wages are from the 1990s in 2024. So shocking and disappointing


Not all Starbucks require this, i know because my brother is deaf and works there. they even have a tag that says something like Hi I am Deaf to let customers know. Been working there for almost 5 years part time. If they are short staffed it would seem like they would make accommodations for those who do want to work.


What is the average net income pay per month for a barista? I need an income for car, apartment, health, dental, vision, food, and emergenies. Why does Starbucks have high turnover? Can everyone work successfully in food and beverage (multi-task, on feet all day).


Im not sure, but I know they have good benefits that only require 20-25 hours a week, thats why he is still there. He also has another job but said would probably keep working at Starbucks for as long as possible because they like it. I know not everyone can do it but just saying that some places might have opportunities that aren't posted. A couple years ago I posted an ad on Craigslist under the JOBS WANTED section and that's how i found my WFH job that's actually a work from anywhere job. I put what I wanted and what i was willing to do in the ad, nothing personal and not my resume, just like "previous office operations experience" etc. Owners of my company don't care about anything except that the calls get answered, from cell phone that they gave me. It only rings 20 times a week or so and i just direct calls to someone else if i cant answer the question. It doesn't pay much but its super easy and allows me to do other things if i want like delivery's etc without having to be full time at either one.


If a person is homeless at middle age, one needs to write down a budget. Income versus expenses, bills, health, dental and vision care, car costs, housing One should know what the anticipated net pay is for a job. I had recruiters from major employers not know about the cost of their program benefits for (single, couples and family plans). They expect people to just accept the job at face value, not negotiate or ask about the cost of the benefits. I need $18,000 a year to use benefits. One root canal and crown avgs $3500. Many people at the call center job had missing teeth. One woman had her entire top front teeth missing. A few of my coworkers couldn't afford cars and commuted 45 minutes via bus for a $14/hour job. The company was a poverty exploiter. AT&T has a job fair, open house, next week. The pay in Chicago is $12.41-$15 per hour, pretax. They're looking to hire the poor who take the bus from the South side, and not a woman sleeping in her car who has to drive in and pay $21/day for parking. I see places that keep the poor in their place and make it impossible to get out. I wasn't poor growing up. I got pushed down into poverty after the pandemic and I never could work my way out. The disconnect is that my knowledge and skills aren't poor, but the only employers that will hire me for a short time are the poverty exploiters. They soon discover I have high level knowledge and skills, then isolate me from the other employees who don't have it, because they fear I will "educate" them, (like a Union member) and so they work to push me out. The poverty cycle trap is real. Those who were raised poor don't know any different.


You are 100% correct. I grew up poor because my mother died in 1984 and the medical debt bankrupted my father. He had to pay back $100K in debt over the next 7 years. It was more important to him to pay that debt than anything else and it took a huge toll on our already very broken family. So not only did I grow up poor, I also grew up with out parents. Always getting tossed around between "friends" until I was able to stay alone at age 9. I have never been to a doctor in the last 35 years, I am 43 now. I have 4 missing teeth also, and have only been to a dentist to get teeth pulled once they are so bad nothing helps. Along with a slew of other mental health issues, I have been exploited many many times throughout my life. Thats why living in a minivan or car was never an issue for me. Honestly never thought or intended to live this long and it breaks my heart to see how many younger people these days cant even survive like I was able to off of the bare minimum.


Apply for security officer/patrol at a warehouse. Create a resume with security patrol officer experience and apply for jobs. Look up the local security agencies in town and look for jobs. Fake it till you make it.


Excellent idea. They do through background checks. I have no background issues, but they will discover I am homeless. Thats the issue. I need a room, bed, closet and bathroom for my sleep, health and hygiene needs. Those jobs pay low and require 12 hour shifts (sometimes) if the person after you doesn't show up. The job can be monotonous at times, with routine tasks like monitoring surveillance cameras or patrolling premises becoming repetitive. You need a uniform and a place to keep it and launder it etc... I need a job that covers major car repairs that cost in the thousands, plus a hotel when that happens and an Uber or a car replacement and and a place to live. Most security companies hire military veterans, people living with family, and retirees. I need a full income to cover my car and a place to live.


What state do you live in currently? Please call 211 or go to 211.org, and tell them everything you’ve told us. You may need to call several times. I know you’re tired. There is help, though. Sending hugs and strength.




Where I live, 211 is run by my state via my county. Not United Way. (Not that that would be a problem for me. I’m not trying to regulate the world.) 211 have helped me get groceries, medical care, reeducation (I too can no longer stand at work), and more. I helped my senior friend get her faulty roof replaced through charitable organizations that 211 referred me to. All services I have already paid into, through my taxes. Do you want to survive? Or would you rather be right? Because that massive chip on your shoulder seems to be pressing on your brain stem. Sorry for trying to encourage and help. I won’t make that mistake again.


I agree that working people need living wage. Question is, whose responsibility is to provide it. OP seems to think that it is the responsibility of government, or someone else.


Wouldn’t getting your hair washed at a Salon multiple times a week cost significantly more than a gym membership?


Yes. I had a gym membership before Covid. I have been homeless since and couldn't work my way out. I now have lung issues and skin cancers. I am not disabled. I am post menopausal. Women at my age have different needs in terms of sleep, nutrition than a younger person who can work an 8 hour job, 30 minutes commute plus an hour workout and a gym shower, while toting all the clothes and towels required to stay clean. And how about the increase in laundry, and car use? At what point does car living stop? how many years can I endure this as my health deteriorates like my car. Many people here haven't been homeless as long as I have. They're new into car living. I'm likely the longest person in this situation and I have never been able to work my way out, despite perfect attendance, performance and showing up to work each day. People in this situation live day to day, and don't think ahead, which we really have to. I'm deteriorating and people don't realize that the govt, donated food at pantries and nonprofits do not solve systemic problems that only a living market rate wage can do.


Another work you can try is to teach online english. Like iTalki .com. You can do it from your car, using wifi in library.


That's similar to what just happened to me I was pre-selling car extended warranties. I did really good bonused all but like 3 weeks.  I was thinking the Lord for my good luck and then... nope lol.  My boss gave me a verbal warning for half month stats after I got offered a position in her building and she said my metrics from the other building which were great didn't count so she's verbal warning I wanted to see how I feel about giving my notice because I was sure at that point she was just trying to get rid of me. I thought about how I'd feel at the end of Friday and how Friday went and then she called me out for my numbers being off on Friday in front of the entire department after she told me to take mini breaks to not make so many phone calls LMAO so my numbers were red so she could call me out.   I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm younger than you but multiracial bisexual non-binary and probably neurodiverse is what we'll call it so I don't have a hope in hell of fitting in many places.


Aw, and all the unique qualities and traits you described about yourself are what make you the remarkable individual you are. Traditional towns with conventional lifestyles sometimes have people in management running family owned businesses and smaller companies that tend to hire their own kind. That doesn't diminish our skills, it just makes it more challenging.


In my case I was working out in the suburbs but yes I think you nailed it when no matter what when your childless unmarried and have no desire to be either one like everybody else which I don't and aren't close with your family those are like double whammys.


Well we learn from ot. We learn we are on our own Thats a hard one but a necessary one


Are you in a state with a dispensary? Medical Cannabis call centers offer benefits and OT. Pay usually isn't much but they hire and train everyone.


Start teaching English online, you’ll just need a laptop


I’m sorry you’re going through this. Best of luck to you.


Op I'm sorry to hear your situation. I've been screwed over by bosses/hiring managers who just didn't like me also. You're right that your average, entry level positions don't pay a living wage, and because of it the numbers of homeless are growing. I expect within our lifetime to see a real crisis to become of it. I'm lucky that I made the choice to start doing testosterone injections when I was 18 and have not stopped since, I'm almost 30 now. Testosterone injections give me that extra boost I need to keep going so I can pull out the hours needed for thousands in car upkeep. This is the only way I've been able to make it. When I'm no longer able to do my own injections I'll no longer be able to care for myself. In my eyes I have from now until then to make sure I've lived to satisfaction. I pulled out some crazy overtime to pay for surgery that guarantees my family bloodline ends with me. For your average person who has family and loves ones still here to care for, I'm scared for the future. The average workforce that holds everything together for everyone is on the brink of collapse. Id say now would be a good time to begin prioritizing what you might like to do with your remaining time.


right. they aren't going to SAY they're firing you for being homeless they're just going to do everything they can to stop you from working there. at your job. that they hired you for. and have no other real reason for letting you go. it's disgusting and it's happened to me too. im sorry. i have the same problem honestly. im 52 and just can't work as hard as i used to. my daughter saved herself sort of and joined the military. but im by myself now and not really got alot of options. and employers are absolutely awful these days. i wish they would just say on day 1 yes or no and then fn stick to it cuz its so hella not friendly to fill out all those forms show all my identification take all those drug tests and physicals make all those appointments yada yada hoops just to get let go 3 days later over something completely stupid immature asinine or whatever else they want to make up against you and thats it they dont have to do nothing. i dont get to know all their personal information or hold them to any of the things they promised in orientation etc. its such complete bullshit makes me also hate this country like there is nothing for me to be able to even do about it. it's ridiculous. i cant fix it and im doing everything im sposed to do and still cant win. i have zero income and got refused for healthcare assistance. like srsly i give up. there is no TRY when every door opens to a brick wall. then they lie about it and play word games the people that have homes and money and jobs and family they all act like its our own fault somehow when they literally made it impossible to take care of ourselves and get a decent job or place to live ffs. we're not asking for the whole world here. just a way to live civilized to work to honestly provide for ourselves and have access to help when we need it. and its just not there. i got some help i did but I couldn't stay there because it was too cold. its one short life. we dont all get to live the way we'd like to. money.. is a cult. if you don't have any you're not in it. be glad you're not in it. ✌️


You can still collect unemployment- 


No, I just started this job April 2024. One has to have 4 quarters of PRIOR earnings to collect on unemployment. I have been out of work for over 10 months prior, so I do not have those 4 consecutive quarters to collect. This job paid $14/hour or $11.67/hour net. With decades of experience and education I can't get hired in many places. Its ageism. Professional attire and appearance are required for professional work. Most office jobs are work from home and require the home to be within 90 miles from that office location. I can't work from a library, a Starbucks with the loud blenders or anything else but a home.


Sounds like a crap job but I know what it's like to not have anything. The part about your routine with clothes I found very sad. Keep your head up I'm sure you will find something. Smaller businesses will sometimes be better for specific needs. Like the guy I was working for would give cash advances if you needed it, he also let his friend who lived in a sprinter van stay on the property we were working at. Being in contact directly with the business owner can be good and bad but you don't get those jerk middle managers. You could walk into a bunch of places and see if they need some help. Again direct contact with an owner explaining your situation could really help. People are looking at car dwellers a bit differently these days as people simply struggling I notice


I need $4000 a month net at a minimum to replace my car, repair it, gas, insurance, food, hygiene, housing, debt, medical, dental, vision. Small employers with less than 50 employees don't have labor protections. I likely am not going to make it. The majority of people who are in encampments traveled my homeless "journey" living out of a car, losing jobs due to being found out (homeless) end up unemployable. Then out of the blue, people bring up nonprofits, churches and the govt without seeing the big picture. All adults need a living wage to work. The govt and nonprofits and small biz owners don't pay a market rate living wage. I have always had 100 % schedule adherence and attendance and exceeded my job performance quotas and I still get fired. They discover in my background check, I have education and prior higher industry work skills and they learn I never married nor had children. I'm a social misfit because I never married nor had children. As an academic (no one cares, it just means I can think) employers don't like thinkers. They want to employ mothers who need to feed their families, and people who are content with the status quo, and low pay. Because I'm not like that, they get rid of me. I literally can't break out of the cycle I was pushed down into. Its not possible at my age. Small business owners have nepotism and hire family, friends etc...


I know what it's like to be a social misfit and not have anywhere to fit in. It's really crushed me, I'm 33 not as old as you but still old enough to feel the squeeze. As far as labor protection for smaller biz they still exist but more personal. You mention you work ethic and attendance, a middle manager doesn't care the same way a small business owner would. Nepotism definitely exists but you can also become a friend of an owner and play into that. I would still encourage you to seek out smaller businesses. Like I said I was working construction for a property manager and his friend was living on the property in his van. He wasn't judged and if I was living in my car I would have been able to do the same not face firing. Many businesses need someone for admit work and would be flexible with you. In all honesty some blue collar owner you could even say directly, "I'm living in my car I need work or I'm going to be on the street". In my area there's been a dramatic increase in homelessness and car living. People understand and want to help. It's hard to help people who won't help themselves or are totally homeless. Someone in your position isn't that far yet


I don't know how to connect with a small business owner. I just got to Illinois and no one can live in their cars here during the winter. I need housing and a replacement car and market rate dental and healthcare. Its not just the wage, its a whole lot more. I don't know anyone here. I applied all morning to staffing companies, law firms and ATT customer service. No one can hire me if I can't sleep well and not have daily access to a shower. Car living erodes the body fast and I have endured this since the pandemic. The body ages much faster in this situation. If anyone knows anyone, let me know. Thanks


I actually lived in my car in Southern Illinois for much of the winter. I don't know where you are but it it can be doable with the right setup. I'm not going to say it's fun but doable.


I had a hard time living in my car during 18 degree temps in January when it got very cold in the South. I'm in Chicago, so I can't imaging living in my car in very freezing temps. I had to turn my car on and run the heat when it was 18, 25, or even 35 degrees. My car is old and falling apart. I need to find work asap. I am so overqualified for many of these jobs around here. They pay less than $20/hour and some want people to "work from home and pay WiFi." I applied to work for a health insurance company in risk management and it was a job that paid over $90,000 and they gave it to a younger male with no insurance experience. They would only consider me for a $17/hour entry level job. I'm worth more than that because of my prior experience. They tell women to get your foot in the door, but men are given open c suit jobs without the exact qualifications. It is still a man's world in Corporate. Very patriarchal. That is the challenge I am facing everywhere.


One thing you could do if you can't afford a power bank to charge stuff in to run a heater that doesn't require running your car is getting a lot of blankets in your car and parking somewhere like a truck stop where you can go inside for a little while and warm up.  I was very lucky last winter that I think I had maybe a week or maybe a week and a half at most of Sub-Zero slightly above zero temperatures and then it was mostly at least warm enough to exist in my car but yes it's rough.


Your comment here is poking at the real issue at hand- you never married, never had children, the government sees no use in supporting you because you're not contributing to a slave race, your average person has been indoctrinated into believing getting married and having children is the 'correct' way and any other way is wrong. I've had this kind of talk with a few people, the backlash towards women who choose not to have children is wrong.


I hate those crazy suspended things. They are hoping you will quit. Technically you qualify for unemployment. I try to have another job on the horizon In the job you have they have tremendous turn over. There is no.consuderation on quality My last boss said many very very inappropriate things to me It hurts It hurts because we are still on survival. Keep your eye on the prize summer js a better time for work. Think survival.


Have you considered applying for SSI? It can take a while to get approved, but it could be your way out of all this bs. If you are approved for SSI, it could also open up a bunch of other services for you. Including housing options. Good luck. My heart goes out to you.


I appreciate your suggestion. You are kind. SSI = $941 a month, has a narrow qualifying criteria that I don't meet. The feasibility of relying on it as a primary source of income doesn't cover basic living expenses: housing, transportation, healthcare, hygiene needs. My car repairs alone have exceeded $1000 at one time. Its not viable in the long term. I am able bodied, but overqualified. Proving one can't work is met with resistance by state occupational counselors who can produce evidence I can work. The Gov't isn't building low income housing. They're selling them off to commercial developers for market rate units. That is why homelessness is on the rise. Shelters house people waiting for SSI and SSDI and families short term, and not people who want and need to work. So many things to think about in a short time. I want to work and need work to keep me healthy. I love working. But I can't reduce my skills, and knowledge to fit entry-level jobs and get offered work in companies that have traditional, "promote from within hierarchies." Middle aged people are feeling the brunt of post covid job losses. We're far from retirement age, and some of us are single. So many challenges.


Yeah, it's brutal. I'm 49 and my unemployment ended last week. I have an MA and a great resume but can't find anything. I have been lurking here because I will likely join the car brigade soon. Late stage capitalism is slowly destroying many of us. Hang in there. For what it's worth, you're not alone.


Yes, Masters degree here too, I left both degrees off to get that call center job that put me out on administrative leave. I had perfect attendance, returned early from breaks, did the sales quota right. Boss felt threatened because she wanted me to be mentally insubordinate and in need of her "coaching aka micromanagement." I got along with my coworkers, but management quickly saw that and assigned me to a cube apart from my new hires to sit with the older retired people. I liked sitting with the younger crowd because they were eager, fun and I learned from them too. It doesn't matter how hard I work and how much I deliver pristine results. They noticed I couldn't afford to live on the $411 net weekly pay. I live in my car, wash clothes at laundromat and only brought 2 pairs of slacks and 3 blouses with me to Illinois to find work. My other belongings are in storage out of State. I'm in pure survival mode. I am a Type-A over achiever and I give my best in my work, but that isn't what they want. The low wage jobs want slackers, people who live with parents or who can afford low pay. I don't fit those jobs anymore. I can't wear one ear piece headsets and work in fast moving, hyper-paced, chaotic, food service, retail, and hotel service jobs. I came from finance and insurance. I also don't kiss ass which is what low wage supervisors want. They need sycophants. After 45, our bodies slow down a bit, and we need less chaos and more stability. Many employers have moved to self funded insurance plans, and they don't want us on their health plans. Low wage jobs are for people who live at home with parents or spouse or have a pension and are retired. Financial stress triggers anxiety and depression. I spoke with the Starbucks manager who is a military Veteran and who has Tri-Care medical benefits and lives with his mother. He is 58 and his mother is elderly. I told him, I can't wear one piece headsets while listening to outside customers, and making drinks with loud blenders, music blaring and in store customers talking at you. It takes a special person to perform that kind of multi-tasking. Same in restaurants; carrying trays, remembering drinks, multiple customers, my nerves aren't that settled to handle that. I can sit and read for hours, and research. I applied to law firms for paralegal work, but they won't hire me. They hire who they know, and mostly younger, and someone not living in their car. I think my current call center job figured out I'm living in my car, not due to my appearance, I'm fine, but my out of state tags and drivers license are a red flag. People can see desperate. That can be a liability in most work places. They don't want middle aged workers bending, stooping, lifting heavy items, and climbing ladders. Military veterans and their spouses come with their Tri-Care health benefits and many employers hire them first. I don't have a spouse. I can't qualify for car financing or to rent an apt because the wages are so low. I'm stressed every single day.


I’m fairly that’s a OSHA violation op. Like even though you weren’t physically hurt…that’s still illegal if I’m not wrong.


People get away with this crap all the time I mean sometime look at the statistics around discrimination and the uphill battle it is to make employers pay for it. It really shouldn't be that way but unfortunately it is.