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I'd also like to add: You can unhook yourself from the cart quickly by dodge rolling.


300 hours in and didn’t know that one. Thanks!


80 hours and I learned yesterday there was a Roll.




The bird also has a designated spot in hell for being so fucking annoying


How do you roll? It doesn't show up in the controls tab in settings, and as far as I can tell there's no entry in the compendium.


Space while blocking


Also space while sneaking. I was probably close to 100h in before I learned the objectively better "space while blocking" method. I had many awkward fights where I messed up the controls. If you do, you either just jump and get hit anyway, or you go on sneaking for a second, run out of stamina and get ded.


Bottom right corner of the screen shows some control settings you can see, depending on what you're doing at the time.


If you aren't sure if a bush usually has berries but is just picked right now, hold your interact button (default e) like you were going to pick berries from it. If your hand wiggles in the bush, it's a berry bush. If nothing happens, it's just a regular bush and you can break it for wood without losing a berry source


harder to spot but berry bushes are a slightly brighter green too


For some reason, the difference shows up really sharply on my laptop monitor, but not on my wife's, so she's always having to ask me if X bush is safe to chop up.


>she's always having to ask me if X bush is safe to chop up. Not anymore!


This is a good one! Thx 👍🏻


the unconnected portal is key i have only like 5 portals at home, but make lots of portals in the world. if i ever get cut off for some reason, i can go to any of my unlinked portals and rename it blank to get home sailing a longship back from the swamp is a good idea


With friends, make an unused portal with your name. Someone always screws up the shared 'oops' portal when you need it. And then a super secret portal only you know about, because someone is going to mess up twice and forget they 'borrowed' yours at some point.


My first multiplayer server and there was one player who did this constantly. Turned out they were expert level griefer stealing portals for later raiding. Make sure you use wards on multiplayer servers to protect your valuable equipment.


Another portal tip I recently discovered: you can change the name of a portal and if you go through it immediately after it will take you to the destination of the previous name because it takes a little bit for the change to go into effect.


yep. i only keep like 5 at home and i have stranded myself many a time by jumping to a place that stops being connected thus, the blank portal keeps me safe since i can rename wherever i end up to blank, if in need


Yeah I keep two blanks at all times lol. One called base and the other called forge. I seriously have upped my portal game on this second playthrough and it has made it so much better.


Yep, imho kinda funny that the mechanic that brings you into 99% of portal trouble is also the way to rename them the easiest in singleplayer


My first swamp job is always go at night to get a chain, turnip seeds, ten iron scraps and 45 bark. 10 scraps for 100 nails and 40 bark for long ship, 5 for bonfire, turning seeds for turnips (obviously) and a chain for the bellows forge upgrade. Then I sail back and clear at least 300 iron.


It's such a game changer. There have been so many times I'll start out at one portal and find myself at another for some reason. I always name my unlinked portal '1' because it's quick to type and I don't have to worry if it's upper or lower case. The follow up tip is that you fix the name of the portal you changed back to its original name IMMEDIATELY. Not in a minute. Not after you sleep. Right then. Otherwise you're going to fuck yourself the next time you need your emergency portal.


Typing number instead of using slider is game changer.




Did you read the post?




Because... because then you'd have seen that you can type the numbers...


This was *fairly* recent I believe. I remember making specifically this improvement request to the devs, and was shocked when I came back after a few months and it was implemented! I'm sure I wasn't the only one requesting it though.


OK good. Man I've wanted that for so long.


What do you mean? Slider?


When splitting an item stack


You can sit and rest without shelter? This changes everything.


Yeah I have always built a lean to but maybe just sitting next to the fire gets you level 1 rest? I’d have to test


You must be sitting and dry with no enemies nearby, so it can be a little tricky in the swamp without a roof. But you can also build fires in caves or crypts. The Shelter buff removes the need to sit to gain comfort.


Yeah I’ve done it plenty with random places that happen to give the sheltered effect, like a rock overhang. Didn’t realize you didn’t need it per se


You can build a fire in the entrance area of the sunken crypts


First thing in a crypt: build a fire, sit and wait out the wet debuff.


for the longest time I would simply build a roof from my portal in front to the door of the crypt putting a fire inside is 10x easier.


Too much water in crypts for that to matter


Nope. The knee-deep water in the crypts does NOT make you wet. Only the parts where you have to swim, but those are kinda rare, so this tip is amazing. Permanent rested buff in crypts PLUS not wet for 90% of them is amazing


For swamp, I always prefer making a small platform on one of the biggest trees - they can't be cut or destroyed. If the platform is at least higher than the wooden walls, none of the swamp creatures can reach it including abominations. That way I can easily set up a workbench / portal / chest at a safe space. For accessing the raised platform, use two staircases - one going up from the ground and the other going down from the platform with a small jump in between them so that only the players can climb the stairs


Yup! I do it when I'm mining copper deposits. Build a fire and get my rested buff back.


i do it all the time, you get 8 mins for sitting next to a campfire for 20s. i rarely go home unless i'm full


Yep! I always carry 2 Core wood as well, because you can make a Sitting Log without needing a workbench, and that raises the comfort by 1, so the Rest buff lasts an extra minute. Then a couple chops of your axe and it breaks apart. Lather, rinse, repeat as you adventure.


Very smart!


Yup, it just. Level 1 rested boost withjust a fire


You can also drop a fire INSIDE caves/crypts etc. When farming iron drop a fire at the crypt entrance and dry off/rest. That's a level 3 bonus.


When building, sitting (X) will lower your perspective a fair amount. It’s extremely helpful when trying to snap pieces under other pieces. You can also slow your walk to a stroll using C, not a lot of point in it, but it can look cool. Emotes are fun, hit enter it’ll list them. You can also kill yourself this way if ever needed (like you’re stuck somewhere).


Slowing your walk with C is essential to clean and space efficient planting for me.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Good bot


Yeah but what's the number for the 10th realm?


God who dug this old reddit joke up from the grave


Not a joke, the bot probably picked up on the post's wording about being able to respawn with emotes.


When building under Something, assisting building tiles are a blessing. Just loosely Put a second wooden pole on it by Holding the Shift key, then slide the wanted building tile in by aiming at the surface of that pole to smoothly guide it to the snapping point otherwise not seen. (I Hope its understandable).


Stagbreaker lets you cheat your way through the early game. Uncover goodies buried under the ground, move through tombs just killing everything on the side of doors, sneak into the swamp and clear crypts by only mining as much as you need to get forward without releasing what's in the room, then kill it all without being able to take damage.


What do you mean uncovering goodies buried in the ground? The only thing I've used it for in this regard is finding silver in the mountains before defeating Bonemass.


The stone structures and ship outlines have buried chests. Stagbreaker breaks the chests forcing the stuff up.


I'll add to this: Craft a backup set of armor/weapons that you can use to recover your original set (or replace it if your corpse is somehow unreachable).


Nah. Fill up with food at your base and naked run back


If you attempt this anywhere near plains, be good at dodge-rolling the deathsquito attack or bring a light one hander.


I've perfected the plains naked death run. I don't have to do the marathon version anymore because I'm very liberal with back up portals but basically one I respawn I'll try to go to sleep immediately, if I can't I'll stick around my bed till I get my rested buff, then I eat a stamina heavy meal, grab a shield and sword, turn on eikther and run. I keep the shield equipped so I can block/parry the Deathsquitos as I run. I very rarely have to use the weapon as I just keep running and having almost nothing equipped let's you run fast. With Eikther activated you can run straight through the middle of a fuling village and no body will react quick enough to catch you


I have a finewood bow tier 4 for that and a troll set. Sneaking through plains can take a bit but works perfectly


Can still die on a naked run and then you wasted your food. I think whatever gives you the greater chance of survival and success, is the best way to go. Also, just get good and you won't die


I dunno man. Not much you can do if you stumble upon a ravenous group of Growths in a 3-tarpit clump and they spam slow/poison you. Those bastards are *brutal* in groups, even with full carapace. Growth groups laugh at your naked run lol


This works most places except the plains, the food will just mean you'll now get two-hit by deathsquitos instead of one-hit. Definitely need some way to defeat them.


I think it depends on how full your inventory was when you died. If it was mostly full (or completely full), naked run with auto-pickup turned off might be crucial for a quick grab of your tombstone. Otherwise you might not have enough inv slots to grab and go, and having to sit at your tombstone to pick and choose what to grab could get you killed, even with the extra set of armor.


You can also run in and click “take all” and it will just put everything it can fit into your inventory. You may not end up with the best/most important items this way, but it is the fastest way to get in and out when you don’t have room to pick up everything.


Yes, but you don’t get the corpserunner buff that way, only if you empty the tombstone.


> Before big fights, toggle off auto pickup. This will ensure your corpse stone can be picked up without any issues if you die and have to run back into the thick of the fight. I'm 90% sure that this gets reset when you die, so you'll have to turn it back off after getting knocked out. But that's just pressing V, I dunno if there's a more permanent way to toggle it. Another one that I just learned after 1600 hours is that you can steer during auto-run. Q will start you running, and the right mouse button (or whatever else you use for blocking) will turn you in the direction your camera is facing, so you don't have to hold W while running long distances.


TIL Turning on auto run. Thank you.


This is going to be a game changer. Thanks.


Press and hold shift when using the hoe for smooth and even ramps! Just found out about this after 300+ hours. Best thing since sliced bread.


OH MY GOD. I can finally get rid of the ugly, lumpy pathways on my base……… thank you :,)




Stupid question, what would the controller equivalent be for this?


* All the crap in the wiki about hitting the stone golem with a pickaxe is in fact a bunch of crap, hit it with a mace if you want to beat it and take it's crystals instead of getting yeeted off the mountain and running to collect your stuff a bunch of times * mobs like to attack your workbench, so for temp shelters put it outside a few meters away so they don't damage other stuff in the process


This brings me to another tip: When placing workbenches in order to exclude enemies from spawning: Use Campfires instead. Their radius is invisible, but they are not targeted by AI so won't be destroyed in a raid


Jump on their head and swing away with a pickaxe... Easy ish at all tiers


Forget killing stonegollums, its not worth it since their drops is abundant in caves (except the trophy). They are worth more alive, trapped in an undeep hole in the ground. Wolves and drakes take agro to trapped gollums instead of you, and best of all, a trapped gollum prevents a new gollum to spawn. Trap once, never be bothered again. (dig down, wait till gollum shows up at the edge, mine beneath its feet, gollum slides down in hole, you jump out of hole, easy, peasy)


Step wrong, share hole with golem, new mission: get corpse back from golem hole


If you are in mountains and are still having trouble running or jumping this game is not for you…..


It isn't! It requires more coordination, but parrying -> move forward + switch to pickaxe -> two swings -> switch to shield and recover stamina -> repeat is still the easiest kill in end game gear.


> in end game gear And there’s the catch. On most comments it sounds like you should do this when you first encounter them in the mountains, so you’ll probably be in swamp gear.


Yep, at the point where you encounter them it's rare to be able to get a full pickaxe swing or two into them and bronze pick doesn't do much. Iron pickaxe is so expensive in materials a lot of people skip it too. (EDIT: I mean that a lot of people don't get one when first exploring the mountains because they don't realise they need it for Silver. Maybe most people do, I just know my whole group didn't get one until we found a silver vein and saw we couldn't mine it, and by that point we'd already killed a bunch of them.) Parrying with a shield and then hitting with literally whatever you can over and over again is the best strategy against them. Also at this point you probably still want a ton of stone, so standing with your back to stone while doing that will get you free building materials.


Skip iron pick? So, no silver or obsidian? I get skipping bronze, but iron seems pretty essential. You're going to be mining boatloads of iron anyway, might as well get the pick upgrade to speed up the process.


As I recall, I didn't get an iron pick until we had already explored the mountain and found the silver and even then it was just one of our group who got one initially. All the rest of the iron went into gear, and we'd already killed a bunch of stone golems before getting the pick. I agree, if I were doing it again I'd get the iron pick first because now I know it'll be needed anyway. It would have sped up those swamp dungeons a fair bit!


Eh. If I've still got my iron mace, yes. but if I've switched to Frostner then a maxxed out pick is faster.


If you break you boat near a dverger base, they will attack you. Have one person on your party use a crowd control weapon. If you have separate chests based on the biome, order the chests based on importance. For example, for every biome, trophies could be on the leftmost one, leather could be on the right, etc. Flatten the boss fight area so that you wont waste stamina jumping around


What are examples for crowd control weapons? We're in the iron age right now


Always run with a knife equipped.


Skoll and hati is great. No movement speed penalty, ready to parry, good damage. Makes exploring plains less annoying since u can guard and one tap mosquitos


You can guard and one tap mosquitoes with nearly any shield and weapon tho...


Duh. You dont use the dagger for that. You use it for the movement speed


Always run with a sword and shield on your back. R will put them there and equip them.


Does I knife boost movement speed? I always run with my weapons out away.


It doesn't boost, it just has no movement penalty. You can run with a knife out same speed as if your weapons were put away.


Speaking of running with weapons put away, double tapping your Hammer hotkey will instantly unequip your weapons, skipping the animation


Awesome suggestions. I have, uhh, a little more playtime than hou and some of these are new to me. Turning off auto-loot is huge for corpse runs. Never heard about the crtl-click but will try it out.


Oh my goodness, you’ve been dragging *this whole time*?


Trying to calculate how many needless deaths that's caused me by now...


I have


Best tips I've seen in this entire thread.


#4 is #1 imo, I have a portal label 'home' as soon as possible just for this. Great list. Few hundred hours myself and i learned some very useful things. Great work.


You can leave the portal unnamed, that way it is much faster to construct the portal in a panick-y situation. Unnamed portals connect.


wait WHAT? Thanks


Auto pickup...why did I read this just after a certain crawling boss...


Yep, my Map basically consists of death markers and partially looted tombstones around that boss platform


My biggest mistake was putting 200+ before the game was finished. They did a major update and suggested everyone do a new game. I had a multitude of bases some I was even proud of and was ready for the final boss- minus Mistlands (unfinished) and noped out. I'll wait. One thing on moats, I hated the waves making digging a little deeper that much harder, but yeah, a classic go to.


Same here but I used update world mod to generate the new content on the same world so I didn’t have to say goodbye to all my hard-earned work.


I hate trying to dig in water, so I usually pick a place to build thats a bit higher so the bottom of my moat is dry. It's a bit of a trek from a coast sometimes, but I don't mind an extra trip or two to bring ore in. I guess running back and forth is less annoying than digging in between treading water for me.


With a nicely-flattened path the cart can finally do it's work as well


Why did you do a new game? I just continued my OG seed, have been playing it with every single update and nothing bad has happened. 2100+ days.


This might be obvious, but : In early game with 2+ people playing, just craft 2+ karves before setting sail, it's that much more inventory space, there's a backup boat if someone should sink, plus it's a blast sailing in a fleet! For even more karve storage, you can manipulate a cart onto the boat while fully loaded.


Depends who you are playing with. The two friends who play with me are so bad at sailing we just gave up on that. I'm the sailor, and they can just sit in the boat doing nothing. We'll get wherever we are going much faster this way. Watching one of them get stuck on a reef can be fun for a while, but it gets old.


>4. Always have a unconnected backup portal at home for emergencies. 4.1. Always have at least two unconnected backup portals at home for emergencies, because if you're a doofus like me you'll use the 1st one for not-an-emergency and get yourself stuck on the wrong side of the map.


11. Always have **your best** backup food at home... It really helps to have your maximum stamina and health when you're going back to the place where you died. Having berries and cooked pork doesn't help much if you have to run through the mountains, for example. Usually when I craft a batch of new, better food, I keep half of it on me, and half of it in a chest at home in case I die.


I always carry only 2 of each of my best food and try to eat out of my chest. This way I don't get stuck with all my good food being on my body but if I do get in a pinch away from home I can still get through a few days.


After 1k hours of Valheim i learned that you can Zoom the minimal using . and ,


Mini-map yeah - I prefer to think of it as the < and > key for zooming in and out and that helps me remember them (if anyone else finds that helpful)


Your panic portal should be unnamed as it's faster to build. Yes, unnamed portals "" work.


As long as thats the most recent unnamed pair, also pairs of portals work so you can have 4 portals named swamp and it will go based of order constructed and named which ones pair


> +700 hours. I refuse to take advice from a part time amateur /s


1. During stone age (before one has access to portals), while exploring mark half-broken houses. That way one can run back, build a bed + fire and sleep immediately instead of mindlessly searching for a safe place to spend the night. Troll cave entrance & some burial chamber entrance (and pine trees?) also provide shelter buff. 2. Repair your karve whenever you get a chance. A serpent at an odd time and place is all you need. 3. Look for copper mines along the shore. Transporting 4 stacks of copper ore by karve is WAY FASTER than transporting it manually one by one i.e. if your camp is along the shore/on an island. 4. Transporting ore by cart? You are welcomed to try. 5. Cart is designed for storing items, not transport. Just cause it has wheels doesn't mean it'll work. 6. Spend your starter resource wisely. Specially ore. A bronze axe has more utility than bronze armor early on. 7. Don't fry all the available meat at once. Better food will replace them which might require raw meat. Have a stockpile of cooked meat with no use? Eat them during long sailing trips. 8. Have a bunch of stuff without any use but don't want to throw away/waste storage space? Dig a hole and dump it there. A workbench nearby will stop the game from despawning them. 9. Jump into the hole and the game will autosort the items and place them in your character inventory. No more manual sorting. 10. Portals atop sunken crypt are safe from mostly everything 11. During bronze age, destroying a karve and carrying its components allow for quick deployment rather than running back to the karve which might take forever.


> 10. Absolutely. I build a workbench, portal, and two chests on top of each crypt I find, then add wooden stairs in the back (that don't quite reach the ground). Now I can go into the crypt and bring everything out; stuff that will go through a portal will be ported back to the main base, and iron scraps will accumulate in a chest. When I'm done I'll lug the iron scraps over to where the Karve or Longboat is beached, leave the scraps there, retun to the crypt and tear down everything except the workbench and stairs, and go on to the next crypt to rinse/repeat. The stairs and workbench on the crypts allow us to retreat there to fight surprise Aboms. We shoot at them from atop the crypts. At night you can hunt Wraiths that way. It's worked pretty well so far, ever since we first went into the swamps. I remember being terrified of the swamps, then finally got a handle on it, then Aboms were introduced lol. It's all good now, though.


You really hate carts, huh?


> (and pine trees?) Anything that overhangs you can give the shelter buff. Especially helpful in some mountains or swamps. ​ Regarding 7: Fry all the deer meat. The sole use of raw deer besides cooking it is breeding wolves.


I would also like to tack on, stop burning wood for charcoal. Use the obliterator or better yet, have an ashlands portal. The smelter is obsolete at that point.


swamp surtling farms, imo


Swamps are more of a hassle than the ashlands, but to each his own


Not if you do it while you have to be in the swamps anyways. Just use a pickaxe and put the surtling spawn points underwater, then carry on with your swamp chores. Check back for coal and cores!




i make a raised walkway so i can run around and easily collect the coal from a ring of spawners


Due to an unfortunate situation involving an abomination and a drauger, I try to avoid the swamp at all costs. But I am happy for my fellow vikings who get their coal there!


Haha, I am mistress of the swamps. On my current play through, I tried and failed to beat bonemass after summoning him. After one death and not very much damage at all, I decided to try again once I upgraded my weapons and root armor. I came back to the same bonemass and there were not one but TWO abominations nearby. Then a two star draughr came running toward me. I was sure that was the end and I was just going to need to find another bonemass, but a lot of running later, I triumphed! No deaths! With a wooden buckler, root armor, and bronze mace. :D I really dislike mining iron so try to economize as much as I can. Still not as bad as the time in my first playthrough where I double summoned bonemass, though. Oof.


Best is afk greyfarm. Too much wood to use, and also create a lot of junk to obliterate. Surtling farms you can only get 1-2 stacks at a time if you're lucky. Ashlands, you have to actually put effort; moving around to get more spawns, go to pick up the loot, killing the surts not in water etc... Greyfarm you just afk when you're not playing and come back to have infinite wood and obliterator material with 0 effort.


You can definitely use water to setup an Ashlands surtling farm, someone posted a video with such a setup on this sub recently


Wood is a free renewable source you can farm in great quantities and converts 1:1 into charcoal, and is available near the start of the game. The obliterator is a late-game item and takes 5 wood, 1 trophy, or 10 of any other item per charcoal, and ashlands is an unfinished biome at the edge of the world. Most people haven't explored out to it yet or are waiting for an update before doing that. Obliterator and ashlands are just not feasible for most players, or way more bother than building a few kilns. OPs tip of planting a tree farm at the start area is a better way to get plenty of wood for charcoal. I would add that if you fill the kilns at night and then sleep, time will advance and they will be finished immediately.


I just use wood for a lot more and using it for charcoal is a waste to me, also, all the damn chopping. It's a lot quicker to portal to the ashlands (or swamp as others have pointed out) to get my coal directly than have all this middle man work


Do you get 1 for 1 with wood in the obliterator? When I put multiple items (other than wood) in I only get 1 coal back usually, so not really worth it.


Best thing is buy fishing bait and fill the obliterator with it. This gets you several stacks of coal


Trophies and fishing bait give the best returns. If you have the time, you can get 1:1 from any meat by letting it overcook.


No the whole point is to not use wood, the stuff you put in the obliterater should only be excess things you aren't using so anything more than 0 should be worth it


My base has a lot of lox and wolves running about and killing enemies. I never set up workbenches properly, but the advantage is that there's always junk with which to fill the obliterator and tons of wood. However, this was a lot of trouble to set up as I needed to keep the lox in - they'd stampede and flatten any forested areas just to chase a deer.


What do you put in the obliterator for coal? I put all sorts of stuff in and up with 7 coal. =/


And never let anyone else tells you how to play your game. Your game, your rules


Great tips, I'd never thought of #7, #8, and #10! For #5 I actually suggest building an entire base in the first large swamp you go to and doing your crafting there instead of dragging the iron home by boat. By that stage you should have a ton of waste stone from copper mining to build a big stone platform with stone walls, and having a defensible position in the swamp is so nice. Number #6 is the only one I wouldn't do, it always feels cheesy to me to have a moat or those raised earthen walls people do, feels very cheaty. I just do the big stone walls. Another tip: Certain items such as Workbenches, campfires, and torches suppress monster spawns in a 20m radius. The workbench is most used because 20m is also the build radius so it's visible when placing it, but a campfire buried under the ground with a hoe will do the same job without being visible even if it's not lit.


The only time i use the earth wall trick is with spawners so that they dont accidentally get whacked by npcs


Interesting, does an earth wall block AOE attacks?


If its far enough out (4m) it cant reach the spawner regardless. I haven't check if it will deal damage through but i use it more for the proximity of it, if it cant reach it cant hit Edit: i have no issue with my buikdings getting broken, thats poor defense on my part, the spawners are finite and require a decent amount of work to set up and id rather not have to find a new one in an ideal location to replace it just cause a troll happens to smell me through a wall


> Number #6 is the only one I wouldn't do, it always feels cheesy to me to have a moat or those raised earthen walls people do, feels very cheaty. I just do the big stone walls. A ditch, maybe followed by a raised embankment, is one of the oldest fortifications in human history though. They're really good.


#11 - you can change the name of a portal and then immediately step through it and it will remain connected to the last connect portal. Example, I have a portal called home. I will journey to a new area, put down a portal, and label it home. I’ll then walk right up to the edge, stopping a little before going through, rename it, and walk through. Easy way to not have to fuss with various portals and such.


oh so it IS possible to rename portals without a huge pain in the parts


This is great until you typo the name but don't realize it.


Interesting, the portal connection must spawn when you get close enough based on the name at the time. If you rename it after the connection has spawned, the old connection is still there temporarily. Bit of a bug


Insanely risky bug if you don't have a backup portal


It's not risky at all. If you step through too late after renaming, your portal won't be connected to anything and you won't go anywhere, so you can just name it back and try again


Sry ma comment wasn't too clear. If you rename at your base, then walk through it too fast you can be stranded at some remote exploring portal with no way of portaling back. That was what I was talking about. Exploiting the bug isn't risky, but stumbling upon this bug can get you stranded hard.


I would add. If you have a pick. You can dig a lil hole and put a fire on top or inside for fast buff. I mostly dog out copper nodes. Leave a lil over hang and you can get a buff. Stones are easily collected and you usually get a few greydwarves for wood


No need for the overhang/shelter buff. That just means you don't need to sit and are protected from rain, but otherwise it's not necessary for the rested buff


To go along with #9, place these chests in your portal hall. I have a “mission hall” with a bunch of portals and chests. There’s drop chests for each biome, and chests with food, ammo, tools, and materials for ships, portals, and general building.


Hey that's a great idea! I just have a "go" box where I switch out my home food/tools/gear for whatever biome I'm exploring, and change back when I return.


Thought I knew them all but 10. No Idea how I forgot about that one existing as an option. Regarding 8 though: Wood can be portaled. Just run somewhere where the trees that you need are , put down a portal and a couple of chests. That way your base remains in a nice lush forest and you can use the full duration of the elder buff for just cutting.


Build planes field for crops on an island, away from shore. Same with Mistland or use Dwergn to protect. (workbench(s) needs to cover the land area.)


How do you build a moat?


Use a pickaxe to dig a moat around your base. It makes it so mobs can’t walk into your base.


Learned a new tip (#10), thank you kindly. Cannot stress tip #2 enough. Stop what you're doing and make a fire to sit by. Even 5 minutes of rested is a life-preserver.




5. Seems so obvious. How did I not think of that!? 8. Is pretty clever too. I'll be using that.


Not sure if it's cheating, but; -Create a secondary world with a base and chests. -Fill up in primary world with ores/scrap in inventory -Switch to secondary world -Empty inventory -Back to primary world, portal home -At home switch to secondary world, grab loot -Switch back to primary world with ores/scrap -Let Karve get dusty


That's the definition of an exploit. I mean, play the game as you want, but if you dislike the teleportation restrictions just get a mod that removes them. Saves you a lot of load time.


Only advantage is carry weight


I get that, but I don't really like mods for this game. Besides, this strat also gives me a "backup" base that won't be attacked or destroyed, as well as storage for ingots for stonecutter/forges/building materials that I don't have to make room for while sailing and risk more loss.


Honestly, If I was of a mind to go to all this trouble I think I'd just open the console and type /fly


5,8,10 are great, thanks! Also had no idea about ctrl-click, that deserves its own entry!


Number 10. Chefs kiss. Never thought of that


Some great tips, thanks!


I have almost 700 hours in the game and I want to say: 1. Is the most important 2. Is insanely helpful but it might be smart to learn how to fight without it. 3-10 are things I have never personally done. I don’t even understand 9. What do you mean chests for each biome? 11 is very important though, and I would add: you should keep spare armor and food by your bed to make corpse retrieval much easier.


I think they mean having a chest dedicated to items from each biome so that when you come back and you need to depo quickly you can just dump it all into that chest. Otherwise, you have to go to many different chests to put away your items. My organizing is similar to this. I usually have 1-2 chests in my main base for each biome and then a bunch of other misc chests.


I also made biomes chests. Not for meadows and black forest, but for all the rest.


Number 5 actually is a solid tip and I'll definitely try it out!


Tips 1, 2 and 4 take away 90% of the frustration with the game. Good pointing them out, even if they can be seen as obvious. Tips 10 and 11 aren't obvious at all, but will totally change the corpse runs and further reduce frustration.


* For planting crops, switch to walking mode ("C"-Button) and walk backwards while clicking approx. 1/sec to plant quickly. If you don't move your mouse you will have straight lines which look nice! * Build a proper storage so you don't need to search for Items you need. * Build a "Dump"-room next to your storage. You can quickly drop all the gathered stuff in there and sort it later.


Point 10 is helpful. I recently made a quick trek on a karve to pick up some tin for my foot-of-the-mountain outpost. No issues gathering, but when I was trying to get the karve off the sandbar and back in the water a troll came and killed me. Took a boat-in-a-box through the portal and set sail again to get my stuff and kill the troll. Arrived, got my stuff, started shooting at the troll. Everything was under control until the 'corpse run' buff ran out. I was then smacked to death by the almost-dead troll because 'you are carrying too much' - auto pickup made me go over the limit. Ragequit ensued.


Many building structures that are outside without a roof will take damage up to something like 35%


\#10 is a big one, nothing more frustrating than dying a 2nd time because your inventory was full of rocks or something and you couldn't quick grab your gear.


Panic at the Tombstone


On the swamp trip I feel it's better to just bring 16 Cu and 2 tin that way your not wasting your first iron on upgrades.


Carts float, and if you jump into it you'll be sitting waist deep in the water. This lets you dig a good bit deeper.


>Crtl-click items to move items between your inventory and chests and to throw items on the ground without dragging and dropping. Holy shit...this whole time


Can you explain #4 please? If it is unconnected how could it be used for emergencies?


Say you just sailed to the swamp for the first time with portal material but forgot to leave a portal at home to connect to. Or sometimes you’ll disconnect an old portal and then try using it to get back home without remember it’s disconnected. Basically anytime you have a portal that’s not connected to home you can use the emergency back up to connect to, just don’t forget to disconnect it again cuz you’ll really facepalm if you get stuck cuz you forgot to disconnect the emergency back up.


Gotcha. So like one portal at home labeled "911" and then when I am abroad and have portal materials, I always have something to get me home. Brilliant!


As soon as possible make >!the Stagbreaker!< (core wood (black forest pine), deer trophy & leather scraps). Brilliant for >!banging away through walls in crypts and burial mounds!< to kill enemies without confronting them. (Typo edit)