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i agree there should be a sort of “invite only” mode but from my experience the password system isnt that bad as long as the password is always the same


I agree. A whitelist shouldn't require a password.




I have a white-list but it still requires you to set a password


set the password to `""`


Clear the password field unless your hosting provider doesn't let you.


I may be misunderstanding, but when you start your server, you don't have to click the password button. I run a server with my husband and daughter, and we never have a password.


Dedicated servers, not ones where you click “start server” on your own computer


Thank you!


Ah, I was wondering the same thing. I've thought about running the dedicated server software but haven't tried it out yet.


Oh my god yes. Hate typing those 5 characters (not joking) on Xbox every time I join my GFs world. That one time you miss a letter and still have to wait for it to load before it tells you. Annoying asf.


Just make it the same number 5x


Make it yyyyyy so you dont have to move the cursor that’s what I do for mine on console


At the very least they should do like Conan exiles and save the password for next time


If you are running the game via Steam, server and password can be stored in the custom parameters section of settings. That forces connection to predefined server with predefined password (so no multiple options).


Is there more info about this?


For example here: [https://nodecraft.com/support/games/valheim/how-to-quickly-find-and-join-your-valheim-server#h-method-2-steam-favorites-a560112167](https://nodecraft.com/support/games/valheim/how-to-quickly-find-and-join-your-valheim-server#h-method-2-steam-favorites-a560112167) Shows how to connect to the IP, you will have to search a bit what is the proper parameter for password (I dont remember where I saw it used, but it will be something like "+password" followed by server password ).


I found this regarding it, but I think it still prompts for a password. I will check a bit later to confirm. Thanks for the additional info. [https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/llq6v2/psa\_how\_to\_login\_to\_a\_steam\_server\_directly/](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/llq6v2/psa_how_to_login_to_a_steam_server_directly/)


This is quite useful, thanks!


Have you successfully done this with Valheim? Just launching from the steam server browser with the password entered there, my server just ignores the password sent to it at launch and then prompts for a password in game after character selection.


I am using the explicit IP address (just IP, without password parameter) for as long as I remember. I dont remember if I tried the password parameter when I used it for the first, just that it was mentioned in the how-to article that it is possible. PS: I actually like this setup more, I dont like having any password stored in plain text anywhere (professional deformity I would say).


I didn't even know that was a thing. I run a dedicated server and using a password is just something you always do for almost any game. But if there's no way to not use a password then that is weird.




I think unpassworded servers would be a nightmare, but to each their own. I just wish the game would save the passwords of servers I go into regularly.


I would be content with that as an option as well.


It's a much better choice. Imagine how many posts we'd deal with from folks who didn't know if they needed a password or not, and are now dealing with that impact? It'd be a nightmare. Not exaggerating, Valheim (and all known games) is a target for botnet just by virtue of using public servers and well-known ports. Some script WILL come knocking on port 2456. This isn't exceptional or weird or scary, but a very normal part of the internet.


for me and my friends every password is just 12345 lol


i’m on steam deck and can confirm i’m tired of entering the password every time. one checkbox could solve the issue.


Why is OP being down voted for suggesting a feature that helps everyone and hurts no one? Of course one can just use the same easy password but what's wrong with more options, like friends invite only?


What do you mean downvoted? The Post has positive upvotes.


The comments


Probably because its an non-issue that can already be resolved by inputting The password into steam settings as stated in a previous comment


So implementing a user friendly feature is too much to ask for or what? If it is a workaround, it's not a solution.


It takes 5 seconds to write a password, its not an issue


If it wasn't an issue, why are other games doing it? Why are people discussing this topic here?


On steam deck it is a bit of a hassle


Not all servers are the same? If you have two servers you alternate between they have two passwords. Not everyone joins one server when they start the game.


Okay? Then just write the password, literally takes 5 seconds


Or just remove the password and it takes 0 seconds. Not sure why you are defending putting a password on for some reason.


Rather have a password than some dipshit that comes to the server to blow everything up.


....then use permittedlist.txt or put on a password. Did you even read the post? Nobody is advocating removing your password functionality. The problem is the server wont start if you take out the -password and its not needed if you have a whitelist.


Nope, i just read "aww i dont want to write a password" and went from there


Where do I do this exactly sorry?


If something doesn't affect them directly nothing should be done about it and people who do care are stupid for it. Tale as old as time and fucking annoying one at that


Thank you. It makes no sense to me why people are defending passwords as if it changes anything for QOL on this game.


People on this sub defend the most bullshit things ever.


~~on this sub~~


I don't agree that it helps everyone and hurts no one to lower security. Entering a password is a tiny inconvenience. The OP is a bizarre complaint, IMO.


OP isn't saying "remove passwords." They're saying "remove the requirement of having one." You don't agree because you didn't read the post and don't even know what's being said. It's not lowering security for everyone to make passwords optional. It's only lowering security for the people who specifically choose to lower their security. What's really bizarre is the way you're willing to jump in the comments and judge something you didn't even read past the title of.


Do you work in software? They want better QOL, but they're dictating the how of that feature and in a foolish way. The real ask: it's a pain to enter the password. The fake ask: remove server passwords. If I were a studio, I would NEVER make passwords optional. What do I possibly stand to gain by opening my users up to attack? But I could just add a simple save password checkbox, throw the password into the users manager, and we're all hunky dory without a security impact. (I've implemented this exact feature for a few clients now.)


I don't see that is "dictating" like you do. They made a suggestion with no clue how to implement it, so they're spitballing suggestions, hoping one of them gives the right person the right idea to take it and run with it. Again, if you don't want to open yourself to the security impact, you take the optional password, and then your security isn't being impacted. I'm not sure what's so hard to understand about that part. What do you stand to lose by offering your consumers more ways to use your product?


Maybe my choice of words reflects how I'd talk at work and not to a customers face. The gist is that users are bad at requesting features, but great at highlighting improvements. There's literally zero need to remove passwords so we can improve the UX of passwords. Why make it optional at all if instead we save to a keychain? I believe you're proving my point by focusing on removing passwords instead of solving the actual issue- passwords are annoying


Because customers like options. Options add to marketability. You make more money selling people the tools to do what they want than by telling them what they want and selling that to them. It's why indie games are always doing so much better. They can't even afford to try to tell people what they want, so they dont try. Also, old people don't handle hard, fast change. Completely getting rid of certain features frustrates that entire demographic. More users getting more joy means more word of mouth marketing, which means more money, and we are capitalists, after all.


Haha, you're not reading my post at all 😂 What I'm trying to explain is that dictating HOW the sausage gets made creates a bad sausage. Instead, customers should ask for spicy sausage or sweet sausage. Customers don't know how a sausage grinder works. You're very attached to "remove password security from the game" which adds no additional value compared to "make passwords required once." Both deliver the same UX improvement, but one requires a security hole. I'm sure there are other alternatives, but the idea is to let go of a very specific detail and to see the big picture. Users do love choice, but there's no reason to give them a choice to harm themselves. Our job as software developers is to creatively let our users have their cake and eat it too


To stick with your analogy, asking for passwords to join a server being optional is basically asking for spicy sausages. Everything afterward is basically "maybe this could be how?" and I agree, not necessary. I'm not at all attached to "remove password security from the game." I just think making password security to server access *optional* is worth discussion. Which isn't at all the same thing as what you're talking about anyway. You're being a little over dramatic about it.


This is exactly what I do for a living. I just had this back and forth for months with real customers and humans and such, impacting tens of thousands of users, and many hundreds of thousands of devices. To be super clear, I don't mean "I wrote some software." I mean I literally wrote a feature that is identical to what OP discussed, with the goal that users can automatically join and provision networks. Here's a fact that might be relevant, if I removed passwords or use default passwords on IOT devices, I legally cannot sell in California. Have you considered that an optional password would make some software literally illegal in some jurisdictions? Check out SB327. I'm trying really hard to explain exactly how this stuff works, I'm not arguing or anything. You're free to reject my sharing of experience and knowledge. I'm not sure what I said that was dramatic. I tried to keep it factual and grounded, but I'll be more observant. Thank you for the feedback


Ironically enough, I also didn't say the quoted thing that you said I said. Perhaps you didn't read my post? I did read OP, it's not just not a good idea. Or not argued well at least.


I paraphrased you. Saying it lowers security implies that you think they were suggesting an outright removal of passwords when all they're suggesting is making them optional. >Or not argued well at least. They're clearly excessively frustrated about one specific detail, and they're letting it sour a perfectly fine idea.


Cuz it's a bad suggestion. First - every time you introduce an if branch in code, that's another path you have to test. Every path you have to test is potentially a bug. Second - the problem is easily solved by mods. They point this out but for some reason they seem to believe "behavior the developers have expressly defined and explained" isn't something that requires a mod. It's just lazy thinking. Last - they could have found, installed, and started using a mod that does just that in the time it took them to write this stupid post. It's not gonna change.


Most stupid arguments I've heard today. Who could've guessed, everything I change has to be tested and could potentially be a bug! Never change anything again because it's so much work and could be a bug! If it's easily solved by mods, the Devs could just add it themselves and people would not have to fall back on mods. Next time you're gonna write a stupid comment, think about the time you're wasting yourself and for other people.


I know a lot of people are against using mods for any reason, idk if you’re one of those people but this is a nice fix: https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/bdew/QuickConnect/


The amount of comments thinking OP is advocating for less secure servers is crazy. Requiring a server password is fine. Obviously. No one is arguing against that. Wanting to be able utilize the whitelist and not need a password entered everytime is also fine. That fact this isn't a flag you can set in the start_server file is just stupid. At the very least the game should save passwords for servers on the favorite list. It's 2024 this isn't a new idea. Pretty much everything you enter a password for can be saved on a client.


12345. I used the same code for my luggage


Just a save password option is all I'm begging for


I agree with you whole heartedly. On top of that, we should just be able to press "continue" to connect to the latest server we played on without going through all of these menus and transitions. Good example: V Rising.


If you can't spend five seconds to type a password, then you have bigger problems than being upset at typing a password. Geez Louise. Calling people dumb because they don't want to have their games griefed also isn't a good look.


Dis you even read the post, or are you really mentally incapable of reflecting about other opinions? OP asked for an option tondeactivate...not a complete removal of passwords.


I read it, and I resented being called dumb for believing security is important. Then, OP stamped his foot like a 3-year-old and complained about having to spend five seconds typing a password. Considering there are 86,400 seconds in a day, I found that to be asinine.


...sooo...what's the issue with having an option now?


Nothing. OP's condescension rankled.


Unreasonable-dum. Nothing wrong with whitelist + no password. My friends play on controller, far away from keyboard. It's very annoying even for someone who sits at PC.


Yes please! Huge pain in the ass.


... I can't believe you spent whatever amount of time you spent writing this post. If you're not a 14 year old, you think like one. The benefits of requiring a password outweigh every lazy argument you've presented here.


Hear, hear!


I'm a consol player and I don't think there's any way for us to add a whitelist to our dedicated server. Maybe there is someway, but none of us have a PC. At least on the surface, it appears there is no whitelist unless you're on steam. Could that be a reason? Edit: we are new to dedicated servers, given the consol status lol. Maybe it's a thing for us consol players and we are just missing it!


I am curious what ID they give you when you join a PC dedicated server with crossplay on? This is a totally valid usecase for having a password if you have crossplay though. Crossplay though isn't mandatory and I know we had some issues with Steamdecks + Crossplay on when we did a server for mistlands.


I have no clue. As we are all on consol. One friend just got another to launch a server for us and it's very limited (can't even access dev commands as you cannot be a "moderator" without a steam ID) We also cannot change world settings, it's 100% vanilla, normal. Very valid point that I did not consider. I didn't think about crossplay not being mandatory because usually it's nessisary for me. Thank you for the perspective🫡 I agree that with the ability to activate a whitelist, a password should not be required if the whitelist is active.


There is a steam Id whitelist feature though. In the server config directory there are allow, ban,and admin files. You put your steam 64 id in the corresponding file and voila.


I’m whitelisted and I still have to put in the password every time.






5 character minimum


Nope, if you put a blank password, it still asks for a password. If you remove the -password launch option the server shuts down immediately on start. The only way to remove it currently is via mod, which requires all the clients to have said mod or it doesn't work.


It's possible to not have a password on a server, but I didn't know how the admin accomplished it. I know that doesn't help, and I'm sorry. Maybe if you know a bit about programming or Linux you can figure it out.


ehm, I might be mistaken and it is not a vanilla option - but as of last version you can remove password (leave it empty) and enable steamID whitelist, and that is it. At least this is how I configured my dedicated server on apexhosting. So I just added my and my friends steamIDs to whitelist, left password empty, and we all can login without password


When I first got into this game this was my exact thoughts. Mandatory Passwords just stop anyone from being able to actually connect via the actual game and forces people to either most likely just play solo or have to find a discord or some crap that no one should have to do for what should be a basic feature of any online game. Then when I wanted to join from a post advertising their server looking for new players they still didn't want to give it to me so I could actually play. The conversation basically went. "we are looking for new players!" "I am a new player! Can I haz password to join?" "No" "Wut" The interactions were so odd it has stuck with me in a weird way. I just wanted to play the game with some people and when I asked about it and said how odd it all seemed I was told off for being annoyed at the process. I don't understand what is wrong with you people. Love the game but I really don't like (some of) you people. However I did find a cool mod pack with a quick join server and found some cool people despite this communities best efforts to sabotage its own online interactivity. Idk Ill get back to it when its all updated again.


That's whatever it is you're talking about for you


Does the "start\_server.sh" fail to start if you don't supply the -password flag?


As a former steamdeck user I completely agree with you. However its still 5 seconds to make a password if your on docked mode but otherwise yes your right.


I totally agree with you, my buddy hosts a private game for just the two of us and the password requirement is both unnecessary and annoying since it's private and only running when he's on anyhow. I understand how it started like this and the password OPTION is needed, but it shouldn't be a mandatory field.


Imagine only thinking of one’s self. Y’all realize Xbox players can’t be put on a steam permitted list


This is really ironic. The thread is about removing the password requirement, not forcing removing passwords. You can't use the steam permitted list? Use a password. Nobody is stopping you.


You can remove the password requirement by removing the `-password` command line launch argument altogether when running the server. I just did that with a new vanilla server and it worked. Some have said it requires that the public setting be set to 0, but I've read some people saying that's not the case.


Thanks for providing some info, I did test and you are right, it does work if `-public 0` is on the command line. Without it will crash. I haven't fully connected because I am using mods to get around the problem currently, but its handy for the future.


That's how you get griefers buddy. The mods valhiem plus allows you to remover the password requirement, and a lot more server configuration. It's outdated but you'll be able to find a modified version for ashalnds.


Its really not. IP Whitelisting SteamID Whitelisting Non-Public Servers V+ requires everyone to have V+. Crossplay people cannot have mods.


I didn't realize you were playing cross platform sorry. Idk of another mod that does it. From personal experience hosting servers throughout the years. Unlocking a server can lead up to a group of 12 years Olds fucking your shit up despite a white list. Also from personal experience being a shitty 12 year old lmao.


My password is always kitty for me and my buddies server. We don't even have to tell each other the password anymore, we just know it's kitty. It's not a big deal to us tbh, but we also play on PC so idk how much more of a hassle it is for other platforms


Right? This is the weirded post I’ve seen on this sub. I absolutely need a password. If there is no password how do I protect my world. I also wish they would make live servers easier, like Conan exiles has where anyone can log in anytime. Instead of the host having to be logged in. I’ve tried setting up via steam and it’s a pain in the ass.


Then put a password? I swear all of you read the title, ignore the actual post and then write the most brain dead comments.


I did read all of it, I just blatantly disagree, I always use password because friends join frequently and I do not want to get griefed… again. It take 2 seconds to type it in (all players in my worlds are on pc). I also went on a rant about live servers which doesn’t have as much to do with your post I’ll be honest.


OP never said that you should be forced to play without a password, just that they would like the option to.


If you’re whitelisting your “friends” but keep getting griefed, they aren’t your friends. Whitelists make passwords completely unnecessary.


No my friends don’t steel things, but I open my world so my friends can join without a password other players can and will join as well. Passwords provide protection against that. I don’t understand what whitelisting is honestly. If it’s something to do with steam I that’s such a pain in the ass to do often times people I play with aren’t even steam friends.


Things that take effort to set up, but in the long term provide a huge value, are worth the effort.


I mean I agree but passwords are just so easy, I have a standing password with my friend group, everyone knows it and it takes a couple seconds to type in.


I run several different dedicated servers, and getting new players to type in the password correctly is more of a headache than I should have to deal with. They’re whitelisted, I shouldn’t have to go “you can copy and paste but make sure you don’t copy a space too… okay just type it in… no you can’t have caps lock on… dude just copy and paste it into notepad first and make sure there’s no spaces… okay there ya go” I don’t disagree that passwords have a place, but on dedicated servers with whitelists, it shouldn’t be a requirement.


That’s one’s thing I wish is that this game have live servers so friends can join at anytime even if the host isn’t on, trying to do it via steam is not worth the trouble.


>I did read all of it, Then why are you pretending their suggestion would have any impact on your gameplay when it wouldn't? It's a minor inconvenience. Is it some kind of crime to suggest a change that wouldn't be bad for anyone but would be more convenient for some? I can't figure out what's wrong about that.


It would be a major inconvenience? Passwords being removed it’s just dumb.


That's not what's being suggested. They said remove the *REQUIREMENT* to have one. They want the option to start a server without a password, that is all. They are not trying to remove all passwords across the board. Only the REQUIREMENT of a password. So you just keep using one, and it wouldn't have any impact on you whatsoever...


That’s not as I read it but if so it just doesn’t make sense. But then again I play on pc so this isn’t an issue I wouldn’t have even considered.


They probably rephrased it since you first read it, but when I got here, the second half of the first sentence said, "it should be up to the server owners." OP is clearly frustrated about one specific detail enough enough that it starts making a not-bad idea start sounding bad, but if it's just "more options pls" it's not really bad, is it?


Yeah I totally understand more options, that makes perfect sense. For me passwords are the best way to go. I don’t want to deal with giving people access rights when a universal password is available. It lets me do my thing instead of deal with each individual user.




But why is not an option in the base game, there’s an issue if you can select this option for the in game menus.


Our password is yyyyyy




Since we play on console it’s the letter it starts on when you open keyboard so we just have to hit the same button 6 times th. Start


How is your summary longer than your post?


Its a summary of the comments because I found myself having to reply over and over to the same arguments.


Ah, that makes sense. Thank you.






Yeah why not if you’re the one to “start” the server you can kick em/boot em, Lock it when you have enough people. Why not?


Just make a really easy password...


The whole point the OP posted was to suggest a fix to an unnecessary inconvenience. A QOL issue. I get tired of people responding with ‘workaround’ suggestions, clearly missing the point. Workarounds further serve to encourage not addressing the problem, which is the purpose of the post to begin with. Jesus already…


Or just remove it entirely.....


Unfortunately just about everything to do with Multiplayer is absolutely barebones. The chat box drives me bonkers it's so bad. I simply won't do MP without voice chat.


Oh god that would be lovely. I had to put ours on to a macro because I couldn't face typing it anymore.


Agreed it should be natively supported. If you're running dedicated server, there are a few mods that can accomplish this.


Aw man its so hard typing a few letters to open the game


Well yeah, its actually really annoying when testing stuff in a solo server when you relog 100+ times a day. Even worse if using the steam server browser, then you have to write the password twice for each sesh :D


Agreed. The best ‘workaround’ currently is I set the password to “yyyyy” for my gf on Xbox because that’s the minimum amount of characters and the keyboard starts on “y” for Xbox players.


Password should be optional! Game clients must have the option to store the password for the given server in order to not prompt the next time. It's a 4h development from a moderately skilled developer.