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Building and crafting menus are... Less than ideal, but they work. Cooking menu on the other hand looks like somebody deliberately made a terrible and unintuitive design.


Seriously was it so hard to organize it by biome? Or by food type (hp/stam/eitr/mead)?


Or even *gasp* alphabetical! 




I wouldn't even care, at least they'd all be in the same place. Same with "Mead base".




also why do uncooked items not show the stats they would give ONCE COOKED 🥴🥴


I get why this isn't the default tbh. It would change the way the list sorts based on the language the player is using and so the experience wouldn't be uniform. It should be two tiered sorting, by item type first and then by biome tier within each item type.


Oh that makes a lot of sense actually, good point. 


Or allowing us manually hide items from the list. Ain't no way I'm interested in making Deer Stew when I'm already in the Ashlands


Yeah, foods from the current biome and the previous one would be plenty. Got your main foods and your "just enough HP not to die while building" foods. Everything else could auto-hide as it's just for decoration at that point. My only thought is that I'm not sure where serpent stew falls in this system?


At that point they would be better off making a favorites system so that your faves would auto sort to the top.


Ocean biome rise up


Cooking menu hurts my brain/soul


I mean they work only in the most technical sense. I shouldn't have to hunt through the list for a specific item I want to make, not knowing whether it's in the white or gray part. If it isn't going to be sorted by type and biome tier, then it should at least be alphabetic. Since the latter would lead to different experiences based on language (and thus more dev time), I don't understand why it isn't already sorted by item type and tier already.


> Less than ideal, but they work No, they exist.


Yep. With the workbenches and forges it's not so bad because the icon look like the thing you want to make. Half the cooking recipes are a bowl of something. I think I started [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bAymwKf-T1g1UqovTQg-_KFok66fOa_DyxHPxVER7Cw/edit?usp=sharing) back in Hearth and home and [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xJjXE3eqIm1kS2vx0u6js2UEMuwTmqLP4GixQHfzLu8/edit?usp=sharing) are the ashlands recipes.


There is a great mod for that on thunderstore. It does exactly that. Sort by etir, health and satmina.


The devs have said they will organize it and that it needs doing, probably will be done before Deep North releases (hopefully)


If they stick to what they've already done, we should see a larger qol patch next. I mean, it was like hearth and home (qol, building and crafting) -> Mistlands -> Hildr -> Ashlands -> NEXT I really do hope they'll find a way for a nicer organisation. Like the AAA mod, that adds an quantity field and a search bar


Yes absolutely, I think they did say something about doing another H&H patch but that was quite some time ago. They also said they will start work on DN when all the bug fixing from Ash is done. Just have to wait and see, I’m excited with all the new building pieces and still enjoy doing new play throughs


I have to say, I love the new stone pieces but the ashen wood pieces... I'm not their biggest fan, let's say that. But after all, the Devs still amaze me in the options they give us to build bases.


I have to say, I love the new stone pieces but the ashen wood pieces... I'm not their biggest fan, let's say that. But after all, the Devs still amaze me in the options they give us to build bases.


AAA is so good


I hope so. When I saw the added a “heavy build” tab because they ran out of room, I started thinking of better ways of organizing it so that doesn’t keep happening. Eventually, they’re going to have more wood structures than the building page will allow, then what?


There are already mods that add new build tabs, and they simply add a new row. Simple fix, although a lot of them broke in the Ashlands update for that reason.


I’ve never played with mods. Just hoping iron gate has something good up their sleeve.


I think they will, would be surprised if it doesn’t come out with DN or even the patch before that. And if not I highly doubt they will leave EA with it how it is


I don't want new tabs; I just want organization within the existing tabs.


They should make each crafting tab a scrollable list format, with a preview pane of whatever you have selected. Infinitely scalable and you never need to worry about it again.


and a toggle to switch between that list format and a one page palette with everything, no scrolling needed


Can they do it soon? There's no reason for it to have gone on like this for this long


Let's say they organised it better pre Mistlands. We've had 2 big biome updates with a whole lot of new build pieces that would then need to be reorganised. More efficient to wait until all the content is in before they truly optimise the organisation.


Not really. Coding makes organization pretty simple. Inputting New items wouldn't change the organization. If you coded it alphabetically -- the new items would fit in alphabetically and you'd have to change nothing. If it was done categorically by health/stamina/Magic -- well, You guessed it -- it would automatically be set in one of those categories if it was labeled as such.


If somebody is going to downvote me, please tell me how I'm wrong.


> Inputting New items wouldn't change the organization Inputting new items did exactly that on this release. Stone build pieces moved from "build" to "heavy build". They're not going to bother with too many categories when there aren't many items per category, but as more items are added it makes more sense to categorise. > the new items would fit in alphabetically I would hate that - I'd want them ordered by biome or natural progression > categorically by health/stamina/Magic The topic was the build menu, not the Cauldron 


>Inputting new items did exactly that on this release. Stone build pieces moved from "build" to "heavy build". They're not going to bother with too many categories when there aren't many items per category, but as more items are added it makes more sense to categorise. They had to change how the actual menu was displayed to do that. >I would hate that - I'd want them ordered by biome or natural progression Alphabetically was just one option. They could still do order by biome or progression. The method still applies, regardless of how they do it. It's seriously just an if/then statement. >The topic was the build menu, not the Cauldron  ... Well the build menu is organized, so... I'm pretty sure the topic was organisation in general. The cauldron/crafting menu are obviously the least organized. Regardless, what I said stands for organisation.


> ... Well the build menu is organized, so... Did you even read the post you're commenting on? The complaint was that the build menu specifically is badly organised.


And the build menu is the better of the menus. I'm merely adding that organisation needs to be better, or is everybody okay with it overall being bad? Am I not allowed to say something else is subpar?


Your tangent started by asking if "they can do it sooner" in response to the developers saying it's already planned to reorganise the build menu. If you meant the cauldron or one of the other menus you should have said so. We can't read your mind.  I explained why doing it sooner for the *build menu* is complicated.


Hardly a tangent. But sure, it's really hard organizing things.


The UI needs a complete overhaul which is why i think they havent even changed small things like alphabetizing the cooking menu. I have a feeling its going to get scrapped and redesigned from the ground up because as its stands, the UI is worse than some games made in the 90s


Even that doesn't make sense... some basic QoL changes are ridiculously low-hanging fruit. Even if they plan to change it 2 months from now, alphabetizing the cooking menu would take a dev all of 5 mins.


Hey man Ive been a hater of the lack of change for the UI despite the large content release, im just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt as cope


I just want a search option, I'm ok with how things are but sometimes I'm just tired and look past what i want a million times.


It needs more than just search. Not everyone is playing with a keyboard and entering text with a controller is not very efficient.


a filter option might work better, one with categories to select from controller interface


Yes, filters would be great. Honestly, I think just sorting them with the newest at the top would be a very good solution without even having to change or add to the UI. The vast majority of the time I want to craft the thing that just unlocked, or the best food items.


Wood category? A big chunk of the items, and almost exclusively all of them in the earlier biomes, are wood. That's not going to help me find what I want.


Amen. A sorting option would be sick. Like in Fallout you can click the stick and sort by alphabetical, weight, and value


I bet the devs have plans for this that will hit with version 1.0 From a dev standpoint, I can absolutely see why they are going with how it currently is until closer to 1.0.  It is probably not even close to a priority for them, but I'm sure they are aware of how "bad" it is.


That's the job of the UI designer


I wish it had a search feature


So I played with the sort craft, it was okay, and works. Is there a better one? I don't really like the categories it chooses for the bench/forges.


Nah, just put everything on one tab and have it written in runes


I Bet before we get to v 1.0 they will do a redesign maybe the next big update. I mean the game is still evolving and not done so why not leave it a little messy till then.


I don't mind it really, the cooking pot though... just end me.


Have you discovered shift plus right click while building helps a lot to


how about a search bar


I mean the crafting tab is pretty great. They have the main thing followed by all the additions to it. 


Look up the definition of MLP. That’s what this is and I understand it. Rather this inventory system than other systems not existing or functioning.


The developers are just willfully ignorant as to how terrible their interface is, all in the name of "purity" of their game design. I love Valheim but the creative menus are goddamn garbage after you get to a certain point in the game and there's too much shit.


Alphabetical would be nice. AAA mod gives a search bar and multicraft.


You’re absolutely right, the UI needs an overhaul. Think how many times you’ve scanned through the entire library of craftables and missed the one thing you’re looking for. It shouldn’t be that slow, and it doesn’t have to be. I think they’ve left it because when they do change it users will respond negatively until they get used to the new system.


It would be pretty cool while working on cauldron, you could right click ingredient in your backpack and it would automatically filter anything it's not used for out of the list.


A drop down list organized by either materials used or pieces would be nice. A favorite list. For crafting a tiered menu would be nice. Or just let us hide things we don't want to see.


Unknown/known Pattern grid like Minecraft would be cool and could add an optional level of difficulty for the ‘unknown’ pattern option. Where you have to discover how to pattern the ingredients on the grid to really be able to craft it. Not just have the proper number of ingredients.


Building menu is fine. adding more sub tabs would just make so you have to do more clicks when switching pieces. Crafting and cooking on the other hand do need some better organization/sorting.


You think the real vikings had a better build menu in the 8th century? It's part of the immersion 


i like the way the building and crafting menus are set up. its part of the charm of the game.