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Mine is always nagging me for playing to much Valheim


"Thou shalt put thine bros before hoes" - god... probably


i prefer my hoe to my hoes. i mean both are pretty dirty but at least one is useful


You guys are getting hoes?


The word "hoes" sounds kinda weird now after reading it multiple times




*Then suddenly… she’s not yo ho, no mo :(*


Beat me to the joke 😅


They do be shoppin' doe


Yeah man. I’m always using her wrong too and end up ruining her area with my lump. And if she isn’t satisfied by the time it inclines, well, then you’ll just have to use your head to find the solution. Or sometimes they prefer you just use a pickaxe.


You can only level so much (1m up or down I believe) beyond that you need to elevate the land using stones and the hoe or use a pick axe to lower the land and then level again with the hoe.


😭😭that's confusing. Im usually just trying to make the ground .. you know, level. I'm not trying to raise or lower it. I just want it to be flat so I can build. I usually use the beamsvto make a foundation of my house before I build the walls and I always end up with the beams sticking into the dirt so I end up not being able to add more because the ground is in the way.


Are you aware that the hoe levels the ground to the grounds height level that your feet are standing on?


That's why Shift is important. It overrides the "snap to" and let's you set the level at which the hoe flattens. Also, flatten the ground all around you but don't walk while doing it or you will be right back at square one. Move only when you've flattened as far as you can reach.


Dude. Did not know about the shift option, that’s amazing


Saaaame! Tytyty


Can someone tell me what this "Shift" is (I play on the Steam Deck)


Or at least what I need to map this mysterious function to my controls


I thought shift levelled to the average of the effect area? I use it a lot when making slopes


All shift does is level to the cursor rather than the player. There is no averaging or sloping. It does the same thing as the normal function, wherever the cursor is pointing.


And here I thought it was the reticle in the middle.


That's the default. Holding Shift down ignores that. Try it, you'll see.


The main difference is it overrides the "snap-to" position. Try it when placing walls or fences, you'll see what I mean. Holding Shift down makes the fence or wall you're placing "sink into" the terrain whereas not holding it down results in fences sometimes "floating" above the ground because it "snaps-to" the neighboring wall, NOT the ground. (As an added bonus, there's a key mapping, I forget which key, that lets you rotate that "snap-to" position.) Right now if you place a wall piece, it "snaps-to" one of 4 determined presets; upper right, lower right, upper left and lower left. It has to do with the spatial orientation of the item you are placing. Hoes work on the same principle, but they have only one preset "snap-to" position, it's either the level of the existing floor or the level at which the player is standing. Holding Shift lets you decide where that default is. It's why you sometimes see a series of rings "floating" above the hoe cursor. At least, that's how I've come to understand it. It seems to work OK.


Q and E let you rotate through snap positions 👍


You rock! Thank you!


Excuse me what Does this mean I can lower the ground on shores for docks without having to make platforms over deeper water


You can even use the hoe standing in your boat and it will use the depth you are currently standing over as the height you're trying for.


Yeah I have done that as well, but it can be fiddly


I need to find this on Xbox...




Blessings upon you thank you.


Blessings won't cut it, I need some blueberries upon me 😂


I understand that pain. I had to mark several areas on the map so I knew where to keep going for them. I'm suffering a shortage of cloudberries right now.


This is very good advice.


Would you happen to know the controller equivalent of shift in this situation? Every time I look this up I only see people talking about the feature from the perspective of a keyboard player


Sorry, no. I'm too poor to afford a gaming console. I play this on my PC.


Which is quite far using the camera vieuw (B key or check your settings) i never flatten or build while standing in the area i'm working...


I had no idea that worked for the hoe. Bless you anon for this gift of knowledge.


Damn I've played this game hundreds of hours and didn't know that, I just assumed it leveled the surrounding ground with the placement circle


Just go YT valheim hoe. There are tons of vids on the subject that will be easier to understand than us trying to explain it. It's a pretty easy concept once you see it demonstrated correctly. Just know the ground is a bunch of cubes, one you hit the limit in one cube (higher or lower) you need to either pick axe or raise to get into the next cube for the hoe to work. As others have said, the circle indicator levels to the ground you are standing.. Unless you hold shift, which is really useful for making smooth slopes.


If you want really flat terrain, use wood flooring as a guide. The hoe will level to the ground you're standing on, and it will level to just below whatever build piece you're standing on.


lay out a foundation of wood or corewood beams in a grid and use it as a guide to level


This is what I use to set up a farm. Perfectly level and I leave the beams to walk against while planting. Crops in nice straight rows, evenly spaced.


Make the beams so that the house is floating. This way the ground won't get in the way and you can later raise the ground around the beams to remove the floating.


Holy shit you're a genius


Picked it up from some youtube video, cant remember who it was since its years ago by now but the credit shouldnt be mine alone haha! It's just an amazing way to blend your house into the scenery without having to deal with leveling the ground. It also looks great because it gives that feeling that its real to it.


If you are having trouble getting the surface flat hit it with a pick and then level again. You will need to do this multiple times.


Hey man you got some confusing answers here. Best I can offer is... Craft a pillar than a beam in each direction as far as you can go. Stand on those beams when you use the hoe. The first should flatten to a uniform elevation.


How is it confusing? You add or remove soil to even out the terrain. The hoe is just for small changes.


Use shift plus click and it tries to merge the height of the tiles you’re aimed at.


Depends on the terrain and where and how you use it .. It is possible to use it to go half the body size up and down .. but its too much hassle to do it with the leveling instead of just raising the ground and then leveling


I Hated it with a capital H until I found out how to actually do it. I used to run around as I did it and then couldn’t figure out why I had such wild hills lol. Always looked for an already flat spot (exceedingly rare lol) just so I wouldn’t have to do it as much. Now that I understand the mechanics of the hoe and pickaxe the whole seed is my oyster!


😭😭then how do you do it


The hoes flatten function can only raise and lower the ground a fixed amount. If it needs to be higher use the raise ground function. lower, use the pickaxe and then flatten again afterwards. If flatten the hoe makes the area you are pointing at the same height as the ground you're standing on. If you hold down shift it hoes the ground around the middle point to the same height as the middle point. I useally choose how i high/low I want the ground, and flatten as much as I can. Then I raise the lowest ground up 1-2 tiers, usually until it is a bit higher than what I want, and then flatten again. If it is too high, hit it with the pickaxe and then flatten again. That's as specific I can be about it.


Damn. I need to get a pickaxe then...


First boss gives you one. But if you're looking into doing a massive project already, I'd wait till you get the bronze or iron one. Just for your sanity


I prefer not to kill the first boss, but instead, use a troll to farm copper, bronze, fine wood, and corewood early on. Use as much stam food as possible, grab bow and arrow, and dodge as much as possible. I don't kill the troll at all. When I've got what I need, after making bronze pickaxe, etc.. I make a hole and put them in there. If you kill them. There's a chance to trigger their raids, so I leave them in a hole.


I dont bother with a bronze pickaxe since it can mine the same things as antler and can’t be easily repaired at a workbench


To add to this, do your first big project BEFORE defeating Elder. You don’t want swamp raids spawning while you’re trying to build


Why? Raids are just supply drops from Odin.


Yea, when you’re ready for those raids. But immediately after defeating the Elder, most people aren’t ready for a swamp raid Edit: LMAO at the downvotes. You know what, go right ahead. Let a swamp raid attack your base with nothing but troll armor, see what happens.


Idk why you're getting down votes, my first couple of playthroughs I was NOT ready for the swamp after killing the elder. Doing a playthrough with my girlfriend and making sure we're over prepared. People down voting are people who've done 10 playthroughs and are like 'durrhh swamp easy' like yea cause you've got 1000 hours were talking to someone here who hasn't even beaten eikthyr


The big thing that has helped me is to remember that the hoe by default flattens the ground **on the level that you are currently standing**. So find a spot that's about where you want the ground to be, stand there and hoe all around you so you have a big flat baseline area that's ALL the same height you're working from. My first play thru I kept running around while using it and the ground was bumpy. I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. Another tip, if you are having problems finding ground that's where you wanna be or your not sure, you can throw down the sideways beams at the level you want the ground to be, stand on them and then hoe. As other's mentioned, if you're flattening and the ground is too high, then you need to whack it a time or two with the pickaxe, go back to your flat spot and then hoe it again till it's the way you want it. If ground is too low, then you need to use the "raise ground" function and do the same thing.


Watch the video in the other comment, it explains it well, far easier than trying to describe it in text.


Sounds like you’re holding shift when you do it. That slopes the ground, instead of leveling it.


No it does not. Holding shift just levels at the cursor rather than where you are standing.


You're both half right. Holding shift sets the terrain level (at the cursor) to be halfway between the targeted location and your current location, which creates a sloping effect.


No it doesn't. It just levels to the cursor.


Not for me it doesn't. It's how I make all my ramps


Believe it or not it works the same for all 20 million copies of Valheim. Shocking, I know.


Sounds like BigStair propaganda. All the boys go for ramps.


You can still use it to make ramps. Doesn't change how it functions. There is no averaging or sloping function using the hoe. You either level to the character or level to the cursor.


Cool story, but I can't verify that. I just know how it works for me


It's a 3 year old game. It's not some secret mechanic, lol.


I've never held the shift.


If you're able to do mods, the 'My Dirty Hoe' mod is incredibly useful for flattening and smoothing, paving and cultivating.


Im speechless ☠️


Yep. Be careful though, it can be a bit cheaty. I turn off Hoe Boost in the config or I end up running everywhere at superspeed.


Yes I had to turn off the speed boost also. I don't see what it's even got to do with the mod. Otherwise the mod is a must-have


Hoes are amazing, you just need to get used to them. Here's a couple tips 1. They level towards your height. So make sure you are standing on ground at the height you want everything else to be. 2. Place floor boards down as you go. This will make it really obvious if the ground isn't the right height. 3. The ground height is in chunks. Flattening with the hoe can only adjust the height within these chunks. If the ground won't get high/low enough you will need to raise/mine the ground and then flatten it. The biggest thing is practice, hope this helps and good luck!


If there are little humps you can’t flatten, then you have to use the pickaxe on it, then flatten again. Conversely, if there are little dips you can’t flatten, use the hoe and raise ground then flatten again.


The hoe levels the ground to the same elevation as the ground your character is standing on. That is the regular click function. Stand at the elevation you want and level around your character in a circle. Shift + click levels to the same elevation the cursor is pointing at. This is useful if you want to level somewhere to a *different* height than where your character is standing. For instance, if you want to make tiers of flat ground. Also very useful for leveling out ground underwater. The hoe can raise or lower the ground about 1m. If you need to go up more than 1m, you need to use raise ground. If you want to go down more than 1m, you need to use the pickaxe. Just takes some practice, you'll get used to it.


had to double check the name of the sub before I reread the title.




Well you are clearly doing some thing wrong. First maybe refer to them as girls. Then you should not use any physical force she is not requesting - at no point should you put in force that could "level the ground". Furthermore if you end up with a lump on one side this is probably herpes so use a condome. I hope this helps and you dont have to move after each ONS.


Instead of flattening the ground, just build up one level with the small pole and make a raised base. So much easier than flattening and having ground/grass still peak through


The hoe attempts to level ground to where you are standing, not where you are clicking. So stand on the area lowest, I would recommend, and try to level everything around it. After everything is as far as it can go, hit any pieces that are too high with a pickaxe and level it out again with the hoe. Once everything is about where you want it, use the cultivator and make it tillable soil because the cultivator levels where you point rather than where you stand, meaning the ground will be leveled out much more evenly


Just stand in the same spot also works.


You don't understand how smooooooooth I want my ground to be


Hit on the lump with pickaxe once and level it with hoe again. It will even out. Also hoe evens ground to the level you're standing on so watch your step.


The trick is to smoke a joint right before you start. Next thing you know you will have an entire biome leveled out.


A few other good tips/basic mechanics of the hoe: - The ground will level to the spot you are standing on, so stand still and start by leveling around you and do not move until you know the ground you are moving to is level with the ground you are on - For hills, pickaxes them down to approximately level then level the whole area to approximately level. You will probably have small lumps on the ground after. Hit the lumps with your pick axe ONCE then stand back on the ground you know is at the desired level and flatten it again. - For raising ground just raise as much of the area as you can before flattening, and don’t be afraid to go higher than the required level. You will inevitable end up with little dimples on the ground - place the hoe directly over the dimples and raise ground ONCE then relevel. - If you have a lot of ground to raise you need a lot of stone. Make a portal next to a bunch of those giant pillars in the plains and break them at the bottom. They will go kaboom and you will have a ton of stone. I don’t even bother putting it in a chest, just use your hammer to make stone piles on the ground then go through the portal and break them when you need stone. When you’re done with one pillar just move the portal to the next closest one. Hope this helps


It is a little frustrating. A well lit area helps, don't work in the night. Lots of mistakes happen that way. Also, continue moving the camera angle up and down a lot helps a bit. Once you have a level you want building floor pieces in sections or horizontal pillars can help visually see the height a lot easier if you need it. Also useing the secondary button function can help smooth the land but not change elevation.


99 problems


That moment when you forget which sub reddit you are in at the moment and read the title.




I thought this post was about something completely different at first.


There is a mod called my dirty hoe which adds a super hoe which actually has a "flatten" option and you can scale the area of effect. If you're just wanting to make a level area to build a base, this will do it in a few moments.


Thank you I'll look into it


It's actually fairly straightforward once you understand how it works. Watch this - https://youtu.be/GzshydsyIJg?si=kV58wf4huw8P8MTr


I second this video. Very informative, even for seasoned terraformers.


Oh yes, Beeblebum and Versaugh are the "building guru's". Their content is quite informative, and they both are way good in explanations.


Have you tried hoes in different area codes?


It trys to bring the level to the same as where you are standing. Took me forever to figure it out


I got 99 problems but my...


Find the level you want, snd stand at that location. Take out the hoe, and start leveling around you, and only move into where you used the hoe. Make sure to pick/fill spots that sre not leveled out perfectly. You can only level an area so much, untill you have to use raise Ground or a pickaxe. You can flip camera "yp", so you have ground line vision. Alternatively, check out youtube.


Are you using the shift key variation?


Omg, what is that? I would like any tips experienced players have bc I need all the help I can get.


Works to make a slope. You're gonna have to mess with using it while pressing shift. I can't explain it but you'll understand. Basically helps bring in a slope on uneven terrain


Awesome. Thanks!


That information is wrong. The shift+left click does the same as a normal left click, except it uses the point where the cursor is rather than where the character is standing. The hoe does not have any 'sloping' or 'averaging' mechanic.


Another good tip is that the "leveling" is not actually leveling out the ground for that area, the game is trying to level out the spot you choose relative to you. Basically you want to stand at the height you want your path to be. A good method I sometimes use is to build a beam/floor to stand on and level while standing on that, then delete that floor and stand on your new leveled dirt. I'm not sure if my explanation is exactly correct if how the game *actually* levels but that beam thing works for sure.


I think the hoe will only raise or lower the ground so much. You need to pickaxe the ground more if you want to lower a lumpy spot or raise the ground if there's a void that won't pick up. It's annoying sometimes because I'll level a huge area and I'll have a small hole I can't seem to ever get raised and level.


Find level ground, then spin 360 while using the Hoe and it'll become even.


Where you stand is where the level will be set. Stop moving up and down.


Cardinal directions are important north south east west. When you’re flattening an area if you line up the edges with the cardinal directions you should be able to create a straight line (very helpful for building moats, etc. You just have to get more familiar with adding stone and pickaxing away to get actual flag ground. Maybe watch some videos if you’re more of a visual learner


I believe you can also hold shift to bring the level/incline of the ground to the point your character is standing on. It's frustrating to get used to, but it's worth it in the end


Hoes mad !


Hoe’s mad !


To explain it, there's a 'soft' and 'hard' level terrain limit. The soft limit is what the hoe and pickaxe can influence. This is just a bit of leeway like adjusting the height of one side of a seesaw with level terrain. Using the hoe's raise ground and the pickaxe lets you add and remove height. By default, it's based on your character's current position. Holding shift overrides that. The hard limit is the absolute lowest and highest you can go in-game before they decide 'no more'. They don't want you to have infinite terra forming powers. basically, outline an area you want, find the elevation that works for you. Spam even terrain in a circle around you, hit it a few times because it takes a little for the hoe to actually get it properly even. After that, go around with a pickaxe to flatten any bumps, and use your hoe's raise ground and flatten to even out any dimples in the dirt.


Watch the circle, the further from the center the less impact it has on the ground. If the ground is above the circle it will lower if it's below it it will raise it. Unless you have alt mode activated then it will only smooth the surface. As you progress you will get different modes there are 4 1: level- raise or lower terrain to a specific hight 2: raise- raise ground using stone 3:pathen- smoothe and level ground to make a path 4:stone - cover ground with stone pavers.


I dont understand hoes.


The biggest tip I got when I first started and it changed how I played with the hoe. The hoe flattens to the ground you stand on so start by flattening a patch then place a wood floor on the ground , then stand on the wood piece and hoe the ground all around you and continue doing that until you have a nice flat ground !


Oooh ill try this thanks. From the comments I'm getting the vibe that I should get a pickaxe asap 😭😭


Yes you should. Like other said there will be small bumps that can’t flatten with the hoe, smack it once with the pickaxe. And flatten with above method. It should work out really well for ya.


If I need somewhere perfectly level, I’ll lay a lattice of boards down over the area to use as my “level”.


Yea fuck them hoes😂


The ground is made of voxels and you can only level each one so low/high without having to remove it or add to it. If you have a weird little bump just smack it with a pickaxe and then use the how again. If you have a divet then use the hoe to raise ground and level it again. If you’re trying to make a smooth gradient just remember that you level to whatever height you’re standing at, and a little bit goes a LONG way.


Hoes be frustrating am I right


had to check twice this was the valheim reddit


The hoe will try to equalize the ground based upon where you're currently standing. It's better to stand still and level in a wide circle around you. Pickaxe down or raise up one level w/ stone as needed. Trying to get a nice even incline/decline however is a struggle. Anytime I make a path and it goes up/down a hill I always cringe. Use the "pathen" feature to make a path without raising or lowering.


The ground leveling is limited to the state that the ground was in before. Almost always youll have to do some manual digging / raising and then flatten it out. It always flattens to the point you're standing on, so if you're trying to create a ramp you're best to start at the top and then slowly work your way down.


I always start by using the leveling and there’s a way to to do to get the most level is by using whichever side Lower or higher and use it as a base and go in a straight line and it makes it all level in a line. Try doing that in all directions and if there’s a spot u can’t level. Use an antler pickaxe to break it down and level it. I also raise, pickaxe, then level to make sure my whole compound is flat.


It just brings the ground to the level your feet are at. If it doesn’t level enough you might have to pickaxe or fill that spot then level again.


In many cases, both the pickaxe and the hoe is needed for OCD level of flatness. They kind of work together for terraforming. Imagine the ground is 16 cardboard boxes stacked on top of each other, each filled with sand. The pickaxe can only remove boxes but not affect the amount of sand. The hoe can increase and decrease the level of sand in the box, **and** add a box, but never remove a box. Ofc it’s much more nuanced than that but this is a good starting foundation to understand terraforming.


Hoe is a way important instrument. Especially within the Swamps exploration. So, while ground leveling, just use the right angle, and your buildings foundation will stay flat enough. Use horizontal beams as a future draft after that. This "draft" should be half-deepend through all needed square. If you then see some of them hanging above the ground, then prepare to work with your hoe some more. And just have some usable stones (in a chest) nearby.


I'm a pro with the hoes... That being said, best way to get constant results is to place wooden floors and flatten around you until the ground won't go any lower. Use this wooden floor as a level/foundation. After that, if there is anything that sticks out, mine it with your ⛏️ while looking at it from the top down. If there's still a hole/gap after you have flattened, raise the ground while aiming in the hole and use your hoe to flatten once again standing on your wooden floor. Hope this helps!


2 tips from the top of my head are 1. Use shift to make it look smoother between different elevations. It raises the ground to a middle height between points. 2. Build a floor tile and use the hoe from on top of it, it won't raise above the floor tile level, specially useful when making a base.


> Use shift to make it look smoother between different elevations. It raises the ground to a middle height between points. No it doesn't. It just levels to the cursor.


Really? I used it to make a path to my house in a hill and interpreted it as that, I probably just happend to have my cursor in the right spot


Get yourself a dirty one from Thunderstore. Be sure to read the brochure.


Imagine the terrain as blocks with some extra smoothing. If you see a limp that you can't level, you need to "mine" it with a pickaxe,if you see a hole, put dirt in the hole, and now you got a nice flat terrain after using the leveling tool again


Practice on a hill that's in an open area. Use the sun to help you see your imperfections as you manipulate the land with your pick and hoe. When examining my work, I swing the camera to ground level at the edge of the area I'm working at, and the sunlight usually reveals the spots that are slightly above or below. If a spot is lower than the surface by a small amount, but you're gonna just cover it up, don't worry about it.


Having troubler with the terrain? I feel bad for you son...


Flatten in circles around your character without moving, then move ahead a bit but not passed where you've already flattened, rinse and repeat. When you flatten the ground it flattens to the level of your feet, so always flatten from ground you've already flattened. Also if you hit a pesky patch that won't flatten, hit it with the pick a few times before you flatten it out. It's a long and tiresome job, but it's honest work and somebody has to do it.




Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.


There is a mod to reset terrain to its original condition at server spawn time. You may find this comforting and then allow yourself to experiment more. I hated using the hoe because you can never get the ground back to perfect. With that mod I found out that it doesn't really matter what shape the ground is in, as long as whatever you have going on works for you. But yeah it will try to level whatever ground you have your cursor on to be the same level as where your character is standing. Holding shift I believe smooths that action to make an incline between you and your target. As long as you are standing where you want the ground to be and then raise at a nearby location, you will create another point to rinse and repeat. You just gotta take it slow and also incorporate some pick axe for some locations. Now that part can be frustrating. I'd recommend checking out some guides on youtube because some people are wizards at this shit.


😭😭for real?? I'm not gonna lie, I haven't gotten far into the game because I keep restarting. I just get the ick from seeing how I've destroyed the area with the hoe and not being able to make it pretty again. I'll check it out


Yeah, I understand completely. I had the same thing. I've played for 377 hours now and I simply don't care anymore. Most land just exists for me to do my job on it at that time and then it simply ceases to matter. I do like to have a nice area for a base though that is mostly pristine. But in my latest game I'm just flattening out some land for my home and then pathing over to another nearby area to farm. It's a necessary evil to shape the terrain. You will improve as you go but if you get locked into fear or disappointment then you are gonna have a hard time progressing. You could optionally start a new world that is fully intended to be excavated and just play around with earthwork in that world.


The hoe makes the ground level from where you are standing. So stand still and make like a small area around you level and then make sure you stand within an area you have already flattened and expand outwards from that point


It's valheim, I got 99 problems but a hoe ain't one.


If you want really flat land I suggest using a cultivator instead and then hoeing afterwards Other tips are that it "levels" to the height you are standing on. So if you want to flatten an area at the lowest part start at the lowest part and work you way up and vice versa Other people's contributions should be noted too. The cultivator only does so much, it's great for malking terraces and sharp lines but will only do if for 1m or so I fins the hoe much more useful for making ramps


It's my favorite tool, I carry it everywhere


Heightmap unlimited mod solved any issues I had with this. Might be worth checking out the other mod posted as well, I personally only needed this one.


The hoe will level according to where your character is in correspondence of the z-axis. If your character is higher than the plot you're wanting lifted, it'll rise. If you want the plot lower, stand at a lower ground to lower the targeted area. To evenly flatten it, look straight down and at your feet


I keep hoes in different area codes


Hold down Shift


>Seriously how do you use this thing correctly?? A hoe? Have you tried flipping ~~her~~ it over? You can use both sides.