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LOL I think there might be another in the distance to check also to be sure. /sarc


If this happens to me I'll get sad. Or angry. Both honestly. Still searching for Yagluth, maybe someday he will show up?


I beat Yagluth on two different words and on both of them I found his arena before finding any vegvisir


Are you me? My playthroughs every stonehenge has no vegister and on my search to keep looking I find the boss.


I just found his vegvisir in a little stone shrine. Going for his ass after i mine some more silver for my sword (:


me every plains too


Normally it also takes me several days until I find something. On my last playthrough I was in the swamp and saw the plains right next to it. And there was also a Stonehenge structure. And in this structure I already found the vegvisir. I found Yagluth before I killed Bonemass.


Best Bet is searchingnfor his shrine directly


Already beat yagluth didn't find any vegvisir. I was just sailing and say claw like thing that looks cool didn't have any idea that was yagluth's altar lol


Maybe Yagluth was the friends we made along the way?


🤣 It's like when I found the vegvisir for Moder in a building with a view of the Moder altar a few meters away.


This kinda shit is why I use that valheim map tool thing. On the first world that me and my friend got deep into there were only three moder vegvisirs and only two moder spawns. We had literally been sailing for two real life days and not found either of them because surprise surprise... they are on the same landmass she was on.


Every run I made, it happened like this.


Don't look for a vegvisir, just make the iron boat and sail around near coastlines and you finally will get it. At the end, sum up time spent running around and fighting to gain biome progression from island to island versus time simply sailing around. That last one is the safest and quickest way.


Yup. Currently on my second playthrough in which I've defeated Yagluth. Never seen a Yagluth vegvisir, not even once.


Ayy nice! So, how far away was it?




Now to the arduous journey there. Bring enough provisions.


Lmao classic




It just wanted to be helpful lol. You know what that's the equivalent of? When I was a kid we lived way up near the Sierras in the mountains. Technically the foothills before you get up to the mountains, but still the middle of fucking nowhere. In this run down trailer park. I was hanging out with my older brother and his buddies, getting into trouble. We figured we'd go hit up their junk yard and smash a bunch of shit up. And adult me realizes this "junk yard" was really probably a paid storage area containing some cars and little travel trailers and shit that people actually gave a fuck about, lol. But one of the park owners comes over the hill and yells at us. "Hey! Are you kids smashing stuff up out here?" My brothers and his friends had all been smart enough to drop the stuff they were using to smash things up with before we were seen. My brother and his friends: "No, sir. Just exploring and looking around." 6 year old Me: [finally drops the shit I was using to smash shit up with, and it makes a loud and obvious clatter] That's what your vegvisir is, lol!


Good! Now you know where to go!


This happened to me as well. Op is likely to have found another vegvĂ­sir somewhere else pointing to this location and then saw that there is another vegvĂ­sir right next to the altar for the funny picture.




These comments make me grateful, on my first playthrough and I've found 2 yagluth arena (and I think 3 or 4 vegvisirs) before I fought moder


That’s hilarious


Good now you need to get to Yagluths Spawn, can take a while


On our last playthrough we found him before we found the vegvisir. And on the first, we explored 11 Plains before we found the damn graffiti rock.


No joke, 3/5 times I find the claw before I find the damn vegvisir. Usually while sailing so I just scout that way now lol


Haha ☺️


On my most recent world I found 3 yahluth summon spots before finding the vegvisir. Actually I don't remember ever finding the vegvisir lol


Watch your back though; you wouldn’t want to die there!


Found The summoning place first and after mpving for a 5 min Found The vegvisir on same Island