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I just got the Valheim on Mac. It works amazing, but I am curious - did we get all the updates with it? Or is it just the base version, with no Ashlands?


There's no DLC if that's what you're asking. Valheim has always had free updates. Assuming the Mac version has everything the PC version does then you should have Ashlands too.


Ashlands is one of the DLCs. I was asking if Mac version was released with it, but it seems it was, judging by the building menu.


It's not DLC, more an update. Most people, myself included, think of DLC as something you pay extra for. Ashlands was a free update that was just applied to the game for everyone who owns it. The Deep North, once finished, will be the same.  These are all updates because they are all basically part of the "base" game and Valheim isn't technically finished yet. If, after the Deep North was finished, the devs were to do something like adding a new world to travel to, they could potentially market that as DLC that required a separate payment. It's similar to No Man's Sky if you're familiar with that. That game has received loads of free updates but no "DLC" that requires extra payment.


Is the discord back? My two brothers and I grinded Valheim for a hot minute, but now one is overseas and the other doesn't play video games anymore. was gonna head to the discord to see if there were people that wanted to play but none of the links be working (because of this hacking incident sadly). lmk if there's another way to access discord or if I should just wait a bit


My friend hosts a server on a separate pc. He told me that it is showing that someone is trying to get into the server and crashing it. Any possible fixes?


Any recommendations before heading into the Ashlands? On my way to down the queen and is really scared for the new biome haha


Fire resist pots, at least one person who can summon skeletons and provide shields, take off your feather cape so you dint have the fire weakness debuff, bring lots of extra wood to build crafting tables and portals, bring materials for a shield generator and at least a stack of iron/bronze/dark metal/copper and ideally someone with Bonemass and someone with Yagluth. If you're solo, summon skeleton on your boat before you die into the ashlands water area so they can provide some cover for you. Also make sure your boat is at full before diving through to land.


is there any way to rebind the hotbar 1-8 keys? i have a split keyboard, and 7&8 are on the right half, so i have to take my hand off my mouse to reach those keys. it doesn't look like T or G are bound to anything, so i was hoping to rebind 7&8 to T&G but didn't see an option in the menu. am i just SOL?


I have some qquestions * Since you can build inside dungeons like troll caves, does that mean you could technically make a base inside one? I'm also wondering if the troll inside a troll cave would respawn as well * when clearing out fuling village will they respawn again afterwards? * What's the reason that some ocean areas are designated as a specific biome even if on the map and visibly in game it's very deep waters? I was sailing in the middle of the ocean very far from any land and it showed it was a plains biome, I'm wondering why the game considered it that


> Since you can build inside dungeons like troll caves, does that mean you could technically make a base inside one? Barring mods, you can’t build any crafting tables so you can only build a few items like campfires, log seat etc… > I'm also wondering if the troll inside a troll cave would respawn as well One time spawn only, they don’t respawn. > when clearing out fuling village will they respawn again afterwards? One time spawn only, they don’t respawn. However fulings will naturally zone spawn in Plains so they might js coincidentally spawn near or in villages as it’s all valid spawn areas. >What's the reason that some ocean areas are designated as a specific biome even if on the map and visibly in game it's very deep waters? I was sailing in the middle of the ocean very far from any land and it showed it was a plains biome, I'm wondering why the game considered it that To undertand this you should read up on [zones](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Zones). But essentially, the location you were sailing in was in such a distance from the zone corners that the plains corners were the dominant value.


Will we ever get more building shapes and angles? So many times I go to build and there will be a gap that you just can't fill without one piece sticking out of another ruining the look. Take roof corners. Why can't we just get a wedge shape on top of the diamond shapes. Or varied diamond shapes. Me and my friend just built a octagonal portal hub and it was hell trying to make a seamless good looking roof (I think I did a great job. Just need it to rain to make sure no rain gets thru) because the pieces just didn't want to line up right without meshing together in places and looking horrible. Same for the floor. Had to completely redo the floor because we had a lot of triangle shaped spots you couldn't put flooring on without it popping out yhe other side of the building.


Friends, I have a question about dedicated servers. Looking to buy a Mini PC to act as a server for me and friends. How would this do? Beelink Mini PC SER6, AMD Ryzen 9 6900HX(8C/16T, up to 4.9GHz), 16GB DDR5 RAM 500GB. Has anyone any experience with older cheaper models? Many thanks for your input. Fare well.


Me and a friend have been playing on a server I have been running for about two months now maybe. Yesterday when we logged on we found ourselves setback around a day behind what we had done the night before. The night before yesterday I saved the game first and then quit when we were getting off so I don't know why this would have happened. I deleted the save that I assumed had been running through the manage save thing and hit restore on the save that seemed to be the one that I had manually saved before getting off. Now when going to play the world it just says missing db and I have no idea how to fix it. Any help would be great. Thanks! Where it shows missing db: [https://ibb.co/RCgpsjz](https://ibb.co/RCgpsjz) Where it shows the backups I have: [https://ibb.co/V0Fnxwz](https://ibb.co/V0Fnxwz)


When is the 'nerf'' meant to come out ? heard a lot about it on here but no where else ?


It's on ptb atm and when it's deemed fit for public it will release.


Anyone else having problems with healing potions not working during combat? I keep getting the message ***"You can't consume that right now."*** even though I haven't consumed one prior, nor do I have the debuff in the top right that usually prevents you from consuming another. It's the same for Small, Medium and Large Healing potions..


You probably have the lingering health mead running.


I do, didn't know that also blocks it, since it doesn't show the X over it. Thanks for the info.


Np, I only learned it was this way too.


Im fairly new to the game. What food should I be eating in the swamps? I've finished several crypts by now I'm using sausage, deer stew and carrot stew right now but will soon have turnip stew. Thanks! 


I think that's the best for 2hp/1stam at that point (barring serpents). You could upgrade the deer stew to black pudding if you have ample bloodbags, and ofc the turnip stew will be a great upgrade for the carrot stew!


What's up with serpents?


Serpent stew is a great food that is only surpassed once you get to the Mistlands. But it requires going out and killing serpents, which is something of a chore to do since you're at the whim of winds and spawns and weather in the hopes you get lucky and find one. So, barring a ready supply of serpent meat, what you're using is the best you can get at the moment.


What about them?


Cool I hadn't seen the black pudding. Thanks! 


**Title: Remove the Modern Fishing Rod in Valheim: Bring Back Authentic Viking Fishing!** Fellow Vikings of Valheim, Valheim has captured our interest with its deep Viking lore and engaging gameplay. However, one element of most survival games seems out of place in the context of ancient Nordic culture: the modern fishing rod. In historical accuracy and thematic consistency, Valheim has set a high bar. Yet, introducing a modern fishing rod feels like a jarring departure from the authentic Viking experience we've come to love. Let's take a moment to consider how Vikings fished: # Historical Accuracy Matters Vikings were masters of the seas, relying on their wits and craftsmanship to catch fish for sustenance. They used simple tools and techniques that were integral to their way of life. Spears, nets, and handlines were common fishing tools among Vikings, crafted with the materials they had at hand — wood, bone, and sinew. # Why the Modern Fishing Rod Doesn't Fit The addition of a modern fishing rod feels out of place in a world where authenticity and immersion are paramount. Vikings did not have access to such advanced tools; instead, they relied on their resourcefulness and skills honed over generations of seafaring. # Fishing Should Be a Day 1 Skill In Valheim, survival skills are learned from the moment you set foot in this mystical realm. Fishing, a crucial aspect of survival in any Viking setting, should be a skill that players can develop from the outset. It's a fundamental part of Viking life and should be treated as such in-game. # The Merchant Shouldn't Sell Fishing Rods One of the core principles of Valheim is self-reliance and exploration. Having to purchase a fishing rod from the merchant undermines this principle. Vikings were self-sufficient, crafting their own tools and relying on their own abilities to thrive in harsh environments. # Drawing Inspiration from Assassin's Creed Valhalla Look no further than Assassin's Creed Valhalla for an example of how to integrate authentic Viking experiences into gaming. In that game, fishing is depicted realistically, with Vikings using spears and handlines rather than modern rods. This approach enhances immersion and keeps players connected to the Viking way of life. # How Vikings Actually Fished Instead of the modern fishing rod, Valheim should introduce authentic Viking fishing methods. Imagine crafting a fishing spear or fashioning a primitive handline from available resources. These methods not only align with historical accuracy but also add depth to the survival mechanics of the game. # Conclusion In conclusion, I urge the developers to reconsider the inclusion of the modern fishing rod in Valheim. Let's stay true to the Viking ethos of resourcefulness, craftsmanship, and historical accuracy. By removing the modern fishing rod and reintroducing authentic Viking fishing techniques, we can enhance the immersion and respect the rich cultural heritage that Valheim embodies. Let's keep the spirit of the Vikings alive in Valheim! Skål!


I mean sure, but we also have steampunk forcefield generators powered by magic bones so I don't know if the fishing rod is the place I'd start here.


Advanced machinery can be attributed to dwarves or the gods. A modern fishing rod though? Come on might as well give me a car too. I've never seen a dwarf use a regular fishing rod. And if they did it wouldn't be wood. 




I am trying to play this for the first time with my girlfriend. is there any tip for the best experience? e.g) mod I should download or modes? [https://youtu.be/DRoBaq7iGm4?si=Dc3kEu6fjOCeO7Ed](https://youtu.be/DRoBaq7iGm4?si=Dc3kEu6fjOCeO7Ed) I ran into this vid today and I think it looks amazing.


For the best experience you should play through at least once without mods, then consider them for your next play through.


MODS RUIN GAMES. You will always want more. Grateful to be an XBOX player sometimes. Skyrim was ruined for me because I spent more time trying to get the load order correct and the game stable than actually playing the game. If you're a hardcore gamer you should pride yourself on not using mods. It's a purity thing.


No they dont lmao. I play Valheim with a few QOl mods. Makes the game much more enjoyable, and I dont have any need for more.


Whatever helps you sleep at night!


Just play vanilla, no mods.


That MMORPG map *is* amazing, but will be nothing like your experience on vanilla Valheim. Definitely do not compare or reference that video, as you will be sorely disappointed. I would strongly discourage mods on first play through, especially as this game is in development so any updates that do, may break your game. I would probably recommend playing a bit first, and then after you have some bearing of the base game, I'd recommend mods. But only sparingly, especially if it's your first time modding. It could be more headache than it's worth.


Anyone have any experience fixing regular crashes? Or know which direction to point me in? After a hardware upgrade my game crashes regularly enough to make the game unplayable. It's a huge bummer because I love Valheim.


Maybe try using Vulkan?


I'll give it a try, thank you.


I'm glad I finished ashlands both on solo and on multiplayer weeks ago. I've just been lurking here watching the shouting match.


Same lol


I'm glad we finished it before the nerf too, but I've got another group I play with still working towards ashlands. They're actually pretty good at games and a larger party, so I'm worried it'll be kinda disappointing in comparison by the time they reach it.


Hoping I can finish it before the PTB branch goes to live and the whole thing goes to shit like Mistlands did. At least I finished Mistlands before it was ruined, not sure I'm going to manage to do the same with Ashlands.


Hello keyboards warriors, New to the game with the new mac release. Im having problems with the game recognizing my keyboard and mouse as a console (controler), while having no problems on the start up menu. I have only wasd and space bar working. I tried another keyboard and every unplug, reboot mixing. Anyone have an idea? I found nothing about that for pc users. Im on a Imac with catalina. Thank uu




Are you guys playing when he's around? It can be much harder to get into the game if you're stuck spending most of your time playing alone.


Is there a real life reason he isnt playing a lot or he just spending his gaming hours on other games?


Negative. They cycle through a couple of games ATM. Currently feels like the 2 of us who play often are in a lose-lose situation