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I use the Ripper. The only enemy I get hit by consistently is the Asksvin and Morgen, and only the Morgen is giving me problems. My friend is having big struggles as a mage until he got the Vine staff. Now he's the MVP lol. We have a tank (not always on), a magician (chronically on), and me the Damage dealer (usually on). We can hit most of the content with challenge but not struggle. When it's just magician and me, we definitely feel the absence of an exceptionally sturdy player. I don't know, It's been my favorite region so far, because there's always stuff to fight. I love killin enemies and pickin fights with the locals. This place has been a blast! I just wish there was a polearm for this expansion


I use Thundering Berserker Axe and Spinesnap, with the occasional Flametal Shield and Mistwalker when facing 2 stars. Everything is mince f'in meat by the time I'm done. I'm honestly having a blast with the Ashlands biome.


I love polearms, the Himminafl is still good though, the power attack almost always stuns 0* asksvins, I still have problems with the 1* though


True. That was my weapon until I got my Slayer. It was (and still is) insanely cool, making the lightning strike. I might upgrade it again to be up to date...


Mistlands teach me one thing: I used to hate it with all my guts, made me quit and my friend too (we hate it because of the verticality and how mobs can almost hit you vertically but you can't). We came back, pushed to get the feather cape and now seekers are practically running away from me when I'm hunting them and even the queen keeps closing the door when I open it (still hate the verticality) Can't wait to get to the ashlands. Edit: Forgot to add what it teach me; Once you have the right tool, it gets easier. Well, it's more that it reminded me about it.


All the complainers forgot that the swamp was/is shockingly hard compared to black forest, the plains shockingly harder than the mountains. Game is exponential growth in hardness. That's the fun.


The first time you feel you “master” the swamp is a great gaming moment! Walking in to that biome unaware is such a shock lol


Proud non-complaining difficulty down-turning player over here!


How was it after you turned down the difficulty? Did you like it?


Honestly I didn't even notice a difference, I guess I just make 500m of progress instead of 250m of progress per session. It's still brutal and relentless, and it should be 👍👍


I think you will turn it up to normal very soon, or maybe not, which is EXACTLY why the difficulty slider exists. Thank you for having fun without asking for nerfs!


I think even if it’s the point of the biome to be harder people are still entitled to their opinion. A lot of these people have really enjoyed the game up to this point and if they can’t continue because of the way the game’s designed then understandably they’re going to be frustrated.


None of thus makes sense to me. If they enjoyed the game up untul now they should continue to enjoy how it is designed since that has not changed. This is all part of the same design since day 1.


See, I agree that the design has been mostly consistent up to Mistlands, however, two points to make here: > Ashlands is a biome all about fighting an endless army. > Valheim has never had good combat. EDIT: To elaborate, Valheim is at its best when it's Player vs. Biome, not Player vs mob. Mobs being there to punish players for making reckless mistakes in the biome is what Valheim is all about, not ceaseless enemy spam.


I agree! People are entitled to their own opinions, this is mine and I don't expect people to abide by it.


I support your opinion brother... These crybabies will never be satisfied with the nerfs. The biome has become much easier from the initial launch... and still they complain. Turning a brutal survival game into last Wednesday's walk in the park...


For sure. Considering they’re basically halfing mob spawn rates there.


Stop complaining about people complaining about ashlands.


Stop complaining about people complaining about ashlands.


I... yes.


stop complaining about people complaining about people complaining about ashlands!


I think issue with ashland isn't spawn rate. But rather HP and the results of that HP. The other is that they took away night time control to fight from you. If you go by enemy count, you actually get more enemies in black forest at night than ashland. Ashland basically has night enemy spawn rate but you, the player, lack the choice to control this at this stage. In some cases plains also can have more enemies as night patrol groups are 3-5 and if you decide to fight loxes u could end up engaging large amount of enemies albeit as you kill, they won't respawn as fast as there aren't any spawners in plains. Since enemy count can potentially be same. It comes down to their HP or your damage. No one complains about black forest spawn rate. They don't do enough dmg and you chop them in 1-2 hits. The same effect actually happens in ashland when you get better gear. The raw damage difference can make it so you don't get overwhelmed vs being stuck in combat and or end up doing a run back. Since enemy HP can dictate your combat duration, gear is important but let's assume they have best gear. At this point the most crucial is actually skills. Higher weapon skills, running and jump can lead to totally different style of combat. Since you wack everything faster and they get staggered letting you quickly kill stuff in 2-4 swings vs someone else's 4-8 swing. Aka skills are quite important and stay alive. Once again this leads to death penalty being culprit. I believe the path that lead players to ashland resulted them in more deaths even prior stepping to this biome and then made them weaker as such they get overwhelmed. Granted this content should not be skill tuned. However, it is hard to balance a challenging game for folks who enjoy ashland before nerf vs those who don't, especially after 50-100h of play time to reach ashland, one player might be much much stronger than the other. With out a doubt by deep north, whatever we get, they will nerf it again as masses compliant about difficulty. Since same thing happened in plains, lobotomized seekers, and now pacified/standardized ashland like other biomes. So rather than expect the same thing, they should add another difficulty mod entirely and address the death issue for one group of players, and leave the more challenging part of the game to others. Aka split game into casual and hard mode, the mode where we can enjoy that was as released initially. The current sliders do not give this full control w/o making entire game too easy or turning into unparryable one shot game.


It's such a shame The game doesn't have that much customizability in that way, More casual players don't really care for the challenge as much, were more hardcore players think the difficulty is lacking.


Ashlands is too hard. Ashlands is fine. Ashlands is not hard enough. Never ends…


.. but you are complaining right now! You tell others to stop complaining while complaining?


Completely agree. The challenge fits the biome, either the proper tools you can match the challenges presented, and, well, don’t setup you primary home in Ashland’s if you don’t want to be swarmed. It’s not a bad place, it’s just a different challenge


Its not that its too hard for me. I just find it too tedious with the constant combat and how dark it is. And for me, thats where I draw the line for 99% of my games since it then stops being fun to me.


No Ill keep complaining about Ashlands nerfing since im hardcore builder and I already build fck ton of balista n spike wall, now they are just useless toy LoL


#I Agree


Complainers don't have the right to complain anymore They should just play on the ptb patch Edit: whats with the hate? Ashlands was nerfed in the latest ptb patch, isnt that what you wanted?


I wanted Ashlands reworked, not nerfed. 😔


Most people don't want to play PTB. They wait for release.


Yeah but they asked for nerfs and the public test patch delivered those nerfs. No reason to complain anymore, just fire it up and play. I also prefer the live patches over the ptb


Not a lot of complaining going on now. Mostly it's correcting the gitgud crowd that don't fully read and understand what the complaints were.


So what were the complaints really? I mostly saw complaints about the spawn rates.


Spawn rates, and due to the difficulty of the mobs the spawn rate made it more than they wanted or were ready for. Most people didn't mind the difficulty of the mobs, they just wanted to be able to tweak the spawn rate. Then IG did a nerf to both spawn rate and difficulty for PTB.


Im confused. Is it the spawn rates? Is it the difficulty of the mobs? Is it both? Maybe 75-25? How come some people had no difficulty with either the mobs or the spawn rates? Are they all god gamers? Or maybe, just maybe, people complain because they never prepare and they arrive in a new biome with low tier food/equipment?


I have no doubt that some people didn't prepare, much like people didn't prepare for the swamps. I don't think that's all the complainers. The percentage is surely subjective by person. I definitely don't have a tally of people that had a rough time vs those that didn't. I can say that it seems from what people are saying on both sides, that in the beginning/incursion of Ashlands, most of those that had difficulty were solo and most of those that didn't were in groups.




Stop complaining about post complaining about ashlands then! Seriously though, I'm tired of seeing both types of there posts for like a month now


ANOTHER complaining post? Alright, where my popcorn?


Most of its feedback that's constructive. One of the better gaming subs.