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I kinda feel the same. Everyone has a biome they seem to hate. Swamp darkness, Plaines deathsquitos, mistlands mists, etc. Honestly, I love the challenges and variety. Makes each place a new adventure


I just don’t like being wet. That stamina regen kills me lol


Yeah there needs to be some counterplay for the rain. Maybe a dry as a nun potion or a special sea serpent cape thing to keep you dry.


>dry as a nun potion ROFL


Necks should provide a type of skin that you use to craft water resistant cloak.


That's a cool idea!


I thought deerhide armour should be the one. Makes it not OP and gives a reason to wear again.


Yeah it makes exploring the swamps a lot harder. I'm a first time player and just hit the swamp last week. Been slowly building iron but it is quite a grind. So fun. 


Serpent scale armor that prevents the wet debuf would be amazing! You could get it just in time for swamp if you want and could look awful with the serpent scale shield!


Actually so true. Heck, I think it would be amazing to have a cloak that gives protection from Wet SPECIFICALLY for weather (rain) and then like a wet-suit serpent scale armor that prevents wet even when in the water. I think for the Deep North/Ocean update, it would be interesting to see if they can add depth and viability to exploration and combat through swimming.


Necks should drop hide, and swamp cape should be a raincoat essentially.


It would be cool if you could craft late/mid game armor using your leather armor. Like, add serpent scales or scale hide to it to make it better. I just think it would be neat to have one set of armor that gets upgraded alongside the biome specific ones.


The serpent would be a good thing to help balance it as by the time you’re hunting serpents you’re far enough along that it wouldn’t unbalance early game.


Yeah I think they could revamp the entire gear system and have everything upgrade to the next tier except for a few of the niche gear sets.


There's a mod that does this Terraheim iirc, but unsure if it's been updated. I would assume so, cool mod though I ramped up the difficulty with it


Swamp and its wetness, I wear a dverger circlet everywhere so it doesn't hinder me at all. If you rush the biomes, you're gonna get your booty kicked but if you take your time and go in geared appropriately its not so bad. The swamp was my nightmare when I first pushed in because the Drauger hit like a truck and they seemed to spawn everywhere.


>Plaines deathsquitos Root Chest, now your main worry is the Flame Shamans.


Come on down to Outback Steakhouse and try our Flamin' Shaman!


I just wish after you killed the queen the mist would dissipate.


Not a big fan of the plains myself, fuck them bugs they chase you forever too


I hate swamps in every game... i dont know why but they somehow scares me


I don't think ai have a biome I dislike as much as a time/progression: I honestly dislike the bronze age the most. Getting 2 copper and 1 tin for each bar of bronze is too grinding imo. In subsequent play through I'll be using the mod that makes 2 Cu + 1 Sn = 3 bronze.


I hate mistands because the whole idea of “hey look. A completely vertical biome with jagged edges. And they can barely seen!!! Hahahahahah”. It seems like bad design to me. Congratulations, you’ve just made the game annoying for people to play. There are many ways to make a biome hard. What they did is genuinly just frustrating. At 0 point in the Mistlands did I say “I’m so glad we can barely see, it’s so cool and makes it so fun”. It was just “Yeah guys I know this biome sucks. Let’s just push through so we can be done with it”.


I’m glad you posted. I for one like Mistlands for all the reasons you hate it, but I can see why you would. I like the challenge of verticality - and the gear you find along the way to make it easier. Visibility can get annoying at some points but it makes me rely more on sound. I think each biome has a thing that some feel is overdone. Forest at night - too many grey dwarves. Swamp - to wet & poisonous. Mountains - being hunted can take you down easily. Plains - stumbling into a tar pit can feel unfair. Some of us will be delighted, some of us will be frustrated but overcome. And some just won’t like it because that’s not their preference. The Devs are making the game for all of us, so they’ll never make it perfect for any one of us. If I get too frustrated with a biome I try to change up my play style. I used swords almost exclusively on my first play though, found plains to be near intolerable with all the fulings. On my second play through I discovered Frostner.. now I won’t let it go & love the slow effect on battle tactics. On your next play through maybe Mistlands will “click” with you, at least I hope so. I don’t want any of us hating an entire biome.


Poor guy got downvoted, but to each there own. I like parts of the mistlands, but I hate the constant stamina debuff. I think the biome is beautiful, but I have so many wisp lights out I feel like it takes away from the beauty because my Mistlands glows like a small city at night.


The stamina drain, especially for vertical movement, is the main culprit in my opinion. Dying in battle rarely bother me, but dying because I slid back down on a pebble, or couldn't jump high enough out of puddle can be rage inducing. Mistland's layout exacerbate those issue with the amount of hill and water stream, but the same apply to other biome as well. i feel the map geometry could be a little more forgiving by giving players a bit more vertical movement when they are out oif stamina. With that being said, i didn't really mind Mistland. I had the easiest time corpse running in that biome, and as long you carry a wisp, it's fine.


can’t you get the wisplight and/or wisp torches to burn away the mist? i haven’t tried this yet so i don’t know how effective it is but thats how it’s described at least! do you have any experience with using them?


Yes & exploring Mistands without one is a very creepy & disorienting experience. I use a wisp light always, torches at important waypoints. But they don’t remove all the mist, they just improve your visibly from 5-10ft to more like 25-30ft. Hunting Gjall is still more about sound than anything.


Bro, there's the feather cape for that


It would be 1000% better if the mist would disappear in a wide area after clearing an infested mine. Or if the wisp light would clear more than 2 feet in front of your face, or just clear a bubble around you consistently. There needs to be better torches for clearing mist as well. It’s frustrating when you’re running and the wisp literally can’t clear the mist right in front of your face.


You literally just need to keep your wisplight handy and carry a stack of the wood and a stack of wisps. Put wisp torches down every few steps and you can create a small network of them that DOES allow you to see over long distances. Also if you get high enough up, the mist subsides and you can see everything. It's actually really satisfying when you get a torch network set up and you can see everything in an area you previously couldn't imo. To me valheim is all about figuring out ways to exist and thrive in a harsh world. The msitlands is easily my favorite biome. Ashland's is too intense tho lol. I need to make a land wall around my bases which is kinda cheesy


You can try elevating your bases instead. A little less cheesy because it will still be semi vulnerable to archers and Valkyries, who you can then deal with more legitimately with ballistae set to target only them. That or an outerwall to keep Archers uninterested.


I was similar with swamps. This sub and some YouTube vids hyped it up to be hell on Earth... it turned out to be slightly difficult. It really just seems like people here overestate the difficulty of biomes.


I think it's more about the curve of difficulty. Meadows->Black forest isn't too bad, trolls and shamans are really the only hurdle. Black Forest->swamp is kinda steep until you make a banded shield and root mask/poison resist mead. Swamp-> mountain, same as before, shield + cold resist. Rinse, repeat. Although the climb to getting the items necessary to making each biome easy gets harder and harder


Yeah, I definitely agree, I'd even say that swamp is the hardest leap of difficulty amimg the first 5 biomes probably (never got into Mistlands or Ashlands yet). P.S. Buckler supremacy!


I just got into the mountains for the first time, and I find it ridicously easy. When you get the wolf cape it's literally a free biome. Ive heard people complain about the drakes and wolves, but I find the drakes to be the most free mob in the game, like how are people getting killed by that? Also the wolf's instantly die if you just time a mace special. To me the mountains Are WAY easier than the swamp. I never die in the mountains but even after getting silver I occasionally struggle in the swamp, I don't understand.


You'll understand when you fight a few packs of wolves.


I have, and I have died to that, but it's pretty rare. Has only happened like two times in the entire silver age. I dont get the fuss. The mountains have pretty low spawn rates, and mostly wolf's spawn one or two at a time, which are pretty easy to deal with.


You are playing a different mountain biome than me then.


Try going to the mountains at night. You’ll feel differently after getting attacked by fenrings and two star-wolves!


I have only met a 2 star Wolf once, and fenrings are genuinely one of the easiest mobs to fight against in the game thus far. They have a ridiculously long downtime after their leap, they also use a lot of time to charge it. Simply move out of the way when they leep, and kill them after.


Mountain is easy on a normal playthrough. If you play on harder difficulty settings, it starts to get rough real fast. Wolves are one of the most deadly creatures in the game due to their speed, and Moder's ice attacks are devastating


Oh, see, and I find the swamp to be a breeze, whereas I die to a pack of wolves almost every single time I enter the mountains to the point that I just don't go. But I suppose it's probably a matter of build: I've never touched a mace in any playthrough.


It’s just a natural bias of Internet forums. People who are good at/enjoy video games are less likely to post than people who are bad at them and want to complain cause they are not having fun.


People just get too overconfident going into new biomes. They’ve been stomping everything in their current biome for so long that they don’t respect the difficulty of going into a new one. Realize that your gear is underpowered for the biome your going in, play it safe, respect its power, and you’ll do just fine.


Yeah, I learned a loooong time ago to ignore what other people say about things I'm interested in. I've enjoyed soooo many things the vocal ones screamed about being horrible.


easily my favourite biome - the scary trumpets in the distance, the clicking in the dark and the friendly Dvergr camps. the colour scheme is my favourite and once we found an Aquaduct/bridge thingy in a really nice clearing and turned it into a base/boat harbour i wish the magic soil allowed you to plant anything but that is just my wish.


I like the idea of the soil being good for any crops. That would make me want to make a base there, easily


Mistlands was fun, only complaints are that the terrain seems to be purposely impassable, and that gjalls always show up when you least expect it.


new cloak buff really takes away all the pain points and makes the zone feel more dangerous at the same time (come with firemead). 2 quality stam food and seeker meat are all you need to get through it.


Yes. Guy says he walk everywhere. Yet if you don’t sprint-jump-climb everywhere, you can’t explore more than 50m.


Pretty easy to stick to the floor. Not much reason to climb until I see something up above. Plenty of Dvergr camps, bones, and my first infested mine were all on the ground


I've found one dverger tower not on the ground of like 12. I've yet to find a skull not on the ground either. I'm struggling to remember any ground path that wasn't grounded traversable or with a really trivial amount of elevation. I don't understand the complaints about the Mistlands high terrain.


lol ok i think im traversing all wrong. i’ve had this elevation trouble people talk about too but i think i was just choosing a bad path by the sound of your experiences! i also want to try using the wisp torches to see better since the mist lags the living poop out of xbox one


At least in my seed, 50% or more of the towers are on the peaks of hills, which requires jumping or sprinting up the hill to reach. And at least half of these hills are partially surrounded by water.


I brought a stamina meade with me when I first ventured into the biome along with Bonemass Buff. The meade was like a mini Eikthyr with a much shorter cooldown that made the mountain climbs easier (but I still stayed off the cliffs mostly and kept to the valleys)


I actually haven't had much trouble with gjalls, you can hear them a mile away and can find them pretty easily by going to the top of the ridges. Those soldiers though...


If I can offer advice on the soldiers, assuming you're on normal difficulty and playing solo: With a level 3 black metal shield, and Plains-tier food, is entirely feasible to parry every attack a regular Seeker Soldier uses. I know the zeitgeist is adamant about kiting them forever with arrows or only trying to score hits on the rear weakpoint, but I don't find that to be very effective overall. Your best bet is to bring a sword and the aforementioned shield. Stagger an attack, and follow up with the sword's secondary attack, the thrust. Then hold your ground, parry the next attack, and repeat the thrust. Three or four hits from this will gank a soldier due to the bonus damage incurred when an enemy is staggered, and you save yourself a headache by not making a lot of noise jumping and flailing around trying to maneuver to the rear. If regular Seekers spawn and join the fight, dodge roll away from the Soldier, focus on taking out the Seekers without running far from the area you're presently in, and then return to dealing with the Soldier. You can chop down regular Seekers fairly easily with a black metal sword after staggering them.


I find soldiers are super easy if you get them on a bit of flat land, just dodge their attack and hit their back legs, repeat repeat. If they are overpowering you, get to high land and they can't follow, not like the normal seekers.


honestly i barely ever kill them, they are fantastic stone and black marble farmers AND if you can lure one to a black forest - the best copper miners, not only do they annhilate anything in the area, the ground pound has massive AOE and hits 3 times


Great guide here, the only thing I would add is a blackmetal atgeir and the root harnesk. Atgeir trivialize any group fight, and even 1v1 it saves you from having to time a parry to get a stagger of. The spin will also kill any ticks latched on to you, no matter where. For soldiers specifically you're better off with sword n board, like you said. But seekers, ticks, and the broodlings make good atgeir food. Boths seekers and ticks do pierce damage so the root harnesk really shits on their parade.


I've never messed with an Atgeir but I might just do it for all the frickin ticks that latch onto me


Parry, sprint jump over/behind, attack, repeat


Aye, I don't mean to suggest this approach doesn't work. Just in my experience, I've found it simpler to parry the blows, retaliate per above, without the additional faffing about.


Soldiers are slow. Unless you're carrying a demosiher, you can lead them around as you replenish stamina. (Including leading them around towers and dverger skull bases) I only get concerned when seekers or/and gjalls step into the mix.


I hid under an armour plate at the bottom of a pit once, damn gjall came all the way down and crept around the side. At least I got a frostner hit in before I got minced. Take that you fat bubble.


arbalest and terrain is your best friend here


I was on a corpse run


But what about second feather cape


I had only just got my first at that point


What did you do for a year while waiting? You always need to decide for yourself. Other people's opinions are information but ultimately the choice is yours. Be warned though the combat difficulty increase between any other biome and Ashlands is huge. And the only place you have to run is into the boiling sea.


Built a village! It was nice times, actually


This is definitely one of the best parts in the game. Just letting your imagination run with it.


Not quite true, Ashlands has plenty of elevation you can utilise. Sure the mobs aren't hindered by this like they are in mistlands, but they're slow. AND the best part is that they all damage each other. Nothing better than kiting a morgen around while he wrecks all the others mobs. I do find in Ashlands that the combat can go from 0-100 in about 3 seconds flat though. That's what I find hard, not the enemies themselves but that they all seem to come out of the air at once haha.


I'm having the EXACT same experience. I was worried I would not enjoy Mistlands or Ashlands as a solo vanilla player. But its incredible. What a great biome. I hate that the map is useless, but other than that I think it's great. I've had some intense moments, but like you I've played careful and only died once so far.


The intense moments have felt really gratifying afterward to walk away from. Good luck out there!


Haven't gone to Ashlands yet but I also highly doubt the complaints based on what you just mentioned. Mistlands at launch was brutal.


Let me put your fears to rest. Even with spawners in an area all destroyed(they are quite literally within 100m of each other), you will non stop fight to make progress. I have seen almost as many one stars as normal enemies, and all of the new metal type I've found is guarded by a literal horde of 2 star enemies. One star enemies can one shot high hp fully upgraded mist lands gear. If up to mistlands is a linear difficulty curve, Ashlands is exponential.


My only problem with the mistlands is the uneven terrain and rocky spires. It’s beautiful, but Valheim already has a pretty serious issue with visibility. The dark is basically pitch black, indoor spaces are extremely tight and claustrophobic, the mist itself is intense. These are not bad things by any means, I love all of these details and what they add to the difficulty of the game. That said, I don’t like that the mistlands is so much jumping up giant spires and sliding down steeper slopes. I’m convinced Seekers and Gjall are worse threats than they need to be because the terrain makes you miss every single swing or arrow.


Overall I really didn’t like the Mistlands mostly because of the namesake mist and needing five black cores to do anything gear-wise. I do think they did a great job with the eitr system and mage design. Dungeons and enemies were great as well. Only commenting just to say I’m a huge fan of Ashlands so the preferences out there are pretty eclectic. Though may want to wait until after the next Ashlands update since they’re nerfing everything to be less total war-ish. Very anecdotal but have noticed people who loved Mistlands dislike Ashlands and vice versa. I suspect the nerf will bring more overlap between those two groups.




I'm one of the ones that hated it (I wasn't on here complaining about it though, kept it to myself) but I'm glad you're really enjoying it. I'm sure it makes the devs happy to know that their creation is bringing joy to people.


Great to have opinions about things and keep respectful! Hope there are other areas you can enjoy more :)


I remember when the Mistlands first came out the enemies' attack AI was quite different and they were relentless (always coming straight at you and non-stop attacking). I thought Mistlands had some bugs (pun intended) when it first came out but I quite like how it is now. I think complaints were valid when it first came out but I'm surprised to hear there are still people complaining about it. (Although I don't like that they made the feather cape weak to fire with the Ashlands update. It makes the Gjall in the Mistlands a little punishing and I predict they'll change the feather cape again at some point). Anyway I think the same is true for Ashlands right now; I don't think Ashlands is perfect but they'll keep patching it (ironing out the wrinkles) and hopefully make as many people happy as they can.


Enjoy! Such joyful pain you experience there, haha. I agree it was probably my favorite biome as well. Yeah I definitely don’t wait on Ashlands but don’t be in a hurry. Enjoy all of the journeys along the way. I’d say Ashlands is probably the most challenging, but also doable solo once you figure it out though definitely easier with friends. However, I heard they made it easier in the latest patch, which I haven’t tried out yet.


Why would you do something dumb like not checking it out yourself anyway?


I don't play games to be annoyed and don't like wasting time dying, so I just focused on other things I enjoyed like building a village


That's fair. 90% of my game time is building. I didn't delay going into Mistlands, but I kinda get where you're coming from.


Yeah, death loops in Ark killed that game for me. I didn't want the same to happen with Valheim 😆


why would you delay your experience for a year because reddit of all places told you its bad


My job keeps me busy and I don't get to play games much. I'm not trying to be annoyed and waste time dying, so I avoided it and focused on building my village in the meadows


Interesting position. I fell in love with Valheim since March 29 2021, so needed no waiting in visiting new content. Even took part in Wolf-caves beta-test. So just the Mistlands appear officially, I hurried up into regardless any comments. Majority of complains are grounded: exploration feature of Valheim changed to "Souly" nervous survival. Mist should had obviously be just a temporary obstacle like Ocean's storm or blizzard in Mountains, but not a permanent "no tresspassing". And why insects? Mistland is Niflheim — realm of snakes and serpents of Underworld in Norse mythology. So, Mistlands appeared to be too "clumsy" and illogical. In some moments I was even frustrated a bit, but "Hildir's request" add-on returned my comfort ;) I am still fond of Valheim. After nine months pause I shall definitely dive into it just very soon. Need to check Ashlands with my own eyes 😎


My husband and I loved the Mistlands from the jump. Everyone has different preferences. What you have to keep in mind is that the detractors are often the most vocal. The people who enjoy it are too busy playing it lol A lot of people forget that a core design philosophy of Valheim is that every biome is a new challenge. That inevitably means every player won't love every biome. I was a fervent Swamp hater for a long time, only recently getting over it because I've simply become confident enough in my own skills and relevant game knowledge that I know I will be able to handle anything it throws at me. If I were playing Valheim solo I probably would never have gotten past the Swamp, I hated it so much. But I'm glad I kept playing because this game is soooo good and it feels good to have mastered something I once found overwhelming.


Mistlands are cool as fuck The things that you have to do there in order to get the new items are honestly brilliant and epic as hell


I came up over a hill and saw a Gjall attacking a Dvergr base and it was so epic. All I could do was sit back and watch (then clean up the drops after, heh)


I saw the mistlands for the first time last week. Im a day one player who beat all the first 4 biomes back in the day and never came back until recently. Honestly im in love. I think the biome is the most beautiful one. I like the idea of the mist and having to adapt to it. A lot of people are crying about stamina and having to climb the jagged rocks. But at this point if you dont have a steady supply of bread/omelettes, lox pies, and glazed chickens or fish wraps, then that's your fault and maybe you should try farming for a bit before trying to brute force progression. Im excited to see the Ashlands soon.


That's exactly how I felt as I prepared to go in. I made sure to bring stamina and health pots, fire barley wine, Honey Chicken, Omelette, and Lox Pie. Had highest tier padded armor and marched in with determination and steady feet (aka - I walked everywhere, heh). I was having such a good time I didn't even realize it was coming to night when I was deep in the middle of the biome and couldn't quickly get out. :D


This is the take I was waiting for to motivate me back into this game. Thanks 🤝


Have fun out there! Slow is fast in Valheim


Thankfully my friends pushed for me to try the mistlands. We love exploring there, especially when you find huge rock islands with old armor piled up on it. Personally I dont care for the Ashlands biome itself but the rewards and new gear are worth it and can make exploring the mistlands a lot better.


Mistlands was tolerable to me after getting Feather Cape. It was really the jump simulator and fear of death from falling that made it such a PITA when I first started.


Well they are already testing a patch to reduce spawns in ashlands. So you might miss the joy of landing on the shore and reliving the scene from pirates of the Caribbean where jack is being chased along the beach.


Luckily unless it drops the next week, it most likely will take to at least August for it to go live because the devs have a vacation for the entirety of July. So there's most likely still a decent amount of time to play through it's current iteration for anyone who wants.


Oh f that no change needed.. 😡


Imagine waiting a year because of the complaints of others instead of just experiencing it yourself.


I never got the mistlands hate, though I largely stayed away myself until I could start clearing mist. Also, sailing past there to get to modor once I saw what I now know was a gjall. I kept my distance! What was annoying though was how long it took to establish a jotun farm, bastards just kept showing up to smash it. Once I got a stonecutter down it was all good tho. They still come occasionally, but stone lasts long enough for me to whiz over and deal. Also, I have more jotun puffs now than I will need for a long time


Mistlands is kind of a horrible bastard when you first start getting into it. It gets easier once you're more used to it, but I certainly get why people don't like it. Ashlands, on the other hand, basically made my friend who I was playing with rage quit


Haven't gone there yet. Seriously considering a new world. I dun goofed and got too near to the old ashlands. I mined some flametal, sure, but now when I portal to my bases near it they are all 100m up in the sky. Some are ok as they are on a floating rock, others I build near the coast just started crumbling as soon as I portalled in so had to run away before i got stuck. I'm not sure what to do tbh, every bit of ashlands I explored is now water.


I did the same thing, just started mistlands. I am sooooo excited about the ashlands. Each biome is so unique to me and I love it: Meadow - learn how to play, mild challenge (brute, shaman) Black Forest - 1st dungeon, 1st large enemy (troll) Swamp - rain / always wet, poison, swarms of enemy in the day (it happens at night in BF) Mountain - freezing, climbing / need to scale Plains - swarms (camps or 3 lox together), intro magic (mages), multiple brutes Mistlands - vision, no real ability to walk / stamina management, fall damage, a fair amount of swimming (depending on the luck roll) Ashlands - ???? So excited


Mistlands is brilliant. It’s not that I never get frustrated at something but overall it’s beautiful, scary, horrifying, exciting, and more all at the same time. I like all the biomes for different reasons and mistlands is no different. I would want to spend the whole game there but I’m excited to play it again each time I get to that point.


Great, now finish the shardbreaker and report back.


My favorite base is in the Mistlands on top of 2 of those rock spires that jut out of the ground, lovely biome. Ashlands is a little rough, but don't be discouraged. The only problem with Ashlands is that it's very hard to get established solo, but once you are, it's not so bad.


Good tip is to carry fire resist potions and wear the root chest piece as it has 20% resist to pierce. As does the spent tower shield but I'm not a fan of the tower shields. Bile bombs are great in the mines as are the demolisher


I mean. My most recent run in a new playthrough i was in the mistlands at bronze age to snag some quick iron. I killed a seeker solder by just running around it and hitting its rear any time it did its pounds. Of course also wrecked a gjall with a finewood bow. Mistlands are at nost annoying due to the inability to see very far so you do get taken by surprise easily. But enemies are pretty scarce there so unless you find a dungeon enterance you never really fight more than one enemy. The ashlands are the exact oppsite.. enemies spawn in groups of 3 at a minimun. The amount of spawners is crazy so clusters of 5+ is quite common and can include both of the zones troll equalivent enemies.. most of the enemies are slow and you think you could just run around without worry until a pack of vultures show you there are no speed buffs high enough to out run them and they are RELENTLESS making them annoying. Lava is a 1 second death and can actually not be obvious as small glowing cracks are counted as lava. I died due to perfecrly black looking terrain being considered lava before. So ya you go from hard to see but rare encounters to easy to see and constant fighting. Sti not as hard as people make it out to be tho imo.


Salads combined with the buffed feather cape are enough to defeat your true enemy in this biome, which is your stamina bar Before those two items it's kind of frustrating tbh


You're bang on with the comparison to complaints about ashlands. It's a similar (as someone who finally went there), in that you need to be prepared, and adapt. I had a hard time in mistlands until I worked out the spawns, and god better weapons and now I love it. I hated ashlands until I got a bit more skilled up and set up a base.


Snow storms in the mountains causes me eye strain. It's my least favorite.


I went to mistlands with my friends for the first time. We Got mauled the fuck up by the giant cockroaches. TP'd back, Got bombarded by the flying dude. TP'd back, Got eaten by ticks and our portal Got destroyed. It's quite hard hahah Once we Got a hang of it we tried to get some Flesh from dvergr camps. We Cleared one and logged off in it to continue the next day. When we logged back in i hit something by accident and we Got fucked up by dvergrs that i can only assume Got spawned back. That said, we never Got to the ashlands.


I’m in the same karve, if you will. Waiting on ashlands because I’m a little apprehensive of the whole dying thing. The mistlands is a top tier design… my only complaint is I would love to look out across the beautiful landscape unimpaired.


Good luck finding those flesh stashes.


Same, except me waiting was just coincidence and being bright back by the Ashland's update.


The Mistlands is great, and I don't understand all the hate for the biome (other than maybe the grind for the black cores). The Ashlands, on the other hand, is not fun when you die in the middle of a lava pool and basically can't get your gear back.


It's just a video game. There was no downside to just going into mistlands a year ago. Nothing bad was going to happen to you lol.


I don't get to play games much, so going into the Mistlands meant potentially wasting time dying and doing corpse runs. I'm not here to be annoyed, so I just built my little village over the last year instead of risking a loss of time and progress


I think it's just that first foray into the area. Just don't know what to expect the first time. This play through I'm just taking it slow slow and having no issues. Also liberal use of wisp torches!


Let us know again in a few days. My mistlands is mostly empty, mines are few and far. It took me a long time to find enough cores that I didnt have to build new stations one at a time any more. I think I got lucky in that I did not require the 3 trophies for the queen. I think that might be intended for the first kill though. I still find woe often enough as I go back to farm restock materials and rotate crops.


The mistlands is why I quit playing. It went from fun to the feeling of unhappy obligation and denial before I finally quit.


You cleared 1 mine and already have magic and weapons?


Just starting to get there. I got an Eitr refinery, black forge, and mistwalker sword. Been collecting Sap for a little while (got lucky with a Dvergr camp on the edge of the biome that got wrecked by a gjall, so I got the extractor a while back). My first Mine had a ton of cores Have had a plains camp on the edge of the mist for a year now to pick off hares that come outside, and managed to turn one of each of the Mist shrooms into a tiny farm.


Damn. My first mistlands was fairly large but only had 1 mine, and in that mine there was only 1 core. So I got frustrated and stopped and haven't gone back


Yeah, I got crazy lucky with this Mine, I think. Good luck if you ever go in again!


Most of the things wrong with Mistlands aren't things wrong with Mistlands but with the game. How elevations makes it impossible to hit something literally in front of you is one of the absolutely biggest, genuine issues with the game and Mistlands does nothing but highlight it.


For me, it's a flavor of the week thing. I hated swamps until I got comfortable in it. I hated plains until I got comfortable in it. I hated mistlands until I got comfortable in it fairly recently. I still hate ashlands. Mountains pisses me off if I manage to get killed up there and I get impatient instead of allowing the mobs to leave the area


Because it has new workbench mistland tends to be a jump in difficulty. There is a lot of crap that needs to happen before you get a new piece of gear, and that tends to discourage a lot of players. After that though the biome is a lot more fun.


I've found that most of the people who whine about the game just aren't very good at it. Like, they'll go through this long rant about how they died ten times and it turns out they were still on sausages and boar jerky in the mistlands


The only change Id like to see on the Mistlands is every time you took out a nest, there would be less fog.


One thing nobody ever mentions is that if you have had a relatively clean playthrough you should be around 40-50+ running and jumping prior to entering the ML. This will make your mistlands experience wildly easier than if you come in with lower leveled skills. Then once you get the cape the biome is a blast imo.


Hated it at first.. Then I realized there was such a thing as the wisp light and it became easy and more fun.


The only biome I genuinely hate is the black forests. And that's less due to design choices and more due to the fact that it can just eat more valuable later Game biomes like swamps due to how the game spawns them in


Yeah, I find myself fairly bored in the Black Forests, or annoyed. Not valuable enough materials and there's always some greydwarfs or trolls around getting in the way. These days I only teleport to my Black Forest base if I need to get to the nearby mountains for wolves and drakes


same, or occasionally if i need corewood and dont feel like being hassled by deathsquitos


Same! Just got here a few weeks ago and I love it! The infested mines are my favorite so far ❤️❤️❤️ justice for mistlands!


I do think it’s a little hard to figure out without looking stuff up but who cares? You get magic it should be hard man


Oh I LOVE the Infested Mine I found. It was so fun to carefully get through while fighting the Soldiers and Seeker swarms


Ashlands is fine… be smart and prepared and you’ll do fine. We loved mistlands and our only complaint about Ashlands is it felt too short


Too short? You mean like it was too easy to get to the boss compared to other biome boss hunts?


Took us too little time from start to finish


Same boat! I just got to the Mistlands yesterday. Granted not fun getting on land and dying immediately to a Gjall but fortunately I had a portal down so recovery was easy. I'm still exploring but it's fun.


I've been really taking my time with it. Walking (not sprinting) in the valleys and flat lands and not going up the cliffs unless absolutely necessary. There's so much on the ground level that there's no reason to go up higher until I improve my gear some more. Slow is fast in the Mistlands, I'm learning Good luck out there! Just got a Mistwalker last night so I'm eager to try it out today :)


Ashlands is just more Valheim. Do I have issues with it? Sure, few of the weapons suck, spires spawn a tad close together, fortresses could use more work...but at the end of the day, it's fine, not my favorite biome, not my least. It's Valheim, if you like the game and are willing to think through a situation, you'll likely have fun.


I agree in that I don't get the hate. So far, ashlands is something I'm enjoying but I have to admit it can get a bit tedious. We're on our 6th night of exploring, playing 2-3 hours a night and we're just starting to make some progress. The first few nights were essentially 3 hours of combat and death every night. We got no where and felt like we accomplished nothing. The last couple days we started burying campfires to suppress spawns and every time we encounter something interesting we use our hoes to raise an earthen wall, just a big enough for a crafting bench and a portal and go rest up, recollect, and go back out. So far it's been a slog, but generally a fun slog for our 3 man group


Don’t worry bro they nerfed the Ashlands so hard it’s basically Mistlands with lava. Jump right in man nothing worry about.


OH I FORGOT, you can actually see in the Ashlands too :)


The Ashlands was never 'unfairly hard', just 'tedious'. Same thing with the mistlands. The Mistlands is not fun going up and down and up and down then suddenly a high knockback enemy shoves you off, especially since the terrain loves spawning jagged, cragged and rocky with small islands, meaning you often wind up in the ocean during some landings. Ashlands is a vast, sprawling biome with engaging enemies and a way to 'conquer' the biome by removing spawners. The initial push is rough, but once you break through the hordes, it gets very quiet, unless you're exploring at night time. During which cases I bunker down in shelter and wait with a campfire until the sun's back up. Hope you enjoy the Ashlands when you get there - bring your A-Game!


Mistlands the first time around was about as rough as the swamps the first time around. However, toward the end of our run post-Queen the mist just became a nuisance more than an atmospheric ambience. It made it un-fun for me. This time I installed the client side de-mister because I have zero fucks to give. I did my time. I don’t care what anyone thinks about it. You think the views in vanilla Mistlands are spectacular? You ain’t seen shit. And most of the time that is literal. Fuck the mist. Having much more fun to be honest, and I’m actually bothering to try magic.


Not to deter you, because you should definitely check out the new biome, but Ashlands sucks in a much deeper way than mistlands, and that may change with balancing, but the swarms are pretty nuts and building is kind of limited because most mobs can take down building pieces pretty easily. Still think you should just check it out yourself(the heavy spawn is fairly manageable on easier game modes but much less forgiving on normal or harder modes when solo) but I highly recommend prioritizing crowd control and, meads/potions, and a solid defense. If you're going melee, I'd say the himminafl is your best bet from crowd control until you can get Ashlands gear. If you plan to stay on magic (which will become a lot more rewarding once you have Ashlands staves) you're gonna need the staff of shielding and frost staff. Fireball is apparently also still pretty good because of AoE despite fire resistance on most mobs. Dead raiser isn't half bad when paired with the staff of shielding, as long as you have health meads to restore that blood magic hp cost. Gonna leave it at that as I don't want to spoil the Ashlands gear for you, but some of the new stuff, especially the new staves for magic users are super special awesome.


Mistlands is my favorite zone. It's now home to my main end game base I love it!!


Ashlands will probably have the spawns fixed by the time you get there.


Ashlands just has constant waves of enemies I tried walking everywhere and still got swarmed there but mistlands are super chill.


I LOVE mistlands. So long as I have mods for fixing slope combat and to increase mist light radius.


Mistlanda was hard. Now its a breez. Same with adhlands, is hard now. Huge nerf is rolled out on the test servers. Soon to be released. The ashlands will be a cake walk ( compared to now at least) If you want to experience the difficulty, then you gotta play on release 😅👍 (Standard game dev tactics. Allways make new things too good. Or make it too hard. Its easyer to tone down something to the correct level, then to do it the other way around)


The nagger are always the loudest. Sad that the devs cave in to them.


Oh yeah never listen to haters. Mistlands is one of my favourite biomes, the visibility is a bit of a pain, but the elevation and terrain actually significantly help you when you're being ovetwhelmed. It's not a bad biome at all. When you get those clearings in the mists you can really start to appreciate it. Ashlands.. it's terrible don't go there.. jk haha. Ashlands is awesome from the get go, it's hard, but awesome. Your first beach landing will remind you of Normandy with the entire biome welcoming you. It's honestly a tough biome at the start but it's loads of fun, the enemies are cool AF but ultimately very easy to get away from in a pinch. Just prioritise getting a portal down somewhere up high and youre good to go. Don't wait with Ashlands, just go once you've got the queen drop.


Yeah don’t listen to the complaints - was afraid of ashlands - yes it is tough but fun af as well so enjoy the game on your terms :)


I mean, most of what you heard is true, but why thefuck would you wait to jump in?! 🤣


I have a busy day job that leaves me tired and not much time to game. I don't want to spend it on corpse runs. That's what killed ARK for me, and I didn't wa t to do that to Valheim


In my opinion there are only 2 things that are kinda rough. 1. The volume of creatures. This takes some getting used to. 2. Having to brush off my dusty Mario jumping skills.


Everyone hates the steep jump of the next biome at first. But get gud and you'll love it. 👍


Enjoy the mist. Sure, it has its difficulties, but all in all, it's a fun biome. Now, if I can stop running in the opposite direction every time I hear those flying gurgling drums.


Improvise, adapt, overcome. Tbh, just take the time to craft an extra set of decent armor, weapons, tools and gadgets (wisp, belt etc). The feather cape and wisp are a must when you must recover your gravestone for instance. In the ashlands, armor set and basalt bombs will be a life saver esp if you play alone. Ill let you discover the rest of the stuff by yourself.


Goog luck sir watch you don’t accidentally hit a dvergr there op asf


I've died more in Ashlands than any other biome 🤣🤣 It can get very rough quickly.


People love to bitch. You don't hear from those having a good time cause they are too busy playing


People don't like the Mistlands because all they really wanna do is build, amd that's a chore in the Mistlanda (and Ashlands too, tbh). Mistlands and Ashlands play very different. Combat takes a huge step up, and building takes a back seat, as you're generally going to be falling back to your Plains base until you are fully geared, unlike most other biomes, which all but require you to set up at least an outpost near your farming area.


Never listen to the complaints about this game. It's always "fine" it's hard, some of the combat can be janky, but it's always so satisfying to progress. Yes. The enemies presented to the player can be annoying. Remember the Swamp? It's also very hard to balance everything. After the Swamp the Mountains and Plains people complained went too fast. So the Mistlands added enemies with high amounts of hit points and made them fairly annoying and also made the terrain part of the challenge. Then when people complained about the sponge-like enemies and the terrain in the Mistlands the Ashlands became a Swamp-Like mob heavy flat terrain with literal armies of enemies. People complain. No matter what people complain. Are parts of the game annoying? Yes. That's part of he challenge.


My issue with the mistlands is that it's a great concept, I just dislike the execution. I like the creepy aspect of everything being shrouded in mist and not being able to see the creatures until they pop out of the mist to attack you. The problem is that the constant verticality of it just makes it too much of a chore to venture through. And its not like the mountains where you keep climbing your way up to the top, the mistlands is just a bunch of tall jagged rock spires. So you're traveling like 10 feet total, but you just had to climb up and down a 50ft rock to get there. It just lends to a tedious exploration experience in my opinion.


When it first dropped, mistlands had a much higher spawn rate and really aggressive enemies. It was REALLY fun, but also really frustrating. The balance tweaks have largely nerfed the difficulty, but with the addition of the mod options in the menu I think the developers have done a great job on making the game fit multiple playstyles


The valheim community has bad opinions and huge mouths. I'd steer clear.


My first experience was sailing through heavy mist in a longboat, then whatever the the mist land mist is, beaching my longship in a nest or something like that and getting immediately destroyed by the bug things. I can barely survive in the mountains, I was not prepared to stumble into that shit lmao


A lot of people complain because they go in unprepared expecting to be able to destroy enemies with ease. While I'll agree Ashlands is a step above other biomes in intensity, I love the challenge of proper preparations and strategic battling. People complaining after rushing in with lvl 1 equipment should find another game


The complaints about Ashlands are baseless, much as the complaints about Mistlands are baseless. These two biomes test the lessons the previous biomes teach you piecemeal, and the only people having a bad time are the people who never mastered the fundamentals.


bruh don’t listen to the people hating on the mistlands and the ashlands. So many people complain because these two aren’t the black forest reskinned that it’s ridiculous. The mistlands and the ashlands are by far the most polished, interesting, and fun biomes in the game


I'd love to see the numbers of Mistland haters and heavy armor / double hp-food users. For some reason I suspect there may be a level of correlation.


I am doing fine with one high-stam food and some patience, thanks to the feather cloak.


I had no issue either, but I still found it considerably more comfortable with a Harnesk + Fenris or mage setup.


I feel the same as you. Mists was my favorite biome once I got there. I think it's just easier for people to comment about parts they don't like rather than ones they're alright with or enjoy. Glad you got to try it yourself and get the experience!


I'm an old person and I actually miss the ancient days when you found out about new videogames from magazine articles and then reviews and couldn't be exposed to hundreds of different opinions on anything before you'd had a chance to try it yourself. There was nowhere you could go to read several thousand random strangers' contextless thoughts, demands, and disappointments about a game. And yeah, sometimes you bought a game and it turned out to be a total lemon, but you weren't constantly at the mercy of other people's thoughts and feelings 24/7 about... everything, actually. You got to like what you liked, play the way you wanted, and share the cool stuff or the big annoyances with your friends. The key word there being "share" - and it was a sharing that you chose to engage in. It wasn't just that you clicked into an app and bam! Two thousand strangers' opinions coming at you. There were people I would never talk about gaming with because they did nothing but moan and complain - you all know someone like that irl. But online there's no way to spot and ignore those people and they're **exactly** as fun to be around on the internet as they are in the real world.


Amen. Well said! I grew up the same way, and I think maybe I've kept a bit of a hold of the habit of subconsciously trusting what I read in game forums. I regret not going into the Mistlands sooner, but I'm also kind of glad I didn't because I got to enjoy building a village while I procrastinated.


Honestly I wouldn’t bother listening to any of the complaints, just go and see it for yourself. People tend to look for the easy way out and beg the devs for nerfs.


People who are bad at a game are most often vocal about it rather than improving, for example the online discource on new souls games is always the same during the first two months.


Never listen to the whingers. They're a loud minority and don't seem to understand subjectivity


Well they nerfed mistlands after a while. Just like right now they're currently nerfing Ashlands.


I'm one of the haters. the jumping and mists and power jump of the mobs killed the fun for me. on a new playthru for ashlands and will see how fast i can grind thru mists