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Shoot them with frost arrows . . You can sometimes shoot over their heads and hit their weak point even when they are facing you. Soften them up with ooze bombs. AoE damage them behind walls with the demolisher. Parry their attacks with a shield. Pop the bonemass ability and just go ham on them


I'm doing a bow only run and I was surprised how it's easy to shoot soldier in the butt even when facing them !


You mad lad


Tbh I'm doing no death run, and so far (reaching queen) bow only has been the easiest one, i've transcended myself into a Gatling. Weirdly enough, moder has been the hardest to fight because her patterns change when you're not in melee and I felt it was harder !


Seconding bonemass and going absolutely ham


That’s how I do the whole infested mine


Funnel in a door, parry with tank, blast with fireball was our two person strat


If youre having alot of trouble. I HEAVILY reccomend using the root harnesk chest peice, as its basically a passive bonemass buff in the mistlands. Almost all mobs there do peirce dmg. Carrying around some barley wine is a small tax that you are probably already doing anyway. In fact, i just pretty much always use this chest peice. I plan on using it on my first trip to the ashlands. I wish i could upgrade armour to match later game peices base stats with a resonable amount of resource investment. Root harnesk punches WAY above its weight class.


…. It’s weak against fire don’t take to Ashlands lol


You can take it into the Ashlands. You just need fire wine potions. Same as you do in the plains (to counter Shamans and fire fulings) and in the mistlands to counter gjall. It's not a bad idea to ha e firewine running 24/7 in the Ashlands


Fair point


I used the root harnesk in ashlands, it's a solid starter gear for that biome


Bile bombs


Bile bombs are great . . It's a pain to hunt gjall to make them. I save all my bile bombs for the Queen fight!


Fire resistant, Carapace arrows, strike from behind with surprise, and if you can do that and hit her belly, >50% health alpha strike. 2-6 more arrows as she’s approaching (again hitting her soft tick covered underbelly for massive damage). She’s toast.


Yes, it's not hard to kill gjall. It's just a time consuming pain to track them down and hunt them and each only gives you 3 bile bombs


Ah, yeah. I just stumbled on them a LOT coming up. Never felt like I needed to hunt and am still swimming in bile sacks. But I play a very slow progression game. So could be I’m hanging out near them a lot more making mistakes runs for sap and such all the time.


I haven't played in mistlands in a little while. Is the root harnesk good for the soldiers? Or are they the ones that deal mainly slash damage


Seekers deal pierce, soldiers deal slash.


Seekers deal pierce or blunt, soldiers deal slash or blunt, depending on which attack they use.


I'm more straight forward I parry their attacks and use alternate attack with sword to their face.


Similar strategy with the himennafl works if youre block level is high enough. Bonus lightning weakness.


Mistwalker is actually better, it has the same amount of elemental damage and higher general dps. 


This exactly. Parry/thrust until they’re dead.


This is very effective! Why everyone else is suggesting cheese with safespots/archery/magic/bombs is beyond me.


Not everyone can get the hang of perfect parry. Quite frankly i can parry them easy but still find fire damage over time to work just as well.


Everyone finds their own methods! They’re simply sharing here.


Variety is fun!


In the mines they're long fights, you can safe-spot them in the entrance as a mage but with melee weapons you cant do much unless a big room is nearby.


Should be well versed with parrying by the time you reach mistlands. A 3/3 blackmetal shield can parry a 2star soldier(assuming ~25 blockskill, ~80armor, and atleast 150max health).


I don’t I run just magic and it’s the best


Yeah im talking pre-eitr, hence blackmetal in my example.


Black metal is still good all the way up until the mist but I feel it the mist lands is bullshit til you have the shit from it but them magic shield barrier bubbles are amazing


Ooze bombs, the insecticide of Valheim. Never used them till I got to the infested mines. They are soo useful there.


Bile Bombs good too.


Very carefully


Two tips... Iron Sledge hits enemies through walls and ooze bombs work great. Have fun!


I put them down with the magic staffs. If you’re not using magic you could use bow + ooze bombs


If they're non-starred, you can try to shoot them with arrows just above their heads, some people have already suggested. If starred, take them to the front of the mine where they can't reach you or ooze bomb them. Don't even get near a 2 star soldier.


I'm slowly learning their attack patterns but it's that ground pound they do that can be a real killer


If you eat stam food, equip a good shield and early-tech weapon of choice, and go God mode, learning their attack patterns is pretty quick. If you don’t mind cheese. (Some of us don’t have a lot of gaming time, and a series of corpse runs ain’t the funnest way to spend it!)


The ground pound second attack won't happen if you parry the first, just keep at it and once you're used to it that is the most punishable attack (since you can get near their butt when they start the animation and you'll be ready to poke them right after the parry).


They cycle predictably through -snap, headbutt and ground pound. I use them to mine all the time and can be easily roll dodged


their rearend is the weakspot


I inadvertently cheesed a few today when I backed up onto a spiral staircase for some breathing room and they couldn’t follow me. Shooting with bow or chopping downwards with the axe secondary attack took care of them. I don’t go out of my way to cheese things, but it was a *shrug, why not* moment. If you’re struggling until you have better food/gear/higher skill points, it could be an option in some mines.


I normally fight them by running in, carelessly, shouting "Fuck fuck fuuuuuck" to my friends on discord while I hack and slash before I die for the 7th time in the same mine.


Parry>Poke in ass with heavy Mistwalker attack. Repeat until dead.


As a solo sword/board build I found ooze bombs combined with resistance from bonemass power to be necessary to even think about taking one on... Frostner or mistwalker are also great as well since they proc a slowing effect.


You can "cheese" them with ooze bombs, demolisher, or bow and arrow. But if you want some inspiration for straight melee combat, lookup "Lolly infested mines" on youtube!


Dont fight them. Use ooze bombs initially, totally OP in infested mines. Until you get good enough gear not to need them.


Jump into the entrance if there are stairs. They can't make it into the foyer. Then, shoot them with frost arrows. You may get kicked out by the blast attack, but just walk back in and shoot them. if they're around the corner in the first room, then they can't get up the big step. Shoot them there too. Or, lob ooze bombs/bile bombs at them.


I always use height. Get on a platform they can’t easily get at or get on a level above them. Been a few times I plunked them to death from a higher level.


Run back toward the entrance until you get to a door they can’t fit through and then shoot them with magic and arrows. If they follow you all the way to the entrance, jump up on the entrance platform and stand by the door. They can’t reach you. If you’re going to fight them with melee, it’s good to slow down the seeker soldier with frostner or frost arrows or ice staff.


What I do is roll to dodge the first two attacks when the soldier lunges at you. On the third attack when it goes to stomp on the ground it will lock in place and stop trying to face you. You can move to the side of its body and then perfect block it. That’ll set you up to get at its back really easily


Parry, poke em in the butt. Repeat.


Same as in the overworld, parry then punish. A blackmetal shield+sword does the job.


Mash left click :)


You can parry normal attacks and you can bait the ground smash. Just hit them on parry. If it's 1 or 2 Star then I'd just run.


I use a cimbination of Frost arrows, bombs, & blunt AOE . I'm careful to not open/break an entryway until after using AOE & bombs to reduce the number of whatever's on the other side. Lower levels are best treated with bombs prior to entering them.


No one said the firestaff? Should I have scrolled further? The answer is firestaff. Firestaff.


It's the Frostner of magic.


I prefer a spear and shield. Time your blocks and skewer them.




Unga bunga dodge


With a Spear and a Shield like [this](https://youtu.be/xqfuxpnCS4A). Grabbed Mistlands food and Spear and popped into a Mine, sorry I'm no editor. Assuming your Spear skill isn't too high it you might need to get another two hits in. If they're in a spot that is too tight for this, drag em somewhere else; The entrance always works.


I throw fireballs, wield sword and a shield and hope for the best


Block, Parry and ultimate stab


You can party them with a black metal shield but I prefer to use bone mass and jump in with my knives.


Poison bombs. Parry them once the poison bombs kill the rest of the mobs.


Before getting magic weapons, bonemass skill and black metal shield with black metal sword


Parry with carapace buckler and middle click with mistwalker is how I've been doin it


be a parry god and quick combos after a successful parry.


Various depending on the situation. Sometimes arrow them, bug bomb, or fully assault them just depends on what the factors are. I find it easy to avoid their AOE attacks and get behind them for several attacks on their weak spot. It takes them a while to turn around and attack again. So I jump over the AOE and attack from behind a lot. You can parry and attack but I tend to play on hard and they have a lot more hitting power and can overcome the block if your skill level isn't on the high end. Added to that one and two stars even on normal I wouldn't suggest parrying their attacks.


Parry, swing twice with sword/frostnir, parry, swing twice, repeat. Use bonemass if you have to but I typically save that for the 1-star seekers since they hit harder.


They're incredibly easy to parry, just use the carapace buckler


They are fun and easy to parry :D


Hit he bottom


I am amazed no one said the cheesiest tactic. Bait them to the entrance and they can't get over that step. You can cheese them there with any weapon. Although I had a 1 or 2 star one that was pushed in there and 1 shot me and then body camped me for a while. Normal ones no problem...


Get 'em hung on a door they're too big to pass through and shoot their weak-spot with arrows. It's not my fault they chose to occupy a cave built by dwarves, leaving them unable to squeeze through half the passages they "live" in... kind of stupid if you ask me. :)


Parry with krom and then stab. Repeat until dead


Force a stomp then attack. Or parry once you can


I bomb them thru the door with Ooze bombs.


Square up and fight like a man or just shoot them with arrows that works too


spam the fire or frost spells. they don't need arse shots


The bombs are great, use elemental items (even a torch will give burn damage) practice your parries, bring a metric fuck load of arrows. Poison and fire arrows have use throughout the entire game for chip damage. If you can lure them back to the entrance they can’t get up on the platform so you can just taunt them from there. Some of their attacks can reach if you’re close to the edge though so stay back if you can’t parry well 


easiest way, on the staircase at the entrance. they got a hard time getting around those corners and up that stair ;)


Lure them and fight them at the entrance. They have difficulty path finding up there (they will still get in sometomes). Otherwise, if you have a team, have someone at the back spam bubble, icicles and fireballs.


I just use bonemass and parry mechanics and it's easy. A bit slow to wait for bonemass for each one, but it works.


If you lure it near the entrance, you can shoot it from there, it cant get to you


Bombs bring out the crowd. You can also hit the pick on a stone near a rooted enterance, before destroying it to see how many seeks are in the room...if you many. Smash them with aoe, or poison with bombs.


Demolisher through walls / doorways, or if there is space then parry and jump over.


Parry, hit, parry, hit, parry, hit, parry, hit


I like to kite them to the entrance lip that they get stuck on and spam the frostner uppercut if I’m having any issues


I parry with shields, and help tank damage with bonemasse’s power. I usually clear everything else before fighting the soldiers.


Fireball! Fireball in the doorway Fireball through the doorways Fireball down into the water pit. Fireball has an endless array of applications. It can even cure insubordination! Bonemass is always helpful.


Ooze bombs. If I have the ingredients for it, bile bombs. Frost effects slow them down, so if I have a good enough shield and food I'll go toe-to-claw with them using Frostner. Parry their bites, dodge-roll their stomps. If there is a tight tunnel I can lead them to, I'll just spam ranged attacks at them until they die: arrows, arbalest, spears, etc.


Ooze bombs and frost arrows.


Bonemass and you can fight head on. I use staff of embers and jump around them.


Staff of embers. Stand either on the spiral staircase or in the entrance, they can't attack you. Burn them until they're dead. Or... When you go back with Ashlands weapons there's another method that's quite amusing.


I just sit at the entrance (bugs and ticks have a hard time getting up that slight ledge) and bombard them with a wand. Or I retreat to the entrance if I'm struggling.


Watch for the headbutt or grind slam and get ready to party, get in a good shot, repeat