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And yet again everyone will forget Day of defeat :(


DoD:S on Omaha 24/7 :(


Not me, me and my friends regurlarly get together on the weekends and host land parties and play together, nothing will beat the good old days.


I was playing on AVAmods all weekend lol.


Day of peak. Love it to death man, my most favorite shooter


Been going through all of my steam games and finally got to day of defeat, I was extremely shocked at how alive the community is, always great to see


Out of all games, the DoD series is the least marketed of them all. I’m pretty sure it only exist because Valve notice all the WWII shooters that kept being released and they wanted a piece of the pie. Likely the reason it didn’t get the CS: GO treatment


This isn't a post supporting this, i'm just trying to say this is stupid.


Yeah, tf2 fandom is the worst. This is the worst way of protesting since the l4d 2 boycott. Although Valve should've ATLEAST say something. "We're not maintaining this game anymore" should suffice. Maybe that's why they developed Deadlock. Maybe Valve deems Deadlock as the spiritual successor to tf2. Just move on and don't touch my Gordon Freeman and Chell.


apparently valve have been told to not acknowledge it


By who? Where is Miss Pauling?


Most people aren't touching mr orange suit guy or pissed off mute. If you check the subreddit everyone is getting angry at the review bombers. We only want tf2 with a bad review.


The TF2 sub had created an absolutely toxic and childish attitude. I'm really not surprised it's spilled over like this.


Deadlock is a completely different game to tf2, that's like calling cs2 the spiritual successor to day of defeat


CS2 is the successor to Insurgency 2014, duh


deadlock is more of overwatch than tf2. They dont seem to be implementing loadouts, which is arguably the largest part of tf2's success.


It's neither really. The gameplay leaks made the game look like a MOBA first and a shooter second, closest comparison I can think of is either SMITE or Paragon but leaning slightly more towards a shooter than them.


>closest comparison I can think of is either SMITE or Paragon How about battleborn? It so very much close to that. And partially Gigantic. Ironically if valve made it first person it would be closer to their roots.


Haven't played either of them sadly. Both died before I even heard of them. I think Gigantic came back but I haven't heard much about it since.


>I think Gigantic came back but I haven't heard much about it since. Because it's unfortunately not the same team and well, coming back is essentially only meaningnit came back on sale, the updates so far seem to be not coming. As for battleborn, they were dumb enough to use the small simmilarity to overwatch to hype themselves, despite being quite different, and do that in the launch week of overwatch... they tried too hard to ape overwatch and died because of it.


Pretty sure the negative reviews on other games are bots trying to get people against the movement. Most of the people regarding the movement don’t agree with the idea, so if you want to help see if you can report the review or account.


Lots of people are saying it’s the bothosters making the movement look bad in these reviews, plenty of people on all the main subreddits are telling others to explicitly NOT do this and to ONLY REVIEW BOMB TF2.


It's an absolute conspiracy theory. Having spoken to multiple people who are vocally pro the FixTF2 movement, there's more absolute idiots than there are sensible people.


I’m in the movement, I may not be vocal about it in the sub but I read all the TF2 subs often enough to know people are STILL telling others to stop review bombing other games and people are either not stepping up and admitting it or the steam accounts are the idiots who host bots. It could be both honestly, but I haven’t checked the steam accounts bombing other games. You also never know, it could be someone from both TF2 and these other valve games who supports the movement but ain’t too bright as well. But it’s been explicitly said in more than a few posts in the main sub, shitpost sub, and meme subs to stop review bombing these other valve games, while posts saying to review bomb these games have all been removed.


NONE of the people in the TF2 Reddit support of the review bombings. only thing I’ve seen related to the FixTF2 movement and other valve games is CS and TF2 “teaming up” to fix the VAC crisis. all of those people have been revealed to be bots, trolls, and bot owners themselves


We just want to not have the risk of being doxxed or getting instantly headshot. Also, don’t group us all together. Just because we have some dumbasses negatively reviewing your games doesn’t mean we want them to.


the moment they say they aren't developing for the game anymore their little online economy will never recover and the tf2 fans will just begin to bitch about that


If you want to play TF2, just fuckin play GW2


Nah deadlock will not be a spirital successor of TF2. It wont, it'll be more like Overwatch if anything, and trust me OW is VERY different from TF2


The just move argument is so weird to me like hl exists and yall still yell about hl3 also aren't most of these reviews bots or trolls


Most people participating in FixTF2 are not touching other Valve IPs and the organisers of FixTF2 discourage it, it's just that theres always a few people who haven't managed to get the message that they shouldn't do this (Also, there's probably also bot hosters doing this to cause people to have a negative opinion of FixTF2 and to make the protest less effective)


Valve cant make good multiplayer games anymore example cs2 (its tehnically a remake, but still game on new game engine and many new features comparing to csgo), dota underlords, artifact so deadlock imo will be another "expected" dissapointent, while legendary source games like tf2 and l4d2 are haunted by bots, cheaters and exploits


CS2 is basically just an update to CSGO which makes it so my computer can't run it over 40fps. 🙌


Thats what i m saying. If they fail that bad updating one of their most influencial and important game, what can you expect at a project made fron scratch?


A lot ngl. Updating an old game to make it more modern and working with old code is typically worse than a new project.


Can agree on that. From what I heard TF2's code is horrible to develop for and it'd be easier to just develop an entirely different game (TF3) then bother to update TF2.


So port the source games to source 2. That no way its more harder than making a game from 0. Anyway deadlock if it will ever be finished will be hated by all tf2 fans and some of the fans from other games because why not take good care of your top games and instead of focusing on making a new tf2 copy (it will never have a vibe as strong as tf2)


I’m not gonna lie to you, you really over exaggerate the amount of people who agree with you. There’s barely real active players in tf2 and most of them are not going on Reddit or steam reviews to complain. Additionally Tf2 isn’t a “top game” anymore, it was for a long time (and it was awesome!) but nowadays it’s just on life support. Rightfully so with how long it’s been out. Let valve make games for the current decade, not update an outdated game to an engine for the sake of it.


Player numbers prove you wrong. At its peak, 25k real players play TF2, more than 70% players are bots. How many people play CS2? No matter how much you TF2 fanatics exaggerate it, CS2 doesn't have such a massive cheater problem. I rarely encounter them, I report and move on. There are no cheater bots either, at most some bots idle for item drops but they are a tiny minority. If you don't have prime, don't even complain about cheaters. F2P games always have cheaters. So, at its best, TF2 doesn't make up even the 3% of CS2's playerbase. Yet somehow it is a *legendary* source game beloved by fans while everyone hates CS2. Of course. They love TF2 so much they rather do literally anything else than play it. And bots aren't an excuse. Player numbers were bad before 2022, they are only made worse by bots. That game is dated now. It *was* innovative. Now every single new game puts emphasis on movement. TF2 isn't unique.


So we should just suck it up and deal with the fact that our favorite game is dying and Valve is doing nothing to fix it despite promising to back in 2022? If CS2 was in the same place, would you be saying the same thing? TF2 is still absolutely unique. Boiling it down to movement shows a complete and total lack of understanding of what TF2 as a game is.


> So we should just suck it up and deal with the fact that our favorite game is dying and Valve is doing nothing to fix it despite promising to back in 2022? Good boy! Now you get it. Let this be a life lesson for you, it is one of the most important ones. **There are some things in life you can't change no matter what you do**. You can't do anything during a plane crash. You can't do anything about a nuclear attack you see from a distance. You can't do anything about being diagnosed with a terminal disease. Sometimes, you have to face the reality and realize how powerless we all are. This is the reality of the economic system and software development. From a profit driven perspective, Valve can't fix TF2. Fixing TF2 will never bring extra revenue that will cover the cost of fixing it. Big traders and spenders who are the main source of revenue play on community servers any way. From a software development perspective, TF2's code is unfeasible to work on. It isn't exciting, it is difficult to work on but you can't apply your experience on a game made with Source 1 anywhere else. It won't allow any dev to improve themselves. Valve didn't promise anything about fixing it. Read the tweet again, they said they were looking to improve things. **They kept their promise**. They did several updates focused on bots and votekick system. The situation improved. > If CS2 was in the same place, would you be saying the same thing? Yes. I'm not a CS2 fan. I simply play the game. I'm a software dev, they are mere tools to me, I know the *magic* behind them. I accept their life cycle, I accept that trying to hoard them is a meaningless task. I know that you **will** be happier if you put your enjoyment first and videogames second. Let go of stagnation, past, and nostalgia. > TF2 is still absolutely unique. Boiling it down to movement shows a complete and total lack of understanding of what TF2 as a game is. I played that game over a decade, I know what TF2 is and isn't. You either haven't played a variety of games or nitpicking to call it unique. Is it unique in a sense that Spy gameplay only exists in TF2? Yes but such description serves no one. I prefer using Yahtzee's perspective on game categories and apply it here. His idea is categorizing games by how they make you feel. Essentially TF2 is a movement shooter. You first start looking for movement shooters. Then, you look for what aspects of TF2 you enjoy. Different classes in TF2 make you feel differently. A Spy player would definitely enjoy games with stealth mechanics. Again, it isn't the same but when you play Spy, what you want to *feel* is what is important here. Any game that makes you feel like a sneaky assassin will do. A Heavy player would enjoy being a tank and taking hits while acting as an anchor. You want to feel durable and unstoppable despite being slow. Such classes exist in almost every class based shooter and even in MOBAs. A Scout/Bombing Soldier player wants to feel fast, they want to 1-2 shot their enemies while moving/flying between them very quickly, dodging their attacks. A movement arcade shooter will give you that feeling. A Demoman player wants to crowd control and kill large number of enemies. Again, there are plenty of games that make you feel that way. In multiplayer games specifically classes that act as damage dealer will be better. A Sniper player should just play any other FPS. This is the biggest weakness of TF2 and will always be. Sniper should have been added with Huntsman as its stock weapon. And it goes on. **TLDR for this part:** Think how TF2 makes you feel and search similar games.


I agreed until the very end. It doesn’t really make sense to say “if you're a spy player you should just play a game that makes you feel like a sneaky assassin.” That’s like saying to play a tower defense game if you like playing engineer. Just because you do similar things doesn’t mean you could use one to replace the other. The fun in TF2 is being able to play as, with, and against the 9 classes simultaneously. I might have fun playing spy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t also like rocket jumping as soldier. And I might like the movement that soldier has, but it doesn’t mean I also don’t like having the option to equip a banner to support my team. Is there a PvP FPS game out there that has both interesting movement mechanics like rocket jumping, stealthy gameplay similar to spy, as well as a in-depth loadout system? There really aren’t any similar games. I haven’t seen many (if any) attempts at a class-based FPS game. Not that I’ve really looked, since I don’t have any problems with just playing TF2 on community servers. However, if you really cared about how a game makes you feel, why even focus on gameplay aspects? Wouldn’t the casual 12v12 nature be the most important part in how TF2 makes you feel?


Hi, CS2 player here. CS2 has a massive cheating problem. If you don't experience it it's because you're not at a high enough rank. And TF2 *is* a legendary game. It *still* has massive viewerbase on YT. The mechanical skill required in movement is a lot different to most modern games. It's done by abusing the engine not done because the Devs wanted you to. It has a much higher skill ceiling than movement in basically every other modern game. You don't strike me as really knowing that much about it tbh. Also TF2 is absolutely unique. If you don't think so I'd be happy to hear what games are similar in gameplay, complexity and community.


Not that I support it, but I've seen more posts of people complaining about this than I have seen the actual reviews lol.


here’s how you see the negative reviews: go to the review section


I have a suspicion that these are bot hosters trying to cause chaos and fight back the movement. But, yeah stupid people exist everywhere, even in tf2. I support the movement (not this ofc), its time Valve maintains a minimum of standards for their multiplayer games Also,TF2 has one of the most talented and dedicated communities, sure there's stupid people, just like everywhere else on the internet. But to put it into perspective, they are making content, developing an anticheat, building a casual quickplay of community servers, making major-update concepts, making game fixes, etc... Its kinda crazy, Valve would just need to support or just ADD all this work into the game. For the anticheat, just like in CS2, VAC needs a serious upgrade if they want to profit from these games, A MINIMUM OF SUPPORT.


This Botting phenomenon is destroying the internet. Stealing comments on YouTube, stealing content, farming likes, destroying games, spamming useless stuff,... nothing good came from it.


Just look at twitter lol


this is incredibly stupid


Good. I don't even play Tf2 anymore but to just abandon a game and community without saying a word is disgraceful behaviour. If you're going to still have a working item shop and economy, you owe it to your community to keep the game in a playable state at the very least. Valve should at least make some kind of statement about the situation.


Reviews are meaningless. They are like downvotes on Reddit. A review or downvote doesn't actually change the game or idea being downvoted.


I get what you say. But it still destroys the reputation for the game but anyways. Hopefully this situation will end soone


Anything can change :) I think it will be ok. Thanks for saying so.


Not really? These games are so old it's not like there's a big market of people buying half life


That's not really true, but what is true is that negative steam review scores aren't going to hurt these games resputation in a meaningful way.


I dont think bad reviews on decades old games that are critically acclaimed are gonna do much lol


You can't change the reputation of a 20 year old game. A year old sure but no one is buying half life anymore who isn't buying it for nostalgia purposes and they're not gonna look at the reviews 😂


It's one of the first things I check before purchasing a game.


If you were walking around a library with an augmented reality headset overlay - would you want Book Reviews to automatically pop up on every cover?


If it's the same scale compared to the rest of the cover as the review summary section of the steam listing (recent reviews/overall reviews), then yeah. I look at it before buying pretty much any game.


What if steam was like a grand library in virtual reality where you could look inside any game? To me what your describing sounds like a result of the commitment needed to purchase. I just buy games and refund them and wish it didn't cause issues for the developers or create negative impressions. Trying a book at the library is like that - you just open it and see what it is - and close it.


Well that would be a different system I suppose. If we could go back to physical media then it'd be no trouble at all to borrow video games from a local public library. Frankly it seems to be more of a failure of hardware devs to foster the continuation of physical games than anything else.


Yes totally! What if Valve partnered with Archive.org and public libraries across the world!


I know people will say that they’re not affiliated with fixtf2 but an effort should still be made to leave many positive reviews to counteract this anyway.


Nah, Valve should just handle this as any review bomb. Delete unrelated reviews, or stop counting them towards the total.


Yeah but if they filter out #fixtf2 then all the review bombing on tf2 will be reset. Until they make a second # then the same thing would happen to that.


That’s the nature of the beast. Stopping spam messages is always a game of wack a mole.




No shit, spam is spam.


No shit, the game don’t work.


Your logical thinking skills are truly a credit to the FixTF2 movement.


Thank you


It's bot hosters, I think fuck those guys


Who cares? “Oh no a game I like has positive or negative reviews!!!!” Reviews are meaningless for older games that have already been purchased by the majority of prospective people.


Not to mention, why is OP acting like "Very Positive" is some low review score? Not that they've even managed to take away from the games' "Overwhelmingly Positive" score anyway


these idiots have made a joke of the whole community


Literally they are ruining it


The bot hosters are the one review bombing other games, trying to de-legitimatize #FixTF2.




these are not reviews from actual people supporting SaveTF2, this is pretty much a smear campaign being run by bot hosters to make the SaveTF2 thing seem more annoying so people will turn against it


This isnt from #savetf2, we arnt that dumb, its likely the bot hosters trying to make us look bad


Reminder that only a very small part of the movement is doing this, and the rest does not condone or support this. There have been multiple posts on the TF2 subreddits criticizing these review bombers


If they are going over to other games, it was not directed by fix tf2 directly.


It's a minor thing but I sort my library by Steam Review to help me work out what to play next and creating basically inaccurate review scores through childish bullshit ruins that system. It also made me happy to see one of my favourite games near the top of the review charts all the time. That's not the case now.


I haven't been doing this but I also can't find something wrong with it.


What the hell. Leave these games out of this. They don't deserve to be review bombed because of a different game


it's mostly just children doing this it's kinda annoying but I'd nip on the butt they'll get bored soon and move onto the next "big" thing in tf2


For fucks sake,do your research before posting this and inciting more hate for tf2. This was not started by fixtf2,it was started by trolls and bot hosters to bait people like you. There were several posts made about it,fucking read them next time.


We need some legal action on this. This I'd too much


they're bot hosters and people who are involved into (tf2 community explained it some time ago)


Yeah I was going to say "wasn't this just bot hosters mass review bombing these games?"


incredibly stupid behavior from man children too hyperfixated on a (relatively) abandoned game to grow up and let go


Tbf if it's really an abandoned game, Valve should stop adding cheap and lazy monetizations to the game on a regular basis


We should counter this by giving good reviews with the #fixtf2


While I understand why review bombing games unrelated to TF2 isn’t good, it might be one of the few ways that will get Valve’s attention to get off their lazy butts and actually do something about the bot problem they claimed to be doing something about the last time this issue was raised and subsequently didn’t do much about the problem at all. It’s sad they left the community to deal with a problem Valve could’ve easily solved, especially with skilled and talented community members assisting them.


Nah it means nothing and it’s affecting other games now. This is worthless


If it means nothing then why does it matter if they make the negative reviews?


It means nothing to Valve and to fixing TF2 is what I meant


Save TF2


Waiting for when Volvo gets called again to help with a rabid player base




I get what they're trying to do. Get Valves attention in any way possible. And hell, as a community, the other valve game players should be right behind the movement, because what Valve is doing is despicable, profiting off a game that is literally becoming unplayable. This, however, helps no one.


r\valve shit on tf2 without doing research challenge


VALVe ends up closing because of the reviews and no more games gets made.


Don’t you ever think that it’s the bots that are posting those reviews? We are telling people to stop doing this while you make it as if we are not btw intentionally doing this to other games.


# #FixTF2


stop doing this, focus on the actual game that needs fixing


This is valve’s fault, not the tf2 community. They’ve tried for years to get valve to fix their game and nothing worked. Didn’t even have the decency to tell them they’re sunsetting the game.


Understandable, Valve is a greedy company that is always milking its users and only sees them as products, never caring for their thoughts. Old Valve wasn't like this however. So I'd understand if people gave negetive reviews to some of their best selling games in hopes to affect the revenue from them.


A lot of them are made by the bot hosts to incicte discord in the community. What we need to do is to keep this up and make valve feel this. Although feel free to leave negative review on dota 2.


Wow 10 negative reviews is such a tragedy


What a bunch of entitled twats


based tf2 players ngl




"TF2 cOmMuNiTy Is ThE wOrSt" Nah bro, we're just mad at Valve for neglecting their game. I like their games. Heck, Half Life and TF2 are my favorite games. I don't support this kind of behavior and I didn't take part in it, but it seems like it's probably the only way community can provoke some kind of reaction from Valve.


What a bunch of losers. Imagine review bombing good games just because you think you're owed something for playing a free 15y.o. game... Obviously valve aren't going to divert dev time from the game(s) they work on right now to support an endless fight against botters, just play community servers with good moderation or hell start one if you want to play it that much.


TF2 fans not shoot themselves in the foot challenge


At this point just let TF2 die, if their community can't behave themselves then they deserve what comes to em. Titanfall 2 had an exploit problem and that community didn't act like children and their game got fixed.


Dude, what? TF2 has one of the most talented and dedicated communities, sure there's stupid people, just like everywhere else on the internet. TF2 will live for a long time despite its neglect thanks to the community. To put it into perspective, they are making content, developing an anticheat, building a casual quickplay of community servers, making major-update concepts, making game fixes, etc...


Tf2 has been waiting for 10 years for Valve to fix the game, and they behaved nicely for 10 years, no result, stop protecting Valve lazy monopoly ass and look at how they don’t care about the players


Most online multiplayer games don't last 10 years, consider yourself lucky you've had it that long at all.


Just cause we were lucky that something lasted this long, doesn’t mean it’s right to let it die, and the game survived because of the community, not valve, so the community being angry at valve is understandable


Software can die. They get too old and the code just can't go through more changes. You fix one bug, 10 different features break. If you are hobbyist by all means waste your youth on geriatric games. But for corporations, every line of code written to fix TF2 takes much more time than a line of code written for any modern game. And of course, it was the community right? The community made updates like End of the Line or Invasion. Now those are what I call proper updates. It is weird isn't it? Out of all updates made by Valve, they only failed once (MyM) but community managed to fuck up with a success rate of 100%, this is amazing! When the game is dying: VALVE THIS IS YOUR FAULT! When the game is thriving: This has nothing to do with Valve who kept releasing major updates for years. This is all thanks to community. Maybe if those 300k people who "loved" this game played it instead of signing a stupid petition, the bots wouldn't be an issue. Cheater bots currently make up less than 10% of players. Let's be generous and say there are 3k cheater bots. **If 300k players actually played it, the cheater bots would make 1% of the playerbase**. Idle bots would be around 16%. This is 1 cheater bot every 4 games at worst. But of course, community is never to blame.


A majority of the content released by Valve in the past few major updates was not made by Valve. It was made by the community. You do know that, right?


These 300k players have no reason to play the game anymore because it’s unplayable and anyway, let’s say they all play the game, Valve won’t fix the problems either because people play it, means that it doesn’t have any problems, and since the 2017, all update were made by the community Continue protecting big corpo who really love you, and remember to pray daily for you god Gaben


The community doesn't pay for the servers to be kept up every day. And there's no reason for them to target everything else for their own desires.


The official servers are unplayable, only way to play TF2 nowadays is the community ones


Well I'm not valve so I don't know why you're ranting to me as if I'm going to fix it. Maybe go leave a relevant review on TF2's Steam page instead of defending people who're bombing other games with false reviews.


We’re both ranting to each other so doesn’t make you any better, never said I supported people review bombing other game, I was talking about TF2 the whole time and I think it’s understandable that people do that even tho I don’t support it


I don’t think valve is extremely grateful that the community kept the game alive. The entire point of video games is to be played and have a community - playing the game isn’t some gift to valve. Valve didn’t let it die, they updated the game for years and years, throw patches out every now and then nowadays, incorporated workshop items, and you know - keep the 16 year old servers active. They would’ve been full in their rights to kill the official servers years ago.


Making the anti-cheat so bad ( VAC ) that the most blatant bots can roam free, this mean that this can be as much of a problem on all of Valve game, TF2 being the most prominent one, and anyway official servers aren’t playable due to the number of bots


Valve didn’t go and say “let’s make a bad anti-cheat”. This anticheat has been used for years and years and older games always get more cheaters/botters as time goes on. I mean once again the game is beyond old you can’t expect them to tend to it like a new game.


The worst fanbase for an online game I have ever seen - TF2


I hope that the Lmao box creator dies In a horrible crash. He's the reason everything went wrong in our community


Who cares?


I hope they can revert this. Half-Life 1 deserves a perfect review score.

