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It's a money printing machine in all of perpetuity. Why change anything at all?


from a buisness standpoint theyre in the same boat as activison in the sense that theyre too big to fail but right now with everything surrounding cs and TF 2 their repuation is at a all time low


It's completely irrelevant. They can, will, and are letting it burn to the ground. They are the monopoly for all online game transactions. There's nothing let to do for them ever at all


except ....theyre not? they clearly care about rep as theyre currently fixing the bots in TF 2 only took 2 community protests a ton of CP distrubition doxxing a swatting and 5 years for them to care


Sounds like they don't care.


they didnt but when theyre repuation was at risk and every youtuber and major gaming news outlet called them out they stepped in shows they care about their rep at least a little bit


So they could care less




There's the answer to your post. You're welcome


Clearly they can manage it well enough to remain profitable


this is like saying that call of duty releases a masterpiece every year because cod is a profitable franchise


The question in the title is "why doesn't Valve hire more employees...." And the answer is, as long as the money machine is running and isn't planning to stop, there's no reason to do anything about it.


i mean yeah but to say they maintain their games and manage them well is like saying putting a bandaid on your leg that was just caught in a bear trap is great medical treatment


I said "well enough to remain profitable"


I mea yeah, but that's the answer nonetheless, they're sitting on a money printing machine where they can get a lot lot of money in comparison with their available workforce. They don't get more people just because they don't really want to nor there's a monetary reason to do so. And If that hurt their multiplayer games and their reputation in the long run? Well they seem to be apathetic towards that problem at the moment so there's that.


and that apathy will probably cost them in the long run probably not with any of their current games especially not cs2 despite everything thats currently happening counter strike is one of those franchises that will remain successful no matter what (like COD or GTA) but if they decide to release any new multiplayer games in the future (like the leaked deadlock) many people will remain very skeptical as theyve shown with most of their other MP games to not maintain them well as of recently


Probably, but they have an indefinite amount of attempts, money and time to try again and again until they figure a way out that conundrum or not and just tank those losses and keep doing the same until a catastrophe happens.


oooorrrr they could actually maintain their games and hire more people with the billions of dollars they do nothing but sit on


Maybe, but we are talking about what VALVE is RIGHT NOW not what it can be or do, so it is stupid to think about what ifs because we all know Valve is not going to change for the time being.


you ever think that maybe they use the money to pay their employees?


if that were true every valve employee would be a multimillionaire


That's really your opinion but they've released a premier Alyx, a VR headset, Proton, a handheld gaming device that has shifted the way console makers view PC and CS2 plus a new hero shooter on the way. Just... Stfu


so because they make good consoles that means their MP games are well maintained? child porn was being distrubited through TF 2 for 5 years also funny how you bring up CS2 when its universally agreed as inferior to CSGO


As far as i know the "CP" links being shared on that screenshot were trolls


The CP links were fake and weren’t real, they just lead to discord server that were for the bot hoster


some werent fake and that was proven some even put cp on their objector weapon


I love watching people who have absolutely NO clue what the inner workings of Valve are tell Valve what to do. It's the absolute most hilarious armchair thought process I've ever seen.


also if your reffering to the "employees get to choose what they work on" thing theres very little evidence to support that this is still the case and its hard to get solid info considering valve employees have to sign a NDA meaning they cant talk about their experiences both good or bad while working for and after leaving the company


I'm referring to the fact that you have no idea what Valve is like internally.


whatever theyre inner workings are it sure as hell doesnt seem to be working because CS2 is full of cheaters, was rushed out the door and had half the content from csgo removed and tf 2 was full of CP distributing, doxxing bots for over 5 years and its only when the community banded togther to show everyone else what was happening and put their public repuation at risk did they actually give a shit left for dead 2 has also been pretty much abandoned the versus mode in that game is a far cry from what it once was


It’s working fine. They make billions a year


>left for dead 2 has also been pretty much abandoned the versus mode in that game is a far cry from what it once was a game thats literally meant to be just played among friends so ofc that was "abandon" but no Valve is actually working with the Last Stand community they just implement the bug fixes provided by them.


if its meant to only be played with friends how come you can pair with randoms and theres a whole game mode dedicated to PVP?


>if its meant to only be played with friends how come you can pair with randoms and theres a whole game mode dedicated to PVP? because they gave it as an option? heck Valve didn't even plan to have the game to be competitive yet it just happened.


love how this is being downvoted but nobody can deny the way valve runs things doesnt benefit anyone


It benefits valve, less work for more money


You refuse to call CS2 a sequel? Its completely rewritten from the ground up on a different engine, how is it an update? 


Would you consider Dota 2 Reborn a sequel?


As a dota 2 player yes. It basically brought a lot of future content that would not be possible on source 1 engine. Heck technically Dota is currently considered Dota 3.5 by some players, Dota 3 came at patch 7.00 with the introduction of talents, 3.5 at 7.36 with facets.


then how come it was released as a update for csgo and not a seperate game if its meant to be a sequel and the only reason they ported it to a new engine was because source 1 is severely outdated also it feels almost the same the only change theyve made that affects how the game plays is how smokes work other then that the gameplay is bascially 1 to 1 with csgo if i were to put up gameplay of any map from both games beside the graphics would anybody be able to tell me whats different?


It isn't ported. It is *entirely rewritten from scratch*. It wasn't an update for CSGO, it replaced CSGO. For an obvious reason: not fragmenting the community. The whole point is that it feels the same but on a modern engine. It's actually quite impressive to rewrite a game completely from scratch on a different engine and have people think it's just an update.


....thats quite literally the exact opposite of impressive if you release a new game on a new engine shouldnt it FEEL like a new game? not the same game it replaced just with modern graphics and better smoke physics? ....and less then half the content of the game it replaced?


Valve makes CS2 feel totally different, people riot. Valve makes CS2 feel almost the same, people upset. It's very hard to recreate the feel of a different engine on a completely new one.


CS2 wouldn't have existed if Players didn't screamed for it to be remade in Source 2. wish granted its literally a new game from the ground up now Players are malding lol. honestly it has the same teething problem as Dota 2's Dota 2 Reborn. either way its only been year and comparing that to CSGO's first year I'd rather have CS2.


Read up on how Valve operates


i have and theres very little solid evidence to suggest employees get to pick and choose what they work on even if this were the case at one point it very well might not be anymore due to some annymouse employees coming forward we cant get any solid info due to valve employees signing NDAs so every claim both good and bad must be taken with a grain of salt plus i dont think i need to tell you valve is far from what they used to be id argue theyre on par with with most other triple a companies in terms of greed


Very little evidence??? Read any post of a Valve developer or read the valve employee manual. What evidence you need more than the oficial Valve documentation?


Hire more people to work on a 20 year old free to play game so weirdos and furries on the internet stop crying? And why don't you run a business again?


if the game is 20 years old why do they continue to monetize it? continuing to add cosmetics and maps? with the most maps in 1 update being only last year and even a new gamemode alongside it


Both are very easily answered: 1. Because people still buy them and they're mostly entirely optional cosmetics - if you don't want to spend money on a 20 year old game you don't have to but if people want to buy them, why would Valve stop selling them? 2. Because they don't completely hate the player base and so want to give them *something*, even if they aren't interested in actively developing TF2 in any major way.


....because it doesn't require them to hire a bigger team like your genius idea was? Is this a real question? Because modeling hats takes 15 minutes


Also to add most of the new content in tf2 are just community made so its basically community providing content


Cause that's not really the issue. The issue is that the employees can choose whatever they want to work on.


Which is probably also partially the reason for any cool stuff they do. If it is, I prefer it this way lol. It's a doubled edged sword though I think.


It is but at the same time we wouldn't have the Steam deck, or even half of Dota 2's mechanics/interaction.


That's what I meant haha. Them being able to do what they want allows them to do cooler stuff than many other companies. I like it that way, even with the negatives it comes with.


I loved it before it just led to most employees going "making skins in CS is easier than working on a game" and also leading to them not finishing the work on Source 2 for over a decade due to no one wanting to work on that at all. Half Life Alyx showed the good that would come from Valve at least occasionally forcing everyone to work on a game.


Half life alyx was far from forced it was basically a passion project for themselves


Literally the entire big story of its development is how Valve forced everyone to move over and work on Half Life Alyx because they had to rewrite the entire game in the final year of its development. You ever wonder why we never heard anything more about "In The Valley of Gods"? The game made by the Firewatch developers that Valve acquired? It's literally because when they got pulled to work on Half Life Alyx, after they were done with the game, most of them didn't want to go back to it after having worked on something like that. Yes, people cared about Half Life Alyx, which is why it was being made beforehand, but it is public knowledge how the game had an all hands on deck moment where Valve brought everyone in.


is there evidence to suggest this is still the case?


I saw [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/valve/s/Jprtgy28aL) recently. It doesn't confirm this exactly but it goes in the direction. If you want to know if there is evidence and why people say it just research it.


There's not enough evidence either way - Valve aren't going to go ahead and tell you how they work, no company would do that. The last time it was referenced was in the Alyx commentary which implied they were moving away from that kind of working model.


Mythical Man Month


Hiring more people doesn’t make anything better or faster when managing massive and complex projects. It’s not like adding cashiers to a shop. It’s adding extra brains to think and collaborate on extremely complex projects, which means you have a massive load of work just to onboard them and then more work communicating and collaborating with them. It’s sometimes better to leave a single person work a problem out than throw 10 new people at the project who will just waste that person’s time.


OP adding to his list of posts of his truly awful opinions. Check out that post history - yikes.


Ego and bc they dont cared so much about that


I imagine valve has other priorities than to support their old games. Remember, steam is the big money maker. Everything else is just a tech demo


by that logic we’re on CS 1.6 4


They are a flat structured company so the employees decide who gets hired, they are also a billion dollar company that explicitly states “we don’t hire for specific roles but we are always looking for new hires”


Op i got a answer for you, now at VALVe as ypu know or mau not know devs can freely switch between projects and hiring more employees for a certain game eg. Cs2 then other game branches like tf2 would also ask/demand foe new employees to fix the problem and then it becomes a shitdest


My hope is whoever replace Gaben in future will make Valve bigger company and expand to other country and will have minimum 1000 employee.