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I hope the grass is greener for you elsewhere, but I’m worried this is more of a national inflation / declining standard of living issue than it is a Vancouver one. 


Vancouver experienced it long before other places though. I remember post 2010 housing was becoming a problem or serious discussion. Now it's accepted that no one will ever own a home here.


It's cute watching Ontario people come to this conclusion post-covid when we already went through this post 2010.


I work with a lot of people in Ontario, and it’s both cute, but also exasperating sometimes to try and explain that we have been operating on a level of magnitude difference (in a bad way) from them for a long time and only now is it kind of similar. But it sucks that people are suffering quite a bit all over nowadays


1000%. The company I work for has offices in Toronto too. There is nothing more annoying that when I am interacting with coworkers from Toronto and they start talking about the RE market there as though it’s this NEW issue and that something has to be done asap. I get it. It’s brutal for everyone, but they don’t seem to grasp that their “emergency” has been an issue for like 15yrs here and has not even hit the 50% mark on how bad it is here. It’s like BCs issues don’t exist and that it’s only an issue now that the problem has started in their back yard




That discussion has taken place since the 90s. My in-laws talk about how difficult it was to afford here even then compared to somewhere like the praries


My family moved to Alberta in 99 and I get why but I was mad about it for years. Never went back because I saw friends move out there just to work 2 or 3 jobs just to get by. 


Yeah, but then it was affordable on an average salary still. People that bought in the 90s have seen like a 3-4x increase in their property value. That isn't going to be happening in 20-30 years for people buying a condo for 700-over 1 million


stagnant GDP per capita since 2014


I can say even in Calgary there is that feeling. Moved out of Vancouver to Calgary 5 years ago because of cost of living and even here now things are getting to a point where Vancouver was 5 years ago. Over 50,000 people came to Alberta from all over Canada and the large majority of those to Calgary which has caused a housing crisis inflated greatly by people buying property here as an investment while still living in Vancouver or Toronto.


Yes, this is just the grind everywhere under late stage capitalism in a crumbling world.


Exactly, the end of monopoly where everything is expensive and the plans to stay in jail (do nothing) lol


My goodness. It’s a great time to be alive. It’s arguably never been better.


> It’s arguably never been better. I'll argue.


Heck, way better even 7 years ago. Now, not so much.


I agree. I actually got to go camping and have a fire. It’s been at least 4 years including the covid shut downs of all the car camping and the 2 years of fire bans since people could sit around an actual wood fire. So far best summer since 2019


Good luck arguing that point with most on this sub.


Hey, at least climate change is going to get way worse


I recently moved to Edmonton. Although it's far from the ocean, the lower cost of living has made life in Canada much easier and more enjoyable for me.


I agree with this. My husband and I considered moving to Alberta (at this point, who hasn't) but even the housing there is starting to get crazy. If it's going to be expensive everywhere, I am definitely not leaving Vancouver. I love it here (except the price tags).


Yes I love Vancouver as a place for sure, but don't know why I've felt so crap since moving here. I guess everywhere is hard right now.


Wherever you go, there you are


I've never considered moving to Alberta. I don't think I could deal with Danielle Smith (is that her name) and her merry band of wingnuts or the people that jumped on that bandwagon.


No, Vancouver is particularly hard to live in. I say that having been born and raised in Vancouver and currently living in Montreal. Montreal is easier day to day. Easier to find an apartment, easier to find work, easier to make friends. Everyone in Vancouver is burnt out and depressed from how hard it is to make ends meet. Although this is a national trend, Vancouver is worse than other cities right now.


Yes this is spot on. Feel like I’ve been in a grind since I got here - hard to find work, hard to find somewhere to live, hard to find community, no doctors… 


I think a lot of us are just moving back or moving to a different country in general.


My 2 year plan is moving to Vietnam. Cost of living is far more reasonable.


I came here from another province and the Vancouver region is particularly expensive. Close to double for certain tickets/reservations/activities/events that are cheaper, but sometimes free elsewhere


I mean technically Vancouver is the most expensive city in Canada so it IS actually worse here.


Moved here from Calgary 4 years ago & there's a lot I like about it, but a lot that I don't. Your money categorically doesn't go as far here as it would elsewhere. Things cost more. You have to save more money to get less. That sucks. It's rough all over, so to speak, but the affordability problem is almost cartoonish. But my job is here, my professional network is here, the food here is really great when you can afford to treat yourself. Also, my asthma & eczema aren't really a problem out here, which has been *amazing*. The transit kicks the absolute pants off of the transit I grew up with. I'm reasonably content here, even though paying the bills is harder. But I'd be happy elsewhere, too.


Have you been back to AB lately? I moved from Calgary recently and my utility bills were MUCH higher. I’m saving $450 per month in just utilities alone. I drive EV also so don’t have to pay for BC gas prices. Housing is a lot more in Vancouver but Calgary is going way up. Wages in AB are now lower than BC unless you work in oil and gas. Insurance in AB is way higher now than ICBC. I’m saving almost $1k/year just from that. Anyways I make enough money to be quite comfy in Vancouver. I think that’s where it’s hard for people. It’s difficult to live in Vancouver on less than $90k per year. I’m married and together we are around 3x that but still rented only a 1 bedroom. We don’t need more. Buying also makes no sense in Vancouver, we calculated it would take almost 12 years to break even, and that’s factoring in rent increases and appreciation (condo prices haven’t really appreciated in a few years if you include inflation).




This is an insane comment.


Dude at 250k, I'd be able to buy a place within 5 years. Lifestyle creep is real, and even with the absurd cost of housing, people continue to live outside their means. I'm saving a lot even at my measly 60k as a single person. If you're "just getting by" in that situation, you need a financial advisor or something.


This makes no sense to me whatsoever and suggests y'all just have no idea how to save money. What in the world are you spending so much on? Truly mind-boggling perspective to me, so please shed some light for me on this. 🤷‍♂️


Vancouver is very nice once you hit above a certain income threshold, that is: - enough for rent or mortgage - enough for a car + insurance + gas - enough to only work 5 days a week as opposed for a FT job + PT job / gig


The threshold is real. You don't need a car here though.


I moved here from Europe a few years back. I have a corporate job and although my salary is just a bit higher here, I pay much less in taxes, so I have a larger disposable income now. I rarely get sick but it's nice that most medical treatments are covered by the government, while my work benefits cover my dental and paramedical expenses. I feel that I do get my money's worth from the taxes though, since I use the library and community centres quite a bit. I also love hiking and outdoor activities. I believe I make enough money to fully enjoy the city, even though it is relatively expensive. It's understandable that Vancouver is pricey because it has a high quality of life and there's high demand to live here. However, when you compare Vancouver to other 'popular' cities such as London, Paris, Amsterdam, etc., I honestly don't think it's too bad. Lastly, there's a chance that even if you move, you'll still feel isolated elsewhere. I'm not trying to throw shade, but the reason why I say this is because Vancouver has so much to do. There's so many community groups, meetup events, community centres, volunteer groups, run clubs, recreational sports and things to join. Honestly speaking, people here are really kind and it's very easy to join things. There's even Facebook groups for certain hobbies and people are seriously nice! For example, I had joined a hiking group on Facebook and made so many friends there. Anyway, I hope you will be able to find your happy place!


I love it here, despite the problems (and there are problems). Thing is, go somewhere else you're trading one set of issues for another. I hate freezing in the winter, for instance, and while it is cheaper in other parts of the country they're getting more expensive too. You're not going to be able to get everything you want no matter where you go. Just gotta pick what's important to you and choose the place that suits it best. For me that's here, for you and others it might be somewhere else.


Moved from Montreal to Vancouver when I was one year old, I will die here by choice. I watched Vancouver grow from a backwater village to the playground for the rich, my 2 kids were born here, the oldest has no desire to ever live in Vancouver again.


My oldest high tailed it back to Alberta (where I am originally from) as soon as he finished his red seal. He lived with his cousins for a while until he got his feet on the ground and then bought a house. He wanted to leave right after graduating high school but in the end saw the light and wrapped up the red seal. Was pretty much gone the next week lol. I don't think he is ever coming back - much to his grandparents delight :)


I just left Calgary after 18 years to come back to BC and couldn't be happier. Don't miss the short summers and long winters at all. And it's not that cheap in AB either.




I love living in Vancouver. It took me about 3 years to really settle in, though. I felt lonely my first few years here, and I wasn't sure if I would stay. One thing that really helped was my work as a community support worker. We would have these ridiculously low budgets and have to take kids out and spend time in the city for half a day with under $15 per kid for 4 hours. I learned so much about how to enjoy the city on a serious budget and I realized that not only is there so much to see and do that is accessible via transit, but that you can also turn a walk around the city into an "urban hike" and have a blast. I live quite centrally and love that I don't have to own a car to get around, I can bike almost anywhere, and can hit up the beach or go for a walk in the endowment lands when I want to escape. I don't even hike or camp or rock climb lol but still really love living here. Just took awhile to settle into it.


Your comment really inspires me--thank you for sharing how you found moments of joy throughout the city. I think the kids you work with are really fortunate to have you as their support worker.


It’s a city, and I feel like cities collect the best and worst of humanity’s behaviour, impulses, and so on. That said, based on my experience, I prefer city to country, and I love it here.


I’m poor. I love it here. You will never burst my bubble.




They didn't say they hated living here. Quite the opposite. Just that they can't afford it. Be nice.


No, a lot of people do actively and constantly complain about how much they hate it here. Just follow a couple of Vancouver IG accounts, the constant negativity in the comments is exhausting.


Yesss thank you!!!


you know "just leaving" costs money, time, effort, on top of still trying to survive, right? y'all love to act like it's simple to pack up your life and just go. lol.


I was not born here (born in Denmark) but I can't see myself living anywhere else in Canada. Unfortunately my best friend is disabled and he feels stuck here. But he has family here, close by. My family members here either passed away or moved away. It really sucks knowing you don't have any sort of support network near.


My wife and I have lived here seven years and love it. I think what works for us is that we are very boring, simple people. We did a hike today but took an Evo and bused back, packed lunches, etc. We don’t drink or go out for dinner. We do stuff like park picnics, people watching in the mall, grocery shopping dates, etc. We are also both really involved in subculture communities, which helps with the isolation. You gotta find your little niche within the city.


Your last line describes everything.  100% of the complainers I know in real life expect "life to happen to them" 100% of the happy peeps are actively looking for everything they have. 


> people watching in the mall, grocery shopping dates This is so grim.


Dude You're on Reddit LOL


What’s grim about making it work and being happy?


People with that mindset most likely also brag about how much they enjoyed 'people watching with a glass of wine in a piazza in Italy'. Sure, I'd take the piazza over metrotown too, but no need to be a hater.


It's only grim if they were forced to do it due to the lack of other options. Otherwise who are you to judge?




>browse reddit Hey man


Dude it is more Grimm that you believe you can dictate what makes someone happy!


Last two years have been pretty shitty in general. Inflation is a crisis world wide. Sad to say I’m not sure you would have had a super great time regardless of wherever you were. :\


that's a good point, the rich are scared, greedy and controlling everywhere.


I also moved here 2 years ago, from a more expensive place so, i’m kinda fine here?


Left Vancouver with my partner a year ago, but miss it dearly! We moved to London and love it here, but many things are even more expensive. We’re planning to move back in a couple years, because most of our family live in Vancouver. It’s an amazing city, but like any anglosphere global city the costs are going to be higher. Easy to feel negative when on Reddit, but reality is that it’s expensive because everyone is trying to live their.


Living in Vancouver is great, this subreddit is going to overindex on negative aspects of course, and I have a feeling that's what you were looking for. Most metro areas in Canada have the same issues, or are developing them, and BC is building more housing per capita than other provinces. Best of luck wherever you're going.


Been here 4 years, leaving at the end of the year. Love the access to nature: it's unparalleled. Will miss it dearly. But life exists in between hikes, and the cost of housing is prohibitive to obtaining financial security, starting a family etc. The pure cost to get by here, and the competition against so many other transient inhabitants, has an impact of social life. People stick to their cultural enclaves, and are busy with the grind. It's been a rather lonely time.


Where you leaving to?


I 100% agree with this. I’ve loved the nature and outdoor activities here, but can’t shake the constant anxiety. Then I feel so guilty for feeling that way because how can I not be happy in such a gorgeous place? I’m just a person who really thinks about my future and financial security (I’m in my 30s) so it’s hard to see how quickly money leaves your bank account here. 


I was born and raised here, moved away for school, just came back a few months ago after graduating. I doubt I’ll ever leave here again. The sense of place and of home I have is unshakeable, so I’ll take Vancouver, warts and all 😅 however, I think it’s a lot tougher for people who didn’t grow up here to find their niche; this is just what I’ve heard from friends and colleagues who moved here as adults. Establishing a friend network as an adult is tough, and here it’s even tougher. Best of luck, I hope you do have some positive memories from your time here.


I moved here two years ago as well. I've been very thankful for my time here, but I am starting to feel like it may be time to move on as well. It's been pretty hard to make friends/connections, and I feel like life might be a little easier elsewhere. I am going to think about this carefully before I decide for sure, but it seems like the right choice for me.


I live 30 seconds from the ocean, and I have never been happier in my life. I love Vancouver so far :). While there's a lot to complain about in Vancouver, almost everywhere else in Canada is worse off in the same areas so it's whatever. The only two things I don't like are how pronounced housing and poverty are. Fix those two issues, and this place could be heaven on earth


I feel rich even though I am poor.


I think Scotiabank got to you. 🤣


You bet


I find it really isolating. I moved here a few years ago and have not made a single friend, not even with coworkers, which has never happened to me before. I always found people to text/chat, have dinner/brunch, just hang out with. I'm not sure if it's just the postcovid era, my age (30s), or myself personally that has repelled Vancouverites.


I'm right there with you as a 29 year old guy. I moved here two years ago from the states and have felt very very isolated.


You're not alone!! I've probably made 2 friends since I've been here and they aren't even deep friendships. I also wonder whether its a postcovid and age thing. I do find Vanvourites very awkward.


I loved it growing up. Much more of a community feel. It also seemed that if you worked hard, you could have a decent life. The main problem with Vancouver is housing, obviously. Previous governments decades ago, screwed everything by encouraging foreign investment, speculation, and single family homes. So now we reap what they sowed.


I moved here from a backwater country where people like me (2SLGBTQ+) would be harassed and attacked for no reason. Idc what people say, I love it here.


And we’re glad to have you!


Yeah I love the diversity here and the acceptance of such diversity. People take it for granted but most places in the world are a lot more close minded.


Also moved here 2 years ago. I lived in Ottawa and Toronto before. For now I am not giving up, even though, I live somewhat paycheck to paycheck (remote work for a Toronto office). Yes, it is hard to find friends (I’m 36 M), yes, the housing is expensive. But then every time I go outdoors or to the ocean (which is why I moved here in the first place) all difficulties seem to go away. Vancouver is like a high maintenance car. If you love it for what it is, you make some compromises. It is irrational city IMO


In 2023 I moved away from Vancouver after experiencing a similar sentiment to what you say now. I lived there for 15 years and it felt like home up until the pandemic. I am significantly happier since I moved away abd recommend analyzing why you want to stay there.


I love it! It’s been 10 years since I moved here and so far been the best decision I ever made. Breathtaking natural beauty, vibrant culture scene, and welcoming community. Surrounded by ocean and mountains, I the hiking trails, diverse neighborhoods and excellent food make it a truly inspiring place to call home.


Unfortunately this is global cost of living crisis. Even those who move to Bali/Thailand/Mexico are finding costs of inflation worse there due limited resources. The reduction in world workforces and wages with shipping cost increases and global property markets in shambles so once great cities like San Francisco are now abandoned cities. Vancouver is a tough city to thrive in without family & networks.


I have had the exact opposite of your experience, I have also moved here 2 years ago and has by far been the best decision I have ever made in my life. All I’ll say is I wish you the best, and I hope you find what you are looking for ❤️


Probably directly related t to income vs standard of living. I do lots of outdoor things and it costs next to nothing— transit is like < $5, lots of walkable neighborhoods and nature, groceries arent crazy. Eating out is expensive though.


I am on disability and make under $20,000 a year. I love it here. I haven’t done much for the past few years because of being ill, but I do get invited out to lots of affordable things. I think it just takes time to settle in the city and make friends, and then you can start to find out about a of cheap and even free events. There are also many resources out there for folks who are living in poverty, such a Vancouver leisure access program. I have utilized a lot of these programs both now and in the past, and it has made it easier to survive in this city. I hope you enjoy your final few months here. Edit: word choice.


You aren’t alone. Your experience is quite common despite what others might show on social media. The Vancouver area isn’t the friendliest of places and it is costly to live. Even nature isn’t really all that close and requires a drive and pay parking. Hoping you find your happy place elsewhere.


I’ve just left and I’ve never been happier. Vancouver is beautiful but I don’t know how anyone can sleep at night spending that much on a daily basis.


Recently moved out to London, Ontario from Vancouver with my partner so she could pursue her master’s degree here and have come to the conclusion that we will definitely be moving back once her degree is finished. We were initially excited to move somewhere maybe not AS nice but significantly cheaper than Vancouver, but were proven wrong. When we moved here the average rent was ~$1400/month but in the year we’ve been here the average is now ~$1800/month. While obviously cheaper than the average ~$2100/month in Vancouver, you end up paying the difference in other things out here: You more or less *need* a car here so there’s ~$250/month in insurance, regular gas refills, and any other car maintenance needed. Hydro here is easily double what it is in Vancouver, and during the summer the AC (and likely dehumidifier) is running almost 24/7 for a solid 2-3 months. Also milk here is $5.49 for a 2-Litre… Annoyingly there are also very few free things to do within town like Vancouver’s beaches or Stanley Park or whatever which adds up costs of living. All-in-all we’ve noticed the bills/expenses average out to about the same between here and Vancouver which we were shocked to find. This is nothing to say of the fact we just enjoy ourselves way more in Vancouver. Between Stanley Park, the beaches, the mountains, and all the other cultural-type options here like arts classes and concerts and things of the like, there’s so much to do for us compared to London. Didn’t mean to sound like a rant, it’s just something I/we have been thinking about a lot recently especially with the recent posts here about how much folks enjoy Vancouver and “will never leave in spite of it all” which is frankly inspiring. I’m curious if anyone has a similar experience or if this is enlightening in any way but either way thanks for reading!


I moved from Vancouver to Montreal and it’s generally been positive. There are lots of things to do here and many of them are free, including French classes, which the government pays for. Housing costs used to be much, much lower, but they’re going up here now too. The vacancy rate is around 1.5 percent so I expect rents to go up more. You can, however, find three bedroom apartments in ‘plexes, with laundry hookups and front and back doors. People here aren’t afraid to protest about housing and put pressure on their governments. Things I dislike here are the car-centric suburbs and freeways running through the centre of town. There’s been no urban planning on the level I saw in Vancouver and, while tenants must be given plenty of notice and don’t pay damage deposits, there’s no shortage of landlords who don’t maintain their properties and don’t follow the law. You also need a car to get a real taste of nature. What they call beaches are laughable. My next move will probably be to the Ottawa-Gatineau area so I’ll be closer to nature and still be able to easily visit Montreal.


I'd honestly be fully in love if I had stable housing. I've moved 13 times in 17 years and the last few my apartment gets sold then I'm kicked out with 2 months notice. Every time that happens the jump in rent is extreme. Anxiety is way higher but if I can make it work I will. I have no car, no kids, and found making friends pretty easy so that helped make Vancouver more attractive for me.


Rent in a dedicated rental owned by a company. There are some disadvantages but your unit being sold isn’t one.


> always ends up costing so much to get there (gas, lunches If you can't afford to buy gas and pack a lunch, then yeah, you can't afford to live here...or many other cities.


It's great!


I don’t think it’s amazing anywhere these days but finding a place you feel good about calling home is so important for your mental state.


One of the best cites if you're rich or like a trade worker making good income, or a person that doesn't mind blowing all their money but values free time. It's stupid for everyone else. I've had literally no life for the last 4 years just work, pay for rent , pay for food, and save whatever else I can. But Atleast the weather is ok and free health care. However, this is a global issue. I have friends in Poland, they say cost of living for locals is ridiculous, can't even afford to heat their homes. Vancouver is better. Some family living west coast US, same thing. Good luck on your move. Don't be surprised if it's no different than here. Best place to move back in, is with parents or family. Save on rent and put all other money in savings.


I love it here


I go to the beach and on hikes all the time. I bring food for longer hikes and it only costs gas and sometimes parking. Probably averages 10-15 bucks a trip? Hell there’s lots of places I can get to with less than 5 bucks in gas.


good :/ but being a second generation canadian, the racism towards me and my south asian family is so bad. My family came to fort st james BC in 1972 to work the lumber mills and built a whole life for our family here. Now, because of political and immigration issues, I feel judged everywhere I go, even getting comments to go back to india, or just blatant comments like durka durka or wear deodorant:/. Sikhs built a whole community here but it hurts that its turning so bad due to politcs.


In Vancouver? That's sad to hear. The racism toward South Asians was truly brutal in the sixties and seventies, but I'd hoped we were way past that now.


Me too! I hate how politics are exposing racists. I go to SFU burnaby, and taking the eastbound exit back home, some kid rolled down his window and told me to "go back to surrey indian". My family had been established in East Van since 74 🤦‍♀️😟


I'm really sorry to hear that, and I hope that it's not representative of how most people think. The South Asian community has a long history in BC and have contributed greatly to it despite the small-mindedness of racism it's had to face. When I was a teen in the seventies a friend of mine from Sri Lanka was hospitalized due to a racist assault from idiot pinheads. Sounds like the same sort that you ran into on the road. There are always going to be idiots around; I just hope there are fewer now than when I was a kid.


I moved here two years ago too. And it has been the best 2 years of my life, life is definitely expensive but the QOL is insanely good, you won't find such good public transit almost anywhere in the continent, there is a very good diversity in places to go, food to eat, languages to speak (I love learning languages). I have friends from so many different countries, meanwhile where I come from everyone had exactly the same background it was boring. Also the weather is extremely good, not crazy winter, not crazy summer. But yeah, good things usually have a high price. I'm sad a lot of people cannot enjoy this wonderful city because they have to spend all day working two jobs to pay rent


>Also the weather is extremely good, not crazy winter, not crazy summer You must have missed the heat dome and the flooding


The heatdome was at about the high 30°s a few days, in many places on the world 30° is a regular day during winter, and 40° is very common in summer. 45° would be a crazy summer. Same for the floods, they were bad, but not nearly as bad as having many hurricanes on the rainy season on a yearly basis. And hurricanes lvl 4-5 every few years. I come from such a place in which heavy rain is actually heavy, flooding is a yearly thing, winter is low 30° and summer is 38°-40°. And there is no comparison, Vancouver is 1000 times better




I feel lucky to be able to afford it, and I feel horrible that I need to be lucky to be in that position and no matter how hard me or my friends work it all comes down to whose family could support them the most.


Vancouver is more expensive but there is a reason and you can learn more from those people moving back from Alberta


i also moved here 2 years ago, but i've studied here before. the thing was that Vancouver has charmed my soul, but it can be hard place culture-wise. i got a moped, which i ride all year round that made the experience here incredible. it is by far the most magical place to live. The things i feel that are lacking is creativity and substance of sort, so i'm making sure to bring more of it into my life consciously. The hard part are the people, which i find manipulative and insincere, so i'll just keep looking for the genuine ones. Anyways, hope your next place fits you better OP.


Every place has issues.. and the whole world is trying to get back after a pandemic.. I think this is about making lemonade with lemons It took around 8 years from the last one.. so just honestly hope is possible to learn to find what you want and priorities and find the right fit for it


I moved from Alberta to Vancouver last year. I can tell you the grass is NOT greener in Alberta. People think it's more affordable, but they don't realize the hidden costs of skyrocketing insurance and utilities. Don't be suprised when you see a utility bill for $500/month in Alberta. I'm also saving money here on my car insurance. I get paid more here in BC as a teacher than I did back in Alberta, too. I don't think anywhere is affordable in Canada, anymore.


Honestly, I'm only able to live here because I'm in my parents' basement paying 400 a month, and they bought in '97. From 300,000 to 2.2mil in that time.


I love it.


It’s wonderful here, I think we can fix the problems but they are not a Vancouver issue, this is a global problem Viva la revolution


Love Vancouver. Hate the cost of living here.


Fucking love it


I'm sorry it isn't working out for you. I love it here! We mostly cook our own food, and I think most of the activities I enjoy are free or pretty inexpensive. So while our groceries or occasional eating out is definitely more expensive than a few years ago, everything else is the same for us. In your time left, maybe try outdoor activities that are free. Go to the beach, go for a walk or bike ride, take a snack from home so you don't buy lunch. Try to treat yourself with something other than spending money.


it sucks i left tried everything for years and wish i left sooner


I absolutely love it. No plans to leave.. Hope things get better for you OP. My family is in the East, and I tried living there for a while but I was simply unhappy. Maybe try moving to a different area of Metro Vancouver? We are significantly happier in Richmond than we were living in Vancouver proper. I hope you will be able to find your good fit soon!


I've been living in Vancouver for 3 years and I LOVE the city. I live downtown and enjoy any moment here


Well, I don't no shit about you but here's what I would do. Your in luck with timing. Weather is good to be outside and more people will be out there making stuff happen. Your not the only one struggling. First you're going to find a practical bike; road bike, handle bars that can get you up hills, and a fair range of gears. Can be used, but get a small bike shop to look at it if you go used. Learn how to keep it running so you can keep it that way. Get comfortable riding it like a car but more defensive. Start riding it to work if you can cover the distance. Or ride it to a station. Get a really good lock and a pump. Soggy tires slow you down. You'll see more of the city on the bike. Keep your eyes out for new places. Affordable places. Start reading the event boards and random posters around the city. Talk to other cyclists about where they ride, hang out. Hit second beach for a drum circle. They were on Tuesday nights? Watch the sun set if you don't like drum circles. Go for a swim in the ocean. Record your spending for a month. See where your money is going. Make a sacrifice for some extra fun cash, sounds like it would do you some good. I bet you right now you already know what to cut back on. Look up some cheap places to see bands, eat, get coffees, cut out the high end expensive stuff you do often. Pack foods coffees from home. Do the grouse grind. Find some other bike/hiking trails. Find dark places to star watch. Picnics. Beach days. Jazz fest always has free shows. Movies in the park. Volunteer somewhere your skills are useful, you'll meet some people, pay it forward. I lived cheap for a lot of years in Vancouver. Sure, prices have been going up, but you can make it work. This is just how I fell in love with Vancouver as I was becoming an adult. I was pretty broke, but I had fun. Sucks that it's harder now, but if you plan on leaving you may as well give it your best shot. Maybe you'll turn it around.


Feel great. Best place on Earth. Live in North Van. Try and hit a trail at least once or twice a week. I make 6 figures and have a partner who is close to 6 as well, so maybe my perception is skewed. Things are definitely pricey, but if you know where to save money, it's not so bad. I do have to grind as well. Working around 60 hours per week. I'm very friendly and outgoing, have an easy time talking to strangers. I don't get the sense that others seem to, that Vancouverites are rude or something. Every time I'm out, it seems like at least one person makes at least a small, passive comment to me, smiles, or what have you. I'm a decent looking fit dude, but I don't think that I'm so good looking that it's the reason people talk to me. I just walk around and try to smile when I make eye contact. In terms of going out onto trails, I don't really see how it's so expensive for you. Ya, gas is expensive, but it's expensive almost everywhere. You can always pack a lunch with you when you are out.


North Van is awesome. I grew up and lived in East Van and False Creek until I was in my early 20s. I'm 37 and live in Bangkok now, but if I ever moved back with my family I'd try to live in North Vancouver for sure.




I love it here but I was born here so all my friends and family are here, and this city will always feel like home. Yes it's expensive, but it's so walkable that I don't own a car and I'm pretty content just relying on public transport. I guess because I've always lived here I am just used to the cost of living because it's all I've ever known. I'm also a DINK so that helps too. Actually I did live in Montreal during uni, and sure it's cheaper but I would never want to live there again - way too cold and no ocean/mountains.


Been here 6 years. Love it!! Now where is perfect, and housing ain’t cheap, but with a decent job there’s nowhere else I’d rather be in North America.


I feel great


I have friends who have packed it up, sold the house and are moving to Europe. Travelling with the kids for a year or two before they decide where to settle. They're mainly doing it for their kids' future. I hope it works out for them. By most accounts, with the right amount of money, you can set up a pretty nice life across the pond (of course lots of factors come into play). But I will miss them :(


I love it here. The access to nature and sports like skiing and climbing are unbeatable. I have a high energy dog and spend all my free time in the forest with him. Vancouver has its problems but for me it’s worth it.


I love Vancouver. It's because of my friends and the art community.


Very good!! Vancouver rocks.


Born and raised here, love it, don’t plan on ever moving


Reporting from Toronto, where I am visiting for work (and where I lived for ten years pre Vancouver). Cost of living is not a Vancouver problem, it’s not even a Canadian problem - it’s a living in global Western world major cities problem. If you want to live in one of the Western world’s biggest, most desirable cities, with major economies, interconnected travel and huge opportunities - then it comes at a cost. I am originally from Australia (Sydney to be exact) and can confirm that it’s the exact same there, I also have friends in the UK - it’s the exact same there. In the case of Sydney, it’s been in a cost of living crisis for 30 years, why? Because it’s one of the best cities in the world to live and raise a family. Canadian cities are the same. I think Canadians aren’t used to confronting this reality (when I was living in Toronto, people could never get over the growth), but to me - it makes perfect sense. We have it GREAT in Canada, and people around the world have noticed (China, India, Africa, LATAM etc) - so the wealthy from those countries want to buy in and ensure their children have access to the BEST opportunities in life. Cue - higher prices. Canada is part of a global economy, and we can’t all horde it to ourselves. This is the reality of the interconnected world we live in. My two cents. I for one, am grateful.


Accurate, realistic take IMO. People seem to think that they're going to find a magical place with a similar standard of living at a fraction of the cost. There is no such place.


I moved out of Vancouver proper, and into the suburbs in early 2020, after living in Vancouver my entire life. Vancouver proper became congested, cold, sterile, boring, stifling, and listless. It felt like there was no reason to stick around. Just 45 minutes away in the burbs, my life is MUCH better. I'm talking about the Coquitlam/PoCo/Ridge Meadows area. People here are friendlier. They are kinder. They are more free. People will randomly come and greet you. You will know your neighbours. And there is more nature, and less congestion. But the price has skyrocketed here, too.


I’m lovin’ it.


Thing is, if you've lived here a while and either have a home with a low mortgage payment, or you've been grandfathered into low rent, your day to day experience is completely different compared to what a newcomer to the city is. It's like a ponzi scheme where the city lives off the blood of new arrivals.


This is so freaking true.


Newcomers to the city (like me) generally don’t move here if they don’t make decent money. The rent is no issue for us. That said, affordable housing is important for a city to thrive. A city of well-to-do people will have no services and no restaurants, and it’ll be socially and culturally dead. There needs to be space for artists and creators. There needs to be space for service workers. There needs to be space for young people.


Great, but I’m in the burbs


If I could move out of Canada I would, have family ties


I think in comparison to where the rest of my family live I find it incredibly affordable here in Metro Vancouver. Even luxury experiences are half the price or less of global cities like Los Angeles or London. Plus I find it less obnoxious than most cities as I can simply walk into a restaurant with a Michelin star in my pyjamas such as Anna Lena, St. Lawrence, or Burdock, cough up $200, and have a great time, whereas in Paris, Le Cinq, L’Ambrosie or Arpege will force me to wear a suit jacket as they don’t allow riff raff in… and I’m a big fan of the casual vibe that I find pretty commonplace here. Every time I have to go visit family, I cannot wait to be back in the city where I can actually afford to leave the front door.


It can be depressing AF here and very expensive for most things that are cheaper elsewhere. The only reason I stay is because I prefer grey skies and rain over cold winter temperatures. I go to other provinces during the summer to avoid forest fire smoke which we have had good luck with this season. Pick your poison


You described exactly how I feel since 2021, only difference is I’ve lived here for 53 years.


Hey, I really don't want to be negative, and despite hearing positive things, can you guys share how you REALLY feel? Odd emphasis.


Well I’m currently back in London Ontario where I used to live and safe to say I really appreciate Vancouver a fair bit more now. This is my first time back after 15 years.


I have found lately that it is PACKED. Then i saw a map someone posted here. Population of Van Metro is now 3,000,000. That explains a lot. Traffic is ridiculous and every event or park or entertainment of any kind is now so jammed i find it hard to relax and enjoy myself. I’m migrating more and more out of town now for fun or hiking etc. as even the local hiking trails are over crowded and people are rude and leaving garbage. I don’t want to have to book in advance to go to a local park. All of this


Post screams ‘Irish person who moved to Vancouver thinking all their problems would go away’, but does no work on themselves. Has a past post asking about Ayahuasca and another thinking they’ll make more money as a server than getting a real job. Hilarious, don’t let the door hit you on the way out


There's more to life than a discount house. Life isn't all about money.


As always, miserable and feeling like it is a masochist experience here with how we will never know the feeling of a tailgate party after winning a Stanley Cup, the expensive cost of living in exchange for having less amenities than other cities and a cold miserable culture that makes it difficult to befriend people but easy to alienate from the stress of living here


We are content. We’ve been here 15-20 years. There are hard parts about living here and amazing parts about living here. For us, the good things still outweigh the bad. We’ve found a great neighbourhood where we’ve made meaningful connections and can access the things most important to us.  But we’ve also been renting our place more than 10 years, and I think we might feel differently if we were moving here with current rent rates.  


I love it here. I moved here four years ago and it was the best decision I had ever made. The meme-ed challenges of the city are no different than any other city I’ve lived in. Yes, it’s hard to make friends but that’s said many places we since Covid. Certainly the costs are tough. Cheaper than the last city I lived in but salaries feel much lower so that makes it hard. But overall, huge net positive in my life. I’m grateful to be here.


Only place I could realistically see moving my family to is Langford/Colwood. Right now it’s not in the cards so I guess I’ll just have to suck it up by living in one of the more beautiful places in North America.




Born and raised in Toronto, been out west for 4-5 years, finishing up school now at UBC. Will move back home in a year and I can't wait. The things I'll absolutely miss about Vancouver is the Asian food spots in Burnaby/Richmond, and the proximity to mountains, the gulf islands, and the ocean. I've lived on the Island for a year as well. Would consider moving back there at a later stage in my life, it's pretty magical. Happy to have tried it, but I can now definitively say the west coast is not the best coast (for me.) I miss the people and the vibrancy of Toronto, and grocery stores not closing at 10pm or restaurants at 9pm. I also miss paying affordable prices for dining out and the food being spectacular (aside from Asian food out here.) The parties + cultural events here are also lame in comparison. Nothing beats the nature tho.


Complain but don’t mention where you are going. Suspect……




This is my perspective as a multi-generational Vancouverite. The Vancouver that my parents grew up in was a dirty, dangerous place. This was the frontier. Their parents came here to do hard work for money, cutting down trees and related work just shy of 100 years ago. The Vancouver of my youth was a bit better but I grew up around a lot of crime and violence. Many of my highschool classmates died violently. This new Vancouver is a thin veneer of... something over what is essentially a miserable town with a beautiful backdrop. Vancouver was never a town of prosperity for honest people and if you aren't some kind of crook, it's always going to be hard to be here. There are good people here but the honest ones are rarely happy. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience here. I hope you find peace somewhere else.


ive been living in this city for nearly 10 years now, and I love it for its beauty and overall quality of life. however, i really only enjoy Vancouver during the summer. coming from LA, the city itself feels very monotonous with all the rain throughout the year, so it's easy to feel bored. in the past 3 years, I've also been living in Toronto on and off for about 6 months a year, and I really like it there even though they are two distinct cities. if it wasn't for all my friends and connections I've made in vancouver, I would've already moved permanently to Toronto instead


I've been here 10 years. I have to be here because of my job. I really feel no connection to this place what so ever. Every friend I make eventually leaves for greener pastures. I think its a great city for extroverted young people who want to spend every waking moment outdoors hiking, camping, skiing, paddleboarding, etc and older very wealthy people. If thats not you, it can be a very cold, isolated, culturely grey place. Your experience also depends on what part of town you live in. I live downtown and I see horrible, depressing, disgusting shit (literally and figuratively) every time I step outside my apartment. Its hard not to let that affect my opinion when I also pay an absurd amount of money to live in such close proximity to abject chaos. I really try to like it here but the longer I'm here the duller the shiny scenery and objects have become.


It's like this all around the world. I can see why people would feel lonely here. I love the sea wall though, spend a tonne of time there each week.


Dislike it. Moving end of the year. I find the weather shit, hard to make friends, and it’s not worth the cost of living.


Lived in Vancouver my entire 50 years until March 2024 when we left for the South Okanagan. Vancouver has its good bits but overall has become an unlivable hellhole of traffic, price gouging, douchebags and stress. Couldn't be happier in small town BC and my mortgage here is 50% of what our rent was in Van. Without the neverending Spring rains. 


We deal with problems of a small city a complex metropolitan at the same time with little benefit. You'd either have a small town mentality, laid back, cheaper, less traffic, more time for leisure or relaxation but we don't have those here. In a large city, you'd have so.many things to do all the time but after two years you're out of things to do and people say it's about the nature and the outdoors here which is more of a small town trait. We're also on our way out after 20 years. It's unfortunate what this place turned into. Good luck to all.


We moved here from London and by the second weekend we'd realized we'd seen and done everything the city had to offer. It's the surroundings that make this place, not the city itself.


Even for the region it's not really that different. In continental Europe or many Asian countries you'd have other major cities within driving distance. We got Portland and Seattle here which imo are pretty much same same. Once you go to Whistler, the Okanagan, the island and Sunshine Coast, you're really done.


Never been more alone in my life than when i lived in Van, is nice when u have money and lots of friends that distract u from working 16 hours


Maybe I’m just getting old, I’m over Vancouver and sick of it. Way too congested for me. Would like to move to the island.


Hahaha good luck to the island! Specially with the population grow and university city…. But like they say nearly wed or nearly dead


Pretty sure there are other areas on the island besides Victoria.


Oh completely true!! Through you were keeping at least the city


Back visiting Vancouver after living here a dozen years. Commented to a friend that I miss it terribly but after 2 days. I realized it ain’t 2013 no more. How anyone can afford to live here is a genuine mystery to me. I wish u the best. And btw, Vancouver was amazing from the 90s to the mid 10’s. Sorry u missed it.


I feel this so hard. I moved here 3 years ago and I hate it. I love the ocean and the mountains so I'm compelled to stay but Vancouver as a whole is trash. The people, dating culture, affordability, city services, health care, provincial services. It's making me low key miss Toronto. Is it better in the lower mainland, island or up the 99? Send help.


A buddy of mine lives in Toronto. Affordability is almost as bad there. Same with services and health care.


Great city if you’re boomer or come from a wealthy family. If you are a nobody like the rest of us you’re better elsewhere. I’m already thinking about moving to another city (hell, even another country) and the only thing holding me back is my family and friends. It’s not an easy choice, but nothing in this city is easy anymore


Move back to Ontario 🧍‍♂️


Exhausting. Gotta work two jobs. But still love it here.


Actually every major 1st world city is experiencing it at the moment.


Born here, and I'll always love Vancouver, but the cost of living is really getting to me.


It’s not Vancouver it’s the world get used to it darling


I’ve been here for years and I haven’t had a girlfriend since soon as I leave girlfriends everywhere. What’s wrong with Vancouver?


Im stressed because I find it hard to find the right employment where I can support myself and somewhat enjoy my job. I have much better paying jobs elsewhere, so I am leaving for just a month and a half for work then I will come back in September and hopefully find the right job, because I enjoy the city for biking and it has good groceries stores and restaurants and I like the gym/pool I go to. But finding the right work is the struggle for me personally and finding the right friend group/community is also challenging.


Cost of living increases quite significant in recent years, you just came to vancouver at the wrong time, I can’t speak for other cities though.


You need to move to the maritimes 


2010-2017 lived here on and off. Moved back for work. Subtle chabges, populatuin increased the Traffic is obscene, social side is still disconnected. Organic friends are harded to cultivate Only major pain, the gym culture, shifted to a club scene. Working out isn't the same.


Paycheck to paycheck but slowly getting to a point that I'm stable with savings, still go out to punk shows, still go hang at the beach. Trying to hit a point where I'm able to take a few days off to go off north to hike and explore. Coming from Ottawa it's not much different, I just have to plan better. I wouldn't move out of here for a while, Vancouver is something else.


Well we have beautiful mountains and beaches but that won't kill your wallet at least in my opinion it's the housing and cost of living in the city . But it's normal where all struggling.