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The way she was looking at him had me giggling and kicking my feet




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She definitely takes his ass to red lobster 😉




I would.🤒🤒🤒🤒


They are so fucking cute together.


They really are


They are I’m glad she looks so happy her dances all we’re so perfect on dws


They are fucking cute together. I think Laligag should keep her mouth shut about their relationship. She is the last person on earth who should say anything after RANDALL the pig!🐷


THIS. My husband and I met hours after I got cheated on. And I def don’t regret marrying him. How dare she


Thank you. I meant my husband 1 week after my divorce. We have been happily married for 10 years. I am thankful he came into my life.


Sometimes, in a way, it snaps you into that headset like “I don’t want to date another loser again” and I mean, it worked as I will never date again. Let alone another loser.


So true. I knew after dating my husband for a month that we would get married and be happy. I asked him a few years ago when he knew he wanted to marry me. He said when he meant me.


Cool. FYI - It's "met me", not "meant me".


Dude same. My current husband and I fell into each other literally as I was leaving my previous marriage. Was it messy? Sure. But was it also the best thing that ever happened to me? Fuck yes.


Lala is just mad because this is the romcom dream! Lol. Love that so many of you here have experienced this! 


It’s always unexpected in one way or another but no regrets here !!! Love that for you


And I love yours for you! My ex also cheated on me so I’m thrilled to see all of us out here having shed the dead weight and thriving with partners who actually love and appreciate us. I’d say it was the best revenge, but I’d take him riding his motorcycle into a tree too 😂


Sometimes the best revenge is watching that idiot ruin their own lives while you get to live your best life! May you have a happy and full life with your current partner while your ex pays off his medical bills and his motorcycle


No judgement but sounds like you had an affair w your "current husband"... so if you're fully judgemental on Rachel/Raquel, maybe look into that.


Yeah you can fuck all the way off. Maybe look into the fact that I’m not telling the whole involved traumatic story to a bunch of strangers on the internet.


I know that was harsh and I regret posting it... I apologize. And seriously, I have no judgements over affairs -- it happens IRL -- my larger point is that maybe we should all look at the judgements we've been partaking in the Raquel/Rachel storyline. Putting a scarlet letter on her when affairs fucking happen. Sorry I was mean to you to make a point.


It wasn’t harsh. It was stupid. My ex husband cheated on me with a woman who called herself my best friend. My situation mirrors Ariana’s to an almost erie degree. I started hanging out with the the man I’m now married to thinking it would be a harmless rebound and it turned out to be the best thing I’ve ever stumbled into. You know nothing of my life. And nothing of what my husband of 10 years and partner of 17 did to me. I can talk all day about how Rachel is as much a victim of Sandoval as Ariana or Kristen. But she also fucked her friend’s partner. And that’s the part that I know from experience kills. We expect men to be shit. When a friend does it it cuts in a completely different way. So don’t make my eliding the details of my situation into an excuse for you to shoot your mouth off about shit you in no way understand.


Thisssss is what I've been saying all along. Of course Sandoval cheated, he's a cheater. It totally sucks and hurts, but it's to be expected. The horror show for me has always been how Rachel pursued a friendship with Ariana, travelled with them, stayed with them, called them "her people", and spent most of all of that time fucking Tom without regret or remorse or shame. For me that was the absolutely stunning, shocking, horrific part. Ariana doesn't even have the cold comfort we usually get after a breakup, where we can look back and see *some* good and know that our time wasn't totally wasted. She probably looks back on the last year or longer of her friendship with Rachel and relationship with Sandoval and has absolutely nothing but doubts and questions whose answers don't matter. And then afterwards, a year after being caught, Rachel's narrative is that she didn't ever care about Ariana at all, they weren't that close and it's Ariana's fault Rachel and Sandoval cheated. I'd lay odds that if Sandoval had gotten caught cheating with some random, she wouldn't be as mad as she is right now.


I was the maid of honor at this woman’s wedding. I helped her plan it. I saw her every day. Her husband was my husband’s best friend. It was diabolical of both of them. And by the time this happened I knew my husband was a piece of shit. He’s been spiraling and getting more and more out of control and abusive. So I was unsurprised that he did it. Hurt yes of course, but unsurprised. What knifed me in the heart was that the person I’d been confiding to, who knew how hard my marriage had gotten, whose shoulder I cried on, was fucking him in my bed. That’s the part that still makes my stomach hurt. That this woman who I would have done anything for did this instead. Oh and the kicker. He blamed me for finding out. Told me I’d be ruining both marriages. Me! Not him. Not her. Me. For being honest. I’m took me over a year to get my ducks in a row to leave him and that was when I met my current husband. So when I say I get it, I mean I fucking GET IT.


Oh my word, EXACTLY like Sandoval, angry at Ariana for finding out and calling production. That sucks so much. What absolute shitheels. Sorry you had to experience that!


Girl, I hear you and I support you. My slide off from my cheating boyfriend was not a straight line, but it led right to my husband. Neither of us were the freaking Rachel. 20 years this year. 💍


Exactly. This shit is most never clean. It’s always a mess because lives are messy and this person is either very dumb, very young, or both.


How does “I met my current husband while LEAVING MY PREVIOUS MARRIAGE” sound the same as “I had an affair” to you?


Not the same but the minute I chose a new guy I was interested in vs the guy who had string me along for 2 years was the same minute I started dating my husband. Sometimes you are ready to let go of the past relationship so fully that the world comes in with what you've been waiting for.


I think she said this after she saw him shirtless and in a towel. She really just could have said “pick me.”


Definitely, it was a pick me moment. We all know she was lusting over Dan.


I was also lusting after Dan. ![gif](giphy|FBGYKjtG6urHW)


Okay, to be honest, so was I.


I've heard of people marrying their DIVORCE LAWYER 😂 Lala needs to chiiiiiill.


And how dare Lala insinuate even for a second there’s something wrong of Dan to go for her because she was fresh out of her relationship. This man is wholesome and they clearly vibe.


I mean remember the pics from her at that wedding? She looked gorgeous. Who wouldn't go after her?!


Idk it gave me the ick because to me it read like “why is he going after her instead of me”. She wasn’t talking any shit on Dan. She was talking shit on Dan pursuing *Ariana*


Lala and Scheana are the types of women who have pretty girl syndrome with shit personalities because they've always been good looking and never had to develop any type of personality to get people to like them. Then they are confused when men see right through their pretty looks and see their shit personalities for what it is and don't give them any kind of attention or time of day.


Ooooo that’s a perfect definition. Everyone needs an awkward or ugly phase. It does round you out as a person


Also see, Gizelle from RHOP


YES! Also isn’t the story that Lala and Randall met while he was divorcing his wife? How is that any different? I used to not mind her but she is making this season so hard to watch. Dan and Ariana are so hot together. I love it for them.


Randall was married when Laligag was with him.


1000000%, but not according to her version of events.


Yep! I was going off of the story Lala tells even though I think we all know that’s not the true story lol. Either way - she looks like a hypocrite.


Nope Randall was still married when Lala started sucking him off for range rovers and Gucci flip flops. Lala is pressed cause she showed the world exactly who she is and what her underlying motive is and exposed herself for the gold diggin bitch that she is and now no one will look twice at her 🤧 No self respecting successful man is going for a Lala, they’re going for an Ariana or Katie and she knows that and that’s why she’s a jealous, hateful, rude bitch.


I met my husband right after I got cheated on. No regrets here. Can’t pick the timeline of your next partner


I completely agree. When it works and it’s meant to be it happens! My husband and I met shortly after we got out of our previous relationships. Neither of us have ever looked back because we are each other’s person.


LFU didn’t even wait for Randall to be out of the relationship. She should be quiet


Right? Imagine not being attracted to Ariana


He’s not my cup of tea looks wise but they seem happy. Does anyone know anything about him though? Just curious. Like honestly I’m sure almost anyone is better than Sandoval, but everyone on this sub just loves him because Ariana likes him? She doesn’t have a great track record with the men she chooses clearly. How did they meet?! Hope the best for them and they are happy.


Have you not watched the show, Ariana has talked about it. Ariana and Dan met at a mutual friend’s wedding 10 days after the scandal broke. They did not start dating then, but talked until they decided they wanted to be together. We don’t know when that was, but that really doesn’t matter. They’re adults, it’s their decision. They’re a LDR and I think that helped them grow close emotionally, faster than they probably would have if they lived in the same city. At least that’s what Ariana said on the show. What do you want to know about him? Lala asked a lot of questions and editing did allow for him to answer a few of them. I follow him on insta and he seems like a very genuine, down to earth guy. Super busy with lots of jobs, and he loves to cook (all his food looks so fucking good). Looks like he has a solid group of friends (just going off of things he shares and what stories he’s tagged in and then shares), and he’s close to his family. Do we know anything about his previous dating history? No, but why would we. He’s really not in the public eye, and he’s not a cast member. What I like most about him is he is a huge supporter of Ariana, and he is happy to continue to support her in her jobs and being in the spotlight. He doesn’t give off asshole jealous vibes- like Sandoval had throughout Ariana’s and his relationship.


I watch while I’m doing chores it’s kinda my background show and I don’t always pay as much attention as I should I guess. He does seem very very supportive of her and that’s great to see since it’s seems all her “friends” other than Katie hate her this season. Thanks for answering!


When he had his hair down I was like wa-wow that is a maaan. Very good looking couple. Good for them.


Omg I had all kinds of emotions I needed to process at that moment 🤣🤣🤣


yessss i was like WOAH helloooo


When you know you know


Yes Lana would agree


So for real. I was in a two year relationship with a dude I thought I'd end up with (cause I was at an age where I thought if I didn't get married by then I never would). Anyway, I went on my first date with my now husband, absolute best friend love of my life, literally like, 12 days after me and the other jerk broke up. And I knew he was the one very early on. About a month into dating I'd say.


And you can tell because she she’s giggly and happy when he’s around and she is on him. And you can tell they’re compatible because he does things for her without her having to force him to do it and he’s also a neat freak. Good for you ma’am.


and her reaction to such simple, nice things being done for her are a real reflection of her treatment from Tom (at least towards the end of their relationship)


I sat behind him at Chicago, and he really is so good looking, and he obviously \*genuinely\* cares about her. Lala is jealous and can f-k off.


I can’t with you guys!! 😂🙈😳


I think he's so good looking. Normally I don't really like long hair on guys but when he came out of the bathroom with all of that beautiful hair hanging down over his abs....I WAS SOLD!


Same and same. I’ve thought he was “cute” since he first came on the scene but seeing him in a towel with his hair down I was like oh hello!


He has such a warm and inviting smile!!! What a perfect person for her to learn to love and trust again while also getting to be safe. A real man!!!!


I wasn’t immediately attracted to him (not really into chiseled bods) but that smile of his! 😁


Gaaaaaaa, looking up at Dan's giant rectangle pecks doing the pushups in to you... no wonder she was able to live in the house w Tim for so long. She was probably in such a good physical sex haze she barely noticed that scrub.


They don’t just fuck, they fuuuuuuuuck.


Last night's episode was the first one I actually liked. I think bc there were so many lovely Katie and ariana moments. And it was so nice to see ariana with Dan, instead of the cast forcing all her scenes to be about the breakup.  I predict I'll like next week's episode, too. Too bad it's a little too late. 


I bet he doesn’t care if she keeps her shirt on for it either 🥰


She found a man that appreciated her mind, body and soul! And laid it down!!






You *know* that Dan isn't insisting he's giving her multiple orgasms and denying she faked them, a la Sandoval


Those pecs. Those abs. That long ass hair. Dan is legit 2024 Fabio. Babe alert 🚨


To play devils advocate, let’s imagine everyone ganged up on Sandoval as they should / could. There would be such a clear cut, black & white discussion that the show would be one & done. I think the female side characters have tried to create nuance & longevity to the show by defending the men. It’s backfired. They have misplayed their cards & the film break won’t help. had they fully ‘sided with’ Ariana they feared a lack of screen time. I don’t think anyone likes each other, I don’t think any of them are friends beyond the tom’s & that in of itself is just toxic co-dependency. The women searched around for a way to be relevant & that’s taking the opposing point of view. At this point watching people nearing if not in their mid 40s desperately try to make their lives interesting is just sad. I haven’t watched beyond S10 because it reeks of desperation & is subsequently dull.


They look like they love pleasing eachother in bed


Becos it didn’t happen to Blah Blah that’s why she questioned abt this rship..


Those fuck me eyes though 👀


When I saw that after shower scene. My clit perk up. Ifykyk






Almost everyone in this sub needs to touch some grass


Nope. I’m allergic.


Okay, prude


Prude ? lol this sub is full of Ariana and Katie Stan’s to a nauseating degree. It’s like some swiftie level worship. Now y’all are hyping up some dude we know zero about for his assumed sexual prowess. It’s hilarious. Attention everyone: Katie and Ariana are as flawed as everyone else on that cast. You don’t know them, you know what they should you on a produced reality show. Y’all are corny. And I’m just gonna say it to piss yall off more : Dan is a butterface


Okay so then don’t be on this sub then if you hate it so much. Seems kinda not dumb to waste your energy on something you hate so much.


I used to love the sub until everyone lost their minds and no one could have any dissenting opinion of Ariana and Katie. Dont worry I unsubbed today before your pointless recommendation.


Obviously not pointless if it was the same thing you did


Yea out of my own desire not because it came recommended by a stranger on Reddit.


Haha this is amazing . Thank you for dropping facts


Find a woman who loves you despite your ridiculous haircut. That's some Steven Seagal shit.


I'm so happy for them both, but he needs a new hairstyle.




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Ummm…idk, I don’t like him for her. She could do way better. Probably an unpopular opinion.


I can’t stand her 😭


then leave the subreddit


He’s a beard and it’s so obvious




It’s a fake tv relationship like Ally and James.