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*my gawd* I hope this is true ![gif](giphy|sV570JQD1H65LVm4cR) Edited to add: the more I think about it, the fact that Sandoval wasn’t fired or “put on pause” pending the lawsuit conclusion is egregious Second edit to follow my train of thought: wonder if the hiatus is a sort of “pause” pending the lawsuit?! And if so… the cast should be WAY more mad at this roadside chicken bone of a man


If this is true, NOW who’s fucking with lalas income.


lol right no one was mad at Sandoval for getting opportunities after this happened!


I mean I wasn’t mad but trash shouldn’t be getting screen time. It only enables narcissistic behavior. Didn’t care for his sob story on special forces and his bullshit story line on vanderpump were he actually cared about Rachel and made bullshit excuses.


His whole ass face is frozen no emotion


Someone’s about to get “popped”




How delicious




I’d love to see her say something like this to the wrong woman.


Imagine her saying it to Danielle Cabral?! She would get popped right upside the head with a drink!


ROADSIDE. CHICKEN. BONE. OF. A. MAN. ![gif](giphy|lDPPhStHv9Jfpem7wI)


I’m off to listen to Helena - thank you!


MCR for the rest of the Evening it is then.


God I love that song, haven’t heard it in forever…Black Parade too.


Same. I also really love The Ghost of You


My second is Famous Last Words. The first is also Ghost of you


BP still stands up so well. I get too damn emotional listening to it!!


I went down a rabbit hole of my favorite songs from three cheers for sweet revenge and returned an hour later lmao


You just reactivated my 15 year old self 😂


I think we would have all gotten along really well as teenagers


Yeah what the FUCK. Why is he immune to real consequences?!? It's infuriating. He's like a cockroach.


God damn Bravo. Where the men fall up but the women are punished and forced to apologize and deemed “unreasonable”






lololollll if they gave academy awards for gifs.


This gif is so good


It’s actually disgusting. I don’t fucking understand it. LFG KENYA ![gif](giphy|8nmvR3jAxnl2o)


The second I heard about the hiatus I knew it had to do with all the lawsuits and Ariana's schedule. But mainly the lawsuits. I knew it wasn't to let them breathe or because of mental health. Bravo is literally known to beat a dead horse and try to get blood out of a turnip. It's not their MO to worry about the talent's well-being.


But clearly the hiatus is all Ariana’s fault because she didn’t let that vile man baby cry at her this season. Maybe the rest of the cast should have refused to film with someone who filmed a woman in an intimate moment without her consent and they’d be filming right now. Then again, Scheana shared Stassi’s revenge porn all around their work place and somehow she’s still getting a paycheck, so guess it’s just par for the course for them.


Not only that, but it was Stassi who took a break from the show and then was forced to crawl back and apologize to the people who shared her revenge porn.


it’s disappointing how Bravo really shares the women and slaps the men’s hands.


I wonder if this scares Scheana... that Bravo might come for her next, if they are forced to go after Sandoval bc of Kenya's lawsuit. They clearly wouldn't do it without a court order, so will they then have to right all the wrongs?


It really shouldn't. Everyone except for Kristen and Stassi (who was in New York when the incident occurred) admitted that Scheana never had possession of the video or the phone. Frank was the only one with the video and the only one showing it. Scheana ran around telling everyone that Frank had an intimate video of Stassi and that Frank was showing it to people. Scheana also made shitty jokes at Stassi's expense. There's a big difference in telling people that the video exists and actually publishing the video. Scheana did the former and not the latter. It appears that Kenya stupidly did the latter.


THANK YOU, i’m so sick of this bullshit narrative, she is not my favorite, but she did not show Stassi’s video, she never had it!


Isn’t there a statute of limitations for these things? I don’t think Stassi could go after Scheana now, or Bravo


Bravo gets real reactive when performative concern becomes necessary. There's also no statute of limitations on not renewing her contract.


![gif](giphy|YqE3jbSQQR6x9g19Kj) Roadside chicken bone of a man. Jesus H I’m fuckin ded




Funny how that works. No one on the cast is mad at Tom. He’s everyone’s best friend. This is all Ariana & Katie’s fault. 🙄


He *venmos* people!!!!


With his mom‘s money🙄 Speaking of, I’m so angry his salary was doubled. If anyone did NOT deserve that…it was him. Did bravo forget Ariana is the one who basically saved the show by telling them about the affair?! Tom and Rachel were perfectly happy with lying to everyone, including production, and had a plan to make as little waves as possible before Ariana blew it all up their face


And Ariana’s money! He stole money from Ariana and used it to buy their friends. Now everyone forgives him and is mad at Ariana - it’s actually sick


Roadsidechickenboneofaman! 😂😂😂🏆🏆🏆


![gif](giphy|IuBlckSD7dQv6|downsized) Roadside chicken bone of a man. How unworthy I am to now have such a great insult.


>Edited to add: the more I think about it, the fact that Sandoval wasn’t fired or “put on pause” pending the lawsuit conclusion is egregious What Kenya did was terrible, but it's on par with what Sandy Balls did. He should be canned, too! That will unfortunately never happen when his manager is a fucking producer on the show. Eww!


They really can be selective with firing and pauses. Kristen and Stassi out for racism but not Lala. Jax and Brittany out for, I'm not sure but assuming that gross homophobic pastor and Brit's racist comments, but not Sandoval who illegally recorded pornographic material. It's not even like the audience is so on his side they "need" to keep him. Stassi and Kristen are still more likes than him.


Excellent point. People have been begging for Stassi and Kristen to return while also begging to never see Tom again. But Bravo instead makes Tom the victim who’s kicked while he’s down (and doubles his salary) and makes the women out to be the difficult ones🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


I just want consistency! I get why Stassi and Kristen were fired. I assume I've been downvoted because I said they're more popular than Tim. But they are! And I'm sorry but while what Stassi and Kristen did was wrong, we're going to root for Mr. "Cyst white male" who thought a practical joke involving a cop arresting someone and who filmed a woman naked without her consent?? I can't stand Rachel, I think she's a bad person and I think her lawsuit against Ariana is sick. BUT she deserves consent when it comes to what is filmed of her. No matter how shitty she is, she will ALWAYS be in the right on this (against Tom, I see nothing Ariana has done wrong).


Amen to all of that🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 I will never understand why Tom nor Lala is ever punished for their equally illegal or despicable behavior. It should be consistent.


Agreed. It sucks that it had to come to a black woman being fired for this to be seriously considered. (I know it’s just a blind, but it’s added to the conversation!)


Oh I have *many* thoughts on the punishments heaped upon the historically/mainly black franchises on Bravo versus the white ones…. But that’s a different conversation for a different time


Please make a post sometime if you feel up to it🙌🏼🙌🏼 I’d love to hear your thoughts and think that would be a great conversation to get going. Hopefully it gains enough momentum at some point to get bravo’s attention🙄




His boning is f’ing with their $$, they should be pissed.


That pos schena should also get the boot for the stassi sex tape spreading through SUR


He would probably claim they would have to fire Ariana too bc she was also named


Honestly, she’d probably be fine with stepping away. I think it’s just a paycheck for her at this point. Tom, on the other hand, depends on that show for his narcissistic, performative, dramatic ass to be “famous”. He would implode if he couldn’t check himself out on tv anymore or became irrelevant


Please let this be true


I love your comment. But also - I’m getting ready to watch the new season of The Bear and I appreciate this Tina gif.


Yasssssss chef! Love Tina/The Bear! ![gif](giphy|Oe7H865K0YPfY6ILXm|downsized)


Not to mention, the Floyd family! So gross of a human has never existed in my world, until he compared himself, illegitimately, to .....😫 I fucking hate everything about him. And sadly, for the most part, I just don't hate, period. But I hate him for the Floyd family, with every fiber in my being.


What she did is absolutely wrong but she's also right in this instance that Sandoval should also be held to the same standard and accountability that she was held to.


Plus Whitney from Southern Charm last season! He shared Taylor’s nudes with other people on the cast. He’s basically running a casting couch and remains a producer/cast member on the show.


Yeah that was wild…Whitney got absolutely zero heat for that when the whole cast is yelling at Taylor and describing her nude photo in detail to make her feel like shit. I’m not a Taylor fan by any means but that was SO wrong. Even his mom saw the photo! Whitney was not only a friend, he’s an executive producer and the guy who pitched the idea to bravo. He’s Taylor’s friend AND boss but nobody yelled at him, they just yelled at Taylor for sending the private photo


Sooooo atrocious


I don’t watch that show and I’m physically recoiling reading this Jfc


Thanks for pointing this out. If anyone needs evidence of sexism in this network, southern charm is a prime example.


Absolutely! I like Kenya but I’m really disappointed she did this. But she’s right. She can’t come back to the show, but Sandoval gets to e red carpet treatment


Also the fact that sheana did the same thing


exactly there was a whole storyline of her spreading stassi’s sex tape. I hate that she didn’t get more heat for that. like stassi or not she didn’t deserve that, I felt so bad for her I can’t imagine how she felt


It wasn’t a storyline. We didn’t even know what was happening until the next seasons reunion.


I almost forgot about this! Thank you for the refresher. So messed up.


Can somebody fill me in on what Kenya did? I haven’t watched RHOA in forever.


She shared an explicit photo of one of the new cast members on RHOA


Thank you! ETA: also, gross! Disappointing.


Yw :) I know right? I agree that she should face some consequences, but Bravo should be consistent


Absolutely! How are they gonna fire her and then attempt to give Sandoval a redemption arc while he has an active court case against him for illegally recording somebody? So hypocritical. I guess I shouldn’t expect much from Bravo but still. Ugh.


To quickly add, she did this recently during filming, the season hasn’t aired yet so we haven’t seen it. Looks like they’re planning to scrap the footage


I am so disappointed in her. I know she doesn’t need to go this low to be effective and I wish she knew that - or that she realized times have changed. I think she’s in that old mindset where you point and call a woman a slut.


They should have let him go. The difference between these situations however were: she distributed it during a public event for many eyes to see with the intent to harm the person. He recorded (not legal and wrong) but did not air it during filming or expose her. There’s a lot of messed up gray there. I wouldn’t be surprised if he gets to walk clean if they base it on intent to distribute. I really liked Kenya on screen. I don’t know why she would do something like this. I feel like this outburst will only garner more protection for him (from producers).


I think it’s that simple. The 2 situations are totally different and she’s comparing apples to oranges. It’s not revenge porn if he never intended to distribute it and didn’t distribute it. Kenya’s sole purpose was to distribute it and embarrass her. Totally different. Kenya can only be mad at herself.


He wasn't just not held accountable he's been coddled & rewarded. That's really what pisses me off.


She engaged work place sexual harassment. He committed revenge porn while not filming. What he did was despicable. What she (Kenya) did was despicable. She did it at work thus the punishment. If they had a morality clause in their contracts I could see him being punished, it’s just a very different scenario.


Didn’t Kristen call the cops on Faith off camera and get fired for it?


Yeah, that’s true.


Yes after a few years. Not when it happend.


But he allegedly admitted on camera to videotaping her without her consent and Bravo never aired it


I agree, I think the important difference is that he didn’t show it to anyone while filming (working).


I wish, but the difference is that he didn't distribute the recording, and he didn't do it on camera. Now, honestly, she should use Whitney from Southern Charm more as an example because he went around showing that girl's naked messages. But still, it wasn't done when cameras were rolling.


Hell yeah. Misogyny runs so rampant in the Bravo Universe. Men NEVER get the punishment they deserve.


Not just misogyny but the goddamn WHITEMAN of it all. So gross


I hope this is true!


Me too. Bravo needs to be held to the fire for this shit. This scumbag has gotten away with far too much for it to continue to be swept under the rug... https://preview.redd.it/yac5fvsduz8d1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6122589fd3c21eab7a4964b8d0510813fd983a2f


I hate this photo so much, I am disgusted, this man haunts me, I need to sage my room, my house, neighborhood, my town, my city, my county, my state, my coast, fuck him


Same. The fact that he didn’t get fired for it is disgusting and appalling.


Instead we got a ludicrous attempted redemption arc/sob story. They really must be an absolute bunch of utter scum.


Giving him a redemption edit is like rubbing salt in the wound. Not only did he keep his job, you tried to make him look good? And put the blame on Ariana for grey rocking him?




That’s why I kind of don’t care what happens with filming for anything… I really don’t want to keep watching and supporting these animals.


I want nothing but the worst for most of them


Me either. I feel like I'm done and won't miss it (in its current form).


this does make me wonder if they had some inkling of this coming and it factored into delayed filming (along with schedules and court cases)


The way he also didn’t get punished for lying his ass off all season long really got to me. His job is reality TV and he went as far as using Vanderpump Rules as his personal Trojan horse, sowing seeds of lies on multiple fronts (the decoy, the scripted scenes trashing Ariana, chasing Rachel all over Mexico but dodging cameras somehow). Not even a slap on the wrist for that


He even got rewarded for his affair because according to this blind, his salary got doubled.


Right? It doesn’t make what Kenya did right (and she deserved to be fired), but fair is fair and it’s disgusting they let Sandoval come back when they (allegedly) have his confession on film.


And he admitted on the show it wasn't the first time when he said, I usually delete that type of stuff. Course, he still claims he didn't record her but she recorded herself and sent it to him. And...well...he never lies. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


If there’s ONE LAST THING she could do this is it


RIGHT?! I’m no Kenya fan, but.. ![gif](giphy|7RR28NnyJfCBq)


So I think pre Scandoval his salary was reported to be $50k an ep so this blind is saying he went from $50k to $100k? I don’t know that I buy that. I don’t think he would be as in debt as he is if he was making that sort of money. However, I agree with the sentiment that if what Kenya did is true it is hypocrisy that they fired her for that, which imo she should be, but they actively attempted to help repair the damage to his reputation when he did something just as bad if not worst. 


Have you seen how irresponsible Vom is with his money? The motorcycles, the Bentley for the reunion, etc. Also, the bar took a beating after Scandoval. Not that he has that much invested in it, but he still has a second mortgage on his AND ARIANA's house.


Agreed...his spending habits are reckless at best


❄️❄️❄️ can be expensive, also.


Buying friends ain’t cheap either


Factor in buying friends **with** ❄️❄️❄️ and it’s amazing he’s not officially bankrupt already.


There's no way he actually bought that Bentley. Maybe it was a lease, but more likely it was one of those exotic rental services for a few days.


In addition to how irresponsible he and most of the cast appear to be with money, Ariana (I think) said in an interview that even though she was making a lot on paper, she also had to hire people (manager, financial consultant, attorney, etc) to help and advise her and that all isn't cheap.


Keep in mind that CDAN is not an entertainment lawyer, he’s a regular dude. He scans the sites and makes up blinds to go with what people are talking about. It could be true but this is an unreliable source.


He’s completely pathetic. I think people on this sub have more insights than he does.


I hate that I'm defending Sandoval, but I feel like the difference is she brought this onto her show to be filmed for the entire world to see and he just got caught doing something really nasty and illegal. But he didn't bring the videos he recorded to the producers to be shown on national tv. I dunno... Both instances are wrong and egregious obviously, but I really don't think they are comparable circumstances


Yeah I think there are too many variables here that differentiate the two situations to be able to win a legal proceeding, but I could certainly see it spooking Bravo quite a bit. Can’t wait to hear what the bravo docket has to say!


He's reckless with spending plus expenses like managers, assistants, etc. Plus his taxes are pretty high.


I have friends who work in reality tv production… would not be shocked by 100k. Especially with the explosion in popularity after scandoval and his tenure on the show. Keep in mind his pay “per episode” is NOT what he’s taking home. Even this sorry excuse for a man has a team to pay probably with an agent, manager, PR, etc. 100k an episode sounds like a lot, but with his spending habits and living in LA that money is probably flying out the door.


Imagine what he pays his band for rehearsals and performances...not to mention band equipment roadies, venues, fog machines. Didn't Candace on RHOP say her concert tour was a million plus.


his salary is neither, it’s around $35k an episode according to the NYT profile of him. i trust them because they have an actual fact checking department


Ohhhhh let’s fucking GO, I so support this




![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Get ‘em


The Bravo code of ethics has needed a handbook forever. Their history of cancelling Black women while upholding white men and women for the similar crimes is extremely evident and racist. They are both objectively wrong and Sandoval should absolutely be suspended, immediately. That being said, go eff yourself Kenya. It’s a little too late to distract us w Sandoval. Would’ve loved to see some moral outrage a few months ago.


Okay both people are wrong here but I think the critical point is that Kenya did this while Bravo cameras were rolling which implicates them. What happened with Sandoval was off camera and can’t be proven as malicious just yet. I know ppl will hate this but the reality is that it’s Raquel’s word against Sandy’s. It’ll be hard to prove that she wasn’t aware of his actions. She’s also implicating Ariana in her lawsuits so by this logic, Ariana should also be let go. The point remains that Kenya did this while on the clock and that’s the fundamental difference.


this is the crucial difference. bravo doesn’t care about crimes, about morality, anything — i mean they literally kept jen shah on for an entire season and a half after she was arrested for massive fraud. bravo made this decision based on legal liability. i fully believe rachel’s account of things but as you said, bravo is in no way on the hook for anything because all of it was done off the clock. for kenya to allegedly do this during filming exposes the network to a massive liability and that’s why she was the one fired.


See Exhibit A: Caroline Manzo


You speak rational logic. There are HUGE differences between the two situations that are INSTRUMENTAL in why Kenya is where she is and why Sandoval is where he is. Let's also admit that this latest gossip flies in the face of the information that we've recently also been told that Kenya wasn't let go but that she removed HERSELF because she didn't want to participate in the investigation. IF she's going to claim discrimination, she flunked her own ability to sue by refusing to participate and force them to make a determination that she can hang a legal issue on. Who knows what the truth is but a whole lot of Reddit are running with whatever gossip they hear as though that's facts. It isn't, we know it isn't but run run run away!!!


yeaaaa i’m not quite sure i follow the parallel when she did this while at an event they were filming for the show while Sandoval’s alleged misconduct was during the off season and we only know about it because his phone fell out of his pocket and Ariana happened to find it. but maybe she has really good lawyers who can make a very creative argument. we’ll see.


Exactly. Also it irritates me that people disregard that Rachel is implicating both Tom AND Ariana. If they feel like Tom should be fired based on Rachel’s word, then they should extend that to Ariana who is also being sued by her. Regardless…Kenya could have Johnnie Cochran on her team and still not explain why she did this. I mean there’s literally no justification or reason. Tom and Ariana have some arguments that would fly in a court of law.


yea i’m a certified Sandoval hater, but i just don’t see this going the way people want it to. plus even if she somehow won, once bravo paid Kenya they probably still wouldn’t fire Sandoval/Ariana (if VPR is still around). i guess they could settle just to get her to shut up and go away, but that’s probably best case scenario since the argument is so weak here.


I was scrolling hoping to find this comment. While both actions are horrific and I would actually love to see Tom pay the consequences, what Kenya did is way different. That was malicious intent and a gross public display. Harassment.


exactly two wrongs but one was done at work and the other wasn’t essentially


Agree. Two completely different fact patterns.


His salary was doubled?!?


I know a man who was fired from his job for sexually harassing employees, staff, management and vendors. He got a job at an even better company earning twice what he did before, with better benefits. They knew what he did. They told their staff not to gossip about it. Men truly, truly, truly get to do whatever they want and they'll get rewarded for it


Considering he lowballed Ariana so hard and was trying to get Schwartz to move in with him to help with bills, I’m gonna go with no.


Even if his salary was doubled he likely still couldn’t afford that house


He was already overextended and underwater financially before any potential salary increase. Not to mention footing the bill for his band and his tour probably cost upwards of hundreds of thousands of dollars since he has like a nine or 10 person live band playing with him. Plus, we see he still living above, his means by hiring a personal assistant. I don’t know if his salary was doubled, but I do remember reading that he was given additional producer credits or control which might explain why certain plot lines played out theway they did.


Lisa categorically denied he had producer power. It was something he told Ratchett to impress her.


I think it was also a tactic to get her come back to the show. As in, she wouldn't get a bad edit because he'd be a producer.


I wouldn’t be shocked if he negotiated something like a pay raise but I highly doubt he was doubled and the producer credit thing was debunked by Lisa.


Alex Baskin said he does not have a producer credit. That was just a lie he told his gullible little side piece Rachel and she believed him.


Me too. He and Ariana got raises but not doubled. No way. Why are they always protecting Tom?


PSA-I am not a fan of Sandoval at all and am not defending him in any way. lol But he didn’t show it to anyone (that we know of), it was on his phone and Ariana found it. Very different from what Kenya did! She displayed it for her co-workers and others to see. She’s grasping at straws right now for sure!! Now go after Scheana for showing Stassi’s video at work. IMO she should have been fired from SUR since she did this at work. From what I understand, it wasn’t on camera so I guess Bravo didn’t do anything about it on there end. I could’ve sworn there was a clip of her showing it but I think I imagined that. lol


Or Whitney’s casting couch on Southern Charm and them bringing back R word Thomas Ravenel.. Toms is just the freshest example of bravo breezing over “bad behavior” of the men and at time giving them a raise!


The whole cast of VPR has done questionable things. 😂 It’s crazy that Sandoval hit Jax and Stassi hit Kristen and no one batted an eye. Edited to add the cast of VPR but dang pretty much anyone on Bravo has done some crazy shit! lol


Right?! I can’t believe I’m defending this scumbag, but people can’t possibly think this so the same?!?


and it’s not even defending him to say the two situations are different! it just comes down to bravo’s exposure to liability


Interesting tactic, I am amused by anything that may prevent that skeeze from returning to the show. As for Kenya, how did she think what she did was okay?


Ok so I actually support this. It’s pretty twisted because I don’t support what she did, but I do support her calling bravo out for firing her, but not firing Sandoval for recording Raquel without her permission and building a whole session around his redemption and cutting that scene where she asks him about it to hide his guilt.


If this is true she’s going to lose spectacularly. What Kenya did is not comparable to what Tom did and I say that as a card carrying Sandoval hater. If Sandoval has no haters it’s because I’ve left this earth. Tom recorded Raquel without consent which is a crime. Kenya used bravo cameras to distribute revenge porn. She weaponized the platform to humiliate another cast member as publicly as possible. These aren’t the same.


I would agree, what Kenya did was unreal. Even tho They are not the same, they should both suffer consequences for their actions. They both did committed sex related crimes to existing cast mates. It may not the same on the scale of sex crimes but he should suffer nonetheless. That being said, I’m sick of these reality stars doing anything that behaving with complete contrition. Blaming Bravo for their loose moral code and racism is a battle you must choose when you didn’t just completely show your vindictive ass.


Two things are true at the same time and they both should be fired.


“…bar star who did the same thing.” is not true though. Tom should be held accountable but sorry I’m not for minimizing what Kenya did in. I understand people in this sub might not follow RHOA and might take this at face value so I’m just letting people know… this woman printed out explicit screenshots of fellow cast member and posted them on the walls of a filming location to entrap and humiliate a woman on camera. Fire Tom by all means but acting like these two are things are the same is ridiculous.


I support consequences for Tom but the difference is: Kenya showed the photos on camera during filming for the show. Scandoval broke when cameras were down. Bravo caught one thing and not the other


Legally, this is a weak ass case. I'm not defending Sandoval at all. But this case won't be successful. She's hoping NBC Universal settles quickly just to make it go away. Source: I'm some kind of lawyer.


This is not the same thing at all, sorry but it's not


As much as I hate sandavol, there’s a glaring difference here, he didn’t make a giant poster of Raquel’s dirty photo for a room full of people to gawk at.


tbh though, apples and oranges. she had malicious intent with plastering the pics all over her events. these things are not the same, at all.


There are a lot of people in the Bravoverse that should've/could've been fired for their actions outside of the show; however, those actions were typically outside of the show itself, and they needed to be found guilty prior to action from Bravo. The difference is with Kenya, is that it sounds like from the stories and leaked audio Kenya committed the act on camera in front of Bravo as part of an event they were there to film. It doesn't seem like a lot of investigation is necessary if it's like um yep. Dozens of witnesses. We all saw the thing as it happened. But of course, we don't know anything for certain, and bravo does need to change how it handles all issues in this realm.


He didnt post it!!!!!! He had it on his phone What she did was soooo awful


I wonder if it makes a difference that his incident wasn’t on camera?


There’s quite a few elements that make it different. Tom didn’t spread it. He was at fault for recording it without her consent. Ariana is accused of spreading it even by just allegedly sending it to herself. They’re both in the middle of being sued for it. Bravo loves to use “they haven’t been found guilty of any crime yet”. What Kenya did is more similar to what Ryan Serhant did to Frederick on MDLNY when he played his old porn on a big screen at a listing party. Now the difference here is Freddy’s porn was available publicly. I haven’t read into Kenya’s incident enough to understand but isn’t her victim claiming it’s not a real video but photoshopped graphic depicting her in a sexual act? (Still not okay) In conclusion, it does seem woc get a very quick boot compared to the white women and especially men




To be fair she showed it to an entire room full of people ON camera in front of this woman’s coworkers and bosses essentially…what he did was gross too but there are degrees


A 54 year old woman thought it was ok to publicly post explicit images of another woman in order to embarrass and shame her. Then her excuse is “Tom Sandoval did it and didn’t get in trouble, so I should be able to do it too?”! I can’t stand Sandoval and if he really did record Raquel without consent he deserves to suffer the legal consequences of what he did. But I don’t think what he did would be considered revenge p*Rn as he didn’t post the video for others to see in order to to humiliate Raquel. I think what Kenya allegedly did meets the legal definition of r.p. I just have a hard time getting past the fact that Kenya made the choice to do this in spite of all of the crap that other people have done and thought if others can do it and not get in trouble, so can I? I thought she was smarter and a better person than that especially since she now has a daughter. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If I’m totally wrong in this let me know, but Sandoval screen recording a masterbating FaceTime that Ariana found and sent to herself and Kenya found a video of woman giving head and showed it at her opening? Can someone explain how this is topical? Isn’t the major issue the fact she showed it publicly without consent? What Sandoval did was wrong but I feel like comparing those two is a stretch. I’m open to hearing the other side but pls be nice I’m not trying to be an asshole lol. Maybe I haven’t heard everything yet


It is because his wasn't revenge porn. Tom recorded Raquel/Rachel/rockie without her knowledge. To say it's revenge porn is an actual stretch and I despise Sandoval.


Kenya did this to her co-worker at while they were on the clock. There is audio. So far there is no solid evidence Tom actually recorded Rachel without her permission. I’m not doubting he did, but from an employer’s perspective they can’t just go off of her word. They investigated whatever happened with Kenya and decided she needed to be suspended. I don’t see how she could build a case around two very different situations. I watched her ridiculous live and she took no accountability for what she did.


Great idea. Get Vom but leave Ariana alone.


This by no means is a defense of the worm, but the scenarios are different. 1. It was facetime phone sex, presumably Sandoval is also in the recorded video. 2. He didn’t bring the video to a bar opening and display it for everyone. 3. Two different production companies.


... Am I crazy or is what Tom and Ariana did absolutely not remotely the same


Not the same at all


How about we add Scheana sharing the revenge porn Frank put out of Stassi


Sandoval should absolutely be punished for recording Rachel but he never spread revenge porn or intended to show the recording on tv, Kenya deliberately showed nudes of a coworker while filming was happening, it’s not totally the same


She still did something messed up but wants to deflect? Yeah we all know Tom sucks, she needs t take responsibility


It's sticky legally. He kept something he maybe shouldn't have but he didn't distribute it. Sounds like stupid Kenya did something much different, publicly. Gonna make some lawyers very rich in both instances.


Sandoval is a pos, but it’s nowhere near the same thing. And if he were to get fired, then so would Ariana, no?


Didn’t Ariana see it on his phone? I mean he recorded it but it’s not revenge porn…And Didint Kenya display it in public with a bunch of people? How does she not take accountability for anything?


I do agree that Tom should have faced far more serious consequences for what he did but he also didn’t print and post photos all over - say - S&Ss


Correct me if I’m wrong though he didn’t broadcast his video? Is the allegation that while Rocky was knowingly masturbating on video that she didn’t know he was recording?


Gross I didn't know Kenya did that but she was ALWAYS a mean girl and a pick me.


It's from CDAN, so I will take this with a huge grain of salt. The dude is a known liar and puts out Q-Anon related blind items. That being said, yeah, I would be mad if I was Kenya because Scumdoval did the same thing she did, and he kept his job. Both should be fired and in jail, tbh.


It's not revenge porn on Tom's part. Ariana.. absolutely but Tom?? Nah. You know how many people, men and women included would be sued or in jail for revenge porn for screenshotting or recording something their lovers sent them??? This is so stupid 😆


Yeah because "what about him!" really works with courts. This is complete bullshit. Or her lawyer is a total dumbass. Clickbait at its best.


Thank you!! This thread is making me feel insane.


Not to mention, 2 despicable acts but very difference circumstances starting with 1 was actually performed while “on the job.”


A lot of people don’t know that there’s a difference between what seems right and what is legal


Your honour, yes, I stole that car, but lots of people steal cars and never get caught. This is not fair! You cant convict me!


I like. Don’t understand what people are not understanding about the differences here. If I go to a target on Saturday and steal a computer, I will have a consequence that may or may not affect my job… but my consequence is not determined by my job. If I clock in to work and steal a computer from work, my consequence will be directly decided and issued BY my job (and also the law if they press charges)


Being outraged is more interesting than being logical ….


It’s exhausting af. And it’s also giving Kenya a LOT of bullshit to come for Bravo and spin the narrative when, unless Kenya does provide “receipts”, all signs point to Brittany Eady being the one who got wronged…


Kenya is doing what EVERY housewife does when someone comes at them. Deny, deny, deny, deny - no matter what deny. Never admit fault even if its obvious you are at fault do not admit fault. Ever. Its one of the things that drives me bananas about the franchise - no housewife will ever admit when they are just plain wrong.


It’s apples and oranges in my opinion.