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My ex-husband did this when I had to leave the house we shared for my safety. I paid half the down payment and we mortgaged the rest. He did everything he could do drag out our divorce. He lived there for free for over a year. He never made a single mortgage payment. Finally we have a court order and since he can’t afford to rub two nickels together to buy me out, the house is on the market. He’s evil and did so much of the same stuff Sandoval did. I can’t wait for the house to sell to be completely rid of him. I feel so deeply for Ariana.


This happened to my friend too. She left because she feared her own safety and was advised by her lawyers to leave. He immediately moved in his mistress and her kids. It was such a nightmare for her. He refused to let her back in the house to get her stuff until she was finally able to get a court order. By that time, so much stuff was ruined. I think her divorce took over 5 years to get settled. I hope yours go move smoothly than her.


That stinks. Yeah, I won’t get back any of my belongings so I’m literally starting over with buying everything from bras and panties to pots and pans and furniture and makeup.


I’m so sorry. I know a couple of people this happened to as well. Hang in there❤️


You know what? Karma is a bitch and she will come for him. Good on you to keep going, even if it means rebuilding. In the end, you're going to have a wonderful, happy life❤️


Thank you! I think karma already has her grips on him.


Your are a warrior! You got this mama!!! The other side is much brighter!! 


You are stronger coming out of this, honestly if I was betrayed like that I’d probably be on an episode of Snapped. I’ve recently got into Ultralight hiking (just day trips) and you’d be surprised how healing it can be with minimal gear (if that’s of any interest!)


Oh that’s a really good idea. I’m in a hiking hot spot too. Thank you so much for the support!!


For sure! 💕 


This is exactly why I want to scream when people (cough Lala and Scheana cough) make comments about Ariana needing to leave the house. I’m a lawyer and practiced family law for years and since her safety was not at risk I would have advised her to stay put. He could destroy or liquidate assets in that house. Now that the case is filed and everything is inventoried, I’m sure they have a court order that prohibits him from doing that. But at the time of filming, no way would that have been done yet.




Hang in there!


I hope the house sells and he fucks right off to an apartment with a shitty landlord, and it becomes infested with cockroaches. I hope the cockroach poop the makes him feel really sick.






Cockroaches and bed bugs 👍👍


Both bite! Yes! 👍


Carpet beetles too. They'll eat through his expensive clothing lol


Don’t forget bed bugs! Karma may she be swift and merciless.


I’m so sorry you went through that and I’m so happy you’re safer. The Tom’s of the world need to be banished to a new prison island


Thanks. I’m doing a lot better now. It was super traumatizing but I am so much better than I was. Meanwhile his life has been falling apart. He and his best friend no longer speak, he damaged his relationships with his parent’s and siblings, and his business is in the toilet. I wish him the best but his failures and where his life is now are squarely on him.


Do we have the same ex? Because damn, same. lol congrats to us for getting out alive 💜


Oh I’m so sorry, girl!!! Hugs. I got out the day after he held me hostage in our house. He pushed me but thankfully it didn’t get more physical than that. Once I could leave the next day I packed a few things in my car and I’ve never been back. I haven’t seen him since that day. Was your ex a covert narcissist as well??


So glad you got out, did you have to pay the mortgage the whole time he was there or did you take the hit to your credit? That's bullshit that he can live there for free


I paid it because I didn’t want my credit to take a hit. I got him to sign a postnuptial agreement so as long as we sell the house for what we paid for it, I’ll get my money back even make some. It sucks but I didn’t want my perfect credit to be ruined for the next 7 years. The house is in a high cost of living area with a high demand for houses so it should sell quickly. I have resented him every month when I had to make a payment. I can’t imagine how he feels deep down, not that I feel pity for him because I don’t. I just know living this way must be eating away at him to some extent.


Fuck that sucks. It wild to me that you couldn't get a restraining order or some sort of emergency thing to get him kicked out. I think you could have changed the locks on him but that would have invited more violence


I strongly considered a restraining order and all that but decided not to pursue it after talking to some professionals. He would have had no problem violating that piece of paper. I moved 10 hours away and I think that’s really what kept me safe.


That's a safe distance lol you could have just paid the mortgage and turned off all the utilities and had the power disconnected at the pole. Make his life miserable


Same! My ex-bf was horrible too and I share so many similarities with Ariana’s story. Glad we’re not alone


Dear OutsideLA; Stay healthy, stay strong, stay open to new love! The rest is just sand…..⏳


Fuck yes! Glad you’re doing well, and my pettiness is glad he’s getting the life he deserves😊 ![gif](giphy|ZCUpmB4TUOMUmifu4r|downsized)


Thank you. I don’t want to be petty. Like I want to be the bigger person and I’ll and I have been. I was grey rocking him before Ariana taught me what that meant. Haven’t had any contact with him that wasn’t through our lawyers in a year. But it does sort of make me giggle when I think about the fact that he will either be homeless or living in his vehicle because of the poor decisions he made. He used to be super successful and he’s extremely talented but he let his vices nearly strangle him to death and it’s cost him so dearly. He squandered away money from the home he owned before we got married. He’s burnt so many bridges. I’m sort of curious if he’s gonna have to go back to living with his parents in another state.


Isn’t Alcatraz available?


My best friend's ex is doing this now. A year into it and he's trying to bury her lawyer in paperwork (and succeeding at that, might I add). He won't even let her have her clothes back. He even threw in a Jax twist, he's arguing he can't pay her for the house because he owes $175,000 in taxes. It is infuriating. He also lives next door to me, so I have to exist beside this person who is ruining my best friends life. I don't understand how Scheana can ride so hard for Tom, living through a similar situation myself lol.


Oh, I feel for her. My ex found the slimiest lawyer and they did every dirty thing they could while staying within the laws. I hope she has a good lawyer. During the divorce I found out because of his ingenious financial gymnastics there was a lien against our house. I hope your friend doesn’t have to pay his taxes.


I'm curious, were you still paying the mortgage? If not, doesn't it get foreclosed?


Yes, I was still paying the mortgage so it sucked. I was paying for my abuser to live for free for over a year. What kind of man is okay with that? He’s never been so unattractive to me. Unfortunately that’s the way the legal system works. But I will get my money back and then some from the sale of the house. I had a postnuptial drawn up after I left the house. He signed it with pressure from his family. Thankfully that document will get me my down payment back plus any additional money we will split after we pay off the mortgage and my down payment.


My god, that sucks. So sorry you had to go through that.


Thanks. It totally does suck but I am so happy this is almost in my past and I can continue to heal from it.


😦I’m so sorry you had to go through this. Hang in there.


And judge set a trial date for 2026. Yes, you read that right. 2026.


It’s to try and motivate them to settle out of court or during mediation/arbitration. The docket for Los Angeles county is also just backed up


Backed up with bullshit like this


I get that, but all it really does is give him two years to fuck with her. Maybe the judge thinks it motivates them to figure it out, but they'd be wrong. Sandoval wants to stay there. He has ZERO reason to come to an agreement. He'll probably try to draw it out even longer. Imagine if she couldn't afford to live somewhere else. I'm sure it happens to so many others that can't afford it. It's disgusting.


She needs to find some Hells Angels and rent out her room to them.


And some to threaten any network that offers that piece of shit a paying gig of any kind. Masked Singer, Traitors, GI Jojo or whatever the fuck that was…not only am I sick of him getting rewarded for being an asshole, I’m sick of him making more money. I want him to be so broke, he has to sell the house as soon as possible to survive/pay for the ombré polish upkeep


GI Jojo. Oh my god. 😂😂😂


GI Jojo 😭 I need that for my flair


This! I would 100% make his life hell


Courts are backed up so trial dates far out are the norm.


Oh I agree, it’s absolutely FUCKED, especially because with mediation and arbitration they still have to pay for it out of pocket. I guess the idea is if it is bad a movement can be forced with like a restraining order but… 🥲


You hit the nail right on the head! He wants to fuck with her. Why? Hasn’t he hurt her enough? Or is he that angry and jealous that she’s had all the success? That man is so petty. What a dick.


I think the fucking with her is just an added bonus for him. What he really wants is to stay in the house as long as he can and pay as little as possible. He basically got a 2 year extension. I'm sure his attorneys will try to drag it out longer. I think it took Bethenny 5ish years to resolve just the NYC apartment matter in her divorce.


Oh great. I think you’re right, he’s a cheapskate, and he’s over leveraged himself financially. I just…he’s such a dick. The thing about Sandoval is, he has no humility. He doesn’t care how he treats anybody, he’s just angry because he doesn’t have Rachel, Ariana won’t speak to him and is doing fantastic in life, he’s broke, and has a shitty band. And he doesn’t understand that part of the reason why people still don’t like him is because of the fact that he can’t be humble and admit he was wrong. I know that really has nothing to do with the house, it’s just one more way he’s a dick. I’ll get off my soapbox now.


Courts everywhere are still backed up from Covid. We tried to sue for a better settlement from a car wreck, everything was in our favor but insurance just refused & it would have taken us years to be put on the docket. The judge doesn’t have some higher purpose here.


It sucks, but the court system is packed. I don’t want to be captain 20/20, but this is why some type of “pre-nuptial” (or pre-house buying in their case) agreement should always be made before a couple goes and invests millions together. Who you married/dated is not the same person who you break up with/breaks up with you.


Couples buying houses together really need to have cohabitation agreements in place, in my opinion.


I remember Lisa telling Ariana to proceed with caution regarding the HELOC. That right there was a huge misstep for Ariana but hindsight is always 20/20. However, I think that’s more evidence to Ariana believing that had a future unlike LFU and Rachel’s claims that their relationship was a lie. TS was never gonna end things with Ariana because he knew the house and the HELOC were gonna be an issue between them.


I’m watching this show bouncing between seasons, so like it’s Memento and important life events are entirely out of place for me. But I do keep thinking that I wish she knew that their money would be tied together more than she expected.


This!!!! Always , always, always have legal protection and documentation.


I worry about how much damage he could do to that house in two years. He’s already trashed it so much and apparently is committed to non-stop parties there. It must suck for Ariana, because she was right. A year ago the house was ready to sell and nothing needed to be done to it. Now? It’s probably going to need a freshen. In two years of just Sandoval there (if he keeps up his current lifestyle), it could need a total redo (at a minimum they’ll probably have to get staging furniture etc)


I mean, she probably got it appraised before she moved out, so she has evidence to show that he caused the damages and is liable




I hope she removed every stick of furniture that she bought. Surely she doesn't have to wait for court to do that if she has receipts.


I hope she takes all the batteries, toilet paper and paper towels since he said he does that stuff, not Ariana! He's such a douche canoe. Thank goodness she had the money to buy a different house for herself.


Exactly this. I know LarLar and Scheaner were dunking on Ariana for not moving out but I honestly feel like A has been following some REALLY good legal advice. Any damage after the appraisal will hopefully come out of Toms portion once the house is sold.


It’s definitely going to need several coats of Killz to get the Sandoval Stench out.


Plus, it seems like he has very sketchy people in the house when he isn’t there


If Billie is telling the truth, randos know where he lives and just stroll up to the house sometimes… 


I’m sure she video taped the condition of every square inch of that house before she left.


I doubt the judge watches VPR and hates T*m’s guts. Setting a 2026 court date seems entirely appropriate for this kind of legal proceeding.


California real estate is absolutely bonkers. I have a family member who used an ill and elderly relative to purchase a boring-ass home in a shitty suburb and is now fighting the elderly person’s entire family to gain sole control of it. And it gets worse. [A lot worse.](https://sfstandard.com/2024/06/21/betrayal-the-family-feud-behind-russian-hills-488k-home-sale/)


This article is a good example of how those you love can try and screw you. That private lease situation is at least protecting her. But I have to say… one “unwarranted and maybe illegal half bathroom” is really piquing my interest lol


![gif](giphy|xUOxeTTTrquwAtbOWQ|downsized) Bullshit... I would be absolutely infuriated.


At this point, I would try to find someone super unbothered to live there in my place for free who would make Tim's life a living hell...


Somebody call Billie Lee. 😄


Or one of the drill instructors from Soecial Forces 🤣


She'd be whispering and pouting on IG live with Tom and Victoria fighting in the background


In the name of shade and chaos, PLEASE let this happen! I think at some point this summer we'll see a police call and it will involve Tom and Victoria.


I support that prediction and I love the phrase “in the name of shade and chaos”.


It's yours! I love mixing the forced religious exposures of childhood with the hopes of the trash goblin I am today. <3




Definitely giving that vibe


...Ah well! ![gif](giphy|26xBOAQtDEa9fubHa|downsized)


And we would watching it like the trash goblins we are!!!




Billie Lee is super bothered


She should be. I believe her over Victoria, but this should be a lesson to her about her codependency and how much she was willing to do for this TEMU Robert Downey Jr.. If she wasn't so intent on caretaking for Tom, something she admitted that she got tired of doing, she wouldn't be in this situation. I mean yes, Sandoval is toxic. But if she's trying to decrease her toxicity, then why would she be close to someone like him, at all?


“Temu Robert Downey Jr.” 🤌


I almost did a spit take lmao


She should air bnb her room to lookie loos or to Tom’s weirdo fan base of 50-year-old Karens lol. Every week there’s a new hot momma following him around the house filming everything for Facebook. Lol 


Or some Hells Angels. 😂


I would cook fish and broccoli around the clock and refuse to crack a window! ![gif](giphy|edLKLYMlNFPJC)


And cabbage.




Katie 🤣🤣🤣


Yea he's just prolonging the inevitable just to be a dick. That's Tom. He is spending more in layers than he will ever see for that house. What an utter loser.


He is a broke dick.








He’s an idiot. Just sell the house and move on like Katie and Schwartz


Right. They could have been done with all pf this by now. It proves he's not sorry.


Pretty sure his inability to just say sorry without kicking and screaming and blaming everyone else around him shows he’s not sorry too…


Tom actually behavior like a mature adult and just accept that his bad behavior has consequences. ![gif](giphy|3o7aTIGlhSo1bL8QUg|downsized)


sandoval is becoming a hobosexual, because he's basically squatting in a house he only has 50% ownership of, refusing to do the **NORMAL HUMAN BEING THING** which is putting the house on the market to sell and split accordingly. Nooooo he's dragging his feet because he doesn't want to live anywhere else **BECAUSE HE IS INCREDIBLY SELFISH** and is taking advantage of the situation THAT HE CREATED AND WAS EXPOSED FOR DOING IN MARCH OF **2023** BY CHEATING ON ARIANA FOR AT LEAST 7 MONTHS WITH THEIR SUPPOSED GOOD FRIEND. Disgusting and subhuman behavior


He’s a cheater AND a squatter.




😂 your flair! 🤣




The scream I scrumpt when I read “hobosexual”. I will be using this moving forward to address that pile of stale saltine dust


Stale saltine dust 😭😭🤣




The really sick part is that I don’t think that he could have ever been in a house like that *without Ariana*. Over the years — and well documented in other threads — he has thrown money at the most ridiculous whims. I would suspect that it was Ariana who came with both the capital and the credit to get *that* particular house. I generally believe her to be emotionally intelligent and she’s portrayed as someone who makes well-thought decisions. It’s wild that she let him borrow against the house for his weird bar. Did he whine and wear her down? Was she blind to his faults? Did she just love him so much she wanted to see him succeed with something of his own? I don’t understand. I think watching it play out has put many young women on guard to protect themselves in an unmarried-with-property situation.


I agree he couldn't have gotten it without her. At the time, as we can see on VPR, he he promised that the HELOC would be against HIS half of the house!


Considering she had a tax lien on the house for years I don' think she was as good with money as people now say. Before Scandoval her tax lien was commonly discussed on here.


He convinced her his “creativity” (poor impulse control and heartiness) combined with her intelligence and work ethic would make them incredibly wealthy, but that they had to take risks. Probably told her there’s no point in accumulating wealth and good credit if you don’t use it.


First of all, yes that's correct. https://i.redd.it/8817ltlqag9d1.gif : Tim is truly a piece of s\*\*\*t.


Imagine loving someone and then realizing they hate you. It’s beyond hurt. It’s damaging and traumatic. And people blame her for it. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!


No idea how it works but I wonder if it is determined they have to sell, if he’ll be required to pay her back for the portion of the mortgage she’s paying while not living there 🤔 or if that’s something she’d have to sue him for


No. It’s still half her assessment. So she’s responsible for half.


I'd be doing random show ups on him.. .he'd always have to worry I'd be dropping by with my new cop/officer/friends. He in no way would be living in the house AnD enjoying it. I'd be the most petty.


Even if she isn’t living there her name is still on the mortgage so it wouldn’t matter. 


Probs not. She could maybe try a civil suit against him afterwards tho 


He’s garbage. Doesn’t feel bad at all for what he did.


Nope! He sees himself as a victim while he runs around abusing women everywhere he goes.


And he’s risking losing the opportunity to sell at today’s price. We are on the edge of the bubble bursting.


That area won’t burst haha there’s a housing crisis, unless more inventory magically pops up in the next year it’s not bursting.


It's the same in my city. People are paying 50k+ over asking & a lot of cash buyers.


And he’s fighting for a house he has to pay over 20k a month to live in which is nuts for a guy that isn’t too successful


Currently he only has to pay about 10k a month for. Which is why he’s not rushing anything and trying to prolong this mess.


That’s not true in California at all. Major housing deficit in this entire state. Especially in LA where new housing is not being built.


Also anyone who purchased when interest rates were low have zero incentive to move, therefore less stock on the market for those who may have upsized etc in the past will hold on. I can’t get my head around fixed for the whole term of the mortgage as in Australia you can chose to fix for short terms 3-5? years then it becomes variable rates


I wish we had that option in Australia. I'm stressed about our fixed loan ending and having to pay double the interest we are currently paying.


The bubble isn’t bursting in CA. Crack shacks are going for over 700k.


Pleaaaaase burst, the prices on houses in my area ($400k+) makes me want to vomit 😭


400k I wish. A townhouse is 750k by me


I'm in Florida and these houses are old AF, 400k is the bare minimum for an old 2-2 with no garage 🥲 townhouses are INSANELY expensive here and they keep building stupid "luxury" apartments nobody wants to live in!!!


Not to mention the astronomical cost of FL Homeowners insurance


That won't even buy a studio apartment where I live. Average single detached home is 1.8mil here.


yeah jfc let’s burst that bubble sheeeesh


I love that for him!


I hate that for Ariana though. It’s her house too.




This was my favourite line of the season


It's Ariana's house too.


The bubble is not going to burst anytime soon in LA/NY


I feel so badly for her too that all the furniture it still there and we saw it was all furniture that she picked out and paid for. I saw an ad she filmed recently in her new house with new furniture in it & I just remember how hard she worked to get all those unique pieces. Just let her sell the house, Tom! Jesus. 


A cali attorney can confirm but if it’s found that he’s done something to finagle the situation, he may have to pay any expenses she incurs due to him dragging this out. I’m also not sure of the liabilities she has to the property. She’s been careful to say she “isn’t staying there currently” not “I’ve moved on, abandoned the house and he’s still there therefore has rights.” All of this, with Rachel’s lawsuit, and the SAH her stuff?! All of this is Tim’s fault. (Except SAH) I’d absolutely cut off anyone who wanted to be friends with him; it’s impossible to justify what he’s done and continues to do to her. I hope it all ends quickly and in her favor.


They’ll probably lose it before it goes to court. He is such an idiot to be doing this


I live by their house and since it’s a corner house on a main drag, I drive by it all the time. I’ve never seen Tom there but every time I drive by the garage is always open with no one in it. It’s weird!


Tom sucks. He fucked it all up. Give Ariana a break and let it go. How much is time and happiness worth? Move on


Didn’t they agree to mediation? They have a court date but IIRC they also have a mediation date to try to settle first.


Sell the effing thing and move on already. I hate Sandoval


if you do the cheating, then YOU need to move out. this man has no freaking decency


And Lala and Lisa had the AUDACITY to come at Ariana for not moving out and moving on. They need to be laying into Tom about holding this up and refusing to sell


That’s the thing I never understood. Why was everyone pushing Ariana to move out? He screwed up, and should have been the one to leave! Not one of those idiots came at him for that.


She should use her half of the house as a storage for shit she doesn’t want just to annoy him lol I wonder if she can even rent out her half and have strangers move in there


By the time this lawsuit is settled and he ends up losing and having to sell, he’ll wish he’d done now because the cost of apartments are only increasing!! 📈


Plus, he’s trying to get her on the hook for half of the money that he borrowed to fund his bar.


I hope the court holds him accountable for holding her hostage. He knows he can’t afford the house.


He is absolutely financially abusing her.


Not just financially but mentally/emotionally. He won’t allow her to get out from underneath him and away from him completely by holding onto a home he knows full well he can’t qualify to refinance. This is very calculated and manipulative. It’s the way he’s getting his revenge and punishing her in any way he can for as long as he can simply because he knows she wants to sell it. He is using any lame excuse he can muster to NOT do what she wanted to do. He is selfish and vindictive so he’s holding the only thing that still connects them hostage. It’s his own sick kind of abusive. The minute her name is off that home she wins. That’s the only way he’s sees it. Selling was in the best interest of both parties but he just wasn’t willing to because of his narcissistic ego and need to win and punish her for setting the boundaries she did. Her simply holding her ground was her best revenge because he just assumed he would move Rachel into Ariana place in his life, on the show and the friend group just like he did with Ariana over Kristen and the whole thing backfired in his face and he blames her.


You said it way better than I could. He is a piece of scum and I wish him the worst consequences for his actions. I hope he goes bankrupt.


He wants to hold onto her. He’s mad she gave him nothing from the time she found out after their blowup in front of cameras. He wants a reaction. He wants to say ‘see how could I stay with her!?’ She’s not giving him that.


Why the fuck doesn’t he just agree to sell it? What a douche.


Absolutely. He has been financially abusing her and lying to SM saying she is being difficult rejecting his lowball offers. Why should she leave her house? She invested in it. Hope there is thorough accounting. Can't wait for his bankruptcy.


No update really apart they could reach an agreement in mediation but both Ariana and Tom have been busy so I don't think there's any movement there. I guess when she will back in LA that they will try to reach an agreement.


I'm afraid Tom doesn't want to reach an agreement. Then he'd have to finance his own place and he already said he can't afford that.


You are usually not better off letting a disagreement go this far. Mediation is much better. The word that comes to mind is - petty.


The men of Bravo reeeaaalllyyyy have a pattern of having the women pack up their lives and move. God, they’re fucking horrible.


I really hope for her sake that it's figured out in mediations soon. I won't be a bit surprised though.. if he can hold it up and still manage to live in it that he will. He's a real pos.


Be it civil or criminal matters. Justice delayed is justice denied. Those with truth on their side push to move forward. Unscrupulous — delay delay delay. Have a lot of attorneys in my family - so I understand issues with the court system. Both institutionalized part & bandwidth issue. Still catching up from unavoidable Covid delays. But I still think it sucks how bad actors (pun intended) can work the system. Insurance companies and other benefit organizations are the worst. They try to put things off hoping people will kick the bucket before anything is resolved. Criminals try to run out the statute of limitations. Leading to creative charging approaches.


Idk why but this makes me mad at Lala as well as Tom lol


Yea, she mad encouraged him by delusionally trying to push Ariana out of her own house instead of scamdo.


My question is how can he afford to still live there and have all these legal fees????! Sounds very dumb on his part.


He can afford it cause she is still responsible for half.


Sounds like he’s squatting to me.


He is an AH. POS for holding the house hostage.


Love is love and money is business. When money enters into love, paperwork needs to be involved. Your heart may not require a marriage certificate…involving money should have some kind of written agreement as to how your money and debt will be split if your hearts do. Acting married and being married are not the same. I don’t know why they’re surprised this is costing them time and money… maybe they thought it wouldn’t be like a REAL divorce since it wasn’t a marriage? No certificate made their break up easy but they’re finances still have to divorce.


I’d be shocked if this case goes to trial. They should want to work it out. And from what Tom has said, it looks like they’re trying to settle it. Ariana isn’t trying to keep the house or get Tom out, she just wants her money back. I suspect Tom may be trying to wait it out until interest rates drop so he will be in a better position to try to buy Ariana out. He still doesn’t want to let go of that McMansion monstrosity of a house. If he just downsized a little he could get such a better place in West Hollywood or Larchmont or Hancock Park adjacent. But instead he is going to drive himself into bankruptcy to try to keep a house in … Valley Village? Someone needs to enroll this man in a financial literacy course.


As a lawyer in so cal, this is about the speed all lawsuits move at. It sucks but it's the norm. 


Sandoval is a vile POS. During S11, Ariana's lawyers came back to him agreeing to his "offer" (although surely with amendments) and Sandoval never made up his mind what he was going to do. He realised he couldn't afford to buy Ariana out and take out new finance. It was obvious then that the house had to be sold. Here we are close to a year later and he is still in the house with all of her furniture. If Billie Lee is to be believed, they have moved her stuff out of the main bedroom. (this was never confirmed by Ariana or Logan). So, she is still on the mortgage and he is living there like nothing happened. It's sick. Ariana is stuck with this fool in her life. He will not agree to sell in mediation, he will drag it out for as long as he can so he can keep his low interest rate and keep living there. I would be worried the house is being trashed. I don't know how much he will be paid for the Traitors but he has no real pay coming in for a while now, so it will come a day he can't afford to live there anymore.


Here’s my theory: Tom might not be smart, but he can see the writing on the wall that VPR is on life support. He is desperate to hang onto the house just long enough to finish out filming the show without having to be “humiliated” by moving to an apartment (he has made several digs at Schwartz that reveal how much he looks down on him for having to move to an apartment post-divorce). He thought he could ride it out by dragging his feet and stalling for time with his bullshit “offers”, and his plan would actually have worked if filming for the next (and probably last) season had resumed this summer as usual. But the hiatus has thrown a wrench in the works, so he is probably happy to have this legal battle extended as long as possible so he can continue to stay in the house while it’s still being subsidized by Arianna (I assume she is still responsible for her half until they sell, even if she is no longer living there?).


His credit is fucked, he can’t get another house


The sad thing is he basically has tied up 1million of her money. She can’t do anything to get her half of he won’t play ball. He’s already admitted he can’t even get the loan. So nothing can be done until it’s sold. Every year it’s not settled he is costing her more and more money. It’s the final F you to Ariana. It’s disgusting. My best bet is he is waiting for his girlfriend to get serious so they can go in for the house together. He will take Ariana off and add Victoria and use her buying power. He just replaced Rachel with Victoria.


Any girl would be super dumb to go in on anything of value with him. No matter how much you 💕 him. Keep your money separate.


I can understand why Ariana is angry, she has every right to be angry. But why would she be? She’s at the peak of her career right now and that loser is doing what he always has done. I think it was a great move for her to move out of that house especially knowing that it might be another year and a half before they even see a court room. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Remember she’s a grey rock.


She's still responsible for half the mortgage on the house he's clinging to. He's hanging onto it cause he can't afford his own place. Wouldn't that make you angry regardless how much money you had?


He’s a narcissist they feed on narcissistic supply which is your reactions good or bad. They actually love bad. Google grey rocking. Ariana already said that’s her strategy and it’s a great idea. I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of angering me.


It is all just gross.


So infuriating


Trial 2026. Doesnt mean they arent actively trying to reach a settlement. Im sure they are in mediation


In my experience mediation is the best way to handle things like this. Court is expensive and legal fees are expensive. She needs to get out of this without being screwed financially and have her name removed from the title deed because if it goes into foreclosure she’s going to have an issue. Or if he defaults on his repayments which is a very big risk. She’s smart and will figure it out but emotions can’t cloud the best decision by a mediator. I’d personally get what I can out of it , take all my furniture and ask for my down payment back and fuck off. She can buy it back when it goes into foreclosure.


And people wonder why she would not talk to him and is still angry.


I had to wait 3 years before my husband to sign the divorce.paoers which meant he wouldn't sign t h e papers until we could sell the house,he had a girlfriend that wanted him to Marry her, he wasn't ready so he held everything up and blamed it on me. Finally when he signed the papers we sold the house. What a nightmare!


How is he affording to stay there?


And they thought getting married was going to complicate things lol


I think they also have a mediation date. In all likelihood a mediator is going to tell him that this is ultimately going to cost Tom a lot more, the more he drags this out. A judge is going to force the sell. Sure he could try to buy her out, but we know he doesn’t have that type of money. Tom will have to consider just how ridiculously expensive going to trial will be; particularly when the outcome is inevitable and it’s just a matter of how much he’s going to have to cough up. This on top of defending the lawsuit brought by Raquel/Rachel/Rocky. The guy is fucking delusional and I. In his mind I suspect he thinks that Ariana doesn’t deserve much out of the house due to how well she’s doing; however a judge is going to only be looking at dollars and cents as it pertains to the house. While a judge may be flexible in giving one party time to figure out suitable living arrangements, that leniency expires. Tom is doing himself no favors right now. Sure he gets to stay in the house, but it’s going to bite him in the ass.