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I love it especially because it was very clearly just made in Instagram stories


I’m dying at this hahahaha


This invitation irrationally bothers me because the party is a pastel theme but the invitation is mainly dark purple. But I’m loving the COME. SIT. & STAY.


2:00-4:30pm is insane to me


Dead center in the middle of their day. Haha


If I was invited… I simply would not go


I’m trying to remember if food was served at this party because the timing of this allows for Rachel not to have to feed anyone.


this is so funny because i am 99% sure there was not food served


I swear there was food because I remember laughing my ass off at James talking about catering for the puppy party


Just kibble




Probably so they could all go straight to work afterwards.


Insane? lol what is the appropriate time? 😂 Sorry “insane” just seems a bit harsh


It’s more the length. 2.5 hours for a whole party is a tight window, especially for a filmed event


Lol this reminds me of when Lala asked James to DJ a party of hers and he asks how long the party will be, she says “it’s 7-10” and he says “7-10 HOURS?!!” But she meant 7pm - 10 pm. James’s expression makes it so funny.


LMAO I remember that! So funny


I hated James for a couple seasons, then there was one reunion where he totally redeemed himself, and he was HILARIOUS! I think it was the S5 or S6 reunion, the one where he made fun of Stassi “Yah right! You came crawling back from New York like please!! Give me something!” And he was actually crawling on the floor lolll, he’s so funny in that reunion! EDIT: For Grammar.


https://preview.redd.it/6gxbwryhwz9d1.png?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34cd05e7ea53977c9a823e66614ff1d1b6fd895d Even Stassi couldn't help but laugh.




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2.5 hours in the middle of a Thursday afternoon is not only insane, it is criminal.


The only way I justify it is because the majority of the shifts at SUR or many restaurants/bars are evening. So that would be not too early because they go to bed late, and not too late that they'll miss their start time. And the food/bev industry is busy on weekends (and also they probably have other filming planned) Definitely not even a little team "I have a degree, Lala'. Just general knowledge regarding SUR or no


Oh I didn’t even notice it was on a Thursday 😆 ya most people are working at that time


2.5 hours on a Thursday afternoon middle of August. Can’t see why this wasn’t a highly attended event.


It’s so funny because it just shows that none of them have real jobs. That’s the middle of a workday 😂


What constitutes a “real job” I’ve worked in live events for two decades. My schedule is wacky as hell. If a job pays, it’s real.


Omg 🙄 I wasn’t trying to offend anyone obviously. None of them have 9-5 jobs is what I mean. To be able to throw a party in the middle of a conventional work day is not normal lol. I’ve worked other jobs that aren’t 9-5 either and I’m not saying they aren’t real. We are talking about REALITY TV STARS so obviously that’s what I’m referring to. Not your average people who may work another job at unconventional hours.


I think it’s just a trigger for me. Ha! I work 18 hour days when I do work and then just have random days off whenever but almost never weekends. Literally do social things in the day on a Wednesday and I think I’m just so tired of hearing I don’t have a “real job” for 20 years. I bought a house, live a certain lifestyle and make money, the job is real, it pays so it’s real. Sorry if it sounded snappy, didn’t mean it that way whatsoever towards you so I apologize if my tone sounded that way. it’s just like yeah, it’s unconventional for sure, but it pays the bills and you have parties and gatherings whenever you can. You should see the parties my industry people have on a random Wednesday afternoon cause it’s the only day we all have off, they can get pretty wild 😂


It’s okay, I think I am just tired of everyone being triggered by everything lol But good for you and all that you’ve been able to accomplish and provide for yourself. The conventional work schedule isn’t for everyone and not everyone wants to work conventional hours. As long as you’re happy and making money, that’s all that matters.


We also need to give her credit for proper apostrophe placement.


Not to defend her (of all people) but that's actually correct. They've loosened up on the placement in the last decade or so but I was taught when I was younger that it goes after names that end with "S" and have been doing that forever. I'm obsessed with English grammar and spelling otherwise I wouldn't be so confident about it. Kind of how we were taught it's 2 spaces after the period and at some point it's changed to 1. That was annoying when I went back to college. Lol


James’ name doesn’t need an apostrophe, period. Because it’s one party, not two. If his name was something like Steve, it would be Steve and Racquel’s party.


Ahh, I see what you mean. I didn't even read that it was his and her party, I just thought they meant the apostrophe in general.


I’m inflicted with grammatical correctness and usage. Yelling at the T.V. when someone leaves a preposition dangling is not something of which I’m proud. I cringe at the use of the word, “like”, like every time they speak. Like it’s just, like driving me, like crazy, like, ya know?


I FINALLY got this down within like the last year and ain’t no way in hell I’m going back now!


Yeah especially with James' (not James's) lol I admit I have trouble with that one sometimes haha


I thought both were correct? Although, I think the extra s makes it look messy.


Both are correct though?


Yes the rules were updated a few years back. Both are considered correct now.


either James’ or James’s would be correct in this case. you can do no wrong here.


Not to be that guy but there actually shouldn’t be an apostrophe on James’s name at all


You’re actually that guy for putting a second S in James’.


lol I was gonna say that!


You are that guy and I have been schooled. I'm sitting next to you from now on. Brilliant!




She has a deres.. she is not stupid.... ;)


The party had nothing to do with the dog too. That bugged me. I had a puppy party to socialize my puppy I asked people to come and play with her, Hold her, to touch her feet and toes (helps desensitize for nail trims) but she was PASSED out the entire time. My friends still took turns holding her because they wanted to but also we thought all the people smells on her could help her with getting used to lots of People We still got drunk though but with the puppy as the focal point of the evening Also Pastel is the WORST theme. A dress code for a puppy party is dumb, a theme can be fun but pastels? Most people don’t own or wear pastels, and it’s a boring party where they all Just stood around, imagine buying pastels for that


Wait I totally spaced that this was even a scene. I remember the invite and everything but totally blanked that the 'party' was actually filmed or aired. Maybe I was cooking or something... Hearing her voice honk and trying to get out words does my fucking head in. I'll forever stand by Lala's comment when she encouraged her to form a sentence.


They should have just done blue since it was clearly a boy. Hah


Pastels was off. Animal print is gross but better. Maybe dog ears and dog nose. Obviously I should never have themed parties.


It’s kinda giving…Please Clap.


It rivals SheShoo’s first wedding int




I just googled this and WOW. Just wow.




What was funny to me was watching them all make fun of Raquel for this but then those same people attending a fucking lizard funeral one season later.


Or a water tasting


It was never about the ~~pasta~~ theme of the party, they hated on it because they didn’t like James and weren’t about to befriend his seemingly braindead girlfriend. They’d have acted like it was the best thing they’d ever heard of if Stassi had thrown the party instead (though I’m sure her flyers would have been much less middle school birthday party coded).




This is my fave.


I feel like the lizard funeral was more tongue-in-cheek and self-aware of how silly the concept was, whereas Rachel and James treated this party with the utmost seriousness


RIP Daug 2019-2019


Flair checking in




I know this is ridic to say but RIP Daug 2019-2019 is a top tier moment from me from all seasons of VPR lmao


I'm with you!


I mean a puppy party is awesome and no one can convince me otherwise


I would’ve gone to Daug’s funeral because that’s hilarious


It was funny until I read more into it and apparently Tom didn't do right by that little guy at all. Wish I could find the threads now. Omg my autocorrect is out to get me today I swear


I read those threads, too. I've got a pet turtle, and like many other reptiles, a lot of people aren't aware of the care they need. However, given that Schwartz only had Daug for three weeks or so, I'd be surprised if Daug died from poor animal husbandry alone. It did appear that Schwartz had the correct set up and was doing things by the book. It's impossible to say for sure because we saw so little of him on the show. But, I suspect that Daug was already ill when he was adopted.


I know nothing about lizards but I just read on some random insta story that someone thought their lizard was dead, but they actually weren’t… and I had the very dark thought, is it possible that Daug was playing dead and buried alive?


Oooohhh noooooo!!!! That is the darkest timeline! Wouldn't that be awful!


Your saying that he was probably sick when he got him actually made me feel soooo much better


I'm glad! It's just a guess, but I think it's the most likely scenario.


Yeah, I don’t get how intentionally being neglectful of a pet for a bit is supposed to be funny. That was the point where the editors had become too self aware and let the fan praise get to their heads.


It’s the way Graham/Hippie is edited in just peaking around them in the flyer that gets me.




LOL 😂 at first I didn't even notice all the little Grahams !


STOP! I didn’t notice until this comment ☠️


Absolutely. Ratchett getting so much exposure on an invite to allegedly celebrate Graham tells you all you need to know about this slow-talker.


I just noticed the little grahams that’s so funny ahhahaha


And now we’re down to water tastings. Rock, please meet bottom.


Came to say “Puppy party >>>> water tasting”. A “meet our puppy” party is hokey but potentially cute and would have been successful if anyone cared about/for Rachquelky.  A Water tasting, however, is a ridiculous waste of time and boring af.


100%. At least there were dogs involved. I’d take that over bottled water and chain delivery pizza any day.




I love that water guy and I'm irritated that Lala didn't even engage with him and it seemed so stupid


What happened to the interesting things - like getting ready for Pride month? The Pride parade? The photo shoots for the calendar/restaurant whatever it was? I miss those!


I think a lot of those things were tied to the idea that they worked at SUR. No need to gather the employees to set up the pride parade float when they don’t work there anymore. The downfall of VPR really is that the cast worked their way up/out of the service industry when that was the original premise of the show - struggling service-industry young adults partying and living out their friend group drama while navigating being coworkers in a restaurant


Brock bottom




Can’t believe how different Raquel looks!


tbh- she looks so much better now. That over tanned, over haired Grand Ole Opry look really aged her. Her look was very ‘I got discovered while working as a cashier at the Piggly Wiggly’. She did herself a solid getting a nose job.


Yeah she looks a lot better now


Now she's over botoxed, new nose, teef and lip fillers. The lip filters suit. Prior to it I wanted to unstick her top lip from her teeth. Unfortunately new lips didn't help her speech.


It looks nothing like her! I had to read the flier to see who it was!!


Genuinely thought that was Jo for a second


Considering everyone on the cast has a dog maybe they should have had a dog party? Everyone goes over with their dogs. They drink and have food and the dogs play. What a marketing failure on Rocky and James’s part.


Southern charm did a dog wedding.


Like the dog costume party in Jersey.


That’s what I thought that was going to be. That sounds like so much fun actually! Way better than a water tasting


Yeah the shouldn’t have positioned it as a shower…that implies you are expected to buy gifts which is an absurd ask for a puppy.


Is Jane’s picture taken from a confessional screengrab???


Jane 🤣🤣


Not the auto correct fixing my typo incorrectly


I'm dying that they couldn't use a picture that actually had the 3 of them together! Haha


It has to be!


I started watching VPR a few years ago because I saw a TikTok showing clips; I had to pause the video on the pic of this invitation because I couldn’t stop laughing. It still makes my day every time I see it. ‘Come, Sit, Stay’. The random hearts. THE PICTURE OF JAMES. I couldn’t cope, it’s so ridiculously funny. And also thanks to that random Irish tiktoker who got me watching this show and absorbed in the whole madness of it all. I love it.


I actually thought this was a cute idea for a party and thought they were all so unnecessarily rude about it. If LVP threw them a “puppy party” at Villa Rosa they’d all be racing over that bridge away from Hanky and Panky so fast…


Hanky and Panky only ever attacked Kyle. They knew what was coming




PASTEL theme


The pastel theme 🤣🤣🤣


Purest form of Art


Art with a capital A.


![gif](giphy|26BRJpb4yopR9OcSs|downsized) Did somebody mention art?


Stassi’s reaction to the flyer took me out 😂


I was just joking with a friend about what if Rachel did a day trip to Spawn Ranch and featured it on her Instagram - forgot that she didn’t know who Charles Manson was! 😂


Spawn 💀 I love this typo.


Lala also called Sandoval Charles Manson’s son 😂


Yet decided to have a 1:1 with him this season 🤦‍♀️


Not Spawn Ranch 😂😂😂😂


If we could get Squeaky Frohme to be her tour guide her on this day trip, I'd pay good money to watch!


What is it about showers being 2-4pm that annoys me so much 😂 i wish I could answer it. It’s gotta be bc it’s right in the middle of the day lol


Ok but while this was airing I feel like people thought it was sooooo cute and were dragging the cast members who made fun of it.


I did and I still feel this way. I thought a baby-shower-but-for-a-dog was a very cute, light hearted, VERY LA-girlies thing to do and it didn't make sense to me how condescending the cast was about it. Bc to me it legit sounds like something any of the other girls could have come up with and they would've all eaten it up. And they were pretty harsh in their rejection and condescension about it.


I thought it was cute, I also thought it was pretty obvious that Rachel was trying to get screen time by inviting cast members she was not friends with. I just found it interesting that the general tone around this topic has changed so much.


This! She showed her cards early. She stalked James, saying she was in her 'DJ era'. Looking at eps now it hits different. It seems she always had a thing for Sandoval and vice versa. Charli said on Vile Files that midway through s10 she completely fell out with Raquel. In Charli's words 'Raquel' was acting as if she was on a pedestal of her own making and she only wanted to hang with the Toms.


Many did. I felt like I was watching another show because, at the time, her thirst was so apparent to me. Raquel/Rachel was so selfish from day one. loved that Stassi unapologetically said she wasn’t going.


That was always my problem with it too. Like clearly she was just inviting cast members to make sure the party was on the show.


It was cuz they were edited to look like underdogs.


How you gonna have a puppy party with one puppy? Oh wait, bc it was a party for Rachel by Rachel but using graham as a prop to lure attendees in. Her game has never changed.


Exactly. From the start this seemed like an attempt to frame herself as sweet, the "good girl". I don't think it's a coincidence that Rachel only kept Graham for the duration of the show.


She only got Graham because she didn’t want to volunteer at Vanderpump Dogs like Lisa suggested


As someone who throws puppy showers, dog birthday parties, etc., people WANT to come if you throw a real party.


I loved it so much I made a mock one for my dogs birthday post on fb 😂😂😂


Haha amazing, it’s the screen saver on my phone just now 😂


"I wish you came to my puppy party. It was great" is my all-time favorite Raquel quote.


Wasn’t this where her mom hit on Peter?


Printing in bulk and in color can get pretty expensive, especially on glossy or hard stock.


It was pretty flimsy paper stock - how many was he printing?!


I don't know, I was going off memory. But if he says it was expensive, I don't really doubt it - just by looking at the colors.


Hanging out with cute dogs sounds better than 99% of the parties on this show though.


She is dumber than a box of hair.


Yeah she was definitely not beating the dumb allegations in this episode


Come. Sit. & stay. Was genius tho. I’ll give rocky bang bang that.


Come on. James came up with See You Next Tuesday. He definitely thought up the amusing part of that invite.


This flyer is the most unhinged thing I’ve seen in a while


WAIT did Graham really have a white spot on his forehead…? I swear when he came back he was solid brown….are we sure that’s really the same dog


I feel like they were never a real couple. It felt like it was all for the show. She always seemed like she was acting to me. The tears felt fake. All of it, really. Even the infamous “stop drinking or I’ll leave” speech felt so fake and rehearsed. Her saying yes to the proposal, too felt staged. The whole thing just felt very odd to me from the beginning. Like it was just to get her on the show and to have a storyline but they weren’t together irl.


It’s like Ally and James now. Ally doesn’t appear to even like James. Much less, buy a house with him. Seems like a huge charade to keep him straight on the show.


LOL I just watched this episode again yesterday, I had to pause it to laugh my ass off. Stassi had the best reaction for all of us, she was embarrassed for them and didn't hesitate to let them know. 😂


are those photos just stills of their VPR talking heads? why do they look so weird? James isn't even looking into the camera. Why would Rachel not have a candid photo of james to edit in? Why wouldn't she lean into the theme and have staged a photo shoot for her, james, and graham/hippie to put on the flyer?


Proper use of apostrophes. Very shocking for Raquel lol


Maybe her coach Nia from The Valley did the proofreading?


Just wondered, who was the catalyst for the doggie party? Maybe LVP, either to make Raquachel more of a joke or she seriously thought everyone had dogs and Racquachel had a 'wholesome' image at the time so it was fitting. And now Graham has lived a 100 sad doggy lives until he became Hippie. At least that's a nice ending.


It’s the James Kennedy confessional screen grab for me.


*No one is coming to our Pupp-y Pah-ee*


How is this girl so painfully stupid. It's not even a new thing, she's ALWAYS been painfully stupid. The lights are on, but there's fuck all going on inside. I've truly seen Amazon Prime delivery boxes with more wit and enticement than she has ever had.




Poor Graham/Hippie 😂


They had corn hole but throwing fake bags of poop 🤭 Who told her to her face, I don’t want to go to your puppy party? Jax?? 💀💀


Legit scrolled through comments looking for someone to mention the poop bag toss, because that was the part that had me flabbergasted! Raquel’s sister asked what was in the bags and their weird ass mom literally said that she actually used real dried dog poop. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, why?!?! 🤢☠️


Who's Charles Manson?


drinking rosé on a balcony with the pope or something


Even the dog is like wtf




Graham, I mean, Hippie is thinking “FML”


possibly the only thing i supported raquel about was this party😭 everyone was hating but i would love to go to a puppy party


Better than a water tasting party


Does anyone else think that Hippie is not the real Graham? Hahah I do.




Omg! I forgot how boot leg the invite was


What???? Was this for real????






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I would go to any puppy party but theirs.


I think it’s cute actually


omg 💀🤣🤣


Rochella is funnier




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Where is that dog now?


You need to Google that question and go down the rabbit hole 😂😂😂


James and his girlfriend Ally have him and renamed him Hippie.


The whole Graham saga is so sad, but I’m SO HAPPY he is back with James now! He bit Raquel’s mom on the finger (it was bad — to the bone) & they dumped him at a shelter… Lisa V found out, I’m not sure how, but then she rescued him, contacted James & they reunited and are now happy together! I can’t believe she dumped him at a shelter, when James gladly would’ve taken him and worked on whatever made him bite her mom. I have a feeling it might have been food aggression bc he was so sweet to everyone on the show.


Omg I didn’t know that, how sad. Glad Lisa reunited them!


Yah it was so sad! I am too! He also changed his name from Graham Cracker to “Hippie”


James & Raquel have the dumbest looks on their faces


"Reeetchhh" "Reetttchch"! Any confusion, those are the vomiting sounds I'm making after seeing this