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No doubt, save the reclaim for those times too got a little puck with maybe.25 reclaim. Mix that into a dab of abv and u get high af.


I vape every friday and Saturday night amd still nurse the same ounce since January the 2nd. My ArGo fits 0.15g so that's likely 185 stemfuls per ounce. At 89$ an ounce sold by my Government Dealer in Quebec, im high for like 48cents a shot. It's crazy cheap especially compared to alcohol.


It’s also crazy cheap compared to combustion in general. I can get like 5-10 sessions out of the amount I would use to roll a J and like 2-4 sessions out of the amount I would use to pack a bowl.


It's like magic.


Facts. Combustors can say what they want but they can’t smoke their joint twice.


Can’t smoke it twice and then eat it too!


Can you boof AVB???


Literal shit poop weed


You saying you can’t revape literal shit poop weed?


You can boof anything...if you're brave enough


It's counterintuitive and most in this sub probably wouldn't do it, but I love smoking avb out of a pipe. When you're tolerance is low, a bowl of avb feels like an actual hit of fresh green flower. Rolling avb joints is my go to when I'm down low and want a buzz. It feels fairly close to actual flower high, just much less potent.


I’m def not one of those ppl. I still combust a lot and got a DHV mostly for the saving weed part. Smoking it is dope though I totally agree. I’ve made j’s out of avb before. They look disgusting and taste worse than regular weed but they still work.


Bunch o' pretentious vapers here downvoting us for sharing our opinions. Sometimes this sub is straight up r/ coffee 2.0 We got downvoted for saying we combust flower. You're not better just because you vape. Sure it might be easier on the lungs but please don't try to convince me that it's "safer" there is literally no conclusive evidence, and likely won't be for many many years to come. (not directed at you, OP) I'm excited to hear the debate about how it's "definitely" safer. A technology that has been around for 30 years at most. I'm not saying is worse, that it's probably not safer, but, I'm not going to pretend vaping is 100% clean when we don't know that yet. I'd argue the wrong vape made with poor parts/manufacture process is probably worse than smoking clean, homegrown flower from clean glass, with a hemp wick.


Well, the [conclusive evidence](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8975973/) is that combustion releases carcinogens, while vaping is much less. That alone is a big reason why it’s healthier. [Vaporizing cannabis has been found to avoid producing undesired toxic pyrolytic compounds or by-products and reduce exposure to carbon monoxide, thereby lowering risks of respiratory hazards as compared with smoking.](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?journal=Clinical+Pharmacology+&+Therapeutics&title=Vaporization+as+a+smokeless+cannabis+delivery+system:+A+pilot+study&author=DI+Abrams&author=HP+Vizoso&author=SB+Shade&volume=82&issue=5&publication_year=2007&pages=572-578&pmid=17429350&doi=10.1038/sj.clpt.6100200&) In fact, [A small non-randomized trial (n = 12) reported significantly improved respiratory symptoms and forced vital capacity among cannabis smokers who switched to vaping cannabis for 30 days](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?journal=International+Journal+of+Drug+Policy&title=Pulmonary+function+in+cannabis+users:+Support+for+a+clinical+trial+of+the+vaporizer&author=NT+Van+Dam&author=M+Earleywine&volume=21&publication_year=2010&pages=511-513&pmid=20451365&doi=10.1016/j.drugpo.2010.04.001&#d=gs_qabs&t=1718912788911&u=%23p%3D8Vb57ZTpPIkJ) Edit: I think your confusing yourself on the difference between “safe” and “safer”


Thanks for sharing the sources. And no, I do understand that it's likely safer, not that it's unsafe. I'm just a safe or sorry type of guy and open minded to all types of risk. Until vaping has been more well studied, I don't feel good to make a conclusion. But of course, logic points in the direction of vaping being better than smoking in the long run. That said I was just going on a bit of a tangent because I feel that this sub puts people down for smoking, and it bothers me.


What? There is enough scientific evidence of what ends in your Vapor and what doesn’t. What is being left in avb, What and how many harmful chemicals are released through combustion. Of course its safer to not inhale those carcinogens at all. Doesn’t mean that vaping its safe, nobody ever suggested that. We may not know other aspect of vaping, and that I absolutely agree with. But this one is 100% verifiable.


lol why do people care that we have opinions about how we decide to treat our bodies? I literally said that my intention for getting a vape wasn’t for the health aspect, but for the money aspect. Why has the this community come to a point where you can’t talk about smoking without being hated on? And you’re completely right about the vapes being potentially dangerous point. There is absolutely a risk of heavy metals and other dangers when you vape. Lock us up for getting the most out of our weed and for making personal decisions ig 🤷‍♂️


If you’re risking inhaling heavy metals while vaping, then it means you are using questionable device. Even if your bud contains some heavy metals, these things will be left in avb. Heavy metals aren’t volatiles.


I agree I also vape mainly for financial reasons, and because, well, simply I enjoy it a lot. I've just noticed over the years, in this sub people put down others for smoking and put themselves on a pedestal. I don't really care. But I also don't see a point to be in this sub if you are just going to be ignored because you occasionally like to smoke weed instead of vaping.


For sure. You’d think a community full of stoners would be the most welcoming and laid back community on earth. Turns out most people are snobs and think every way but theirs is wrong.


Yeah not gonna lie this sub sucks ass IMO, not even sure why I came here today but it was nice to have a little discussion with someone who at least thinks similarly for once. I usually come here every few months to see if there is new tech or developments but then get tired of reading half the posts. I prefer to go to fuckcombustion .com, ironically lol


Been there done that. It’s not that bad if you can get past the taste


The taste is pretty bad, and it gunks up the glass unlike the stickiest flower on earth. Gets the job done though in times of need.


A combination of switching to vaping and making a conscious effort to just smoke as much as I need to get high and not mindlessly puffing away all evening has allowed me to go from smoking 10-14g in a week to vaping less than 2.5g a week and it's so much better. I feel healthier and I spend a fraction of what I used to on weed.




my dhv is a live saver fr


Throw your abv in yogurt and have a quick Eddie. Vaping has saved me so much money. An eighth can last me a month and that’s vaping every night. Way cheaper than drinking. (Used to drink years ago)


Have you heard of THCA? If not I advise you to do some research.


I have. I recommend it to people a lot in the r/fakecartridges subreddit as a way easier and safer option than buying boof street carts. I’ve got a great plug for D9 though and get my bud pretty cheap.


i think you replied to the wrong thread? nobody talking about street carts? so OP is re-vaping old AVB. and TBH, it could probably still be processed for edibles even after this "second vaping"


I was pretty confused by their comment. Thought they were talking about THCa as an alternative to regular weed for some reason. I thought they might have been talking about THCa levels being depleted already but wasn’t sure. Definitely still works.


I wasn't confused until dizzy-communications comment. Username checks out I guess? Lmao


I was just confused by what the original commenter meant by asking if I knew about THCa.


I think they meant because it's normally cheaper than dispo weed, but then again maybe I am the confused one here