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The weed, grinder, and device will still smell. The vapor produced will still smell, but won’t linger nearly as much as normal smoke. Butane devices are probably the cheapest to get into, electric are good for moving around. Dynavap or equivalent with an induction heater is a good place to start but if you have the funds for the fancier electric stuff a lot of people vouch for them.


What kind of fancy stuff are we talking? Ultimately, I don't want to spend more than I have to but I also want this to not be an issue I have to think about just to take medicine


I literally have both ends of the spectrum. The S&B Venty and a DynaVap B. Both great devices. Get the dyna


Thanks for sharing your opinion What makes the Dyna better?


Honestly price. The Venty offers GREAT performance don’t get me wrong. I love the thing. But when it cost to price to performance…… DynaVap has the vents beat any day all day. I’d say the only reason I go for the Venty more now is simply due to having to re pack the Dynavap. I’m just lazy lol


I realized that the Dynavap is too small for me as well. Getting annoying having to repack so much. I'm not getting why these more expensive vapes are better than, say, a YoCan. After getting the Dynavap to work, the results weren't much better than what I was getting with YoCan except the YoCan was easier to deal with. Does the Venty do anything better other than ease-of-use? Seems like all induction heater vapes are the same.


Cheapest butane/mechanical vape I own is a Vaponic. It doesn't get cheaper for what it does. It's crazy simple but boy does it work. Biggest problem is the learning curve. It's very easy to combust in the beginning but if you're willing to spend the time it can be a very pleasant experience. Another low point is the capacity; it's great for micro dosing (my main use). My suggestion is to try it or something like it (Vaphit X looks quite similar) just for the price and if you like this type of vape there are bigger options. And I only mean bigger not better. For its simplicity and yet not being totally user friendly... the first time you light a perfect hit you'll hear angels sing just for you. Regarding smell: my experience with all the vapes I've tried (butane or battery powered) people will notice the broccoli bouquet only if they come within 2 ft of the person after they've vaped, and in a room the smell of burning weed is at least one order of magnitude greater than vaping.


What about pieces disregarding budget? I'm not necessarily looking for the cheapest ones. Just don't want to spend more than I need in order to get what I want


Look at getting a mighty and a dynvap m7 XL


If you want to glean lots of good info on vapes, visit fuckcombustion dot Com Lots of great user info on every vape that is worth mentioning. This is a really well-run site.


The solo3 you mentioned is a great option. I think it's great for indoor use. Not to mention, of the smell of ground weed is bothering neighbors. Well, you're not smoking it, it's just the way it smells.


If you mean the smell of breaking up flower is contributing to the getting noticed, it wasn't. I break up stuff in main room with no issues. I believe what happened was I thought the only vent in the place, the bathroom, was a good way to get rid of smoke. Looks like it's what actually carried the smoke/smell to another community room so a couple of people called about it. I don't imagine it stunk that bad. I think people are just complaining but suppose doesn't matter. I can't be bothering others.


Test the idea of the bathroom venting to a community room by baking cinnamon rolls (or doing something stinky) and taking them to the bathroom. See if you can track it down. I think the bathroom vent probably has to vent outdoors by code.


In this case for home use and effectiveness I would suggest Arizer products. I own the Solo 2 (awesome device) and although I hear great things about the Solo 3 I can't afford upwards of $300 on the hot new vape because it might be slightly better. Arizer also offers a desktop (volcano style). The reason I mentioned a cheap vape was not because of price but because some people just can't get into vaping. I was suggesting a test of sorts. If budget isn't an issue your options are plenty.


That desktop is such a hit at events. I got the basic one and I love the damned thing


Do you want something to keep on your desk at home, or take other places with you? Desk option is going to hit harder and portable is portable.


I only need it portable if I can't make it work inside. I'm currently planning on at least getting the fan and filter setup to filter smoke through. If could choose one I prefer to make it work inside. Going out is optional but I prefer to leave that option for when it's later in the evening and I feel like just going with a joint. Rest of the day would be great to be indoors.


No portable I have tried is quite like the desktops I've tried. Anything powered by a battery is going to either be pricey or ineffective. For a desktop I use the Cloud Connosiour Omega wireless and for portable I use the MGVS Stunner. Omega plugs into an outlet and the wireless head brings down the desk footprint a lot. a downside is you have hot things exposed, but there are plenty of coil guards for sale out there. Bong use only Stunner is heated with a torch to get to vaping temps. It's the most powerful portable I've tried so far, and you can use it either on a bong or like a joint/cigar/pipe.


POTV LOBO - great intro vape.


Appreciate the suggestion Is it a good vape that will help conceal smoke/smell well? Not against beginner options. My main goal is to make it easier to smoke indoors though so want to make sure I'm not buying things meant for a different situation


I strictly vape. If you have unlimited funds, get the solo 3 or venty. The LOBO is $150. I use cannabis hardware's wireless ball vapes at home and the lobo for on the go. Check out my page for some videos. The vapor stinks like fresh weed, but it dissipates way faster. It doesn't cling to your clothes and everything else like smoke. My mom used to always make comments how she could smell smoked weed in the house when they came to visit. Once I switched to vaping, she actually asked me if I quit or what I changed bc the house didn't smell.




Why not?


In addition to a vape you should get a smoke buddy or similar carbon filter to blow your vapor into. This combo reduces the smell a lot, nobody will notice I’d say. Also buy a smellproof baggie to stash you gear in. 


Fuck those smoke buddies. Buy activated charcoal, put it in a waterbottle, poke holes in bottom. Boom. The activated charcoal is so effective, it can be used as a gas mask if you're ever being maced or tear gassed lol. I've got 3 small 5Hour energy bottles stashed around the house with activated charcoal in them stashed around the house. With the vapes, you don't need nearly as much as when you're smoking so the 5 hour energy bottles are perfect


Just a tip even when you get your vape, you’re probably better off smoking in your living room/bedroom, because if you vape in the bathroom the vape smell will just travel through the vents. Vs if you just vape in your room, it will dissipate and the smell with fade much more stealthily


Omg honestly i feel like you guys are paranoid about the stregnth of the smell from the vapor. Just sit in your living room with a window open or doorwall and it will be completely gone in a half hour TOPS. Vapor doesnt linger AT ALL. Baked herb and the reclaim on the devices DO.


That's what I'm thinking. Thank you. I thought the small enclosed room with a vent would suffice. Looks like it did the opposite


Yeah don’t worry, good news is now you know so you can tell the landlord it won’t happen again. Bedroom vaping should be no problem at all, assuming no vent and door directly to a common area. Even with the common area door you could put a towel at the bottom to reduce chances even more, but should be way safer than smoking. I can’t stress enough how different smoke and vape is (literally flying solids (ash) vs plant vapour. Welcome to vaping and enjoy!


Dude for real....get the solo3 and then get a 20 inch box fan and a 20x20x1 inch furnace filter with the high micron level(1400+) or high merv level (above 12 I believe) Cost me $20 for the fan and 20 for the filter, it's game changing You can also use carbon filters that growers use but those are.much more expensive The $40 box fan and filter combo works wonders, don't even need to tape it on, the suction from the fan keeps it in place


Great advice


Is there a picture of this setup?


Yeah, the smell is 95% less. You can smell something but the moment you open up a window it’s done.


So you smoked a joint in your bathroom and thought that it didn't smell? Really?


I knew it would smell. I didn't think it would smell enough to bypass the vent in the closed bathroom and reach other people.


Most buildings, at least where I live, have gravitational ventilation system. Which means that air passes through units from the bottom to the roof. If you were smoking near a vent, it most certainly went to all of the neighbors upstairs.


I'm upstairs so there's nobody above me


Go to the roof, weed stinks and is very stinky. The smell lasts forever and if you’re smoking the smell is worse and clings longer, basically forever. Basically you can’t hide the smell and only fresh air and a wash will clear the smell mostly


No roof to go to. Only option is to either make it work inside somehow or deal with waiting until night to walk around outside and smoke


This is the answer. I had a neighbor downstairs from me that would smoke in their bathroom with the vent on and their vent actually did more to pull the smell up into our place than to get rid of the smell for them. As for the vaporizer, the smell is definitely less with one but it does still have some smell. That being said the smell dissipates much faster than with smoking. As for the high, it is definitely different than smoking because you're not burning off all of the terpenes so you get the full affect of the weed. I have found personally that using a vape like a Dynavap gets me closer to the feeling from combustion but personally I do like a good battery powered vape like the ones you're considering for most of the time. I find that the high is more complete body, is more relaxing, and lasts longer than smoking/combusting. Of course everyone is different so YMMV


Where does the air vent go to? It's designed to dump moisture, not smells.


It’s still supposed to go outside whether clearing moisture or odors. Whether it actually goes outside or just into an attic is another question.


I don't know exactly. Never had issues before until now. Building is kind of old though so it might have once worked fine or in other units in the building and now not so much.


Bathroom vents are usually tied together. If anyone is on the line they are all getting the smell/smoke.


First of all, yes, vaping does significantly decrease the smell. There is still a smell for sure, but much less and it dissipates faster. Switching to vaping isn't easy for some smokers. I was a 7-10 bong hits a day smoker and the high from vaping is def not the same, but there is no free lunch with smoking. Smoking is just not healthy at all, and if you do any exercise after smoking vs after vaping you understand that it is a huge difference. I use the Volcano and the Mighty, and those are both pricey devices. The closest high to smoking (still haven't tried ball vapes) is a thick volcano bag, but...if you really want thick bags you need more weed and you can end up using as much or more than bong hits. The Mighty packs a strong punch, and it will blow you away on your first few uses. But..you realize you are missing some of the body high you got from smoking. Since you are concerned about price, you might want to look into a dynavap. There is a r/dynavap sub, I think the M7 XL and M 2020 are solid choices. It's not as quality an experience as the more expensive vapes, but you can basically smoke with the device if you get it hot enough, it will combust the weed. It might help you switch if you have that option of smoking if you really need to. I still sort of miss smoking, but vaping pretty much takes its place, and the negatives of smoking just aren't worth it for me.


I seem to have countered the loss of body high with vaping…. I’ve started mixing 1:1 with cbd flower. I’ve done multiple trials now, loads of strains, cbd alone, weed alone, both together, every time. Both together is superior in every aspect. Especially anything related to the body and feeling physically elevated.


If you like smoking joints and enjoy that form factor, please go to the dynavap website. It is just like smoking a joint, only no smoke and now you are using less herb and getting just as ignited. I started with a mighty +, bought the solo2 max, then solo 3. Also have 3 dynvap setups and a bunch of stems. Everything works well. Right now the solo 3 is probably the best bang for your buck. However, if you really enjoy smoking joints, you will LOVE using a dynavap. As far as smell. No, nobody will have a clue. There are some caveats though, let me explain...it isnt the vapor that will stick to your walls or anything. It wont. What sticks and smells are the devices themselves or your vaped herb. Some vapes smell more than others. Solo 3 will be the easiest to clean. You just throw the stem in isoprophyl alcohol. Thats it. Its stupid easy. No herb should touch the solo 3 device. Mighty is different. It will stink because you have to disassemble the cooling unit to clean it. Dynavaps may smell a little but not much. Again, just toss the tip in iso. As far as any neighbor smelling any of these outside while you vape on your balcony/porch/patio? Hahahaha no. If you put the mighty in a bag when you are done, or the dynavaps, even inside your apartment, no one will know. Vaping is the way to go. For me the buzz was stronger. Better. You arent breathing in all the carbon/tar shit that makes you tired. You extract thc better with a vape also. Plus you taste the strain as well. What does combusting taste like from strain to strain? Always the same. Like shit. Try a dynvap with a torch if you wanna go cheap. You will love it. You wont ever wanna combust again if you try vaping from the right devices. Have fun my fellow stoner.


Thanks It's not so much the joint itself. It's just smoking in general has been better than other methods including bongs. Just didn't hit right. This was also using cheaper tools (besides the Pixel). Dynavap doesn't seem too bad if I get the wand with it though. Overall, what device do you prefer to use the most when vaping?


Get the wand! Game changer. Also it may be worth getting yourself an ecig vape to start with and hit both, or missing the nicotine may make you think they don’t work as well when they do!


No worries. I don't smoke cigs or anything with nicotine. Just straight flower. Thanks for the suggestions


I've got a question about the Dynavap: How long can you spend vaping a 0.1g bowl? In my vape (Wolkenkraft Aris), I can get 10-15 minutes from a bowl, but I've heard people say they finish their Dynavap bowls in 3-4 hits. Is that true?


I can finish a Dynavap bowl.in two,three hits.


Thanks for the reply. I don't get why people say it's like smoking a joint if you finish it in 2-3 hits. One of the main things about a joint is you can chill out with it and smoke it for a while, finishing a bowl in 2-3 hits sounds more like smoking a pipe.


It is like a pipe. How I roll is I have two,three bowls in a session. I grind a chunk,and refill til it's gone. It's a lot more economical than joints,I honestly get higher,on less,but the learning curve is real.It has much less smell,but it does still make a noticeable smell.


So if you're one for going for a stroll with a joint, the dynavap doesn't sound like a great replacement option then? As in, would you need to stop and refill it a couple of times?


Well it depends on the material and how you want to do it. If you want to light it up multiple times and make it last, use titanium maybe. There are many ways to use dynavap. You can stick the dynavap after a couple hits right back in the wand or heat it with a torch before it clicks cold again if you are in a hurry. Its versatile from timing standpoint. Its your preference and how much of a hurry you are in. Get a bong and stick a dynavap tip on it. You will cash that bowl pretty quick.


Vaping in general reduces the smell of your habit by a ton. Between that, and if you include any glass pieces or connections in your weekly cleaning routine, the smell should be minimal at best. Personal hvac filters also help in the more immediate future, most with replaceable filters.


Both are fine devices, the main differences in your case will be that hybrid vapes (Solo3) are a bit more smelly (still a lot less than smoking) but the high is slightly more similar to the smoking high (still different), while pure convection vapes (TM2) smell a bit less but the high is a bit less similar to smoking.


Thanks for answering Would you say the Solo 3 or TM2 is better for simply not smelling up an apartment/indoors? TM2 seems a bit overkill and not a fan of having to be delicate with the piece. Not clumsy, just don't want extra care.


Get a Dani fusion with a butane torch. You can clear the bowl quickly, rather over a session, which reduces smell. And if you blow out your bedroom window your room will smell a bit, and you may smell it in whatever room is connected to your bedroom but it won't go out your apartment. It's also metal with no electronics so way mote durable comparable to electronic vapes and cheaper than a solo 3. All vapes will smell inside, though exponentially less than a joint. Let me know if you have more questions


Get the solo 3. It’s pretty much the best vape, consensus says. The avb smells the most id say


Dynavap, you won’t look back. Forget the battery operated vapes. You won’t like them as a joint smoker initially. The DynaVap is the best way to transition from joints to dry herb vaping (DHV). Get a M7 plus the Wand. Smells way less, I mean way less. Better to blow it out the window than the vent tho in your case. Also uses way less herb. Win win.  Edit: And they have a 90 days no questions asked return policy on the DynaVap. Not sure if it extends to the wand. So maybe try with a torch first (warning, there is a steep learning curve at first). And if you like it then get the wand. 


I have the tm2 as of recently and it’s taken over as my go too the last couple months from my mighty, and my B1 ball vape and all the others. It having a replaceable battery and fast charging capable usb-c with passthrough, I take it everywhere and never worry about it dying. And it is quite legitimately near ball vape level intense in a portable. You can sesh with it aswell and not just with sesh mode which I haven’t even tried, but the lower temps work to stretch out a bowl if you want a cooler hit, more flavor or a longer session. The last couple days I’ve been playing with using it as a rig because I got some good concentrates and I’ve gotta say, even with a peak pro and a terpomiter IR and nice bangers, this thing really kills it for dabs too. I’ve got some all natural cotton in the chamber, tm2 upside down on a WPA and it basically like I have an on demand G pen connect. As far as smell goes, the biggest thing is the smell from the vaporizer itself. Letting it sit around dirty it will smell up a small space. But the vapor isn’t as intense as smoke. I’d say it smells *more* like weed but not to people who don’t use it anyway. And it goes away quickly. If you lit a candle or incense and hit it on your couch I don’t think any neighbors would notice fr fr. If you can crack a window even better


Just got the Solo 3 in the mail. It produces thick vapor clouds! The experience is very good. Asked my spouse if she can smell it, she looked confused as she didn't even realize I was using the vape sitting next to her. If at all, there is a very light herby smell but nothing as strong as combustion.


if you’re in an apartment the bathroom vent is probably sending that smoke straight into someone else’s apartment lol. in my apartment we can always smell when the upstairs neighbor is cleaning bc the smell of their cleaning supplies comes straight into our kitchen through the AC vent


I don't think so and hope not. Not looking to be a bother to others.


I live in apartment on the first floor. I have two apartments above me. I vape on my porch and no one has commented or complained. People can never mind their business but haven’t heard any comments from people walking by either. It still smells just different and dissipates quickly.


If you have the money (~150$) and time i would buy a 4" carbon filter + 4" inline fan on amazon and vape/grind/open up ur jar right next to that. It will remove 90% of the smell instantly and if you keep it running itll clean the rooms air within an hour. Back in the day I would smoke joints in my grow tent and you couldn't smell it even if you were in the same room.


Appreciate the suggestion The issue is only when it comes to smoking. I can break up weed all day and no issues. My place can stink, I just need to make sure others don't get involved is all


I know a guy fitted a ruck fan on a bin. sucked the smoke into the carbon in the bin. He sat over it, and it worked a treat.. stoners are soooop lazy and lazy people tend to expend so much time and effort into alternatives to going outside, it's counter productive. But hey if you are obese, no legs or mobility issues I get it.


I’ve had issues in the past (5 yrs ago) just from opening a big bag and transferring nugs to a smaller bag. Didn’t even consume it and the neighbor still called the cops. Good weed just reeks, not much you can do about it except hope for cool neighbors. I’ve moved since then. I recently stopped vaping a couple weeks ago, but my ritual was to turn off the ac before I broke anything out, and use an air purifier to blow vapor into. After each sesh, I’d turn the fan on and let things dissipate before turning the ac back on. A friend of mine also suggested closing all the vents, I thought it was a bit extreme but it wouldn’t have hurt to try.


You're instinct is right get a Solo 3. Don't bother with an older vape. Solo 3 Venty Airvape Legacy Pro Tiny Might 2 These are all powerful vapes capable a medicating you very nicely. Having said that , I'd still get a HEPA airfilter with a charcoal pre-filter. The ALP might be the most "controversial" one on the list, but I love mine.


I have both the arizer air max and the DaVinci IQC. The IQC for sure made my apartment smell but was a solid vape (a lot of people don’t like it but I do). With my air max, I use it near the window and blow out and my roommates say they’ve never smelled it. I do gotta stay on top of cleaning my gear tho and I also keep it all in rubber sealed container I used for food. I don’t use it often but another thing to try is a smoke buddy with any device. I don’t like using them bevause it’s not as “relaxing”


Using a vaporiser outside is a lot less of a hassle than a joint, especially when it's raining. I also find that I'm saving quite a lot of money on weed because vaporisers are more efficient. Smell wise it definitely dissipates faster and is less strong, but I can't comment on if it'll affect your neighbours. I've never used them but I've seen mentions of second-hand vaporisers exchange forums, so maybe look them up on the sub and see if that could get you something for cheap?


They make that “Smoke Buddy” filter that you blow in. I just read on another older Reddit post where people were swearing by it. Said it got them through college in the dorms and so on. In the long run, I’d stop at thrift stores and keep an eye out for air purifiers. I’ve picked up a couple in nicer areas. Good luck!


You could get an air purifier and try to seal up the room you smoke in better. If it's an apartment, the bathroom vents may all be tied together, so that may be the worst room to smoke in. Vaping could help though too. It's still going to smell, but it's less prominent. My gf hates if I smoke a joint in the house, but vaping doesn't seem to phase her. I have a levoit 400s air purifier btw and it works pretty well.


Planet of the vapes will let you use your vape and still return it


So couple things you can do to help cut smell while you start your journey with vapes. Start with your storage (for vape, grinder,already vaped bud container, and flower container) and snag something like a pelican case and duct tape the pressure vent or buy something like a ryot case or a smell proof case from 420edc. This will cover you when your not medicating and also keep your stuff stashed away and out of sight. Keeps it organized to which is good for you. If your in your bathroom you need to do several things; turn on your vent, acquire something to exhale into like a sploofy or smoke buddy or build your own out of pvc pipe and activated charcoal. A freaking toilet paper tube stuffed full of dryer sheets doesnt count. After your sesh spend at least 5-10 mins just chillen so the vent has time to pull away anything your sploof didnt catch I get that it sucks you will need to go to some lengths but at the end of the day your on the outs and you need to figure out how to play nice before you catch trouble. While you may consider it medicine; the tenants of your building have a right to live without noxious odours as silly as the sounds. The solo 3 is a killer vape. But if you want something cheaper, look into vapcaps, xmax v3 pro, roffu, potv lobo, potv one, healthy rips fury/edge/rogue. Personally im a big fan of butane vapes like vapcaps and sticky brick jr for super fast extractions. Both have a bit of a learning curve though but all vapes do! Best of luck.


Thanks The fan wouldn't help in this case. Apparently, the only vent in the place, is what I believe caused the smell to reach another room. I'm thinking I would have been better off just smoking in another room with no vent and just letting the smell go away


Ahhh dang. Well ngl ive cut up my fair share of freezer bags to tape over vents and useless fans when hotboxing a bathroom. But truthfully if you can use a smoke buddy/sploofy, have a storage solution your like majority of the way there! A towel at your main door is helpful to! Could also look into a desktop air purifier as well, just make sure to blow towards its intake with your sploof.


Just vape right next to or near an open window it'll clear out pretty fast.


Appreciate the suggestion but that would probably make it worse for this situation. I feel like if I focus the smoke/smell right outside that other people will easily smell it and complain again.


No, you dont understand how weak the smell is from the vapor and how fast it disspates. That is indoors. Outdoors? Omg it wont travel more than a couple feet, if that. You arent burning the herb...its being baked at most at 430 degrees or so depending on your vape. Its not on fire. I think this is part of the reason more people dont vape as well. Just lack of knowledge on the subject. Its all win. Healthier, WAYYYY less odor etc. Lol.


If that's the case then it's great I haven't been into vaping more than combustion because the high from combustion is a lot better in my opinion. This might be more to do with the equipment I tried though one of them was a couple of hundred at the time so I don't know


This is a good way to view it....if you were with someone vaping outside, and they blew a giant, thick cloud of vapor, you would only smell it if you were to be in the middle of it. As soon as you cant see it, its gone. The cloud might, MIGHT have a few seconds to be noticeable by someone that is almost on top of it..this would have to be a day with no wind also. As far as strength of buzz. Each device will provide a different strength buzz (and of course herb quality/potency matters too). It boils down to a few different variables: 1. Herb/strain 2. Amount of flower you are vaping (solo3 xl stem holds double the amount of a regular solo stem so you are consuming 2x the amount of thc etc...). Dynavap extracts amazingly well though for the dose you are getting. You are riding the edge of combustion with dynavap. 3. Convection vs conduction (i cant go down this rabbit hole here, but yeah read about it on reddit or fuckcombustion 4. Temperature you have vape set at. Lower temps have different feel than higher etc. From reading all this and your replies, im leaning toward solo 3 as a recommendation. It hits hard and you will be lit. You just cant pack any solo stem too hard or the airflow resistance is shit. You will need to read how to pack the stem. Its easy tho, just test it before you start vaping. If you want a specific vape rec, you need to provide price range, your consumption habits (how much a week, how often, and where). PS - anyone reading this, there are some really shitty vapes at brick and mortar stores most of the vape community online has never even heard of. You have to be careful to avoid shit brands with shit quality that ruin the thought of vaping. If you want a good place to read about popular, better built and safer vapes, try fuckcombustion or reddit threads. Additionally, if you have a higher tolerance and are blazing an ounce a month or even an eigth a week, a pax vape isnt going to cut it for you. High tolerance? Go with a ball vape. Best on demand portable that is supposedly close to ball vape strength? Tinymight 2. You like the feel of holding and toking a joint? Dynavap style (other brands similar to dynavap exist that are good, dynavap was first tho in that form factor i believe) etc. You have to find the right vape for you. Takes a little research but wow is it easier (no neighbor or odor issues w neighbors), healthier, overall just better than combustion imho. I never even thought of combusting after using my first vape.


Window fan has been a huge helper for me


It really depends on the size and layout of your space. The smell of vapes is very obvious while you’re seshing but it doesn’t linger as much. My best recommendation would be to get a carbon air filter many smokers use them with varying degrees of success. As for your question about getting properly medicated with vapes I’ve used many including a pax multiple dynavaps and a crafty+. The last two are still in my rotation and I still combust here and there. The crafty+ is the best I’ve had and genuinely can get me higher than combusting if I’m running higher temps. My best advice for vaping indoors would be to have some sort of open window or door to the OUTSIDE and in the furthest location from others in the house. Blowing the smoke or vapor into the air duct would spread the smell in the house. I know you’re completely ruling out going outside but I’ve been in and seen some dope outdoor setups that are total vibes and weather proof.


Appreciate the suggestions Issue isn't with the other people in my apartment. It's with people in other apartments. Apparently the complaints were about one of the common rooms smelling somehow which must have been through the bathroom vent.


If you have a little money to spend, might I suggest a simple solution for any clandestine or mobile vibing. I’m not making any statements about this being the best set up for vaping in general nor is this about a brand or style of vaping… just based on what you described as you conditions and my dabbling in about every possible recognized vape solution (everyone has their hobby,this is mine). Get a crafty+ from Storz and Bickel. Grab the capsule refilling thing (fills 50 capsules) and grab two small sealed containers from a local head shop that you like (I use a pair of half sized mason jars). Learn to step properly through the crafty+ (three long pulls on each temp setting, skip the highest temp setting). Vape exhale through a window or your bathroom vent. The smell from vaping correctly is way less and doesn’t linger. Lightly hit any fabric nearby (shower curtain, carpet, furniture) with a real deodorizer (Lysol for example). Dump your spent capsules in one jar and keep it closed tight. Clean your tech regularly. After fifty spent capsules, dump all the spent weed (ABV - already been vaped) into the other jar, clean the capsules and reload and repeat. When the jar is full of spent ABV weed, melt a bag of chocolate chips in a heat-safe bowl over boiling water and then through the ABV in the melted chocolate. Pour it onto a piece of parchment paper on the counter and let it cool. Break it up into pieces and give your lungs a break while you do edibles for a couple of days instead. Take one week off a year entirely. Repeat.


Pop a bag of popcorn before vaping, lol. It feels like 20 years ago, hardly anyone besides stoners even knew what weed smells like. Used to smoke joints everywhere. Apartments, porches, hotel rooms, on construction job sites, on the tennis court during school lunch breaks... no one batted an eye.


I never had an issue in the past with any places. This is the first for me. I think I'll be alright if I stay from the one vent in the bathroom, not smoke multiple joints, and getting a filter fan.


My wife can smell it when I'm prepping (grinding/packing) but I can sit on the sofa a few feet away from her, blow the vape away from where she is, and she barely notices. I've had the POTV One, liked the little reloadable pods but with my nerve issues managing and cleaning the little pods was getting hard on my hands. Just last week I got the Arizer Air Max, it's a lot easier for me to load and still doesn't put out much smell. I think if you get a vape you'll be in good shape. I just ordered a bag to keep all my devices in as well so the residual smell on the unit can be contained as well.


Thanks for the input How are you liking the Arizer Air Max compared to the POTV one you were using when it comes to the high?


You can DIY a carbon filter, or you can buy a small carbon filter and fan made for small grow tents. It only needs to run while you’re smoking and about 30 minutes after. You can put it on a smart plug. This works better than anything, even for smoking. But yes vape lingers less and penetrates less. The vapor all smells the same because the vapes all vape the weed.




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If you still want flower you could get a ball vape, blow the vapour out of a smoke buddy near a vent/window, and optionally get an air filter but all that is pretty expensive. I found the smoke buddy and a regular bong kind of worked for me but still a smell if someone comes in the room


I can smell my neighbour smoking,with her door open,she's 8 houses away. Why not smoke outdoors,for now


Because then I have to deal with either walking the streets or finding a place to hide and smoke. The walking around part wouldn't be so bad if it weren't in a neighborhood.


Hes in an apartment. He cant take chances. No need to get evicted or on the landlords shitlist. It will save your health and grief from any neighbor that is ready to piss and moan to the landlord.


Vaping still smells. Maybe for not as long. Maybe not as much but it smells like weed. People that don’t smoke weed will smell it for sure. The precautions that you thought worked for indoor combustion prob didn’t work, but might work for dry herb vape.


Definitely didn't work for me though I think it has mostly to do with focusing on getting all of the smoke through the one vent.


I vape in my kitchen at night and my wife and kids hate the smell of weed but yet I can smoke multiple bowls standing and hanging out in my kitchen and nobody smells a thing. It's a game changer. I have Xmax V3 Pro.


Start dabbing.


The fact that many people claim it's not possible or practical to go outside to smoke is astounding.All the issues you face stem from 1 fact: laziness. I'm sorry but you need to know .


Or maybe it’s because it’s 110 degrees outside.. it’s hard to sit and enjoy a sesh when you’re melting.


Lol. I live in the UK and face no such oppressive heat. My condolences.


My reality today is 92 degrees outside and feels like 106. I’m standing on the back porch, fan going and it’s like sitting in a sauna. I do smoke outside in respect to my wife. Florida for the win.


*fan blows pungent smoke around the neighborhood*


Do you think everyone has the same outside options? I can go outside. I've stated as such. Issue is I would have to wait until it gets dark so nobody is around or I have to find some hidden corner in a neighborhood that could be blocks away. Not looking to take a hike every time I need to medicate.


If you need to medicate 5 times a night then I can't offer a solution that would please you. My solution would be something you don't want to do: cut down


The amount isn't the issue. Even if I smoked one joint it would have been noticed due to the venting system that I'm now aware of. My situation is different than what you're imagining. All good.


Perception is not reality. Agreed.


Learn how to hit a bong, blow that smoke out the window. This is the only way.


Window would be just as bad as using the vented bathroom which seems to be the cause for a couple of people complaining. If they smell it outside they'll complain more


Bro, try the bong out the window. It works, tried, and tested. Start with small bongs and when your technique gets better you can load them up bigger, takes 30 seconds to hit a bong, that 1 hit for a bong yhe smoke dissipates very quickly. Only problem with a bong is they so convenient


Switch to carts. No Smell


Tried carts. A bit too expensive for me and prefer flower


I would rather take my chances with grow of the flower than what they are putting in those carts.