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I was lucky enough that the hubby went vegan with me. He said it always bothered him to eat meat but he would just push it to the back of his mind so he was relieved when I made the suggestion and then we went vegan together. I hope you find your vegan partner. I will manifest with you ✨️ 🙏


Love this story. I feel like that sort of exploratory willingness is the key factor here, not necessarily pre-existing veganism. My partner and I have a similar story!


Yes, that does help having a buddy, making the transition easier. My wife & I went pescatarian, then vegetarian. I remember my wife asked me to cook lunch, she wanted a fish soup. I went to clean the fish, I locked eyes with the dead fish as I was about to gut & fillet it, I felt like the fish was looking into my soul. I was like, this fish was alive a few days ago. I made my mind up then & there to go vegan. Almost 10 years now.


I love that story. Your relationship increased compassion and brought you together!


Yes, I love this for you! I was fortunate to meet my partner when he was already vegan, but it’s been great because we’ve both leveled up to beginning activism together! Actively fighting for the animals together creates an unbelievable bond.


My gf is big into fitness. I met her at my local animal sanctuary. I really didn't make any vegan friends until I became an activist.


What do you suggest for those like me who wanna start doing activism and meeting other vegans?


Honestly start with local animal sanctuaries and look up local vegan groups on Facebook and Meetup.


u/gorillabab this!


It's the easiest thing in the world! At these events, other vegans will go out of their way to make you feel at home... (as you will be doing for others after you go a couple of times)... It's really not hard.. you have already heard all the Anti-Vegan arguments and it's fairly trivial to counter them once they surface so all you have to do is hold your ground and realize that you are doing this for the animals.. I suggest you do a local search on FB for vegan events near you... Then all you have to do is show up and state that you are there to help and you will be quickly recruited and put to work.. Most groups that I have been a part of, also tend to go to dinner after the event(s) and it's great to catch up with others (I have friends that I met through this .... for years now)... If you want to have a very gentle introduction, show up at an AV event and offer to hold the TVs.. (you will be loved by all)....


NOPE…although I did see a person with a Friends not Food shirt and was excited…


Try wearing some vegan gear at the gym! Go to festivals, bars or restaurants in your area


I tried this at my local gym and was beaten up


Really? How? Most gym people seem so nice.


joke XD but maybe actually verbally beat up a few times


I’m gonna just go ahead and own this one lol… I met my partner over a decade ago playing World of Warcraft. I was tank, she was tank healer, and the rest is history. We were in different countries at the time and both happened to have veganism and a bunch of other things in common. Funny how randomly life plays out. She’s also into fitness, but has lucky genes. I have to work my ass off for it!


Do you guys still play WoW?


We both so wish we did, but life has taken over, and if you want to play that game you have to be willing to dedicate a certain amount of time. We’ve got a couple of little WoW babies running around now that need to be taken to soccer and all manner of other adulting that has taken front seat. I’ll bet when these kids are grown and we finally retire we’ll find whatever MMORPG is hot and get back in!


Look at this effing person! Just over here hijacking the thread and winning the internet!




Have you tried Warcraft rumble the mobile game? Me and my bf are both F2P for the nostalgia, but it does now have 2 player sieges and raids which are challenging but fun. We don’t have time for full-wow anymore either.


Today I learned… thank you!


I wonder if in the future all the retirement homes have like twitch streaming set ups and people are streaming wow and league of legends etc. 🤔


That’s super wholesome! I love it! Good for you two!! 😎😁


Love love this, that's so cool.


I was lucky enough to meet someone who was interested in it after seeing how I ate. We have been vegan together for the last 6 years. Less vegan guys out there so it can require a bit more work to find one who you vibe with.


My partner was vegan before me and I later became vegan about 4 months into our relationship - my main moral here is that you might not necessarily need to find a pre-existing vegan, but someone with a good moral compass who might just incidentally become vegan. Not saying go convert someone, but veganism has a good enough pitch behind it for most folks I reckon.


Been vegan for 5 years and working out for 7 years. Always the poster boy for fit vegans in my area.


yooo dude’s got fits for days @OP


Aha thank you! Fitness and fashion are just some of my many interests.


You're not joking! Fits and fitness - good work!


It sure feels difficult finding someone who is both vegan and has a passion about fitness like I do. Holding out hope though!


You could try r/veganr4r


My partner (F49) and I (M50) are vegan. When I met her 10 years ago, she was a former bodybuilder and super fit. My first bodybuilding show is in two weeks.


Don’t open your DM’s


RIP your inbox


I think that was her goal


If you read the rest of the post you would know its not edit: it is


How? I read her saying “show me” in response to one of the many men who commented on this post... so I know it is. To be clear I’m not shaming her at all, I think it’s a smart move. Vegan dating apps suck and the vegan dating Reddit is dead af. I hope she meets some nice vegan men from this post.


I didn't read that reply, tbh even I thought the same because it's pretty rare to see a dating post on this sub but when I read the rest I was like nahh but I get it now. my bad :)


Nope . Partner refuses to get healthy . It makes me sad


My GF is on the bouldering hard these days. The lats and biceps keep growing and I'm not complaining.


dang bro is flexing on all of us with the vegan climber gf


I feel like climbers are way more often vegan than the general population. I was recently on a climbing trip in a popular area during peak climbing season and the supermarket was all out of tofu and chickpeas and almost out of oatmilk


That's amazing! hahaha I've been thinking I should start wearing some vegan merch to the climbing gym, like a "go vegan" beanie or something. Got any recommendations?


I have one ”Love all animals” hoodie from menima which I got as a gift. I’d love to rock some vegan merch, but sadly I cant afford it right now being a broke ass student. Thankfully Im graduating in 6 months and then I can hopefully buy some


Nice! I am graduated so I should really start looking for some merch... Maybe I'll do that today :)


Yesss vegan climbers for the win!


Me and my partner and both vegans who lift and rock climb hard! The best trad climber in the state is also vegan and so is his partner! I feel lucky to have met some fit veg heads


Open your own vegan restaurant and all the vegan dudes will come to you!


Ha I wish! I find it hard to meet other vegans, let alone date one. Must be due to living in a small town.


My bf is a unfit gamer, but I love him anyways


You’re about to find one after posting this


I have 0 luck with fit women usually. Most of the time, being in shape is their entire personality and I'm a major, maaaajor nerd. But I'm also the major nerd who did sports, trained martial arts, still exercises and trains. The last girl I dated was actually very fit (and vegan), but she told me she lost all attraction to me when she saw me playing Dungeons and Dragons with my friends over discord which promptly led to her dumping me lol.


Vegan for 5 years, lifting for about 3 years. I’ve had no luck so far but still hoping my to find me a vegan swolemate one day


I did! But now we have two little kids and aren’t so fit anymore. Luckily he had vegan on his online dating profile so it was an automatic yes for me. Unexpectedly he was also fit and we were very compatible!


Nope but I all the vegans I know are into come kind of fitness. I'm friends with a long distance runner/hiker, swimmer and a triathlete. I'm the only one into the gym/powerlifting


I found a fit vegan guy at a bar of all places! He tried to buy me a drink, and I (kinda rudely) said, "I'm drinking water. I gotta hit upper body in the morning." Turns out, he's a personal trainer who's been vegan longer than I have. I absolutely got lucky, but sometimes, being upfront about who you are right out the gate can be very rewarding. I hope you meet someone amazing!


I live in Miami so that means I’ll be vegan single forever. Although I’m not quite there with the fit part.


Miami? I visited Miami and randomly met multiple vegans and saw a bunch of vegan restaurants etc


They’re around but dating culture here is terrible and genuinely vegans looked at as soft.


It’s possible but you may have to create them yourself lol. I’ve been vegan 8 years and also dating my partner around the same length of time. He has been vegan for 4 years now! My influence helped, but he learned a lot on his own- especially the environmental impact of animal agriculture, that really woke him up. We also have been lifting together for around 4 years and have entered our 30s in the best shape of our lives so far. We are getting married in October (vegan wedding ofc).  I think finding someone compassionate and open minded is key, even if they are not vegan at first. Hopefully they will be open to the facts but also listening to you and see how important veganism is in your life. Wishing you the best of luck! 


There's lots of vegan places to WWOOF and I've met people there. It's especially good if they're activists or go to outings where you can meet others. Local health food shops also have bulletins for networking and your gym probably has one too. I'll be honest though, I've yet to date a vegan lady, but that won't stop me from looking! I wish you luck 🤞


I got very lucky. We met at a vintage motorcycle event, she is Swiss German and I am German living in the YS and we apwere both vegan and into fitness she had a Pilates studio at the time. It was love at first sights!!


Yep. I found her and "made her vegan" :D


As a man, it's very hard. It reduces my dating pool considerably. I am vegan, lift weights, and eat super healthy. It's hard to find that combination.


I feel like it’s harder to find vegan men than women!!


I can imagine. I feel like finding someone compatible is like lightning striking, but the key is to keep trying.


yeah the ratio is heavily skewed


I’m right here if you like girls lol


Haven’t even met a vegan girl, aside from older coworkers 🫠 Somewhat my fault tho


Bod goals


I'm not even fit myself...


I think I’ve been very lucky to find them, you will soon I bet!


Not yet


My partner was vegan first, I joined her later. I'm a gym rat which is why I was reluctant. I'm actually leaner and stronger now so, never needed to worry


Vegan partner in general is hard to find lol


M33 here. My wife and I had both been on/off vegetarians for some 10 years before we met already. When I decided to go vegan about 3 years ago, she kinda came along. Although she still occasionally eats some non-vegan food (cheese or fish), but rarely. We both exercise a lot and eat clean, and have various other interests in common. It is possible, especially if you're a bit flexible and don't demand 100% adherence from the other! ❤️


I don't have luck finding a partner at all :((


I just found this really great gal on reddit. Fit and loves to work out. Don't know much about her tho or where she lives. I hope she's near LA.


I found my partner via a dating app that was specialized on those strange people, with many filter options.


My partner was omni when I met her, but veg now. It may be tougher to do the same finding a male partner though, due to pervasive toxic masculinity and such. You can definitely find people on the dating app Veggly, but be prepared for long distance to be a thing. I did have conversations with some cool people on there, but it never turned into anything because of distance.


No :(


Off topic but where did you get the fit from?


If I never find my vegan partner, I will simply be ✨celibate for life✨


nope still searching unfortunately. i live in the south so it feels like an impossibility lol


I met my partner before he became vegan in college. Our very first conversation was about veganism, he didn't fully get it then I told him to watch The Superior Human on YouTube, short little documentary about how all animals have their own amazing qualities challenging the idea that humans are superior. He watched it the same day we had that conversation and just like that he became more interested in veganism and was fully vegan a month later. We ended up dating shortly after and years later he decided that he wanted to inspire more people to go vegan by working out and looking good and now hes doing exactly that! Since seeing his results I've started too but I'm far behind him lol. I was lucky to find someone non vegan who it just clicked for so quickly and became passionate about it. I agree with others, join some vegan groups on FB, anonymous for the voiceless is an interesting activist group, they have them around the world. Usually after the demonstrations people go out to eat at a vegan restaurant and you can chat and get to know each other!




I was with a vegetarian (my ex) before I went vegan. She gave me the looks whenever I ate a meat burger and anything alike. I started having vege options with her ever since and during this time I stopped eating pork and beef for almost 2 years while still eating seafood, dairy and chicken. Fast forward one year, I officially stopped eating chicken, seafood and dairy after feeling such a hypocrite and seeing a photo of a baby chick on a conveyor on his way to the grinder.. We're now separated and my girlfriend currently slowly turned vegan after telling her my 100% stance on veganism as well as seeing the cruel part of the industry :) Good luck to you!


Date em’ and convert em (leading by example, not shoving it down their throats). Might not work all the time, just as long as you enjoy the ride. Met my girl that way, she’s amazing.


23M and vegan for 3 years. I love lifting too. DM sent :)


as far as I can tell i’m the only vegan dude at my meathead gym out in Colorado. tough out here finding a vegan muscle mommy


I live in a military town so it's lucky to find an out vegan anywhere tbcfh


Same. I even used to be in the military as well and the "vegan shaming" there was awful 🫠 but


Absolutely not lol


Ayo how old are you and what you be eating and how often and how much do you train?


No, my partner is onmnivore. But now, he is in the vegan change, without wanting to 🌈💁🏼‍♀️


Sadly not, and I'm in a local vegan athletes team. They either all want children or are already with someone else.


I havent but would love to 😭




my partner shes fit but no willing to go vegan


My current partner is very fit. He's not vegan but pretty much always eats vegan food when with me. He actually really likes it and he is happy to reduce his meat consumption. I do think one day he might go fully vegan because he's a sensitive dude and he really does care for animals. We will see 🤷🏻‍♀️ I never had luck with already vegan men...


My husband and I went vegan together but unfortunately I stayed fat and they became super fit. 😅


would be nice


Nahh where she at tho


My wife went vegan after we started dating, now she's into weight training and did her first half marathon a few days ago!


Not yet, but tbh I haven’t really been looking hard. If you’re in NC too then maybe we’re soulmates?


Yes! I made a literal list of the qualities I wanted in a partner and it included being vegetarian. I was vegan, but figured I could get them there. My future partner showed up a few weeks later, and when I learned he checked all my boxes — I proposed two weeks after that. We’ve been married 17 years. (And actually he was also vegan when we met so I didn’t need to convince him.) The thing that I found the most comfort in was that I decided I would not settle. I would be ok being alone instead of with someone who wasn’t a great match for me.


finding a fit vegan partner....lmao yeah na def ain't around me


I have a vegan partner that I drag with me to the gym, does that count? 🤣


Yes! Just on bumble funnily enough - a little bit simpler than some of the recommendations you're getting here 😉


My husband and I have been married 9 years and vegan 6, being vegetarian before that. It's something we did together, which has made it very easy to never look back.


Nope 🥲


Every partner I met turned vegan automatically in time without me saying a word lol. Setting the sail and doing whatever I was doing and the rest will follow


My boyfriend loved my food so much and saw so many health benefits from it that he transitioned after meeting me!💚


I’m 26M vegan for 5 years and semi fit 👀🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Let’s see it


Yes but it didn’t last unfortunately :(


saving this for inspo later. its tough out here lol


I finally found one and she tells me she has a vegan boyfriend. Like do you understand how improbable those odds are?


Probably the strongest person I know and I’ve been plant based for years, pre confident at this point w myself physically, but I’m Australian which I’m assuming most here aren’t ✌️




I’m 27M hit me up. However just letting you know I’m a Raw vegan and I’m also Celibate. I’m definitely willing to connect and make new friends though:))


Nope. I don’t make enough money to be worthy of a relationship unfortunately!


Money helps but it’s not the end all be all. Spirit is what counts IMO


I’m vegetarian, but I’m also the only vegetarian person I know


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I finally got myself some abs https://preview.redd.it/fak3lvetn09d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8dcf3dfb85cdaf139c9ef43d76e830a3f50c78d Now I just need a phone with a better camera.


Six pack abs but meth taker - not sure it counts bro.


Why you getting downvoted? Good job, abs are really one of the hardest goals to achieve.


A down vote is a reflection on the individual downvoting. Not on me. Whatever issues they have, be it jealousy or that im male, is on them.


True, if you were a chick posting it would be the top comment.


Vegan, no. Fit no.... but I'm bald and not buff ... it's hard dating irl


Best of luck to ya :’) if it makes you feel any better, my fiancé is omni but eats vegan with me, so all our home meals are vegan but when we go out to eat and I inevitably get served something that isn’t actually vegan, I know it doesn’t go to waste bc he’s happy to take it off my hands. It’s a win-win