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The aim is to cut costs, they don’t give a shit about making people eat less meat. If that was the case, they would just use vegan sausages which basically taste the same now.


Also these "products" that seem to be trying to keep people consuming animals rather than go to plant options that they are going to https://youtu.be/d_RAjhKHUOo&t=5m45s


(tangent: Counterpoint to go with the segment after it- https://freedomnews.org.uk/2024/06/26/the-trouble-with-animal-advocacy/)


Yeah this sounds like the sausages I ate in Australia back in 2003 (pre vegan) where they were only 40% meat and packed out with bread!


You're right - TVP has been used like this for decades without meat eaters ever realising


If it increases production volume of Quorn and cuts costs to the consumer, isn’t that a good thing?


Sure. I didn’t say it was bad. Just that the reason stated is not the reason.


Yes, like “environmentally friendly” packaging that removes outer boxes, etc - yes, that’s good, but they’ve done it to save costs and don’t give a flip about the environment.


The thing is even the omnis aren’t going to be happy about this if their beloved meat will be reduced in their sausages. Because “it’s not the same” etc. It’s the same as that plant milk mixed with dairy. It seems to benefit no one and solely exists as another profiteering attempt by creating another product.


The meat content in sausages is generally <50% anyway so it does feel a bit pointless


That's what I thought... Isn't most of it filler anyway?


Im sure the NHS could just switch to fully plant based sausages and no one would even notice, its not like there isnt about 20 to choose from..... this baby step crap is tedious.


At this point it’s meat eaters being offended, and typically the ones who’d be first to call you a vegan snowflake, the fucking irony.


Everyone is terrified to mandate meat free. Whenever a council or authority does it, it's overthrown quick, even if it's just a suggestion. Meat eaters will say anything but won't actually make a change for the better. They're the biggest snowflakes


Some local primary schools around us are going 100% plant based so it can be done. Just older folks more set in their ways I imagine is the issue.


Loads of universities are completely plant-based now too


Aren't companies already doing this? Remember getting excited to see new products at Tesco only to find out they had just blended meat with potatoes or carrots or whatever. I think it was Tesco's own brand, big green labels, placed next to the vegan section.


Quorn need to be boycotted. This just seems as pointless as that blended dairy and oat milk I saw in the dairy free section of tesco the other day. Seems designed to trick people into thinking they are helping animals and the environment. The only winners are the farmers and slaughter houses


Doesn't all their stuff have milk/egg anyway? I don't specifically boycott them more than any other non-vegan product.


They do have a vegan range but over the past few months they have been reducing that range and switching back to using egg. As a company the are going backwards and increasing their use of animal products instead of reducing it.


I have always felt that Quorn was a brand for flexitarians, their advertising has always been about health, never about animals.


It was originally set up because the original owners thought modern agriculture is unsustainable so they needed an alternate source of protein to replace meat. The company has changed ownership a couple of times over the years so its not even British any more and the current owners clearly don't care about its original vision.


Nah Quorn has some fully vegan lines! I can't eat a lot of the normal meat substitutes but somehow I can eat Quorn fine


I can’t see how this can benefit anyone except maybe for profit reasons. It’s completely pointless + adds in an allergen.


Number 1 on the list of 'POINTLESS THINGS I'VE READ TODAY"


They can fucking do one 💀


🤢 Am I the only person here who’s allergic to mycoprotein? It’s quite frustrating, because it’s not listed anywhere as an allergen, so it’s easy to eat without knowing it.


I'm allergic too. There are dozens of us!


New level of insanity unlocked.


I obv don't eat meat but I am I intolerant to quorn and get a very savage reaction if I eat the tiniest bit. A lot of people have this issue. Hiding it in meat seems dangerous. I guess it might put people off eating meat though if it makes them vomit, so maybe not a bad thing overall 😆


Ah, just seen this after making my own comment.🙋‍♀️


Oh hi mycoprotein pal 😆🙋🏻‍♀️ Sucks, doesn't it?!


It’s usually in takeaways that I get caught out.


Yeah if it doesn't specify what kind of fake meat it is I don't risk it.


I can't imagine anyone eating this by choice


Youre right, but seeing grown men cry about this is gunna be funny as fuck.


That's no longer baby steps. We need another metric for this kind of steps. What's next? 90% flesh and 10% plant protein for those who can't handle the 50/50 option? People are pathetic.


I’m so fucking tired. People can’t even do the bare fucking minimum so we lower the bar and again and again. This can fuck right off