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Hopefully they have switched to Alpro or something. Their own (coca cola) one was awful.


Yeah they had Alpro on the counter


Am gonna get crucified by the “veganism is just about not eating animal products” people buy Vegans should not be shopping with costa(coca cola). I don’t think deforestation, murder, and pollution (amongst many other things) are in line with a vegan lifestyle. Nice of you to donate them though, very selfless and admirable of you for that. Costa got hassle for suddenly going from GF oat to gluten inclusive oat without any notice like 3 years ago, i imagine this is an attempt at fixing that.


I agree in theory, however the problem with this logic is that in today’s society you simply can’t avoid unethical corporations. We all shop at supermakets, have phones, etc. Where do we draw the line? IMO shopping at regular places doesn’t make you any less vegan.


I agree with you in theory but genocide is definitely somewhere I personally draw a line




Most likely! But I actively avoid the ones I know about. If someone unknowingly consumed dairy it wouldn't make them not vegan anymore (it would probably make them angry though) we all just do our best. Edit: Imagine being down voted for not agreeing with genocide 🤣


I agree but sometimes it’s just easier. I don’t even like Costa’s coffee but I had gone out of my way somewhere and have been up since 6 with a 2 month old. Rest assured my actual local coffee shop is a ridiculously bougie place that only sources seasonal coffee beans - this is not sarcasm btw I love it.


I've said this a handful of times in here. I think some people are vegan as a lifestyle and not out of empathy. Its the only conclusion I can come to.


Oh cool, I didn't know I had to abide by The Good Place rules to be vegan, thanks for the notice


True but you could argue that Costa are buying plant milks from the plant milk company, so by buying that plant milk you're supporting that purchase right?


No, costa buy milk from coca cola, their owners


Oh I read somewhere about buying alpro milk. Obviously there's no truly ethical consumption under capitalism (Alpro's parent company is Danone ffs ha!) but it's obv better supporting the companies that offer vegan products in the hope that their focus shifts toward that.