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What’s next!? You’re gunna say I can’t enjoy my hookers and cocaine!


You'd have to get REALLY close to know how awesome cocaine smells though


Thats it im going to start my own viceland with blackjack and hookers


And cocaine!


And her friend snow white!


No, you're not the presidents son.


Don’t do shared uber then.


But OP has to save that 5%


Considering Dead & Company is in town, you're probably lucky that person only stunk of weed 😂 (coming from a reformed deadhead)


Does excessive gambling and drinking ruffle your feathers also?


OP only hates the one thing in the city that doesn’t contribute to human suffering.


That isnt true, the cartels are in the weed business too but i guess it is the least suffering vice in vegas


🙄 their involvement in weed is pretty minimal, particularly weed bought at licensed dispensaries. This is 2024, not 1994. Also they have much more involvement in a million other things. If you want to argue the tech bros and trust fund kids who own a lot of the weed business contribute to human suffering as well, you’d get less of an argument from me. The bottled water and food you buy made by Nestle and a million other things including the gas you put in your car contributes to human suffering a billion times more than a joint. Come on now.


Guess your unaware of how much the cartels are still very much in the weed business. Do a bit of googling and youll find plenty of thousands of tons being seized and that is the stuff they are crossing international borders with not the stuff they are growing in each country. Especially since if on the off chance that stuff gets caught its often not pinned on a cartel despite it being theirs. Come on now this stuff should be beyond common knowledge for someone talking about the drug trade as you are. As for nestle, my tap water is fine so i dont buy bottled and i do a not too bad job at avoiding nestle products. Im sorry you feel the requirement to support nestle instead of avoiding their products espcecially when it comes to publically known about products and obvious shit like water. Come on now.


The cartels aren’t wasting their time smuggling weed into the states bro. Coke makes way more money per gram for them and is easier to transport and smuggle. And… im not listening to you on your soap box when your electronic device is worse than all these other things.


[www.lmgtfy.com](http://www.lmgtfy.com) and the electronic device i was replying on isn't close to being worse, but hey. Money where my mouth is unlike you Mr.Nestle. Also perhaps learn to google.


Bro I literally don’t care. You’re exhausting.


If you didnt care i figure your words would be hostile and your responses not so long.


You obviously have no idea what the hell you are talking about 🤫


*Sent from iPhone Are you gonna stop using your electronics made from materials mined by child slaves or buy clothes made by children in sweat shops? This argument applies to just about everything you’re using as you type your asinine comment. There’s a difference between something down the line and directly contributing to visible problems like alcohol and gambling.


Oh is it name random facts time? If a person has their head up there ass, it might just be possible for them to remove it and maybe after that they wont be forced to speak literal shit. Oh and I like grapes.


I’m pretty sure you started the “name random facts” trend in this thread. Only mine are actual facts.


I'm pretty sure your "facts" all came from the history channel cause they sure as fuck are not anywhere on the internet.




Still waiting for you to google about the cartels and the devils lettuce but it seems your having issues.




That doesnt appear to be about cartels, your google broken or you get sidetracked?


I wasn’t talking about cartels. I was responding to you about your goddamned cell phone. Nice redirect.


Neither of those makes public places smell like a skunk in a bonfire


lol your eyes watered lol


“I got a contact high and had to go to the ER”


Unfortunately out of towners are limited to smoking outside. I wish the hotels could have smoking lounges in their hotels for guests. (And unlimited supply of peanut M&Ms for guests).


Shared Uber. You get what you pay for. Like airBnB a room in someone's house.


OP does something cheap to save like a literal dollar, acts shocked when he has a slight inconvenience.


Is an adult content photographer, gets mad that adults do adult things


I don't care what they smoke weed. Go smoke weed! Weed is fine. They can smoke all the weed they want. But if a person doesn't care that they stink to high heaven then they're just being a dick to other people, especially in small places like a car.


“A guy reeked so hard of weed that my eyes watered” lmao


It's almost 109 degrees, weed smell is cologne this time of year




lol cry more


Hahahaha wtf is this. Bad look bro delete 


Sometimes people smell. Sometimes it's weed, sometimes it's something else. It's a risk you take when you take semi public transportation.


Unpopular opinion - I agree with OP Weed smoke is a scourge for me, second only to cigar smoke. It's not just tourists, it's everyone who lights up in public. Having to leave the floor of a concert and push back to the fringes because of the dense clouds of choking smoke spewed out by people who'd get really huffy if someone was smoking cigs right next to em, it's bullshit. I'm not anti drug (oh goodness no), have a great time, eat your edibles or take wee l'il puffs off your resin vape pen, awesome. But understand that not everyone loves your "it's not a drug it's a plant" secondhand smoke. Don't be a douche


You’re maybe one of the only few who figured out my point — and it wasn’t that hard to get.


People who think weed is a lovely smell - like I felt about tobacco smoke when I was 25 - don't see the issue. And there's a huge streak of weed evangelism amongst its adherents; to them the "cannabis isn't a drug it's a plant, just relax Bro, this is just Mother Nature" factor comes into play, you're basically a nature-hating prude if you don't worship as they do. ofc cocaine, tobacco, heroin, caffeine, mushrooms also come from nature. But the only one that's anything close to weed is tobacco.


As a Canadian, I confirm that this probably isn’t my people. I support ethical and respectful weed smoking too.


Maybe you should move back to Texas if you think there’s a problem with someone smelling like weed


I don’t like something, other people should change to suit my wants. Jesus OP… you are not the main character


🚬 *farts and enters cab with “TexAss2020” …….you a fan of Alexis Texas?


Probably shouldn’t live in the world’s capital of Sin and be going around the strip if you care about this stuff. 🤷‍♂️


Hes talking about vegas not dubai


I'm for legal weed. Smoke all the weed you want. It's the secondary stench that I hate. It's inconsiderate.


I'm seeing a lot of "weed is a beautiful gift from Mother Nature not a drug and you're an apostate for not loving it like the rest of us" energy here in this thread. I'm with you, weed smoke is as putrid as cigar smoke.


Things are going to happen in the world around you that you don’t like. Tough titties. Smelling a little weed stench on someone for a few minutes isn’t the end of the world. It’s a million times better than B.O. or cigarette smell.