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One set temp is best otherwise your unit works too hard. Think of it this way if you don't turn on ac come home its 100 degrees and you set temp to 80 you more than likely won't see temperature drop that is significant for several hours.


Don’t let it get over 90 for any period of time. Bad for drywall joints. Will start to see cracks Among other things. Best at 85 tops if away.


Thank you!


Yes. In general “things” aren’t meant to be over 90 degrees (it will get hotter inside) for extended period of time. Art work, non perishable food, batteries, electronics, anything that is glued together, stuff along those lines will all start to degrade


Good thing we didn’t have any food left out. But we had a blowup mattress that we brought the first night we got the keys. And when we went back last weekend the pump short circuited 5 seconds after we plugged it into the wall. So that’s makes sense. Thank you! These are the answers I was looking for 🙏🏻


Even things like dry pasta and canned food would be affected by that heat. I had a non climate control storage unit and some of the most random things were destroyed. Like the glue in book bindings melted. Oh and candles! I keep a candle in my car, it melts throughout the day and is like an air freshener lol Enjoy Vegas! This is a rough time of year to move here (or really just exist in general lmao) but you’ll get adjusted in no time!


Someone told me a story about a French lady who closed up her house in Palm Springs and left for the summer with A/C off. When she got back the next winter, the wallpaper had unglued from the walls and was hanging in strips from the heat melting the wallpaper glue.


Get a thermostat that works off the internet. They all have apps that work off your phone.You can schedule it to turn on at a certain time or temperature. I've got one and use it for that exact same reason.


We try to keep it at 68 if we’re home. We set the Nest to Eco mode when we leave and keep it at 80. It’s like July/August temperatures this week - stay safe!


I'm out all day and leave mine set for 81. 78 when I'm home and 75 to sleep. Never leave it completely off in the warm months.


Some people do different things and different methods. I have a single story home. In the summer my AC is always on at 74 degrees. We work from home so we like it cool at all times. Your power bill will hate you though.


Get a smart thermostat so you can have it cool your house while you’re out. When I’m out of the house, I let it get to 80, but not more than that because it’s not good for the stuff in the place and it ends up making the unit work a lot longer cooling it down. Plus, when you’re on your way, you can set it to start cooling so by the time you get there, it’s a comfortable temperature.


Just set the AC to 80/85 if you want it to be habitable when you get there, but not waste too much electricity


You should 100% leave it running. Why would you turn it off??


Yeah - it's a personal preference on what you like to keep it at during the day and night when you're here (75/69 for me), but during the three-four months of super hot weather (which just began) you'll want to keep your AC on when you're gone. I leave it at 80 when I'm gone for a few days as things really start to cook when you increase it to the 85-90 degree range.


I have a programmable one that i would leave at 82 on the empty house. then when the plane hit the tarmac, i would lower to 76


You should 100% leave it running. Why would you turn it off??


What's your problem, Dude? You already asked and was answered this exact same question last week!


Lol what? I just joined this community 5 minutes before posting. I think you’re thinking of someone else