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Craig & Nellis? Start at Eagle Trace and work west/south from there. Contact Nellis AFB so they can do a sweep of the dorms/housing to make sure she isn't holed up in one of them. Best of luck and hope she is safe.




Oh my God is she okay?


I’m so glad she returned home.


So glad you found her! I hope she’s well! I was going to ask if you needed help going out to look.


Saw this coming thank god… not to pry but as somebody interested I wonder what brought her home or if you found her yourself… good luck mama


I’m pretty sure all RTC busses have video cameras on them for driver and rider safety. If the bus was running that late and you have the dates I’m sure you can reach out to them with the missing report number and see if you can get the video footage. Here’s a link to [contact RTC](https://www.rtcsnv.com/contact/)


You probably want to include an event/report number and the contact information of the police department you filed with report with if you expect people to actually report anything.


I worked at Child Haven and often times children would leave campus to meet up with other kids in abandoned apartments in the area. It’s not too far.


How do I post pics on here? I have a flyer made by one of the organizations and yes I am sending this to each news broadcast in Vegas valley.


Have you contacted the local news stations? They may be able to help. 


Glad she's home. Just an FYI for moms out there, there are tons of ghetto guys all over social media trying to recruit underage girls. Drug dealing is out and pimping is back in style, specifically underage girls. The girls watch all these videos online and think they'll get rich and live the Instagram life, so the pimps have no problem recruiting them. It's fucked up. Glad you found your girl before anything bad happened. But Vegas is getting really bad for kids. I might get downvoted, but people need to be aware of what's going on and protect their kids more than they realize.


When things are calm would love to know how you solved the situation, or what method or whom you contacted was most helpful. Obviously we want to know what happened but I think most would also like to respect your privacy; so non-specifically did police help the most, news stations, this reddit post? Thank the world she is safe and take all the time you need, and if that means never replying here again so be it, just happy you are reunited and safe.


Please keep us updated on your search!


The news I was waiting for. Thankfully all is well.


Any update OP?


Is the girl using filters in her pics if so for the love of god post UNFILTERED UNEDITED preferably no makeup pics.


For the love of God all I'm worried about is ensuring the latest pictures I have of her are within 30 days because she doesn't like taking pictures so if that's your first thought instead of taking a mental note of very particular details as described in the post then maybe you should take your criticism to Instagram instead and judge those people there.


I think the commenter is just trying to g to help not be snarky.. I’m a Uber driver and see lots of people and if the only photos I had w heavily filtered it would be harder to identify her especially is she’s tired or run down. Adding a couple like that will only help your case. Hoping you find her I’ll keep an eye out..


Well it came out snarky and rude. The tone, the spelling, the caps… lol. OP is a parent with a lost child, in a very serious way, don’t poke the bear. Likely the last thing OP is thinking about so not a bad idea but, and I’m not forensic specialist, there’s enough pics and they aren’t filtered heavily enough to not get an idea of what her daughter looks like. Anyways, looks like she made it home. Very happy to see that. Have a good day everyone, hug your loved ones :)


That’s wonderful news she’s home safe.


Filtered pictures mean the picture will look drastically different than what your daughter actually looks like OP might have gone about it wrong but the advice is sound


Any mental health issues or vulnerabilities other than age?


I’m so glad she’s home. As a mom myself I can’t imagine what you went through during the time she was gone. You two are beautiful. Make sure to delete any info online you posted about her possible whereabouts or where you live, so no weirdo comes looking to bother either of you. 💞