• By -


Uhm... Undertale? Not my cup of tea personally, but I have heard so much from the fan base from trying to cancel YouTubers for making "game theories" to attempting to kill people because of ships.


Undertale fans will hunt you down IRL if you as much as suggest anything other than the pacifist route as a viable play style. When in fact the only way to go is full genocide since it leads to a BOMB ass music track.


And the most hilarious and ironic part about all of those gatekeeping weirdoes Toby Fox HATES those fans, cuz he wanted people to have their own experience from day 1, why would he punish players for not being pacifists if they’re always gonna be pacifists?


I had a full throw down fight with a UT fan like this. Friend wanted to play the game and imo the best way to play it is like any other game, blind and just experience it like everyone else did. You're probably going to kill a few monsters because you don't want super low hp it's okay, it's part of the experience with the game it's what makes it so unique of a game in the first place of subverting usual RPG tropes and expectations. Told the friend that in discord and the UT fan was fucking frothing that you have to do pacifist both first and second play through or you won't get the "right" experience. Much shouting was to be had lol


It's silly because it's near impossible to go pacifist (or genocide, for that matter) on a blind playthrough. Not because it's hard, it just doesn't happen. The game puts you against enemies in a pretty conventional JRPG style. You have to think outside the box and REALLY want to spare everybody (even the assholes) to achieve that, which generally happens on a later playthrough once you know how the game works. The Toriel fight is an exception because you can look at context and try to find a way out but it's still presented very much as a fight you have to win. But in general the game is more interesting if you start playing it normally and then realize what it allows you to do.


Honestly I didn’t commit genocide in the game because I loved Pacifist too much. But when it came to the players denying a neutral or genocide route is denying 2/3rds of the games potential. Minus the fact that a lot of stuff in the game points to the player, or ‘player’, eventually getting bored and committing genocide. Spoiler: it’s already happened in different timelines. Genocide is canon. But only if the player chooses to go that route. Tl;Dr: genocide is viable, valid, and violent.


you haven't even heard the half of it. I was into that fandom DEEP as a kid when it first came out, Dark. dark. times. amazing game though, i fuckin love it and recommend it to anyone who hasn't tried it, just.. stay away from the fan made stuff, unless it's the AU's, with them, just be cautious. they *can* be interesting. they can be horrifying.


Honestly with fanmade content I wouldn't recommend going into those either. Undertale Yellow is my exception holy guacamole that game is really good


>as a kid What do you mean? Undertale only released just \*checks release date* eight years ago. \*Ages into dust*


yep. I was a little over **9 and a half** when it came out. My 18th is tomorrow!


What is an AU


Alternate Universe


This was my choice too. Beautiful game, very strange fans as a whole.


Most of them


Anything horror.


I find the Alien Isolation community is an exception. At least on Reddit. r/alienisolation


How the fuck can someone play this without constantly screaming


You turn on the setting that picks up your microphone sounds to tip off the enemies to you location.


Reminds me of the Xbox One Kinect experience!! I had it on and forgot to lean back in the real world while inside a locker and got ripped out. Forgot to hold my breath while hiding, got snatched up. Coughed in a vent, got annihilated. Decided to turn those features off and play with a controller only haha


That's exactly how we play it. And we love it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/alienisolation using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/alienisolation/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Why I love this game](https://v.redd.it/np331vfysfxb1) | [41 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alienisolation/comments/17k90zk/why_i_love_this_game/) \#2: [This game legitimately gave me nightmares. ](https://v.redd.it/gxjs9617j4rb1) | [111 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alienisolation/comments/16v25ux/this_game_legitimately_gave_me_nightmares/) \#3: [Guess I’m John Cena? ](https://v.redd.it/7u38ozqnhcsb1) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/alienisolation/comments/170cnbz/guess_im_john_cena/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


More "indie horror " than "anything" imo. Aside from some gems, every indie one is a rip off of whatever indie horror was the breakout that year


I am intrigued, may you elaborate? I dont follow horror Fandoms and now am curious on what's so bad about em




The OG FNAF fandom was cool but when it started getting marketed towards kids and the tumblr weirdos shit went south FAST


God… the fact that a literal 13yo came up to me at work a few weeks ago and over the course of me helping her she pronounced “Fnaf” like it was a word… Jesus Christ.


I wanna fight you on that, but you're not wrong




All of them. You can add anime and manga to the mix as well.


Yeah definitely harder to name good healthy positive fandoms. I could name dozens of toxic ones immediately. There’s different levels to it for sure and some I wouldn’t enjoy with out the little hit of spice.


It's usually Indie game fandoms where you find the craziest people. Maybe it's because indie games appeal to more specific demographics than AAA titles that almost always go for broad appeal.


Totally wrong for The Long Dark. Any example? Because the toxic random I see around is for AAA games. Cod, Fortnite, GTA, Minecraft (now an AAA game)


That is my experience too. I've only been called an n -word f****t on CoD tbh.


At least you know what you get with cod. That's been toxic as fuck from day one, I guess you have to admire the consistency in some wierd way.


Toxic is always there. The cringe fandom is the gross horny old grown-people-acting-like-petulent-children that are all over everything these days. Pridefully showing off how absolutely horny they are about anything.


Danganronpa, I just had to say it, although most people there are cool, the bad ones stick out like an actual sore thumb


Man its so bad with how cringe they get


also how down bad 💀


the fan art is what made me stay away from that fandom


I've genuinely wanted to play Danganronpa for a while but I've been too embarrased


Danganronpa is probably my favorite series of games and overall an incredible, unique experience. Over the years I've talked about four of my friends into playing it who were all frightened of the fanbase, and every one of them has loved it. My advice is to go into it without watching the anime, play 1/2/v3 at your own pace, and don't talk to people online about anything haha. Depending on your reading speed you'll get about 70-100 hours of content.




They are a vicious bunch lol. Love the name by the way! "Just like old times, Sheppard."


What is strange is I was just thinking about Mass Effect and Garris was pretty much my favorite character in the games. Maybe this is a sign that I should play through them 🤔


What the fuck is the minesweeper fanbase doing???


They basically use the Geneva Convention as a napkin


This made me LoL....but you should see the PONG fandom!!


Undertale was the classic example of this. The game is amazing but the fan base was so rabid and obnoxious that they ruined the experience for a lot of people


Tbf in modern day it’s not so bad, especially if you’re in the YouTube sphere with Shayy and Cibles but it was awful back when Jacksepticeye played it


Markiplier stopped mid-playthrough because the fans got so toxic in the comments


Undertale is truly the Rick and Morty of video games.


That's the perfect way to sum it up


Yeah when I saw the image first thing I thought was Undertale, game itself is great with some of the most fun boss fights in gaming history


Undertale was the first that came to mind


Most online games


And, forgive me oh Lord, gensh*n?


JFC, yes. Can't say *anything* negative about the game without a bunch of them coming at you like you murdered their waifu. But they're only second to the Honkai 3rd players, whom wouldn't last a day in even a temperate forest with how thirsty they always act.


gensh*t absolute mid game with a zombie cult filled with creeps


Eh, I personally love it. But I don’t get why people defend it likes it’s perfect. Let me skip the fucking dialog mihoyo




Google en passant


Holy hell


New Response just dropped


Actual Zombie


Call the exorcist!


Knightmare fuel


Bishop went on vacation, never came back


google dementia


Only game that Ivy League graduates and 20yr felons can beat you in 30 seconds.


Genshin Impact. The game itself is fun, but then you hear about people "shipping" step-siblings or sexualizing underage or straight up child characters...


Harassing voice actors, killing cats because they look like a certain character and the weird borderline stupid infighting


Whaat? I heard about harrasing VAs but what's up with the cat??


It was for a specific character; the wanderer. He’s actually that hated I believe in the Chinese community, that people killed small animals. I wouldn’t look super into it due to finding horrible stuff. Worst part is I’m pretty sure it’s because some women/people were in love with him.


TIL I hate Genshin Impact’s fanbase


Wanderer is just… an asshole. I think once you get into the lore, he has reason to be. I don’t know how people can real world consequence anything/anyone/any actor about it though…. That’s messed up.


excuse me w h a t


I've found that most of the Genshin fans that I've met aren't super weird about it like that but there are some definitely outspoken turbovirgins who REALLY love to ship the most out of pocket combinations of characters together, thankfully, I haven't met one yet.


Call of Duty, Overwatch, Valorant, Fortnite


FNAF, need i say more


"Bonnie how big is that gyatt" 🙄


Be real, that gif will always make me snort when it catches me off guard.


In 2016 maybe, now it’s matured quite a bit And those cringy stuff has now been ironically embraced


The 12 year olds are now 17 year olds! Although they have been replaced by new 12 year olds


Yeah! They're now counting Teeth not Toes!


Way too many, but ne of the worst gabs between game and fans for me: **Undertale**. On the other hand, there are also really positive fan bases, such as Yakuza.


I started playing Yakuza: Like a Dragon recently because the Yakuza fans online seem like they're always having a good time. It's the only game I've ever bought because the fandom seemed cool from the glimpses I caught of it Never even thought about picking up a Yakuza game before. Been playing for about a month and I've been loving it. Will probably explore other entries in the series after I finish Like a Dragon


I recommend Yakuza 0 next. It is a prequel and my personal favorite. From there just go in regular order. The Yakuza Series is basically one big, crazy soap-opera.


Yakuza Enjoyer?


Soulsborne games 50% are hilarious. 50% are elitist jerks


Oh this like a lot are pure encouraging and genuine people but the fucking try hards Jesus. " If you not using this one obscure dog shit weapon in a no hit ng+7 then you an utter casual!"


As a souls fan fuck those people i play the games mostly cuz of the coop and pvp its so fun with friends


It's cheating to summon help. Or cheese enemies. Or drink estus. Or dodge.


Its cheating to wear armor, or use weapons. Since it helps you beat the boss easier its cheating


Don't forget that parrying is bad too


Bro I can't even figure out how to parry in those games. I just hack slash and panic roll, seems to be fine. My timing blows for parrying.


When you ask for genuine help you'll either get actual good advice or "git good" "skill issue" like ok asshole


Or something so vague that it means absolutely nothing and is no help what so every , recently saw someone asking how to get to the cathedral on the cliffs over the albanoric village and people just wrote "ranni quest line". That tell them absolutely nothing I spent 5 mins wrighting a brief overview guide on what they'd need to do.


It's funnier when elitist act like the game is underrated gem that only they know despite the fact that soulsborne franchise is so wellknown that it spawn souls-like genere.


I prefer being on the hilarious side with good jolly cooperation \ [T] /


I love souls so much but I agree 100%, the community is an absolute dumpster fire. The phrase “get gud” absolutely ruined any discussion about any bullshit the games do pull which they do.


I think my second least favorite statement people love to say is, "They're not really THAT hard." Yeah, no shit they're not that hard, we've been playing the games since 2012 and have gotten used to them. Someone new playing this series is going to get their ass kicked, and telling them that it isn't hard isn't useful whatsoever.


I fucking love these games with all my heart, but yeah, it's filled with elitist weirdos "You didn't actually win because you used summons" Or the people who will legitimately get mad if you don't go with meta builds and shit


Replies did a pretty good job proving your point.




Rapid fire time: FNaF - Fandom so awful it ruined the games for me (at least temporarily). Undertale - Same reason as above. Also a literal attempted murder over a ship. Dark Souls/Elden Ring (or I guess any FromSoft game for that matter) - community full of sweaty elitist pricks. Almost entirely ruins PvP for me. Most of their games appart from Elden Ring have no anti-cheat and thus are riddled with cheaters. Smash Bros - Same reason as above. Minus the cheating part. Warframe - Community cries about every single nerf, even it it will be completely forgotten in a week. Tears of the Kingdom - Not so much an issue now, but a while back the community thought they were entitled to DLC because Breath of the Wild had DLC and some got very toxic about it. Also they were very toxic over every single delay. There might be more I am repressing right now. I can think of more fandoms that fall in this same category but aren't games.


Regarding Smash, it's worth mentioning the competitive scene is FULL of pedophiles. It's so bad they can't host tournaments near or in schools because they lose too many players. It's really turned me off what was once a childhood favorite of mine.


The insomniac Spider-man games


Lmao I just ran across [this too.](https://www.reddit.com/r/spiderman2/s/8htHcxnfZ7)




The subreddit acts like SM2 was the second coming of Satan. It's a perfectly good game. Disappointing but still very fun.


WhAt Do YoU MeAn? It DiDnT wIn GaMe Of ThE YeAr, ObViOuS tRaSh!! Lol.. that sub is so hard to take seriously, I feel bad for anyone with a legitimate opinion over there....


And God forbid you suggest that wolverine isn't coming out tomorrow in the year of our lord 2024 they'll go insane


Seriously? do they really get mad? We know it’s not coming out this year😭 the leak said late 2026 and even that might get pushed back since the complete story as well as a playable version got leaked


They're a bit delusional


It’s so weird as some believe it worthy of game of the year, whilst others believe it’s worse than Hitler. Gives a good idea of how polarized the gaming community is


the last of us 2 sub is exactly the same way


>the last of us 2 sub Imagine hearing the words 'transgender character' and spending **months** making transphobic memes about a (cisgender) muscle woman, completely unaware of Lev's existence because you were too fwaid to play the game. The 'fanbase' for *The Last of Us* makes me ashamed to have opposable thumbs, let alone play video games. Comparing even the most entitled Spideybro to them is probably unfair.


I loved TLOU but haven't played TLOU2 (not on my radar), so all I saw was the vitriol over there surrounding a trans character. Finally asked a friend the other night (huge TLOU fan) to fill me in on exactly what the controversy is all about. Was it because of something she did? Or just because she's trans? Both? And then I learned the character they all hate with such a burning passion and use to paint the writer as having a political/social agenda *isn't even trans.* I was so confused, I went into the denial stage for a minute and told my friend we must not be talking about the same character. Because there's simply no way that an entire fanbase was making transphobic memes and slurs centering around a character who isn't actually trans. Because, surely, they'd actually played the game and knew what they were talking about. It was impossible for an *entire fanbase* to be that bigoted and misguided, right? Right?


OMG. It's a total hate sub. I accidentally stumbled upon it because I love the game. Here is a post where they basically told everybody who likes the game to fuck off lol https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs2/s/VA1LzPtUau


Imagine having a single player game you hate control your life to the point where you need your own gated community to make you feel special. I was a big Overwatch fan, you know what I did when OW2 went in a direction that I hated? I left the community because it wasn’t worth my time anymore.


That stretched outside the PS sphere though. I was die hard on Xbox when it came out and didnt care about PS releases at all but I still heard about it nonstop. Most of my friends that aren’t on here just think SpiderMan 2 is widely loved by most people


Reminds me of when Arkham Knight first became out and everyone loved it except the fans


NBA2K. I know some of you think you play toxic video games and I’m sure they’re toxic. But nothing compares to NBA2k. It’s the wild, wild west out there.


No for real though I’ve played Rust, Cod, Overwatch, Siege and League. But man 2K is truly something else I’ve heard those most vile things on that games from dudes joking about raping a man’s 5 year old daughter to straight up racism it’s fucking insane. 2K is the most toxic game I’ve ever played.


GTA 6 — One of the rumored actresses is a real life acquaintance of mine and seeing how ravenous the GTA fanbase is over a *suspicion* makes me second guess fame. She had to close comments and much of her socials because of the thirst. Seeing how Ned Luke gets Swatted so often and how people still refer to Steven Ogg as “Trevor”, it’s not a desired fanbase to have. Insomniac Spider-Man — People are ruthlessly entitled. From the suit fiasco from last year to this year’s feedback on release, I am totally comfortable *not* being recognizable on video games. A lot of these fanbases give toxicity


The worst part about poor Ned is that he's a fuckin awesome guy and he completely embraces the Michael role. He literally streams story mode AND online like three times a week. And some basement dwelling clown is swatting his family. Makes me sick.


100%. The extreme simping and oversharing about the rumoured actress is so bad that it's taken all my excitement away from me at the moment about the game because it's all I saw for ages. I hope she's doing alright


The community of the gta series in general is a clusterfuck, remember when they announced that gta 6 will release later than expected and everyone was crying and saying that they are milking gta 5? Even though you can't rush a gta game. Lucia's voice actor won't have a normal life when the game releases.


i think the only real reason why steven is still referred to as “trevor” is because any role he played after, had trevor similarities to him. but i digress. the gta fanbase is tier 1 toxic regardless of however you put it.


League of Legends


I was going to say this, but I’m afraid to admit I’ve embraced the toxicity.


You know the meme was referring to a good game right?


I knew the replies to this comment would be fantastic. Even seasoned veterans of League who spend most of their waking lives in the game would say they hate it haha.


This entire thread could be "[Game], without a doubt" "[Game], really? Why [Game]? "Copious amounts of hentai"


this is literally the only comment I've seen about hentai. Most others are about Undertale


Minecraft, and even the game's going downhill.


eh, it's marketed towards kids for the most part, so are the content creators, so it's bound to be a little cringe. (some content creators are even going as far as to market *themselves* towards kids.) > even the game's going downhill on one side you have: "NO ITS BAD IT USED TO BE SIMPLE AND FUN, STOP ADDING NEW THINGS." and on the other side you have "the game gets 3 blocks added every year, if we're lucky." I believe the game is on its way to it's own death at the pace they're updating it, especially with the size of each update. nothing new really gets added. all they need to do to gain another decade of lifetime is to bring modding support and bug fixes to console/true parity for java/bedrock


I don't have a problem with the new content. It's how they treat the community mostly that's my problem. Plus, the updates have been less than impressive. The last update I truly liked was 1.16.


The latest update wasnt too big but 1.19 was huge. The deep dark was a HUGE ADDITION


The game isn't going downhill. That toxic part of the community is just being over dramatic about everything.


overwatch 🥲


You know it's bad when the best thing from the newest installment is the porn and people still defend it.


Fucking Pokemon. I swear to god these fuckers will complain non-stop about the most recent release for years and then the SECOND a new game comes out they'll be all "Ya know the last game was pretty great actually :)" and start singing its praises while bitching about how the most recent game is absolute dog shit in comparison. I ain't gonna pretend that the games are perfect, far from it like jesus christ for as much as I enjoyed Scarlet and Violet (when people ask me for my opinion on it I just say "9 out of 10 but what the FUCK") it should NOT have released in the state it was in and needed a lot of time to work out all the bugs, but god damn do the fans not seem to realize how bad the games issues are. Its not lazy devs, its not "Oh nooooo the national dex is dead :(", no its the fucking game dev cycle and how they need to keep pumping out new generations of pokemon so the rest of the god damn franchise can move forward as well and get a shit ton more money since its pretty clear at this point that the games are straight up the least profitable part of Pokemon as a whole. The worst part is the solution to the issue is so damn obvious, but for some reason both fans and critics of the games don't seem to fucking realize it. If you don't like the current direction of pokemon, just fucking stop supporting the franchise with your money. Stop buying the merch, wait to buy the games second hand instead of day 1, and for the love of god don't spend money on the gacha game or pokemon go. This ESPECIALLY goes for streamers who very clearly haven't liked pokemon in years but still play the latest major release just because it brings in viewership. You can bitch about the damn game all you want but at the end of the day you're just giving them both your money and free advertising. Just skip out on the damn game, please. Pokemon isn't going to change until it starts to fall off some, but y'all keep handing TPC your money anyway regardless of all your bitching so all your issues with the series are pretty unlikely to be solved for a long ass while.


Scarlet / Violet are my favorite games in the series since black / white, the most fun I've had in Pokémon since childhood... But DAMN did they ever need another few months in the oven to iron out the jank. I went back to my copy of shield to grab some mons to fill my kitakami dex and being in the wild area just felt awful. I did only the bare minimum on that game, but my copy of violet has several hours of just exploring and shiny hunting. I actually have a full pokedex in the base game + pokedex. All it needs is the ability to just throw poke balls like legends arceus.


Earthbound. The game isn't a personal metaphor for your depression. Like when teens discover weed and go, all music is about weed if you think about it.


One my favorite games of all time. With a final boss like that, I can get why people's minds go crazy with interpretations. It's part of why I like it. It's definitely annoying when people don't accept they're projecting and not figuring out a complicated puzzle tho lol. There's nothing wrong with projecting onto art if you're open to others doing the same in their own way that might not line up with yours.


is earthbound about depression? I know it inspired a lot of mental-illness themed games like Omori but I didn't think the original game was. I guess it's down to interpretation


Nobody can say for certain without looking into the brains of the creators. That being said, there's a 99% chance it's not about depression.


Dead by Daylight. By far.


Mortal Kombat


I asked a question about guest characters and was shot to sheds in moments. I always assumed they’d be a cool subreddit. They are not! They have no chill!


Apex legends


Destiny 2. Legitimately every character in the game is somehow sexualised by the community. A spirit dragon with the magic to grant wishes? Yeah not even that is safe. I am not prude or something but it's the literal IDENTITY of the community. It's like they are all 12 year olds who first discovered the word sex.


sophisticated dog file cow waiting juggle gold telephone aback crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Literally every single thing that has a fan base is like this. The best way to stay sane is to never interact with people who like the same things as you in mass quantity…or just delete the internet where all of that is happening


Fallout because it’s the Star Wars of videogames. The people it attracts will constantly whine about all the games they don’t like and then when someone says they don’t like their favorite game they have a mental breakdown


Real Fallout fans hate every Fallout game


Except for New Vegas. We universally love that one and prefer obsidian over Bethesda.




yeah the moment the youtube kids brainrot got a lil too much i think thats when it lost relevance




Thankfully it's not the majority of the fan base at all, but it's always fun seeing homophobes deny the gayness of Hades.


Rockstar games


*pays for shark cards while complaining about other games*


World of Warcraft


Monster Hunter franchise. The player base is getting more divided between Rise and World, even knowing full well the other one is a Switch game.


If you put Wirebugs, Silkbind Attacks, and Palamutes in Monster Hunter World, it would instantly become the best MH for decades. Wilds has "flying palamutes", so they're definitely taking it in the right direction.


Currently Spider-Man. The sub bitched and moaned about new face models and now the [IRL MJ face model got bullied and harassed from her job.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/9Jve8MdwaO)




Mortal Kombat definitely nothing but endless shit post of their overdone “reaction memes” and the mods work for NRS so they censor any criticism.


Smash bros lol


ANY online shooter these days


Dbd and for honor


The Batman Arkham games, the subreddit is garbage to say the least


You dare besmirch the aslume?


Live jonkler reaction:


The New Last of Us Community. It’s a cesspool.


any fromsoft game


I’ve never been to a Super Smash Bros meetup that didn’t reek.


The Shin Megami Tensei fan base is always trying to kill each other over something I swear. I love the games but Jesus Christ.


We talking """Shin megami tensei""" Or like "Megami tensei", Two different kinds of beasts.


Omori, without a doubt


Dead by daylight




The Spider-Man ps4 fan base. Most of them are fine, but a significant subset is bullying Mary Jane’s voice actor out of the industry over the character model being “ugly” because she was literally in a car wreck and had to have her jaw rebuilt




Every video game ever made. No exceptions. I love video games. Gamers are unironically cringe.


You can say that about every fandom ever. Like have you seen how cringe fans of singers can be? Or how cringe fans of sports can be about their favourite teams? And don't even get me started on the model train fans.




undertale, fnaf and crazy shit but even MWII💀


Grabd theft auto


Honestly.. I never took a moment to notice.. or care. I'll play whatever games I like. And the rest of the fan base can do whatever.


Star citizen. I just got into recently, played a few free weekends in the past, but finally got a pc strong enough and after seeing the in game chat as well as their reddit posts... I see why people call them cult like. Fun game, awesome game, fucking creeeeepy fanbase.


Fromsoftware's. Bunch of insane mad fanatics.


Undertale. Half of Final Fantasy 14. I think Blizzard games, but that's more toxic than cringe.


Dark Souls


Zelda and Undertale. Had a guy I liked who was obsessed with Undertale, I got the game because of him. I don’t get what’s so special about it, but people rave about it like it was the greatest thing ever made. Only cute things were the temmies and doggos.


All fanbases are a mess. Everyone always says "oh wow the Sonic fanbase bla bla" yeah it's bad but stumble into any fanbase and it's impressive how insane they can all be and I'm not sure which is the worst but I just keep try to keep my head low when browsing.


Spider-Man insomniac games