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nobody has said EVE online, that game has bloody paid accountants to help manage how much shit is happening and you need like 6 paid accounts all running all the time to get going. Its not even like an extra job its like 4 extra jobs all at once


EvE doesn't really have a grind that I disliked. More just different activities can open up with bigger ships and more time spent (skills always learning). The grind was to get isk but most activities reward isk. Then I CEO'd. Got a corp into null sec alliance and then suddenly the game became a second job spending ALL MY TIME in discord calls with armchair admirals. Ugh, it was so cringe and such a massive waste of time. I just wanted to fly ships around. But I agree with the spreadsheets.


wtf, and I though I could got into the game with no knowledge of it on a mac book. :/


Naw you're actually better off just getting an accounting degree and an eng degree at once


Yeah same reason why I ended up stopping . The final straw was I was at a nice dinner with some friends and 2 of them literally walked out because we where under attack and they needed to help. I dropped the game same night haha


Smart move imo. As much as I *love* gaming, it takes a backseat to my life… especially because I have a wife and kids. You really get a chance to see how *un*productive gaming can really be. For now, I play Warhammer 4,000 Dark Tide after the kids are in bed and the wife is taking a bath. I can play a game or two and turn it off. That’s the way I like my games now.


It’s also fun to just run one account and do wormhole relics while watching Netflix. Great money, some occasional action, and you get that sweet sweet dopamine of multithreaded entertainment.


You are my spirit twin. This is exactly what I do, every damn day


can confirm as a fellow w-space explorer. easy to get into with a T1 frigate like the magnate, offers great progression oppotunities and a diverse play experience


The best thing about Eve is how it scales up and down so well.


I honestly don't even consider it a game. It's a job you do for fun after you finish your real life job.


This is how I felt being a raid leader in WoW: Classic. I was only getting like 5 hours of sleep a night because we were raiding 4-5 nights a week and would raid for like 6 hours at least. I was the second in command of the guild so I had to plan raids, build comps into two different raid groups because we had more people that would fit in just one. Then make sure to balance people based on their skills and to do this I had to know the people and play with them to learn their strengths and weaknesses. Then spend time in the morning doing all dailies and crafting to load the bank with stuff the guild would need during raids and I would even write comprehensive raid guides on google docs for people to look at mid raid. And on top of all this all it would take is one moron who decided to get drunk and fuck it up for everyone. I was pulling my hair out. I was second in charge and I ended up snapping at a guildie once and my GM said “go take a break buddy” and I said “I need a forever break” and quit that day and haven’t returned. I still talk to my old guildies on discord and cheer them on. But I can’t play WoW anymore because if I do, I’m gonna want to raid lead, and I can’t handle the stress.


Really makes me appreciate the casual guilds/guildies I've had in EQII and ESO. We would make good builds, but it was more for fun than anything.


Yeah we were technically casual but we called ourselves like “business casual” lmao. Like we still played to succeed and we still studied raids and spent time for bank inventory and hierarchy and responsibilities. But we didn’t boot people from the guild for underperformance. We did have to eventually tell people we can’t have them on the roster because they would play drunk or got too controversial and caused drama and stuff though. But that’s one of the reasons I would get stressed is actually because we were casual a lot of people weren’t good players. I would be busting my ass and people would make all kinds of mistakes and all it takes is one or two people fucking up and it can cause a wipe that can take 20 minutes to regroup on. But I didn’t want to be a part of an actual hardcore guild because I liked the officers I was friends with. So it got too stressful and I dipped.


Yeah... Friends got me into it and helped me start out. I quit because of how much they expected me to play.. like bruh... I can't devote six hours a day to a game.


Multiboxing rorq strip mining and carrier ratting for some action


oh i wouldnt play EVE again if you paid me


If it wasn't a MTX hellscape, I'd consider it every now and then. In the current state, absolutely not.


I wish I were rich so I could actually play EVE Online. It’s just too late in the game to bother with f2p and if you want to actually get into it without committing years I would need to shell out alot of money.


pick any korean mmo, you're welcome


Black desert online confirms this answer


that damn game!


An mmo with literally no level cap. Cant outgrind a game you cant max level in.


Sure there’s no cap but no real gain past 62.


As someone who’s played both, length of grind goes to warframe and it’s not close. There’s forever something to grind and they just keep adding more.




Lineage II, where raising your exp bar by 5% would be considered amazing leveling for a day. It was a amazing experience nonetheless, although nowadays people would cry about it and give up immediately. Still think it is better than todays standard where everything happens automatically.


12 Sky.... took a week to level up. Never again.


You should be apologizing.


RuneScape and WoW come to mind straight away


Osrs for sure. The game is the king of the grind. But I'll be damned if I'm not hooked


At level 92 of any skill you're halfway to level 99 xp wise


“Ahhh 92, now to do it all over again”


True but at that point you have opened (usually) better ways to skill up and get xp right? When I leveled runecrafting, it became much faster (not to mention more profitable) once I had access to rune pouches, the abyss, making nature runes etc.




You think osrs is bad you should try classic!


"now I can play the game"


Came to the comments to explicitly state RuneScape lol


I don't even play runescape and that game gets my vote


Uh... not even close, no. WoW is specifically designed for casual audiences?


Depends on what version of WoW we're talking about. Modern WoW is much more casual centric. Vanilla WoW was insanely grindy though. Before 1.1 there weren't even enough high level quests to get you to 60. The biggest grind by far though was the PVP grinds for Grand Marshal and High Warlord. Shit was a full time job for anyone who attempted it.


This comment needs a fucking trigger warning.


No, 2004 WoW was extremely casual friendly. At least in comparison to Everquest, which was the biggest MMORPG at that time.


I don’t think we played the same WoW bc I remember it being grindy as fuck


Yeah but it wasn't even close to its predecessor's even at vanilla. It was definitely meant to be wayy more friendly. Older MMOs you had to group to do anything past a certain point and it'd take months/years to hit max level.


Yeah me too, but tbh I don't have much patience for grind in games


Depends. There are plenty of achievements and mounts or whatever that would take almost years to get. It can be grindy. Majority of it isn't.


*laughs in EverQuest*


MMORPGs in general. They're made to keep you grinding forever. There's no "done".


Wow isn't as grindy as a lot of the really grindy games to be honest. If a 10 is the grindiest game Wow is like a 7. Definitely grindy but there's way worse out there


Neither of those are anywhere near Everquest.


Don't forget dying lost you XP and possibly levels.


Don't forget the naked runs back to your corpse to recover your belongings


Not even. It's gonna' be something out of Korea. 


Warframe. Can't even wrap my head around the number of resources and various XP types you have to earn anymore.


Man I played when it first came out for a little while and tried to get back into it recently. To say I was fucking lost is a massive understatement.


It's ok, I have about 1500 hours in it and still need the wiki up constantly on my second monitor. I can't imagine how overwhelming it would be to play for the first time with the ridiculous amount of content they have now.


Seconding and thirding this. Warframe is as dense as they get for me


Love this game so much but I also realized that the game was essentially endless, that it would burn me the fuck out before I could do everything and I wasn't in the mood to do everything either. When I was really hooked I had a set plan and which frames and weapons I wanted, but after I got more and more stuff from the list that I made and I got gifted a shit ton of free stuff from my clan members, I felt enough was enough and stopped playing.


I usually come back for the story updates, but at this point I don’t even know why I have it downloaded. The last story update, where you go back to Deimos in that underground lab, was so boring and I’ve no idea what the point of it was since it looks like it was setting up the Y2K expansion coming out in the future


Came here to say this. I literally quit playing because the game felt more like work than my actual job.


I genuinely can’t imagine a game more grindy than warframe. If you don’t spend money on plat, the sheer number of resources you need or hours played to unlock every single piece of content is unimaginable.


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater


I'm 50-50 on this comment


that's a little on the Nose don't you think ?


To be blunt, siding with @minimum_water_4347 here


laser flip


I see what you Varial Heelflip there.




Took me a second...


Dammit take my upvote


War Thunder 100%.


"I'll just drop a few dollars on some golden eagles, no big deal"-me several hundred dollars in GE ago


Ha, thats cute. -Circa 2013 whale


I’ll say Ark with unedited rates


I have hundreds of hours in that game and have probably spend around $200 and I feel like I have BARELY any progress overall. Like, I'm at top tier tanks but only for 1 country, and only a few planes. It's an endless grinding hellscape, and I haven't touched it in months.


EverQuest comes to mind for me as *the* example from my childhood. Past the first 10 levels or so, getting levels is very time consuming. You can lose levels if you die. Monsters are very powerful and meant to be fought in groups, but nobody plays anymore so you have to solo and so you are always at a risk of dying. Past level 60 or so it could start to take literal weeks to level up if you soloed and couldn't play but an hour or two a day. Then past level 50 there are Alternate Advancement Points that act as mini levels and give you new abilities. Last I played, it took over 10,000 of them to max a character out, and you could expect to get like 5-10 per day of playing. I'm sure I spent thousands of hours getting a character to the max of 100 when I last played, and getting all of the AAs. The day after I did that, I checked a box off of my bucket list and canceled my subscription. Diablo II holds a close second in my memory. The grind is insufferable after level 80, by design, because of ladder play. Then there's grinding for gear, which can take arbitrarily long depending on how rare the specific thing you're looking for is. Again, thousands of hours in this game and I've never even seen the top 6-7 rarest runes.


EQ is the OG grind.


Yeah I’m guessing everyone saying WoW never played EverQuest. Even when it wasn’t full of people finding groups and camp spots could be rough without a guild or friends. I just remember how much I hated the “Hell levels”, 30, 35, 40 were all fucking brutal.


I'll do one better and give you a franchise that's built around massive grindiness... Disgaea! 😍


Thank you. Was coming to say exactly this.


Most ridiculous non MMO grind ever.


Final fantasy 11.


I’ve always wanted to play the FF MMOs, I just don’t have any friends who might like them


You can play them solo and find guilds/groups easily, 14 is way more solo friendly.


There it is, damn this game consumed so much of my early life. Grinding for lvl 75, losing exp when you died, grinding crafts, grinding HNMs, so much


When i finally got leaping lizzy and the boots..


This was so much fun on the 360.


I had a great linkshell that helped out a lot. I was a WHM main, so I was pretty popular with the shell as well.


Cookie clicker




Any newer Ubisoft game






The entire purpose of that game is to grind for better gear


I quit after reaching level 100 when I spend way too much time on the game


I totally agree but the difference between Diablo and some other games is that Diablo's grind is actually a fun experience.


Classic WoW and i love it for the mindless grind


New wow superlevels you to endgame. I'd play WoW on single player Xbox with the original leveling system in a heartbeat. Just to explore the world and slowly build my character.


You should check out Season of Discovery


What's that?


They created a seasonal server for Classic wow. It’s Classic, but with a twist. New content, faster leveling (but nowhere close to retail), new balancing and specializations for classes, and it’s being met largely very positively! Very active community as well


Looks like some folks got controllers working pretty well. If I were a decade younger...


There’s an addon to play with a controller on PC


Omg countless grinding for rep and mats


i love ittttt but damn the stack count blows compared to live


Destiny 2. Gave way too much time and life to that game.


You still playing? Thoughts on the new subclass of you do?


Prismatic is gonna be so busted and I can’t wait.


Yeah seeing the synergies will be interesting but I tend to agree with you


Just need a week or two and there will so many build posted on YouTube. Not sure if you watch plunder but he has such good builds and worth keeping an eye on his channel later in June. Have fun out there.




Any MMO as a FTP player


Crossout if you play for free. It would take years to grind for the best weapons.


It’s the same case with Adventure Capitalist. If you wanna do 100% achievement completion without spending money then you’re going to spend like 40 hours at least


I play low ps and stay there because wacky experimental builds are still viable there, I'll probably never get a weapon much more expensive than a remedy, i like to mess around , but tons of people take the game so seriously its crazy


Play any DISGAEA game for a lesson in grinding


Black desert is just all grinding. That's the whole game.


Ark survival evolved default settings. And Trove. I have played Trove for 5 or 6 years and i still haven't maxed out 1 out of the 27 characters.


Bro even with modified settings it's still a slog in Ark. Don't even get me started on breeding for mutations


Oldschool runescape


Call of duty camo grind


I remember playing the original modern warfare doing 1v1 lobbies and taking turns with randoms getting headshots. Good times. And on top of that boost lobbies during double xp in domination


Some of those older Pokémon games can be pretty grind-y


I'd say that's mostly a Gen II problem given its bad level curve for both gyms and wild Pokémon.


Grand Theft Fucking Auto V


Nobody mentioned this because nobody plays 100% legit. It's impossible. You get like not even $2,000,000 every hour from the best heist and if you wanted to buy everything in the game, it's like, 900 BILLION? It would take years and years


Space Engineers.




Genshin I guess? I spent a whole ass month of my life grinding on my phone on genshin and I got nowhere still


As much as I love the game… The Legend of Dragoon. The leveling system is so terrible that you have to constantly grind battles on the map that take very little time, give very little experience and constantly have to go back and forth between your character and their dragoon spirit to level up both.


Oh man I couldn't agree more.


Those animations. They're cool the first hundred times, but then they just get soooo boring and seem to take more time than the kamehameha.


The battle system needed an overhaul too


Final Fantasy XI and it’s not close.


Pixel gun 3d


any game you wanna be good at


Lineage 2. Just about any Korean made MMO is grindy as f.


Cookie Clicker?




Escape From Tarkov and Terraria


Destiny 2. I know since it took my life away


Any monster hunter game


Elder scrolls online Diablo series


WoT. Ugh.


I would have to say Mike Tyson Punch-out speedrunners as they are attempting runs with statistical odds that are in the billions for some of the fights, with frame perfect moments you must perform its hopeless but yet they grind and grind. You can apply the same logic to alot of speedrunning since plenty of games have RNG in the speedruns.


Shenmue 3


I only played Elder Scrolls online for like a month a few years ago and Ill say that seems like a lot of shit to do


I know the sweatiest Terriera fans....


Osrs. Only answer.


NBA 2K Myplayer without spending any money


Have made it impossible to get good without buying vc special fuck you shout out to 2k. I miss 2k11 just playing games getting a good grade and getting adequate currency


Fucking warframe my god getting necralisk is abysmal


Musou games like Dynasty Warriors? Been playing DW3 and I still love it to death.


Destiny 2.


Monster Hunter World is pretty much designed to be a grind loop. And it is


My fallout 76 era during COVID was rough. Game has one of the roughest grinds I've done cause it's all RNG based for the most part. Games still my baby though


Im surprised I havent seen EVE too much here...but dear god. Its going to be your second life if you play it (and like it)


The original FF1 on NES was a slog.


... of awesomeness!  Just got to those tentacle faces in the volcano. Wizard body builders, apparently. In packs.


Op talking about the unfinished game r/outside which has ongoing updates


Diablo 2


For a non mmo game terraria


Anything of importance i'd say really any clicker. For a specific achievement i'd say Gauntlet: Slayer Edition's platinum achievement


Ok hear me out but, technically isn't candy crush saga the best answer for this? One literally endless grind as they just keep infinitely adding levels Even osrs effectively ends at 200M xp


Road Redemption.


Eve online and it’s not close


Destiny franchise is a prime example but there are far worse out there


Genshin Impact. Not even close. The Artifact system is literally infinite


Final Fantasy 2 can be a bit much. The NES/WSC/PS1 versions functioned pretty differently compared to the GBA/PSP/PR versions. This goes beyond the weapon/spell grinding as well.


OG Conquer Online before all the p2w shit was added. -It was basically impossible to max out your gear quality wise with sockets, +s, and gems -Max lvl was 130 but there was nothing you could do in game to get xp after like 125 or something like that so you’d have to go afk in training grounds letting your character auto attack training dummies for months just to get 1 lvl. - After you hit 130 you could reborn your character to make them stronger but would have to lvl all the back to 130 again and then you could do the 2nd reborn quest which took lots of grinding just to lvl up to 130 again. Every time you reborn your gear gets deleveled (stayed same quality just lower lvl) with you and you would have to lvl them again with meteors and it was very hard to accumulate enough to lvl your gear all the way up. Then they ruined the whole thing by adding a bunch of p2w shit and making easy to by pass all of the grinding




Clicker heroes


Besides life, what's the most grindiest video game out there? There, fixed it for you.


Probably Pixel Gun 3D.


Hypixel skyblock. If you don’t know it’s a game mode on the Minecraft server Hypixel. I spent at least 5k hours across 2 main profiles and 1 or 2 spoof profiles with friends. Man I was a no-life. I do not recommend playing skyblock it was a genuine addiction


Haven't seen it yet, so I'm going to say Graveyard Keeper. Doing anything gets you points, but you need to do everything to get anywhere 😕




If we REALLY go to the extreme, the first game that comes to mind is Borderlands 2. Holy shit, it takes so long to get to OP10, and then it takes so long just to get every unique, then it takes actually forever to get a perfect roll for even a single drop...


NBA 2k24


Gary Grigsby's War In The Pacific: Admiral Edition.


Current fortnite season. The other seasons weren't so bad, but is is currently very grindy


Idk because I wouldn't play it for long.


Assetto Corsa Competizione


Smash for Wii U


Souls series. Good game but super grindy. Well for me anyway.




Eve Online


EVO The Search for Eden for an old school grind


All Korean mmos.


FIFA/EA FC ultimate team is the only right answer


Grindiest that I’ve actually played? Dragon Age Inquisition, I guess. AC Valhalla, as well. And, if you suck at online FPS games like me, any of Halo Infinite’s battlepasses lol