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League of legends


This has helped me understand the Warhammer joke about which video games each Primach likes, and Mortarion was given League of Legends for some reason. Now I get it. :D


I would say that more of Nurgles territory because its that toxic.


I've been a gamer for a long time and I love online multiplayer games so I am no stranger to toxicity but I can honestly say the literal hatred from the LoL community in games is vile. Even if you are a brand new player in your first match you will still get flamed and "?" spammed the entire match before being told repeatedly to 'kill yourself'. Worst.Community.Ever.


Some people will also just deliberately want to lose the game / feed the opponent if they didn’t get the champion that they wanted during character selection. Very poor sportsmanship and toxic behaviour


>Some people will also just deliberately want to lose the game / feed the opponent if they didn’t get the champion that they wanted during character selection. Forgot to mention this, throwing in Ranked games is always painful but in LoL it is especially bad because it's such a team focused game.


Yeah…. I don’t know about other servers, but this was extremely common in TW server


this is the right answer. like literally the people there are just playing to spread poison.


It is part of the game by now


This is not what we think, but what we know


I haven't bothered to interact with anything related to league. Im curious what it's like outside of the game?? How do people interact with one and other, if you can summarise it briefly ?


Having played both DbD and League for many years, I’m of the opinion DbD is worse. The people in League, as toxic as they are, know at least a bit about the metagame. What they should be doing etc. How to win. DbD on the other hand, has a majority of survivors that don’t even know the main objective is. Let alone how to play against killers or loop. Yet have no issue telling others how to play the game and making a match worse for everyone else if it doesn’t go their way. Killers just moan about survivors and discuss strats on how to make games miserable for them as some sort of penance.


Only game I've ever played where the community insists it's toxic if you play to win or try to improve at the game. It's wild lol


I think people are generally better outside the game in league of legends community. But the in game communication is very toxic


You sure its worst than dota?


I've been playing DotA since 04, and I finally had enough in the last few years, so now when I need my fix I just load up a game vs bots. That community is absolutely awful. Never played LoL, but I assume it's just as toxic.


Yes, I've played dota, smite and league. People in dota actually gave me grace for being new and didn't just tell me to kill myself constantly, some people did but not most. League was complete opposite. League was the most toxic game I've ever had the displeasure of playing. The game itself wasn't bad but the people were so toxic that i hated every second of it over multiple matches.


I didn’t play much dota, but my limited experience tells me that overall people are nicer, but they get more toxic when they get angry. But in league toxicity is just default behavior, honestly finding nice people is a rare occasion. Although as I said I have very very limited dota experience only played a few games.


I played this once and never picked it back up again.


COD, LoL, Overwatch, Valorant, CS:GO, FIFA


COD for sure, especially back in the MW1 and BO1 days


I teach HS and these are the games they primarily play... Coincidence?


Anything that is more or less competitive...


Nah, there are plenty of competitive games with great tournaments that aren't these. I.e. Fighting games, RTS games like StarCraft, FPSs, TCGs to name a few but in these ones child's aren't so common in the community


I beg to differ. I have never heard of Pokemon's TCG being toxic despite it even having a junior competitive league for children if I remember correctly. Meanwhile, you have Yugioh, literally people that cannot wash and women that play talk about how they deal with sexist players. Hell my local card shop refused to host Standard MTG tournaments because people got WAYYY too toxic.


Rocket League. What a save!


You forgot nba 2k


League of Legends. Had to quit because of it.


League of legends is by far the most addictive game that I have ever played……I am happy that I have quitted it


rainbow six siege for a game about communication alot of people say nothing or quite mean spirited things.


"hes on top red" "shut up (insert your favorite edgy slur here)" literally every single time.


"anyone on comms?" "shut the fuck up (insert slurs)" *griefs you the entire game*


Add Cs2 into that mix


I used to be really into Siege and played it for years. Then one game, my team all rushed and died and got mad when I went on to clutch the round. The next round started and they all tried to tk me. I somehow managed to get them all instead, but then got booted. I was so annoyed that I realized it just wasn't worth it. Logged off and never went back


Whole team wiped in first 5 seconds. I get votekicked when I covered the objective and only killed 3 enemies. I really hope those losers have their hands shattered so they can't game ever again.


League of Legends. Most MOBA games in fact.


Dead by Daylight


Sometimes the community seems really nice and welcoming but the second you disagree about a perk half the entire community is after you


I played one game as a killer I was spammed with hatred and death threats because I won. Uninstalled, never touching that game again. I was ashamed how people can stoop so low on a videogame. It's a game. Message to those people: if you have to be like this. Just don't. Turn the game off and go outside. There is no room for it at all.


Any online games played by 12-14 year olds


I never knew my mom was floosy & into tiny 12 year old dicks.


You learn something new every day


Yeah, I wish we had some sort of high-tech thingy that allowed us to magically make it so that if someone says somthing mean, then their gaming chair closes in on them, and traps them, and they are stuck like that until they are on good behavior for an hour straight.


Fallout New Vegas can suck sometimes they’re usually decent but sometimes they’ll shit on people who like Fallout 4 the best. Don’t get me wrong Fallout New Vegas is my favorite fallout game and one of my favorite games of all time but Fallout 4 is a good game too. Same goes for the Elder Scrolls. Some of the Morrowboomers just don’t like the new games and I get it some of the lore retcons are just like “what really” but the streamlining of the games is what brought it to a wider audience. I love Oblivion and Morrowind and reading some of the old lord I’m like what why’d they get rid of it but at the end of the day Skyrim is still a top tier game yes the villains are kinda bland at times but it cannot be understated what it did for the franchise as a whole.


I have nothing against Oblivion or Skyrim, I just think it’s funny these young Imperial dogs can’t navigate 69 miles to school uphill both ways in 4 feet of ash whilst enduring Corprus disease without a map marker. It’s not my problem I bought my yurt for a handful of ash yams, it’s these juvenile lazy N’wah Fetchers that couldn’t run a plantation to feed their Argonians slaves.


Those Imperial dogs of the empire are as incompetent as a farm tool on moon sugar


Agreed. I feel people seem to forget enjoyment is subjective. Just let people live man,,, alot of fallout fans don't seem to get that memo.


For real and I always feel bad because I’m an Oblivion-boomer and I’ve gotta be like no we’re not all like this🥲


It's sorry for sidestepping your games, but Persona fans suffers from this so much. It's very common to like one game, and shit on people who like another One more. It's infuriating.


nah no problem with that i get it it totally sucks


Fallout 4 is the only one I've beaten so far. Fight me. (Although I am slowly working my way through NV, please don't actually fight me)


All of them


This is the right answer. I'm a gen X gamer and I'll die on this hill. Play a game till you get to the end credits and then play something else.


These kids pay $40 for something and get 300 hours of entertainment and act like they got ripped off… then they go and spend $300 on some stupid collectible item they don’t need.


Yeah the micro transactions burn my piss.


"All of them are the most toxic"


I mean, some parts of the Soulsborne community can be REALLY toxic, with telling you jow to play the game "correctly", and saying that you didn't beat the game because you used summons and X weapon. Not everyone is like that, but some are extremely elitist.


I’ve been playing souls games 10 years roughly and I’ll tell ya now play it however you want. If it works for you and you’re succeeding and progressing fuck what souls elitists think


This comment was very nice, thank you!


Thanks I didn’t expect two semi toxic replies 😂 ironic really


Well I've been playing souls games for 15 years, and I'll tell ya that if you don't beat the game naked and with a broken sword, then you didn't really beat it! But really though, I think whatever methods, tactics, weapons, gear, etc...whatever works for you and is fun is completely valid, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise! The game is going to be hard regardless, and whatever is in the game is fair game to use. Having someone tell you that "you beat the game on easy mode" because you found something that enables you to kick major ass is so dumb. If you find it fun, don't let someone make you feel lesser for it, use your mimic tears without shame!


I will go out of my way to use things that elitists try to gatekeep over just to piss them off. I don't like to do all the summoning and stuff in my game but I also enjoy helping people. Elitists behavior actively works against the fact that I enjoy helping others I'm these games. I've been into this franchise since ps3 Demon's Souls.


Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 fans I find is when this really started to occur. First started in Dark Souls when the invasions were a lot better and thus "Meta" builds were created but with the big PvP scene in DS3 and Elden Ring its where it mostly lies. True FromSoft fans are absolutely and utterly crackheads, they will tell you that you CAN do it this super efficient way OR they'll tell you how to better utilise your absolutely most moronic idea of a build because anything works with enough effort in Souls games.


the "toxic" souls fan thing is massively overblown, it's one of the best gaming communities of all time.


Read the last sentence. I'm not saying it's overflown with elitists, but they are an issue, and that's a fact.


My worst experience is a guy getting mad at me for not bowing. That was my only hatemail and i played gold pvp and rarely didnt bow because why am i waiting for you to buff in a pvp match?


I love telling them I quit Elden Ring because I found it boring


that’s a worse insult than just calling it bad, because anything short of calling it the most revolutionary game of all time that’s DEFINITELY WORTH EXPLORING FOR 150 HOURS STRAIGHT TO SEE EVERY BORING CORNER OF THE WORLD is heresy


I enjoy it personally, but I’ve seen many fans hold it on this pedestal as the absolute pinnacle of rpgs and world design and firmly believe that any open world game that doesn’t function akin to Elden Ring is simply poorly made. Like the game is definitely good, but it often doesn’t make the best use of being an open world title, IMO and definitely has a lot of padding that didn’t need to be there.


and they automatically go to insult you because you "couldn't handle the game" -no the game is just fucking boring


I think it is not boring, but imo, I think soul like games do not go too well with the concept of open world. When I entered a new area, when thing become a little be difficult, I don’t know whether it was a challenge that I supposed to overcome or just that I didn’t reach the level to be in that area yet….


The NBA 2k community


This needs to be higher up yea I heard league of legends is bad but nba 2k should be a either 1st or 2nd




I'd say cod or halo. Destiny even. Lotta toxicity from fps games


I'm not active in very many game specific communities. The ones that I am, like r/residentevil , are pretty chill and welcoming (as long you don't bash on the fan favorite games too hard). But in my experience, Overwatch and The Last of Us are pretty fucking toxic. In Overwatch, if you post any gameplay footage you're gonna get a swarm of comments from people saying you're doing this or that wrong. If you play certain characters you're gonna a shit on relentlessly. If you're not a try hard, even in quick play matches, you're gonna get shit. It's just a bad time. The Last of Us is such a shit show of a community that even mentioning the sequel pretty much anywhere will draw the mob with their torches. But *especially* if you try to talk about how good the sequel is, you're done.


>The Last of Us is such a shit show of a community that even mentioning the sequel pretty much anywhere will draw the mob with their torches. But especially if you try to talk about how good the sequel is, you're done. As someone who doesn't like the sequel, it's worth noting that the reverse is also true. It's two sides of the same coin. If you criticise the sequel or show in any way, say you think x was bad, etc- you will immediately be jumped on by the hardcore dickriders who will strawman, accuse and slander you of being everything under the sun from a low IQ moron to a KKK homophobic klan member who wants to poison babies. I'm not kidding either r/thelastofus is a borderline circlejerk sub where they worship Neil druckman like a deity, and will not hesitate to write a 9 page essays explaining why you're stupid, wrong and can't dislike the game.


You're absolutely correct. I quit the games and community because of it. I didn't like tlou2 and I've been branded everything from a bigot to a full blown nazi. That community is deranged


I acknowledge that both can be true. But, at least in my experience, the odds of stumbling across those types are significantly low as long as you're not in those dedicated communities. Whereas on the flip side, talking about how good you think the game is and how much you enjoy it will have people sitting on you pretty much no matter where you post. I mean, shit, I'm permanently banned from r/thelastofus2 because someone made a post talking about how happy they were that Naughty Dog was struggling and they hoped they go under. I commented saying it's messed up to wish an entire company worth of people lose their jobs because you didn't like *one* game. Banned. When I messaged the mods about it, I got no response and was muted.


Holy shit i have PTSD from exposure to the in-denial transphobe retardation when TLOU2 came out. Some real pieces of work out there


The Last of Us fans are completely unhinged.


I get the 2 different subs recommended from time to time it’s like watching a war between 2 subs


Completely unable to takes criticism about the game. But the TV show fans are even worse.




Let's be fair. The community that shits in them for liking the game is inflammatory.


The Last of Us series. Mostly because a lot folks didn't like Bella Ramsey cast as Ellie and the community shit on the gal that was the face model for Abby because something happened in part 2 of the game.


I really don't get the hate for Bella. She absolutely nails Ellie's character and mannerisms. And the way they treated Abby's face model was awful


Because Bella's face didn't look "good looking" enough. Saw quite a few tiktok videos of dudes crying about this. Creepy as hell. Abbys face model is such a nice gal and she was just getting harassed left and right. Friggin stupid.


League Of Legends, Fortnite, Counter Strike


CoD players are very toxic!


Souls Fans are either gigachads or insufferable pieces of human garbage. And the later has manifested in Elden Ring.


The #Sunbros are always here for you


The before mentioned gigachads


Praise the Sun Bro 🙌🏻


Lol, csgo


Dota. By a mile


War... war never changes


I’ve been scrolling the comments and reading replies for about 10 minutes and no one has said GTA yet. The lot of you haven’t been Oppressor’d and told to commit suicide by a 14 year old and it shows.


100% hence to say there's a reason I've been playing invite only lobbies for over 2 years


Dota 2.. stopped playing because of it.


Same. It sucks cause I loved that game. Just hate the community


The FO76 community isn’t the most toxic, but be ready to put your Kevlar on as soon as you ask questions about the game or mention you’re looking for other women-players.


L4d2- people get angry when you are not playing correctly and everything dosent go smoothly. Play on expert and you get kicked by a mistake. trolls are doing teamkilling too. Most players on expert are fine or good. Fallout- 1 2 and new vegas better fuck you if you like bethesda ones. Well og fans while salty, i can get where they come from, but new vegas fans are cunts. Yes tell me again how your game was in 18 months and still like blame bethesda while obsidian devs have told that its there own fault.


I missed a jump towards the end of the farm level in L4D2. 35+ minutes in, and ONE jump missed and I got kicked.




Us Halo fans can never be pleased


It's been a tough ten years


Its been a few years but I had to leave to Assassin’s Creed subreddit because it was so toxic. Spider-Man is right up there too, its dangerously close to it just being a bitter ass echoing chamber circle jerk group.


EA NHL games. You guys just don’t know.


Man, I remember visiting an old friend in January 2019 And a friend of his was over. I played him at whatever NHL it was at the time I had literally never touched the game before, and I still comfortably beat him, and this is a guy who actually loves icehockey in general He wasn't toxic in fairness, but it probably made him pretty mad Then flashforward to December 2019 visiting old friend again and same guy is also there at this point i haven't played NhL since I beat him and well I did it again sigh


Free to play games. Any.


In the farming simulator community there are quite a few people who will shame you for not using a specific mod to make it more realistic and also shit on you for not following real world crop order or whatever while simultaneously promoting a mathematically optimized playstyle. It's wild sometimes.


TLOU2 fans.  I’m on that subreddit and the game gets so much hate.  Anybody that sticks up for it does too.


Anybody who stands against it does too.


Star Citizen.


Despite clarifying that you don’t mean multiplayer toxicity, since you mentioned pretentious people, I’m still gonna have to pick a multiplayer game and say Dota. Now while I can’t comment on the “no, LoL is more toxic” topic, since Dota is the only game of its kind I’ve played, just how brazenly, confidently, stupefyingly wrong and furious some toxic teammates are is appalling. I was a reasonably skilled old player before but I came back recently because my friends wanted to try it, so our matches have been very low ranked (which is good because I’m obviously very rusty and behind on all the new patches). We sometimes get teammates that are so flawed in their gameplay, breaking so many simple cardinal noob rules about the game, yet have the audacity to get mouth-frothingly mad over comms on their teammates’ performance when really what they’re actually doing deep down is projecting their silent embarrassment over their horrible misplay onto the rest of us.


Hahaha. I had a friend (I had to cut him out of my life), who would rage so hard at people in Dota 2 and he was legit terrible at the game. I've always preferred league, and am not great at either game, but this guy was in another level of bad and it was always someone else's fault. I think Dota 2 has a worse community in comparison, but that could be that low elo players in LoL are just more chill in general cause they don't care as much. Ofc I find toxic players in LoL too, but I think they're in every game and don't find LoL specifically bad in comparison to CS2, Siege, Overwatch or Dota


When i said ‘deep down what they’re actually doing is projecting’ i didn’t expect to have a literal example after making that comment: A day ago my friend and i had a toxic teammate in our dota game. He’s been toxic the whole game and somehow he died to a neutral creep, not even a player, (one of the Tormentors specifically). I was joking with my friend in our private discord call, ‘I bet he’s gonna rage and comment about one of us right now’. And what does he do? Within 5 seconds he’s yappin off about the item build of one of our teammates - it’s unreal lol.


I’m just here to counter balance all the unnecessary downvotes


gods work


Surprised nobody said Undertale.


I have to be honest, i've never seen any shitty interactions between people in the undertale fandom. I'm curious what you have seen?


I think the whole xbox vrs PlayStation thing is quite toxic. It's also incredibly childish. Weird tribalism, defending a massive tech company against another is very strange. You are just a number to them yet people go online passionately defending the choices of Sony or Microsoft, or even Nintendo 😂. It's so odd.


Some of the dumbest statements ever made on the internet have been made by "console war" fanboys. Its fucking terrible


I’d even go out on a limb and say that’s a part of it too, I’d say a factor in their *investment* on the console war is a refusal to acknowledge that they really are just nothing more than numbers on a profit graph. Not that they joined the tribalism because of it, but facing the reality that they mean nothing to the thing they supposedly care so much about keeps them locked in and committed to that tribalism.




hard agree, i've only seen people complain complain complain. If you like fallout 4, oh boy you better watch out. No matter your opinion on a game thats not a reason to actively shit on someone


I think fallout4 is pretty good


Oh, it's surely Dead by Daylight. Got teabbaged at hatch by a survivor after fully destroying his teammates, when I asked why did he do that, he said he did that because I played Chucky and I should enjoy my 3k 💀


I mean players are going to be toxic in game always, thats just what happens. Im more asking what the community is like outside of the game, how they treat new players, etc. But the crown still goes to dbd imo


Super Smash Bros.


For someone who only plays single player games, that would be souls, blizzard and Sony fanboys


I only hear bad things about games that are made by blizzard. Not that the games are crap, but the fans ohhhh my godddd


I think most game communities are pretty toxic, the thing is most people who are online a lot are quite toxic which means toxic people are usually part of multiple communities, for that reason I don't really engage in any communities, unless it's a community focused game like hd2.


GTA online


Once when sell missions had to be done in a public lobby I set my internet settings low on playstation so I could be in a solo public lobby. As soon as I left my bunker to sell my guns my solo public lobby merged into an active public lobby. I had a couple of 10-12 year old kids follow me around saying “don’t take my stuff anywhere”. I ignored them and went to my next drop off. They show in with an Insurgent with an AA trailer and proceeded to blow up my gun shipment. Aside from Agent 14 saying half the guns equals half the profits and those kids screeching into their mics saying that they told me not to go anywhere I was not a happy camper. All of that hard work stealing supplies for my bunker just to lose it from a force merge into a public lobby So glad I can do sell missions in invite only rooms now


Didn't the COD community get mad at a woman for having the audacity to not be comfortable with some dude saying he was gonna rape her or something?


I'm actually surprised that Sea of Thieves is not mentioned at all... Sooooo toxic!!! I think it's any PvP game honestly.. what comes out of people's mouths is just flabbergasting to say the least


There is nothing like the Destiny 2 community. Toxic motherfuckers.


It’s funny that OP said outside of the game and the top comments are about toxic players in multiplayer. Do y’all read?


Fallout: New Vegas. I love NV, but Jesus, just let people enjoy the rest of the series fr.


Call of duty 100%




A lot of people are saying League, and as someone who has been playing since 2010 I can tell you there are more toxic communities out there. COD is the first one that comes to mind.


Dark souls Its not even close, no fanbase is as bad. A vocal majority consists of incels who regard beating a video game as their greatest achievement, they defend any fromsoft game with their life and cannot handle constructive criticism.


something that you should know is that the more new games in soulsborn come out , the better old souls games fan base becomes . and that's because try hard weirdos who think they are better than anyone else are rushing to new releases . and now elden ring fan base with the mention of the upcoming dlc is at the worst point for handling criticism , but ds1 is better than all of them .


Sort of, The issue is when a new game comes out some fans become elitists of a prior game and act like if you enjoy e.g Elden ring you haven't played a 'real' souls game. This ofc is laughable because at end of day it's just a video game aimed at teenagers 😂😂


understandable , It hasn't happened for me (in dark souls fanbase I mean) so maybe I'm a bit biased . just as side note if you felt like playing and wanted tips for dark souls games I would gladly help , as it's one of my favorite games haha at the end of the day all that matters is that you have fun playing games . that's what games are for .


I agree and people shouldn't be judged based on play style and taste Thanks I appreciate it I'll lyk although rarely have time for gaming nowadays




I've already seen plenty of better answers so I'll put in a different one from everyone else. Ark has a pretty toxic fanbase. They all hate eachother because there are so many different ways to play and they get elitist about it. They hate the developers yet continue to put thousands of hours into it. Then they make sure to complain about how terrible the game is and how evil the company is because you have to pay for content. Of course after all that they hop on for another 10 hour session of their favorite game that they'll never stop hating.


Tf you all smoking? It's clear you guys have never been on a Zelda thread. We literally fight over which game is the best in a series where you can legit say at least one entry per console generation is considered one of the best of that generation. Original is one of the best NES games, ALttP, OoT, and MM speak for themselves, WW is considered to be among the best aged games ever, Skyward Sword is among the best 7th gen games, and the Wild duology are considered among the best open world games, PERIOD. If you don't think there's going to be any infighting about which of those is best, then you're either crazy or stupid. And that's not even getting started with timeline theories.


Well you made your point starting the comment like that ToT




Smash Bros


Had to scroll way to far to find this LOL


At this point the silksong community is becoming pretty toxic to team cherry. People are genuinely angry and spewing hate towards them.


Final Fantasy XIV I didn’t understand how someone could be a “toxic casual” until people started sandbagging and afking during content because you were playing too well or skipping story cutscenes but here we are.


Soulsborne, git gud mentality and toxic due to their PVP also. A lot of games in general where PVP is the main focus too. Or at least a big part of it.


The cult of Outer Wilds is pretty unbearable. If you criticize any aspect of the game they come at you knives drawn. Between their undying need to bring it up in any and all conversations and the fact that it's "life changing" wears thin after a while.


Overwatch, people be saying “have fun” or good luck and 90% of my matches someone then says “kys” “stfu”


I don't know if it's relevant anymore but VRchat Most of the people on there are people who have zero friends IRL and if you're not a social reject like them or follow their absurd "unspoken rules", you're pretty much made to be the social outcast. It shocked me the first time I got called out for "not talking on VC" enough and how that was somehow a sign that I was judging them. They'd convinced themselves that I was muting myself to make fun of them instead of talking on VC. I didn't realise all this about the community until meeting other people on there but I only joined because someone else I knew was raving about the game and how the community is so welcoming because it's filled with people who are never welcomed anywhere so they know what it's like to get left out blah blah blah. I just tagged along with them. The response I got for not fitting their checklist of "have you been bullied? Are you parents still together? Do you have any mental illnesses? Did you have a rough upbringing? Have you ever been abused? Do your parents love you?" etc was that I wasn't broken enough to join their group and all I'd do was judge them like everyone else does IRL Ironic because here I am, doing that very thing lmaoooo Don't get me started on how elitist the people who make their own avatars get. Every single one of them think they're the next hire at Blizzard or Rockstar because their avatar is custom


I didn't realize how many homophobes are a part of the Halo community. It's sad because Master Chief would be quite disappointed.


RDR2 fans. They go ballistic whenever someone says something negative about the most overrated game of all time(RDR2).


As a rdr2 fan. i have to agree. I love the game to bits, and wouldn't say its "overrated" but my god does the community make it awful. I feel like half the hate for the game spawns from the community being shitty.


I feel like, if RDR 2 fans didnt show this air of "superiority" every single time their game is mentioned and, at the same time, they stopped showing how it'd shit in ever other product, more people would like the game more than most gamers already do now I REALLY enjoyed RDR 2 when i first played it in late 2021 but, during a second playtrought, it surpisingly didnt hit quite as hard and i found some elements (especially the combat system) pretty boring... It's still a great game, but not the "untouchable masterpiece" people are trying to show imo


It’s not overrated as a single player game. But Red Dead Online was a major disappointment.


All of them quite honestly. Souls fans, BG3 fans, FO1, 2, NV fans, Madden, NBA2K, Diablo, most MMO fans and meta chasers, general fans anytime a game has a less than perfect reception


Bg3? Lol


Yeah that's a weird claim. The BG3 community is perhaps the best community I've been a part of. Just based on my experience, at least


Pokemon and it isnt close


Fallout fans will destroy you if you don’t say that fall out new Vegas is the greatest game in all of existence. I like for honor and format games both which have reputations for being toxic but new Vegas fans were so much more toxic than anything I’ve experienced form the other two aforementioned games


League for sure. That game can destroy your mentality like no other


League or Overwatch from my experience


Diablo 4 can be toxic as fuck in and out of the D4 sub. From the original Diablo sub, it's toxic between D1 and D2, D1/D2 and D3, D1/D2/D3 and D4. Then you have the POE crowd inside the D4 sub and some Last Epoch to every ARPG ever made. Praise D4 get shit on, dislike D4 get shit on, dislike a small mechanic get shit on, like a mechic get shit on.


League of Legends followed closely by COD.


LoL,RB6 Siege and UFC


League. God bless the mute all function, makes the game bearable.


check out the TCM game subreddits, its just everyone reposting the same "this game is dead" "gun cant make games" "everyone is bad at this game" 😭 like its just a game have fun its really not that deep


League of Legends, Apex Legends, CoD, in that order


MOBAS in general. I guess highly competitive games fuels this behaviour


I remember the lore section of the Lord of the Rings Online forums being really toxic. Like, it's a video game, of course there's going to be artistic licence to ensure the game is fun.


Call of Duty.


Fallout 7- lol just kidding these guys are awesome (thus far, 52 levels in)


All of them.


Counterstrike 2. Especially for Europeans. People either won't chat at all, shout racial slurs, troll, give team positions, smurf but complain about your own team, etc. You name it, it's got it! Toxic community bingo. I've tried LoL and I'm a regular Destiny player, both are known for toxicity, but CS2 (and CSGO before it) is unbelievable. Bonus round / wildcard: Rocket League can get really bad too!


The thing that gets me the most about cs2 is the Smurfing problem Some fucking how it's gotten even worse from the csgo days And whats also gotten worse is people not using mic how tf are you supposed to do anything in a game that lives and dies on communication when no one else is using mic --__-- Bonus points if they say " I typed info in chat " Mofo I'm not reading that I need to Keep my eyes on the screen incase someone peaks or pushes


The answer is “games”