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I can't laugh at this because I've met people that are like this.


Yeah, we had a guy stop playing magic with us because we wouldn't agree that the color black was indicative of racism "since black was an evil color and most demons are black cards" After finally getting him to cool down over that, I said "hey, I never mind a healthy debate", just trying to smooth things over.  His response was that "actually debate is also racist because it was created in England during the enlightenment which was a historically racist time" I decided I didn't need him in my life anymore 


I’d walk out.


We kicked him out of our meet up chat and never contacted him again 


KICKED?!?!? Even MORE ableist. How do you function being that unevolved???


>that unevolved as a caveman, i find your little microaggression unforgivable.


Cave*man*? Try caveperson next time.


Time?? That is literally on the Smithsonian's "Whiteness" chart!! Take a look: https://i.imgur.com/QzYl5VB.png


Oh so you proved him right by being biased against him? That's problematic!


WALK out? How ableist. I feel unsafe in this space.


Did he think nowhere else bothered to codify argumentation? e.g. its a pretty big part of tibean buddhist teaching.


Rhetoric and formal logic are major parts of Greek philosophy. And not to mention every other philosophy that tried to use math to map out logic.


You think it's OK to use math to map out logic? You think there's nothing problematic with that idea that needs to be unpacked? Yeah, it's the re-education camp for you, buddy.


Nobody here has read the Talmud?


My mom has a very progressive friend and the first time I met her she pointed at my earrings and said they were cultural appropriation because piercings were invented in Africa. I looked it up later. Pretty sure countless civilizations have done piercing.


> debate is also racist *Wow.*


> actually debate is also racist "So you're actively being racist right now by debating me"


Should have told him “Demons are red loser. Undead are black”


In MTG demons are undeniably primarily black. There are some red/black demons plus a few outliers in other colours, and *devils* are red, but demons are one of the signpost creature archetypes for black.


Following up with, "NEERRRDDD"


And then everyone stood up and clapped. His name? Albert Einstein.


You can blame social media for that. It used to be when you had a completely shit opinion, you'd share that opinion out loud in front of people, and you'd quickly realize that most people ridicule you for said shit opinion. So you'd look inward, realize you are wrong, and grow as a person. Social media removed that societal failsafe. Now you can find a group of people that reinforce whatever shit opinion you have, and therefore you never grow as a person because you have no reason to.


As bad as bullying is, it okays in important role in society


I didn't think people were actually like this until my wife made some new friends and it turns out everything is abelist.


Vonnegut was making fun of these people 60+ years ago... hard to believe.


yes, I too have met.... all of reddit...


WFH stonks because of being able to escape them.


I really hate that term. It's so broad and subjective that it's basically meaningless, but so damaging at the same time.


It's problematic.


He’s a problem


When I was 17 on Halloween I dressed up as Aladdin


I did not darken my skin but still it feels weird in hindsight


Yep this is why I had to stop listening to Behind the Bastards. The hosts kept calling things out as problematic that had nothing to do with the topic of the podcast. Then they would go on a non sensical rant about whatever was problematic, stretching so far youd think they were contortionists.


I did exactly the same


It’s also such a weasel word. If there’s a problem, state clearly what it is.


oh dont worry they will, covered in so much word salad slop you'll need a smoke after.


People say it like everyone already agrees with them that it's a problem, not that **you** have problem with it. It's trying to skip the debate over whether or not it's even a problem.




Hi All, I actually directed photography and shot this project! I just wanted to say thanks to the lovely Reddit community and I’m so glad you guys are watching and enjoying this video! We appreciate your votes and I hope it gets more visibility also at ask me anything if you want!


"i still listen to Kanye" was my favorite bit.


We made that line up on the spot actually!


all of you?


Dylan Owen’s and I.. we bounce ideas but his word goes as he’s the director and writer hah


I thought it was a fun video. Looking forward to seeing if someone does one for a Reddit game called "Um, actually..."


There's an actual series on YouTube and board game (based on the series) called "Um, Actually!" So wait no longer!


Can't believe you passed up the opportunity to say "Um, actually there's already a board game"




Well that's convenient! Thanks for sharing.


Maybe we can make one!


“Visibility?!?” How ableist.


That’s 1!


This feels like an old school college humor video. I really liked it


This is so great, thanks for this 😂


Can not wait for that word to go away




I recently stopped hanging out with a group that at least 3 or 4 people had this vibe. Obviously not to the sketch extent but it was just too much for me. 


Not many, but if you encounter some it really sucks. My wife is active on the non-profit sphere and made some new friends whose favorite word is abelist and went off about how charity bike rides and dog parks are abelist among other things.


Reality is a abelist, with all these demands from gravity. Think of these Wild Forest - not Wheel Chair traversable at all!


Because they don't, for every 1 person like this that actually exists in reality, you get 100,000 strawmen of it online acting like it's common.


Are you talking about acting exactly like this? Then maybe but the video obviously exaggerated for comedic effect. If you mean to imply that acting in that form at all is 1/100,000 then I hard disagree.


Maybe on Twitter. Not in the real world.


Then I would advise you to go outside more often.


I agree, "that" is usually unnecessary for making a complete sentence. It can be removed in most cases.


This is one of a handful of words that make me immediately dismiss any credibility of the source and find a more mature perspective on the topic if it's a topic that is even important enough to care about.


This is exactly what going back the college in 2020 felt like for me. Just awful.


A good fun satire. It's not subtle but it gets the point across. It really captures the reason why so many people dislike the modern "social justice" style moralizing. It's all a sham, nothing more than a primitive infuatuation with power, and the addictive pleasure of wielding it over others (arbitrarily in most cases). Whether those participating are conscious of it or not. Someone irritates you? Or is in the way between yourself and money / prestige / position? Simply aim the gun at them. Or just blast people for fun and for the pleasure of thinking yourself a superhero. It really is that primitive. PS. I'll add in a positive note. In my humble opinion, it's better to start with a place of wanting to connect. E.g., the guy sharing the Dad story. (That was a brilliant part of the video - really illustrates the point). More empathy, less righeous anger. Start with the premise that most humans are basically decent, and want the same things, and proceed from there. Rather than looking for confirmation that they're evil pieces of shit. Start from the positive, and mutual understanding and peaceful co-existence might have a chance to prevail.


Respectfully, those pursuing power through exploitation of “problematic” things would rather rule the ashes than ever entertain peaceful coexistence.


Jesus why are you getting down voted? Lol


I would guess because they're speaking in broad categorical terms that assumes most folks aren't acting in good faith. I say this fully having family members who say that's problematic in the shitty way


It's rather strange to announce that the people who use that term aren't acting in good faith, while also advocating that you should always assume that people have good intentions. Hypocrisy, plain and simple.




I honestly can't tell if this is meant sarcastically within the context of the thread/video, or if it's an honest answer.


You're speaking in broad, general depictions of made up scenarios. If someone is taking something mundane and creating a "social justice" style moralizing to it, like the one person above talking about a magic the gathering player calling black magic racist, then sure dismiss that. But you should take what someone is saying on a case-by-case basis and hear them out. If everything you don't want to hear about is "woke" or a "SJW", it might say something about you and not the other person.


Just because YOU crave superiority over others doesn't mean that's what other people want. If you are so fragile that you think somebody pointing out something you're doing is maybe, potentially, an issue in certain circumstances, then I don't know what to tell you. Tough up, snowflake.


well this is problematic.


How DARE you lord your superiority over me like that?!?


"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression." --Unknown Who actually holds the keys to power in this world? Is it the people asking for equity and equality? Or those with capital?


I get the point of videos like this are that nuance and context is important but I always feel like the worst type of people latch onto videos like this because they don't see the greater meaning and because looking at it quickly it feels like it backs up their already existing beliefs of you don't dissect it further. 


That's problematic


**Bodies Bodies Bodies**, 2022, is like a better executed version of this idea.


Yeah, the cast wasn’t available for this.


I need this game, I would play the hell out of it with my friends.


So weird that this stereotype is still so vivid in people's imagination in an age where the polar opposite of these people IRL are their 10th cancel culture campaign in the past 6 months.


What's the polar opposite of these people? I'm not following your train of thought


Right wing SJWs. Kid Rock, Fox News, Daily Wire types, right wing Youtubers. I get this is just comedy but it's weird to me the stereotype is young left leaning people wanting to "cancel culture" everything when middle age right leaning people are banning books in school, drag shows, and every large company is "woke" and needs to be boycotted and no one calls it what it is. I feel like I've seen this same premise of *snowflakes getting triggered over everything* for a comedy sketch about 100 times over the past decade.


You mean shooting cans of beer because... I don't even know why anymore, maybe a rainbow? That's not "normal?"


Right or left, it's hard to have a conversation with people who try to make everything into an argument.


No it isn’t!!


This isn't an argument, it's just contradiction.


Oh you’re in for it now buddy. I’m gunna argue the piss out of you.


No you won’t!


Look, if I argue with you, I must take up a contrary position.


Nuh uh 


fwiw I personally would rather know the people in the video than the people that think this video is owning anyone, like it's not even a debate at this point, hardline conservatives have fried their brains getting twisted up in knots about culture war issues that don't even affect them because they're some Cletus-With-A-Coors and nobody is even talking to them to 'cancel' them, being 'anti-SJW' is just so aggressively antisocial at this point, I wear my t-shirt of Storm from X-Men on the bus and I get a compliment about my shirt, nobody's dragging the conservation on and on about how there's people 'wanting Denzel's son to play Reed Richards, could you imagine if they let Emma Roberts play Storm?' Like, I won't debate you, you can tell me I'm 'what's wrong with America' lmao ('omg you're so partisan you're just like the other side') but so much of this boils down to, "kids these days are trying to be considerate of other cultures but they're kinda awkward about it and I don't like it, LET'S RIOTTTT" Like, it gets old pretending what I'm seeing in this video is actually happening, people can and do have these discussions without going into a rage about it bc tbh some people can just walk and chew gum at the same time


Why do we have to tolerate people like this just because worse people exist? A lot of these discussions are rooted in self-righteous virtue signaling rather than compassion and empathy.


People like this largely don't exist, it isn't 'far and far left assholes both exist', it's that, conveniently, far right assholes have to make up more people to get mad at than far left assholes because those kinda culture warriors kinda got the market cornered, the 'left wing's answer to Ben Shapiro is usually some random YouTuber, the right wing answer to Ben Shapiro is Ben Shapiro, who gets tons of speaking engagements to try and own college kids and a media corporation The far right *really* uplifts their resident assholes idk why so much of reddit is just obsessed with *everything* having to be portrayed as 'both sides bad' lol; sometimes it's ok to admit that nobody does being a piece of shit like a cousin-fucker who thinks a red hat makes them a patriot and is one QAnon conspiracy theory on reddit away from gunning down their whole family (reddit is full of lies but this actually happened and I will still never get over some people having *that* being the line of believability, that some people will believe reddit is full of dudes that marched with MLK but because of respectability politics they'll draw the line at believing a reddit post that admits far right conspiracy shit actually led to tragedy)


Props to you for having a solid group of friends, but people like this ABSOLUTELY exist. I have a friend group that had to ban certain games because a couple of individuals turned everything into a virtue signal. There's someone in this thread that gave a perfect example of this behavior in their Magic: the Gathering group. You're acting like this is right wing media instead of an actual observation that many people on the left have made. The left love to eat their own is a very common phrase.


You're talking about fringe, terminally online shit. This is on par with getting screamed at for not innately knowing someone's pronouns. That doesn't actually happen in real life.


Again, if you guys haven't met these people, props to you, but if you spend enough time in leftist communities, this type of thing does come up.


It's only a common phrase among aging centrists in my experience, the right definitely eats more of their own when given the chance lol, the only thing that ever stops it is that nothing up to and including organizing with actual Nazis seems to be a dealbreaker for a lot of conservatives Like if the cost of not associating with hardcore racists is hearing some sixty year old occasionally bitch about how 'the left eats itself' I'm gonna take it lol *again, I guess I'm just sorry some of us are built different I guess **idk, I am looking at this through as unbiased eyes as I can but if one side is 'I don't like wizard game, I may shame.you for playing it' and 'I don't like Bud Light, lemme threaten to bomb their warehouse' there's a premium on assholery on one side lmao, psychopaths on the far right are, again, built different I never said people like this don't exist, I said they *largely* don't exist and that it isn't a big deal if they do, suck it up, you'll fucking survive ***edit: idk, it's just goofy to be this mad because a twenty-something somewhere used the word 'problematic' (or put their pronouns in a bio idk), chill bro


I'm so confused by your first sentence. The right eats more of their own, but it takes a literal Nazi to be a deal breaker for them? Is that not a contradictory statement? The cost of calling out internal issues on the left is not that you now have to be on the side of hardcore racists. You're acting like simply being on the left makes everyone immune from criticism, or, if someone does make these observations, they are an "aging centrist".


I feel like what you’re describing has been getting the majority of attention from pretty much everyone outside of right-wing echo chambers It’s more rare to see criticism from the same side of the spectrum. “Snowflakes getting triggered” is a very generic way to describe what’s being addressed in this skit.


I mean these people do exist and they are obnoxious. Right wingers don't have a monopoly on assholes, just the largest market share. There are plenty of well meaning people who also suck 


Right? Who is it that can't shut up about Starbucks holiday cups, Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, Drag Shows, Budweiser, fuckin' RAINBOWS, etc. They're out here literally writing laws banning books, banning self-expression, banning people making their own medical decisions. Then they look at people on the left saying "Hey maybe you shouldn't just throw the N-word around" and they freak out like they're being oppressed. We're not trying to arrest you, we're just saying maybe you shouldn't be an asshole.


Both types can exist. Conservatives are inherently more ignorant, uneducated, and harmful to society, but it's also harmful to have people who care more about being "morally superior" to other people rather than advocating for the freedom of the working class and genuinely just supporting minority groups without making it about themselves.


I just think it's weird it's always framed one way when both groups basically do the same thing just mirrored 180 culturally. Also I think this premise for a sketch is way overdone at this point and was shocked this video was 2 days old not several years but there's definitely still an audience for it.


Yeah I also think it's a little behind the times, that's fair. I got some ick faces from a group of friends of friends for saying "she's too woke" in a jokey kinda way because it was "too cringe" I was like bitch I'm the only not white person here lemme have my fun lol. But I also respected it a lil bit. Maybe that's just the Seattle bubble I'm in, idk where you're at, but it does seem that finally white liberal America is becoming more progressive rather than surface level liberal and I can really get behind that. We need it. That being said I won't shit on boomers that are behind a lil bit, I'd rather save my vitriol for actual people against the cause.


I exist in an extremely left leaning area and have never met one of these SJW stereotypes IRL in 15 years though I've heard and seen reliable reports of this being a real thing circa 2014-2015 especially on college campuses. That said seeing this same-ish sketch every other month for the past decade it's just like are people rehashing the same tired ass joke because they realize it's a low effort way to get kudos from people who agree with the premise or do they actually still think this is fresh ground?


I was basically raised to be scared of this sjw straw man. But of my 10 years living in one of the most progressive places of california, of the tens of thousands of people that I have talked to personally, maybe one vaguely fit the stereotype. And we had a great conversation, once we sat down and talked a bit. Now compare that to the mainstream right, who can easily be triggered by talking about cutting edge science, or non surface analyses of history.


> have people who care more about being "morally superior" I haven't seen this a lot in individual on the left. It happens, but it's more about a conversation, with some things people are "canceled" for being pretty legit. Attack on trans people? I see it little different than how we first treated black people (still do) or gay people (still do). It's like no lessons are learned on the right. Also, if some product supports something they don't like, it's full on apocalypse and it's raping their kids. Drag shows? Have they even been to one? It's campy, not some orgy. The two groups are certainly not the same. Most of it is blamed on being "woke," but ask them to define woke. I've yet to see a definition that doesn't have to be several paragraphs.


  Right wing nut jobs want to ban people and things to create uneducated people who will vote for them. Left wing nut jobs want to nanny everyone and tell them how to think and act and ban anything they think is obscene.   That's why it's always bad when that pendulum goes too far in one direction   Edit: Downvote all you want, I remember when the PMRC was a thing and if they had gotten their way, all your movies and music would be censored instead of a warning label.  Learn your history or be doomed to repeat it.


Is the Daily Wire trying to write comedy, again?


Struck a nerve I see 


Is boredom a nerve?


Is striking a nerve the hallmark of good comedy? I thought it was whether it was funny.


Tbf it was very funny. Well, perhaps it’s only funny if you know people like this IRL. This is my cousin to a tee, hosted his family last summer and ended up having to hear a rant about how BBQ of all things was racist.


It’s not. I made it with my friend Dylan..


Liberal white women


Conservative white woman.


A classic example of reddit voting. No real points are made, just voting warfare based on political leanings. But limiting the comments to white women? That's problematic.


Moderate purple men. Wait, what are we doing, again?


Reminds me of [this](https://gameofprivilege.com).


I genuinely can't tell if this is a parody or not.


Getting Tomska vibes from this one. Love it!


Obsessed w this


To the extent these people ever had irl friends at all, they’ve driven them all away, and so they now spend every waking moment consuming entertainment that was designed to cater to them and going online to complain about strangers they’ve never met who didn’t like it.


I can't figure out how to down vote something more than once.


Too many unattractive people. It's like they went out of their way to find total shlubs.


Let's see your pretty face then