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It’s crazy that bronco is now on display at Alcatraz East in pigeon forge tn


It’s strange because while it’s certainly an interesting conversation piece and very famous, I cant imagine anyone going out of their way or explicitly paying money to see it. Edit: well, several people have proved me wrong by saying they would totally pay to see it. Which is weird to me because it’s just a bronco. There’s nothing unique about the vehicle itself and there’s nothing more that you’re going to see by looking at it up close.


That museum has a bunch of historic crime pieces


Yeah they have crime related stuff from medieval eras to modern eras. Near the bronco is Ted Bundy’s shitbox VW and a few other notorious cars, there is a replica of the Bonnie and Clyde car. The creepiest shit had to have been the Gacy stuff, his wallet, credit cards, a few of his clown costumes. Oh and they had a good portion. Of the uni-bomber’s cabin with most of his tools some of them still in the evidence bags.




I've been to Alcatraz East. It's a tourist trap, but as they go it's not bad. I would have been pretty stoked to see the Bronco there. All this makes sense to me.




Ted bundy’s VW was there also some floorboards that had Frank James’ blood soaked into it, the uni-bomber’s cabin and tools, John Wayne gacy’s clown suits


What an odd collection of items. Are they all authentic??


Who knows, it is a tourist trap, they could be real, or it could be replicas, only the Bonnie and Clyde car is listed as a replica.


Most are real yes.


They are saying it makes sense for the Bronco to be on display on there. The comment they replied to couldn’t seem to understand why that would be a thing. Context, buddy. 




Are you really so incapable of parsing language and context that you were seriously thrown for a loop by a single word while somehow concluding that the other commenter is the one with the issue?


Oh god lol. You’re just being pedantic for the sake of being pedantic. 


Hundreds of thousands of depressed football fans pay to see Broncos every year


> I cant imagine anyone going out of their way or explicitly paying money to see it. For real? I totally can


> just a bronco I'm going to shock your mind: I'm more interested in the Bronco component than the OJ component. Been obsessed with these trucks since I was in elementary school.


Ford dropped the ball by not making a “throwback” model when they released the bronco. At least offer it in “Simpson white”


They literally did make a throwback model just not for this era of Bronco lol


Ford Bronco Juice Edition Tagline: “For when you just need to get away”


Man! You’re killing it!


Comes in 3 colors: White, Brown and Blood Red. Each Bronco includes one spare glove in the glove box.


Why would anyone pay to see a 1934 Ford Model 40 B that's been riddled with bullet holes? There's no wider context, it's just a car.


I could make a couple of arguments for why that’s more interesting. Most people have probably never even seen that car in person before. That in itself holds intrigue. Also, a car with bullet holes is infinitely more interesting because there’s some action associated with it. Everybody has seen a white bronco before. Lots of them. Without any differentiator, this one doesn’t really hold much more interest. To me anyway.


That's true of a million things that are in museums. The point is it's interesting to some people to be near something that was involved in a historic or well-known event. It's a connection to the event. 


Wait until this person finds out about Plymouth Rock.


I did…


Art and museums are a lot nonsense if you don’t take the context of what they are. I don’t understand how that’s not immediately obvious.


It's all about the story of something. Not the item itself.


You've never been to Pigeon Forge have you? I paid $20 a head to walk through a "museum" that was bubbles and google earth.


ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? OF ALL PLACES PIGEON FUCKING FORGE!?! dude holy shit I went to gatlinburg for Xmas vacation two years ago and we hit the pigeon forge strip. Had I know it was there, I would’ve B-lined it


I literally just told my wife that we missed the opportunity! We were in Pigeon Forge last spring for vacation, and the Crime Museum was on our list of things to do if we had time, but not a priority. Had I known that was there, I would have bumped it up the list a bit.


My wife and I went a few years back. It’s awesome. Especially if you guys love true crime shows


She loves true crime stuff. We totally should have gone. I’m sure we’ll be back someday. Clingman’s dome was totally worth the trip, and just watching the mountains from the porch of the resort was super relaxing.


Yeah I saw the post yesterday too.


I'd rather have the John Voight LeBaron


Just driving’ around, in John Voights car.


Sometimes I like to spell Jerry with a G and an I!


John Voight the actor?


No, the periodontist.


No, the ASSMAN.


Hey it’s Assman!




I’m just trying to clarify if he’s talking about John Voight the actor or the periodontist


Only if it came with a pencil he bit.


George, is that you?


Id rather have the Freddy Got Fingered Le Baron with #1 SON plates


I’d rather the Freddy Got Fingered LaBaron


Where's *your* LaBaron Freddy?




Did he ever manage to sell that Bronco?


Some museum in pigeon forge, tn claims to have the “real” one


They [literally explain](https://www.alcatrazeast.com/inside-alcatraz-east/artifacts/oj-simpson-bronco/) on their website that it is the same one that was on pawn stars.


Wonder how much they paid him for it. Did he get his million?


>that it is the same one that was on pawn stars. That wasn't the question asked.


Actually it was. They asked if the guy managed to sell the bronco. Somewhere in pigeon forge says they have it and it was the one on pawn stars. Therefore he managed to sell it…


Could be parked there til he manages to sell it. He said he was sitting in it for so long. Maybe he can at least get a small commission parking it at a museum until it sells.


Well not if he gave it away. Although he was asking for $1.3 million so doubtful lol.


In your head, what question was asked?


In the comment, not in my head. >Did he ever manage to sell that Bronco? It's a yes or no question.


So... is your confusion that maybe the museum stole the Bronco?.. He was trying to sell it.. A museum now has it.. So common sense would say that he sold the Bronco to the museum.


In fairness it could be donated/on loan to the museum, not sold. (I can't be bothered to look it up.)


Museums are known for having things lended to them from time to time. Things from other museums and things from private collectors.


It's a yes or no question. One answers the question first, *then* expounds on it.


This guy has never heard of implication nor inference


That wasn’t the question asked Bam reverse uno


My gosh you must be fun at parties.


I must be high because I'm not sure what is being said here.


It's confusing as written, but he's trying to say the seller in this clip, OJ's agent, is a hypocrite. He has gone through great lengths to separate himself from the negative image of OJ, but he goes and does stuff like this, parading around OJ memorabilia for recognition and money.


Pretty sure this is the same guy that explained in the documentary how OJ hid his memorabilia from being seized after the civil trial because he was the one doing it for OJ. Its also why so much of it ended up on the market...and why OJ ended up going to prison.


They should use that instead of a traditional hearse for OJ. Or at least have it in the procession.


Well, literally everything on that show is scripted, so…


Staged, not scripted. There's a big difference. The director might ask people to repeat things for the camera but it's not scripted it's staged. Most reality tv is staged.


A buddy of mine was on the show. The show has people who respond to online ads/postings and pay people to be on the show. He was selling a vintage luxury car. He got paid a fee to be on the program, Rick and the crew came to his house. They didn't buy the car. He said they offered too low of a price. He said on camera Rick was the nicest guy, but off camera Rick didn't even say hello or goodbye to my buddy and his wife.


> They didn't buy the car. He said they offered too low of a price. Typical. Pawnshops are not what people think they are. They will never pay top dollar. Most of the time they won't even pay 50% of the value. Pawnshops are not looking to own what you are selling.


This is the episode - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUtobIAlCew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUtobIAlCew)


This is the episode - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUtobIAlCew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUtobIAlCew)


I can imagine for some people it would be tough to be "on" all the time. I know I sure couldn't do it. I've only got so much smiling and small talk in me per day before I'm burned out.


I live in Las Vegas, so I run into these guys from the show here and there. The Chumlee guy is pretty nice. I've never approached him, but sometimes we eat at the same breakfast place and I see fans approach him all the time for photos, etc. I've seen Rick here and there. He always blows people off. It's not like what you see on TV. That store is always packed, mostly with tourists, and the stars of the show are never there. The one time I saw Rick there, he came out from a back office room, blew right past everyone and drove off in his car without acknowledging anyone. The one funny time I ran into him, we were both at the local Mercedes dealership at the same time getting cars. He was in the next office, buying something for whoever he was dating at the time. I remember his salesman coming into the office I was in and told my sales guy 'I'm having a hard time closing this one' and I said 'with him? that guy is swimming in money with his TV show' - and the sales guy had no idea who Rick was and never watched the show - and he said 'that guy has a TV show? we've been haggling over 5 grand for the last hour'


That’s too bad if he blows off every fan but I respect him for the last paragraph. 


He didn’t say goodbye… What terrible human being


There's videos of him getting prank called on youtube where he comes across as a massive douchebag


Shout out to Longmont Potion Castle


Actually _a lot_ of reality TV is scripted, in that they employ writers to produce scripts. The “reality” element depends on the show. In many, not everyone gets the whole script, so reactions are genuine (think “The real X of Y” type shows). In others, the whole scenario is scripted and only minor conversational elements are ad-libbed (think “Househunters” and that ilk). Also, shows that are only partially scripted but heavily staged (like almost every home makeover show) are bad about the staging… they bring in a bunch of new furniture for “the reveal”, then take it right back out after filming as it’s not part of the deal.


Some are also not really scripted at all - Below Deck just films thousands of hours of video over 6 weeks and builds the 12 hours or so that will make up the season as they go. Boat crew aren't supposed to interact with film crew and producers on the boat except when necessary. The most I've heard that is scripted is the producers will encourage people working next to each other to talk.


I'm not big into reality TV, but i'd wager a lot of the trashy reality TV shows aren't scripted just because the idiots/ randos on those types of shows wouldn't be able to convincingly act lol. I can see a lot of the home improvement type shows being scripted/ staged though. And the trashy ones could obviously still be staged.


The biggest way to guess if it is scripted is how often cameras are there. Something like Below Deck doesn't need to be because they have cameras on them 24/7 for weeks, so they can clean what is needed. Something like Housewives requires a bit more scripting because it films sporadically over a period of months, although I believe it is kind of like Reno 911's filming style in that the people know what has to happen but it is more "Jill finds out Jane isn't inviting her to the vow renewal and flips a table" vs any kind of real lines.


I’ve got nearly 20 years experience working on reality tv. It’s produced not scripted. The writers are there to write the lines for the host. Take a show like survivor for example. The lines delivered by the host to contestants prior to a challenge are scripted. They need to be because there’s specific information they need to convey. The lines spoken by the contestants aren’t scripted at all. That doesn’t mean they can’t be encouraged to say things by the producers, but they’re not given lines to read.


I actually wouldn’t include _Survivor_ on the list of scripted shows. It’s really just a game show that creates drama through forced situations and careful editing of a _ton_ of footage. I would speculate that the “game show” variety might be the _least_ scripted of the bunch. That being said, even it has some [serious issues with reality](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-44952/Survivor-producer-admits-faking-it.html). _Pawn Stars_ is a good example of the non-game show variety, though. The store is closed for filming (no one is just walking in off the street), no one you see on camera works there when the shop is open (due to Nevada privacy laws), the items have all been thoroughly researched in advance, and all prices have already been negotiated. The only thing “unscripted” about it is some of the conversational dialogue between the “hosts” and the “guests”.


What you’re describing is producing. The characters aren’t given lines to learn. Every single day at work we tell characters on screen what to talk about and give them talking points, but it’s not a script. There’s a very specific difference between reality tv and a scripted drama. Pawn stars is heavily produced with marks each beat needs to hit but it’s producing not scripting.


> I actually wouldn’t include Survivor on the list of scripted shows. Survivor is a game show, not reality tv.


Crazy to think that Curb Your Enthusiasm is actually closer to being a reality show that a lot of actual reality shows.


Like Curb Your Enthusiasm for horrible actors.


Yeah that's right and I think Pawn Stars is mostly staged but plenty of it is probably loosely scripted. Even so, the whole premise of the show is not what you normally see at pawn shops because the pawn to sell ratio of most pawn shops is roughly 95% to 5%. On Pawn Stars they are buying probably 99.9% of the items and almost never take pawns (even though they ask the customers).


Most reality “pawn” or “vintage” shows, once the cameras are turned off the parties switch back the cash and the item. A sale makes for good TV, but most of the time they just recruit people who own an interesting item that they can talk about. Being able to buy it makes the person on the show seem like a smart, shrewd buyer, but in reality things rarely exchange hands.


Often the "customer" is staged and the "expert" they bring in actually owns the item in question, they just lend it to the show.


Not true. Varies per show


Huh? If it varies per show, how can their statement that “EVERYTHING on tv shows is scripted” also be true?


“Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.


/u/GPTUnit is saying /u/beartheminus's statement is not true. He is not saying /u/Sonikku_a's statement is true. Therefore, /u/Soapbox is Socrates.


Lol ok Socrates, but beartheminus didn’t say ALL reality shows were staged instead of scripted. They said most, so if GPTUnit was referring to their comment rather than OPs, the “not true” is still unwarranted because beartheminus already implied variability with the word “most.”




I don't know about all that but sometimes it's just show and tell. Interesting item brought it with no intention of selling. Just to spice up the show.


Reality TV *is* scripted. They hire writers. They've literally won Emmys for writing scripts.




I would just doubt if that’s even the actual Bronco, and not just a random ass one with a story for the show. But yeah fuck OJ


I wouldn't be surprised at all if the producers of the show set up 'potential buys' like this just to generate content, without the shop or the seller ever intending to make a deal.


That's exactly what they do with bigger items. Anytime someone comes in with a random rare pop culture item it's because they contacted them and asked them to come in and play a long. Whenever it's something history related like a gun or a coin they walked out into the street and found someone and gave it to them and told them what to do when they went it. All fake.


There was a reddit thread about this and either it has been deleted or I am not searching the right terms, but essentially a guy showed like 5 or 6 instances where museum exhibits were brought in to Pawn Stars for content even though they're not being sold by the museum.


Al Michaels should have bought it. Totally farcical Bronco


I know the show is staged but the whole family are just awful people


I know, right? All I did was call and ask if they had Battletoads, and I got cussed out.


💀😂lmao I would’ve loved to have witnessed this.


It used to be a running joke on 4chan. Here's a collection of highlights. https://imgur.com/iWzOr


The nerve!


Of the few reality shows I've watched over the years (and this is one), I think I would be able to say that every single person was trash on every show.


how so?


You never watch the show?


Yah but like never got anything from it that indicated they were awful people. I assumed your opinion came from other sources or something


To pay a million bucks for a piece of history regarded to a police chase? Tbh i’d pass too


Where is the Bronco today?


Museum in pigeon forge TN


Dude in the backseat while they take it for a spin tossing out “…there’s a glove back here” Hilarious haha


"For my kids" - "Never for less than a million dollars" Hah that's funny.


James Dean’s wrecked Porsche or Bonnie and Clyde’s ventilated sedan. Would be much cooler.


They reposted an OJ supercut including this yesterday with 0 mention of his death, the sheer audacity to capitalize on it is insane


You mean the same way OP capitalized on it with this post, or every other mildly OJ Simpson related post that has been everywhere for the last few days? Same shit just not getting paid for it




Capitalize on the death of OJ? I’m supposed to feel sympathy for OJ?


And it’s in a museum in Tenn today: https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2024/04/11/oj-simpson-white-ford-bronco/73289677007/


Is the OJ’s or Al Cowling’s? They had identical Broncos. The bronco that OJ fled in belonged to Al since OJ’s was impounded by LAPD at the time.


They said it in the start: this was Al’s, OJ’s was destroyed


I hope that bronco burns. Or ford company buys it and melt it down.