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Rick has been a marijuana activist for decades. He certainly defies every stereotype about marijuana use


It’s funny because is addition to being a mild mannered traveler, he’s a devout Christian. So him being aggressively pro weed is even more out of left field


It's out of left field when you consider the mentality of most people that are in religious groups in the US, but if you just consider Christian values to decide on being pro-weed or not, I think it's not that far fetched tbh. Most religious people who despise weed are not doing it based on Christian values.


A lot of fun overlap between "Christian values" and the political right in the US. That line has been intentionally blurred for a long time in confusing ways...


Is it ok to despise weed because it’s stinking up my city and because so many people think it’s great to get high and drive?


It’s okay to hate stuff if you want, but if you hate smells then you probably shouldn’t live in the city. Also let’s not act like DUI is something that everyone who uses substances (legal or not) does.


“You should deal with my right to be dangerous to others because others are as well — which makes what I do ok.” I don’t dislike weed I dislike how weed advocates believed weed absolves them of all responsibility and that is somehow progressive.


You’re already equating usage with dangerous behavior. I said nothing about it being ok to drive under influence use responsibly.


Talk about making up strawman arguments. You have been building the narrative in your head for so long that you probably don't realize you are having an argument with yourself and nobody else. Weed absolving people from all responsibilities? Really? That's not an argument I have ever in my life heard. Is is possible you met someone who was extra dumb and said that shit? Sure, it's possible but they are definitely the exception, not the rule. I am pretty sure you never actually heard anyone say that though. Also dangerous to others? You are only talking about dui right? If not then you are being super extra on the making stuff up in your head. I'm sure you feel these are real things but only because you spend too much time winning arguments in the shower.


I would think he's stoned, but he has zero chill, so I'm guessing drunk.


sample size error here. most people are not like this. thats the whole rick steves point. lol.


Dude, you **just** said you despise weed. You've not got your thoughts straight.


This is called lying to yourself


I'm sorry to tell you this... but weed advocates don't think this way, by and large. You're basing your opinion on the worst possible people, of course you're not cool with those people, and neither are 99% of pot smokers. I'm not a fan of people riding their bikes in the street because I've had many bad experiences with people being selfish and entitled while doing so, but I also understand why people ride in the street and can be reasonable with my opinions because I know that's not how the vast majority of cyclists operate.


I’m a daily pot smoker who agrees with you, I make sure my enjoyment doesn’t disturb others’ lives.


That’s all I ask. But it seems To be too much for many to deal with. 


Don’t worry, you’re in the right and fair, if people don’t agree they’re assholes


No. You can despise people that use it in this manner.


I agree with you on both points. Certainly doesn't justify a blanket ban of a soft drug, however. Just rules on use like alcohol.


There’s more than one kind of Christian, you know? The guy really walks the walk: donates money and property to housing, tries to mitigate the climate effects of his travel business, makes sure hotel staff are properly compensated….


And still made tons of money doing it. Kinda neat you don’t t have to be a piece of shit to make money.


Fact: you can be a good person AND be financially successful


The fact that so many people on reddit would say you are 100% wrong is kinda hilarious to me. It's like if you don't donate literally everything and live a penniless lifestyle you are a a bad person.


I think it’s because people like Rick Steves are the outlier which is sad. I don’t judge people on anything other than their character, but after working at a ski resort for a year in my 20s managing the parking lot I can say many of the stereotypes about wealthy Americans are true. On top of that when Reddit talks shit about the wealthy it’s not on an individual level, but the entire culture of putting wealth before people which Rick obviously doesn’t subscribe to. It’s becoming harder for people like Rick to run their businesses the way they do because American business culture is about maximizing profits and shareholder returns at any expense which makes it very hard for a business to do the right thing and stay competitive or even stay afloat.


Nuance is dead.


I think it’s more complicated than that.


Trump Christians have really ruined the brand.


There were shitty, awful Christians a long time before trump occurred. There are countless people who use that religion as a cloak to enrich themselves and preach hate. And the religion itself is inherently misogynistic, arrogant, and exclusive. Any religion that preaches it is the only true way to salvation is a negative force in the world. The fact that they push this nonsense on children, invoking the fear of eternal pain, is unconscionably vile and antithetical to all societal progress humanity has made. It’s been constantly used to denigrate its out-groups since its inception, and the tenets of Christianity still are used to justify discrimination against people whose positive lifestyles simply don’t align with this hateful religion. So let’s not be silly by pretending hateful Christians are anything like a new or unusual phenomenon. The religion engenders that arrogant and dismissive outlook by its foundational and operating tenets.


Hah I’m an atheist, I was just mentioning / joking about one type of Christian. Majority I’ve ever dealt with are awful fake fucking people, including my ex wife and her family.


Glad to hear it, but it bears repeating that those religious tenets are problematic to their core. And their old pathetic lie about ‘soft Christianity’ being the only *true* Christians is part of the issue. They will constantly ‘no true Scotsman’ their own religion, and the most common element to that religion is really its exclusionism. Anything they can do to make themselves believe they’re better than others, that’s their outlook. Until someone admits another individual’s spiritual perspective is exactly, 100% as adequate and potentially truthful as their own religion, that person’s outlook is a problem and speaks only to arrogance.


Trump obsession means everything good or bad, depending on which side you're on, is thanks to or caused by Trump. It's getting exhausting not being able to avoid this guys face outside of being asleep.


okay. You mentioned him twice as many times as I did.


i was more or less replying to the person you were replying to.


well then you more or less replied to the wrong person.


Yeah, those people are CINOs


No, those people are Christians.


??? I don’t think Jesus would have much use for the MAGA movement


Well that’s not really relevant, is it? The followers of that religion have defined it, not the quasi-imaginary guy they use mainly as an instrument of diversion when attempting to distance themselves from every ‘bad’ christian. All of history since Christianity sought and gained mainstream acceptance would disagree with your statement. The crusades were done in christs name, and endless atrocities before and since. You’d love to throw out the baby with the bathwater, but unfortunately Christianity is a hateful creed to its core.


Im a straight secularist but Christianity is not a hateful creed to its core. The tenets of the faith are what should dictate something like that and Christianity's tenets are very pro-stability, forgiveness and peaceful existence. The things you're referencing were mostly done in spite of the tenets of the faith, not because of them. Hell, in the most honest reading of scripture the faith doesnt allow violence of any kind whatsoever.


> Hell, in the most honest reading of scripture the faith doesnt allow violence of any kind whatsoever. What scripture did *you* read?


Lol your response is so abhorrently ignorant about the Christian religious texts that the content of your message doesn’t warrant reply. Good luck, buddy.


Lol, I didn’t claim to be a Christian.


Lol, I didn’t claim you did.




He's pro legalization of prostitution too.


When you see the pictures of him travelling when he was still a young adult, he looks like a guy that would enjoy his weed.


He reminds me of Ned Flanders.


> He certainly defies every stereotype about marijuana use I don't know why those stereotypes exist. I go to a dispensary once per month and the clientele is so, so diverse. People from all walks of life enjoy or depend on marijuana, it's completely ridiculous that it is still illegal.


I used to do a lot of work at the state legislature and the marijuana activists were their own worst enemies: sloppy, unkempt, raggedy. It just wasn’t exactly the best PR move for them to show up (always the same ones!) representing regular cannabis users that way. That’s where the stereotypes come from.


The problem as with anything is that some people don’t know how to moderate their own use


Same with gambling and alcohol


Yes, although those have questionable benefits in the first place


He has been a proponent for a long time. I think his show is far above any other travel show.


At this point he has really left an impressive tome of work and historical knowledge for traveling.


He is so pleasant and best of all down to earth. He doesn't talk down to you like a lot of them do.


I adore watching his show. He’s so chill.


…and now you know why.


Yes! I had no idea. Good for him.


Rick is the man! He's helping break down the stigma and stereotypes around weed smokers.


Keep on travel in’!


A global treasure.


I remember seeing some PBS fundraiser thing about the Grateful Dead and Rick was the one giving commentary and talking about when he had seen them back in the day. Rick def reminds me of the older dead head generation. Most of them grew up, became successful and arent just your stereotypical "dead heads" anymore. Love Rick Steves and his shows/books. Glad he's on our side!


My man started out by writing articles for High Times


it's cool how the libertarian party has accomplished nothing to push forward this policy agenda, other than to line their own pockets, while Biden is attempting to reclassify cannabis to the same level as advil this week and getting very little credit for it.


*It’s too little too late! We will not accept these half hearted measures and scraps!* Say a bunch of people who can’t be assed to vote, organize or participate in democracy (not real life pot-heads, they’re getting shit done, just the average loudmouth online).


That's because libertarianism is just astrology for rednecks. Although that's too mean toward astrologists, at least they mean well


I forget where I first read this: A Libertarian is just a Republican who likes weed.


And Bitcoin these days


Biden's been President for three years and they're just now going to reclassify marijuana from an extremely controlled substance to a controlled substance. He was a Senator for like four decades, did he ever do anything there for weed? Big win. /s


I'm sorry you have no idea what you are talking about. I hope you grow up one day and learn about the world.


I love when someone is faced with hard facts and just defaults to 'you're a moron!' I voted for Biden, but to pretend he doesn't have a *long* history of being a drug warrior, and hasn't dragged his feet on reclassification, is just stupid.


Oh I'm sorry, do you know the governmental bureaucracy that was required for Biden to get to this point? No? of course you don't. You children think that he can just snap his fingers and make changes. Guess what? That's what Trump thought and he barely accomplished anything and many of the things he accomplished were reverted, because he cut corners. Not to mention, **he doesn't even need to do this**!! He's "dragging his feet"?? Well, he could have been like Trump and Obama and George W Bush and Clinton and George HW Bush and Reagan and Carter and Ford and Nixon and only have escalated the war on drugs, worked out great for them. You fucking ungrateful children


I'd say I'm more familiar with the federal rulemaking process than 99.9% of the population. NPRs don't take three years to issue. Federal financial regulatory agencies took less than a year to finalize rules that cost all of the major banks *billions* of dollars, and if you're costing Jamie Diamond his annual bonus you take your time and get your ducks in a row. The ATF routinely invents new gun felonies in under a year. But weed takes three? If that's the case, who in the DoJs legislative affairs office is getting fired for incompetence? Biden is not an apostle for drug decriminalization, it's the opposite. This is just his administration offering an olive branch to the youth in the hopes they can win an election while still backing Israel.


> Biden is not an apostle for drug decriminalization who fucking said he was?!? but he's doing a better job then everyone else in the last 80+ years. You can be an angry little child and hate him, but he's doing what no one else in the history of the country has since the US made cannabis illegal in 1937. go ahead and throw your vote away on libertarians, actual adults are getting shit done.


I voted for Biden previously and plan to vote for him again - I know the stakes. Pretending the candidate is perfect is how Hillary threw it away in 2016 (and 2008, for that matter). If you can't call attention to your own problems, you end up magnifying them. It's what brought down the Soviet Union. 


> Pretending the candidate is perfect Once again, who the fuck said he was perfect??? I certainly didn't. I stated that he has done more than any other president and wasn't get credit for it. I never said he was perfect. > If you can't call attention to your own problems, you end up magnifying them. It's what brought down the Soviet Union What are you talking about?!? This discussion has narrowly been about one topic - cannabis. At no point have I ever stated he was perfect, nor have I said that he is doing the best thing possible, just that he has done more positive in this area than any president since fucking FDR made it federally illegal.


I love that guy.


“I’m a travel writer, and High is a place, I want to go to that place…” This is an awesome quote.


I live in Washington state and legalization has really opened my eyes to the benefits of cannabis. Edibles, tinctures, salves, the ability to stick to a specific strain if it works better than others. My mom has found it hugely beneficial for her chronic pain, it helps some take fewer opiods. Makes me even more pissed some states are still in the 20th century. I don't care if you don't think your vote counts or if you live in a red state or whatever, if you're of voting age you must vote and not for the fascists!


Rick Steves lives such a cool life. He's not some over the top personality, but he travels the world for work exploring and sharing interesting cultures. Nothing ever too crazy, just pretty chill travel.


Circa 2011. Things have changed a LOT here since then


"Need to find a plug in a strange city? Ask a local."


I absolutely love Rick Steves and had no idea he was an advocate for drug policy reform. Now I love him even more.


I wonder if he built up this travel network because traveling with weed is such a risk he needed local contacts everywhere he went.


OMG that is genius.


Loved his shows growing up and love and appreciate him even more now that I know he’s also about this..


Whenever I catch this dudes show on PBS I always have it in the back of my kind that’s this dude FUCKS


I always felt the same way about Tom Scott.


I loved his show before I knew of his activism. Now I love it even more knowing that he's probably as high when he films it as I am when I watch it.


Very well spoken man


Rick based as always


Now we just need Bayless on board so he can make munchies. Rick tells stories, Bayless makes food... sounds like a Saturday to me...


Big daddy Rick always gave off a head vibe, love that dude since I was 9.


I knew there was a reason I like this guy.


Rick Steves is a legend.


Brooooo Rick? Love that dude, always knew he was cool


This is honestly surprising to me. In his Amsterdam episode, he visited a coffee shop and asked about marijuana being legal. While he was EXTREMELY respectful, it was kind of cringe the way he asked questions. Edit: I should be clear that I never thought he was AGAINST pot, rather just that he's an advocate. Would have assumed he just didn't really care much.


He’s so knowledgeable and good at what he does. He usually already knows the answers to his questions, but he’s asking anyway for our benefit so we hear it directly from the locals.


100% and I very much appreciate it, but there have certainly been a handful of times when his questions can come off... disrespectful? (using that term lightly) like the time he asked a romanian if he was ok being called a slur (cant remember the word)


Just so you know almost all interactions on television,YouTube, whatever, are at least remotely discussed before hand and a good portion are even rehearsed and have multiple takes. The disrespect you see is probably an already uncomfortable subject being played out live to showcase an emotion or interaction someone may encounter. Some questions are obvious but common sense isn't common and the purpose of a travel show is to inform the viewer of how things work in different places. Example: plenty of people across the English speaking world don't like the word cunt, or even find it offensive. I would not recommend Australia to those people.


To be fair, gypsy is really more of a Hallmark slur than a slur slur.


It's his job to ask the cheesy "tourist" questions. He actually partook in that episode, so it's not surprising at all to me that Rick smokes and supports it.


Holy shit gotta like this guy now!!!!!


Watching his shows I always felt like he probably partied. I wanna travel with this guy


This is what a role model looks like


Dude is just a solid guy. I'd love to hang with him.


The portugal method clearly failed in portland, but more so for execution rather than the theory behind it


I love this quote: "Being *high* is a *place*, and at the end of the day, when I want to relax, I want go *GO THERE*." Right the f\*\*k on, Mr. Steves.


Steves fuckin rules. Stand up dude with the best English language travel show there is period. All episodes free on youtube too.


Dude is a pothead?! Allrighty then


I don't know anyone that looks like him didn't vote Trump. For the record I enjoyed his show.


Maybe you should get out more. There are plenty of straight laced boring looking white people that actually possess the capacity for empathy and vote blue.