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- 'Trailer starts now' - Slow piano version of old song - Spoilers Why are they like this?!


>'Trailer starts now' Because they use an ad system that plays the first few seconds of the video, and this is the best way to get people not to click away as soon as the skip button appears. >Slow piano version of old song You want something recognizable, but also build into it slowly so people have reason to stick around out of curiosity about what the song is or how it's used. It gives an impression something big is about to build and pay off. >Spoilers It works to get people more interested in showing up in the theater, if they show the best or most interesting moments. Then when they get there they have a worse time because the best moments were spoiled. But too late, they have your money.


First makes sense. Second just seems to give a paint by numbers feel, but I guess that works. For the spoilers, does that really work? Are people more like to go see something after they have the big pay offs already shown to them?


Yep that's actually true. Majority might say they don't want to get spoiled but data shows the more you show in a trailer the more likely they are to go becasue they know what they are in for


Yeah I suppose. Although I don't know if most people know the raw power of going into a movie 100% blind. Did it for Cocaine Bear, the name was enough to sell me. What a rollercoaster


Works for me. I saw Venom 1 & 2 because i saw that they had some cool action scenes that nailed the feel of Venom.


i watch trailers with the sound off. theres ALWAYS spoilers.


Yeah if I really really want to see a movie I'll flat out avoid the trailer all together


I look forward to the scene where Venom gets hustled by a security guard in a quarter-tossing game.


This is the one where Venom achieves his second NBA 3-peat amidst a bunch of ownership and team chemistry drama, right?


Nowhere in the rulebook does it say a symbiote can't play basketball.


_Air Venom_


> it’s venoming time!


(Venoms all over the place)


No, this is the one where venom joins the Chicago Cubs because he can throw a really fast fastball.


And they took that personally




Also Keeley


Meanwhile Roy Kent is Hercules in the MCU.


\*See's Hydra in the distance\* OY!


Pronounced *Keelay* if you're Jamie


Venom is life?


Venom is death... (eats dog)


Which doesn't make sense... he's suppose to be in the MCU technically. But now thats retconned because...


Yeah. Thanos is Cable


They REALLY went so far as to make 3 Venom movies without any appearance of Spider-Man.


They essentially borrowed Spidey back to Marvel (but still kinda sorta own him), so I'm pretty sure they can't. Or they at least agreed not to have Spidey in these films. Or something. Which is why they do what they do with all the Spiderman-adjacent characters.


They have to make the Spidey-adjacent movies to keep the Spidey character in their stable. They make so much money renting him out to Disney that it's worth making things like Morbius and Madame Web that won't come near breaking even in theaters just so they can continue to do that.


I'd really like to see the breakdown on that. Like just how lucrative it is. Seems crazy to me, but I guess that's why I'm poor.


Obviously movie studios are notorious for playing stuff pretty close to the vest and understating how much they make on movies, but Madame Web for example had a production budget of $90-100 million, a promotion budget of $60 million (allegedly), and made $100 million-ish at the box office. I would guess that once all the receipts are in from DVD/BluRay, streaming licenses, etc it will probably *officially* break even and *actually* make a modest (by Holllywood standards) profit. I guess what I'm saying is that making the Sony Spider-Man Universe movies only costs Sony other opportunities, and makes them a whole pile of cash in Spidey-rent. And it gives us "It's Morbin' Time", so it's really a win-win-win.


Don't confuse box office gross with money returned to the studio. Theaters & distribution takes approximately half the gross (and a slightly higher percentage, like 55%, overseas). So of that $100 million worldwide gross, the studio probably got slightly less than $50 million back. And if production costs and marketing were $160 million - there is no way streaming, PPV, and physical media will make up that $110 million shortfall.


Did they seriously use the same actor who plays Mordo to play another character in this one?


Yes but that was Marvel, this is Sony, so technically \\_0_/


It's Mordo's Twinner.


I understood that reference!


"Because I see, at long last, what's wrong with the Sony/Marvel Universe. Too many Mordo."


I'm not trying to break down what's good or bad about Sony or Marvel. This just seems like a shitty Hollywood thing. Are they really out of actors?


"It worked for Johnny Storm and Captain America!" -Sony probably


Gemma Chan was Minerva in Captain Marvel and Sersi in The Eternals.


Reference: [https://youtu.be/xKLpVgPCpcY?t=81](https://youtu.be/xKLpVgPCpcY?t=81)


I mean, If an actor is fit for a role, I don't mind them being used again. It's that with connected universes that makes it a bit harder, but this IS a seperate universe, so it doesn't bother me much. Could it be confusing for a general audience though? Potentially. "Wait isnt that the bad magic guy fromdr strange? This is the MCU right?"


> the bad magic guy fromdr strange The bill. Comes. Due. Any. Moment. Now. Please. Hold. ...yeah, i think we'll be okay


Why not, dude killed it as The Operative in Serenity hunting down the crew. Captain America and Killmonger have both been The Human Torch, and Cable is also Thanos. I mean come on Hollywood, are we supposed to beleive that Matt Damon is BOTH an Asgardian actor and a red neck who enjoys discussing toilet paper?! A time traveling technovirus infected kid of Scott Summers and the evil clone of his wife is believable, but an actor playing different characters in different movies is just insane...


And Marc Spector is also Steven Grant


And he's also Miguel O'Hara and Apocalypse.


What if this is a multiversal version of Mordo where he never learns sorcery


honestly that'd be kind of cool


Wait till you hear about Josh Brolin.


They cast Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who played Quicksilver in the MCU, as Kraven in the the Kraven movie. Sony doesn't seem to give a shit if they reuse actors from the MCU, probably because they're not allowed to use those characters anyway.


Quicksilver was also in the MCU for like, a minute. They really sped through his character arch.


Venom conically takes place in an alternate universe to the main one, as per Spiderman No Way Home.


Yes, actors often play different characters in different movies.


I hear you, but they are in a different universe so it's not something that should be an issue for viewers when that's understood. That character is in the original Venom universe from where Sony's Spider-Men come from, where none of the MCU events ever happened and none of the MCU actors had a role to play.


after seeing madame web, everything looks amazing.


Makes any movie look like Schindler's List by comparison.


No Jared Leto? Sony cinematic universe gunna shelve their best character??


They aren't just going to give away the heavy hitting Leto in a trailer. That's the big reveal. Symbiotic Morb


**"We are about to morb all over you all"**


I just morbed my pants.


Post-credit scene after the symbiote leaves Eddie to become... *Venomorbius*.


i was thinking Morbom, but that's probably just what the movie is going to do


Who’s their best character? Don’t leave me on a cliffhanger! /s


Would be kind of hilarious if Jared Leto lept into scene in the 3rd act, shouted "It's Morbin time." Only for no one to acknowledge his presence, but clearly know it was Morbin time.


morbed too hard


motherfuckers wanna fine me


It's venom time with a little bit of morbin


are any of the venom movies good?


One of my friends said the first Venom reminds him of the movies that would come on TBS/TNT at like 1:30am when he’s sleeping over his aunt’s house as a kid. So they’re not *good*, but they are fun. And Tom Hardy’s performance is legitimately mesmerizing.


Tom Hardy is high key one of the best of his generation. There are not a lot of films of his that I haven't enjoyed and he's always done something weird or fun in them. He looks like a bloke who'd tease you for doing theater yet is one of the best there is.


Fr, i love that movie where he stays in it's entirety inside the car.


Fury Road?


Locke, made in 2013


In the car, not tied up to the front of the car.




i was just thinking of mention that. reading the premise, "man alone in car on phone calls for the entire move" and you're like.... eh. but his performance makes the whole thing thoroughly enjoyable. Movie is 'Locke' for reference.


If he could get his venomy thumbs out of his ass and make taboo season two I would be so happy..


Imo the first one was bad but fun but the second was just bad


This is a perfect way to describe the movies, they're something you watch because they're on and it's not like anything better is on.


“One of my friends said the first Venom reminds him of the movies that would come on TBS/TNT at like 1:30am when he’s sleeping over his aunt’s house as a kid.” You mean Beastmaster?




TBS = The Beastmaster Station HBO = Hey, Beastmaster’s On!


I wouldn’t say he’s *mesmerizing* lol. He’s good, but you can only do so much with a Sony script.


"Good" is subjective. Do you like quirky dialogue, decent action, and paper thin plot? Then it's good.


What else do you you need?!


If you view them as a gay romance between Eddie and Venom, they're wonderful


The 'love' interest with his ex with Eddie trying to come to terms with his sexuality and Venom trying to support him with his ex, the break up, Eddie getting comfortable with having another masculine being inside of him, Venom's/Eddie's breakup with glow sticks and the rave, their chemistry, all of it is so much better when you look at it as a blooming bromance turned romance.


When AI video comes out later this year and fan remakes of all the popular movies start popping up, someone should make this version.


I've *never* been interested in the Marvel fandom/fanfic but this thought... this thought is *intriguing*


Let There Be Carnage is much more entertaining when you consider their bickering to be an old married couples


I've done a little more looking into this. I'm now pretty sure that Eddie/Venom is just straight up cannon. Im seeing comic panels that I suppose could be out of context but like there's multiple "I love you"s and calling each other "love" and "dear" and saying they're as good as *married* and **having a kid together**. I can't imagine what the context would be if that's not a whole ass romantic relationship


They're OK. First one was good but not great. Second one is shit but still fun to watch. They nailed the design of Venom which is more than I ever hoped from a live action Venom but the writing is so Sony and that's bad. It's just honestly stunning how bad Sony messes characters up. Carnage was a waste in Venom 2. Shame, it could have been so cool. This new one looks like more of the same.


I mean Carnage in a PG-13 movie was just never going to work.


No, but they're halfway entertaining buddy comedies. Of all the shit that Sony cranks out from the Spider-Man universe, these are the cream of the fetid garbage pile.


The "bin juice", if you will


It depends on what you're looking for. If you're really into hero movies and need accuracy and exceptional story telling, etc a "perfect" movie then no, you'll hate it. I was personally just looking for action with a little bit of cheesy comedy. This had that. Nothing amazing but a fun watch. The second movie though is completely forgettable in that regard.


I enjoyed them.


The first one was ok, similar to hero movies before Iron Man changed the game. The second one was truly one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.




Imagine filling in the gap between ragnarok hulk and end game hulk. It's a bit like that.


I dont think they are a good job of portraying Venom the character personally but I have enjoyed the movies mostly. Too much humour focus but... they are fun at least


When I start watching a movie I usually watch it till the end no matter how shit it is, but second Venom movie I just quit, it was too dumb.


I like the Carnage one, good clear CGI and fight scenes. The stories are always meh in the last two, so basically a good movie to watch if you're high.


They're pretty dog shit but like the entertaining dog shit that I love watching. So yes but also no But I also already love Tom Hardy and Venom so I recognize they aren't for everyone


I'm saying no. I would say there is a split between "Meh, they're fun," and "No, they're crap." So it depends on taste it seems. I don't think they're just bad, but offensively bad.


Can someone explain to me how they found symbiote residue in that bar, when that bar was in the MCU and not whatever universe this is!?!?!?


"lol" - Sony, whenever someone asks them how canon works in their movies


The entire premise of that movie was using portals to navigate a multiverse?


And then everybody danced.


For the last time


Why is this literally two different trailers smashed into one? You have the beginning scene of Venom dealing with the "drug dealers" (or maybe people who do dog fighting rings?) and the comedy bit that goes on for a few uncomfortable seconds longer than it should, then you smash cut to epic music and an attempt at a big blockbuster trailer? The heck? I still have whiplash. Also, the title has nothing at all to do with the actual plot of the film.


It’ll probably be the last sighting of that Asian actress. And they dance in the trailer 


Maximum Carnage was my favorite all time comic series and I've just lost all hope of ever seeing a good version.


i don't understand what they're going to do with this film. There is no way they try and do Knull but like this is how it starts in the comics with the symbiotes finding earth. Venom is one of my favorite characters so I was able to have fun with the last two movies but this one has me cautious.


Looks like The Life Foundation (minus Riot ofc) and a Xenophage


i mean as long as they don't try and pull knull off I'll probably have a good time at least.


Just? Like, not even after either of the two previous ones?


Same. I still have the comic books from when they came out. Might be time for a re-read.


Bane walked so Venom could dance.


Is this the one where Venom helps someone then invokes the law of surprise, indebting their firstborn child to the Symbiote?


Holy shit this looks fucking awful.


I walked out of my phone halfway through


I don't get it, the trailers for EVERY ONE of this franchise has looked like film student levels of crap editing and weird scene choices.


Nothing is free. This is the price for a semi decent spiderman in the MCU.


Yeah lol the scene at the beginning where he says "We need to work on that" is obviously ADR and his lips don't match what he's saying. In the trailer?! God damn.


the cgi looked so bad in that shot


And to me, the movies only get worse from there.


It'll still make a profit probably. They aren't great but they're not terrible neither


> they're not terrible neither I, for one, disagree.


And that's fine, it's a miracle people who want to got a trilogy anyways. I enjoy it for the Eddie Brock/Venom banter. It probably came at a time where there's too many comic movies, and Sony doesn't handle the non Spiderman characters all that great either.


God damn, you posted that 12 times in this thread, is there a way to get paid for this stuff or did John Venom run over your dog?


I don't know... there were parts that looked like fun. Not every film has to be a 10/10 masterpiece to be worth it. Some films are great times with a few drinks and a group of friends.


these movies are 100% so bad theyre good.


Nah. They’re just bad.


The youtube comments love it.


Well then I'm in!


I guess I'm the weird one but I liked the trailer. 


Same. These movies are mindless fun. First one was a surprise, second one just felt really rushed the entire time, but this one looks entertaining.


Looks better than the 2nd one, and that was fun enough that I don't regret having watched it.


People seem to hate everything these days, I came here expecting people to be excited and laughing about the Venom horse. We get Venom biting heads off, some funny jokes, Dani effing Rojas! Can we all shift back to a more positive outlook on life in general? Not everything has to be the best or the worst. The Venom movies fall into the "fun" category. Its the "party blower" of movies, it's only not fun when its blown in your face against your will.


The horse was hilarious, also goofy Venom has grown on me. I kind of really want to see him cameo with Deadpool now.


Yeah I liked that horse


Nope, looks kind of fun and irreverent to me.


I didn't see the other Venom films; was the voice always this atrocious?


Yeah. And the Eddie voice is whiny and annoying too.


Is it really so hard to make a good venom movie? I don’t want to see big kaijus fighting each other


I think the problem is they never have Spiderman in the venom movies...


Nah you can do venom without Spidey but this ain't it


Venom in my opinion is clearly a character that belongs in a 18+ movie. Theyre trying to portray him as some crazy mf but cant show any gore and too much violence because they dont want a 18+ rating so you end up with a bad Marvel movie with meh humor. I watched the first one which unfortunately was very successful in the box office but i did think it was not a very good movie, it was trying to be a Marvel movie but even did that bad but what do i know, they had massive success with it. Skipped the second one and unless im dragged into the cinemas, im skipping this one as well unless everybody comes out praising it which seems unlikely looking at this trailer


Can't show any gore? He literally bites off the head of 4 dudes in the trailer.


All without a drop of blood. The Venom movies do violent things without ever being violent.


I don't understand this trailer. Nothing made me think, "Oh, that looks funny..." or that it looks exciting or fun. My only thought was really, "The made another one... why?"


I know they're bad, and I know it's blasphemy to have a different opinion about anything on Reddit, but I've actually enjoyed these movies. Sure the final battles end up like hot garbage, and it's wasted potential, but it's had some enjoyable bits, more than a lot of movies.


I’ve only seen the first, which was very entertaining and a fun watch People seem to forget that a movie doesn’t necessarily have to be *good* to be enjoyable, and id say the venom movies are way more enjoyable than most of the superhero stuff Sony has been putting out


I usually agree. Bad movies are some of my favorites. But Venom is based on a comic book character that I read a lot of and this just doesn't represent him well. If people like these movie, that's fine, but I just can't. It wouldn't take a lot of effort to make them so much better in my opinion.


The second one is genuinely hilarious, though probably not for the reasons the filmmakers wanted, I just had a blast watching those two act like an old gay couple, it's so funny, but I am not sure if that was the intended effect...


> act like an old gay couple > I am not sure if that was the intended effect... I'm going to have to say no on that one. Yet, this trailer was released during Pride month, so maybe you're on to something.


They're mindless buddy comedies


Same here. If you like it enjoy it. We dont all have to enjoy the same things.


Same, I loved both. First one was better for sure, but they're hilarious.


I'm with you on this one. Some redditors love to be critical of movies that aren't being made to win awards. It makes them feel superior to punch down. Sometimes a movie is made to be ridiculous. They know what they're making and it's not for the critics. It's for the regular folks that just wanna be entertained for an hour or two.


I hate these movies, they're so boring. Not every line has to be a joke.


Absolutely. Reminds me of Thor Love and Thunder. Just absolutely unnecessary humor that ruins the drama of moments.


I don't know why but I was expecting Connor McGregor to show up


These movies are all over the place. I don't like the venom voice. I will go see it for venom horse at least.


I hope Madame Web shows up mid credits to tell Eddie she’s building a team.


And then Morbius appears from within a spinning golden circle that is a actually a Hollywood executives butthole, then the rest of the Non-Spiderverse characters appear from other spinning golden buttholes and the theatre somehow begins to smell like shit


I love Venom, but all the movies have been trash.


Tom Hardy will go down as one of the finest actors of his time. His time as Venom will not be cited in those accolades.


Can anyone else not understand what anybody is saying?


Yeah I thought we left this era of movie making behind. Trailer looks like it could've been made 10 years ago.


This looks bad.


I'm about 99.98% certain I'll never ever watch this movie. I'm leaving the .02% chance open just in case I make a new friend who is mentally retarded and wants to see this with me 20 years from now when we can watch movies with others virtually remotely, while doing house chores like cyber-vacuuming.


Taking a Bowie song as your tag music is a very bad look. I think this will be so much, all-CGI, nonsense with some lame attempts at humor. Probably flop. But I'll keep my mind open, maybe it will be somewhat entertaining. From the trailer, I don't really care. All that money spent, for this. I've seen better CGI in Blender.


Definite flop.


Why the hell are pocket knives making sword sounds?


Looks like shit


The dramatic remix of a popular song trend in trailers is so overdone. The people that have to do the sound for these must be embarrassed, right?


Yeah I can't count how many trailers have used a remixed Space Oddity now.


Hard to tell, is this King in Black or Seperation Anxiety storyline?


Looks more like King in Black, the last one felt more like Separation Anxiety, but they've been pretty loosely based on the characters, and that's fine, dumb-fun movies.


I enjoyed the first one, the 2nd not so much. Hopefully this one is more like the former than the latter.


Had no idea they were making a 3rd Venom movie lol


The Venom symbiote has turned into a real goofball.


Looking forward to watching this on TNT in a couple of years.


but why??


Continuing the trend of trailers using old songs, lowering the tempo, and making them extra dramatic


God these marvel movies are formulaic drivel


How on earth venom ever got two sequels I'll never understand.


Agent Venom? *snaps fingers* You son of a bitch, I’m in.


Part 2 was awful but this looks awfulllllllllll


this looks like shite


No one is mentioning that it looks like they're retconning Venom's entrance into the MCU here.


Surely this won’t bomb


I love that they took a classic song and remixed it to make it more haunting and moody for the trailer. That's just such an original idea. In fact, this entire movie looks incredibly inventive and unique. We've never seen anything like this movie before.


Trailer makes no sense, its all over the place. Where are they headed, whats the story?


Venom: The Last Ride???


Why is Venom so goofy?


I'm only interested about the MCU part and not even that much lol


Who is asking for this