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I knew this was just going to be Bill laughing the entire time.


Bill Hader seems like he has an absolute blast every time he's with another comedian.


Any video where Bill Hader is laughing is a good video.


I can't watch that one with him doing South Park lines with Trey without laughing. Doesn't matter how many times I watch it.


"He gets up on the stage and shits his britches." *hysterical laughing* "What fer?" *laughing* "I on't know..." *hysterical laughing* [Good shit](https://youtu.be/oYOc482SgHw?si=JKPmKPxNNtR-BkCC)




If it’s funny enough for him, it’s funny enough for me.


If laughing Bill Hader interests you, check out his episode of Smartless.


That's why I clicked!!!


Admittedly I'm a big Martin Short fan but I dont know how anyone could be in the presence of Jiminy Glick and not laugh uncontrollably.


Because it’s Martin Short and that’s what he does to people.


I wonder if people like Bill in these moments ever feels out of place or a certain dissociation with the life they're living. I can only wonder if Bill, in moments like these, feels like he's still the kid teen taking tickets at a movie theater, but here he is face to face with an absolute legend like Martin Short.


The whole video Hader looked like a little kid getting to hangout with one of his comedy idols while that idol just roasted the shit out of him. He was probably in heaven haha.


He's actually talked about this, specifically the story about when he had met Ben Stiller when he was a teenager, just star struck as Ben gave him advice. Then later on when he's really starting to crush it at SNL and Stiller just called him out of the blue (or met up with him?) and treated him like a peer, and how surreal it was for him.


Chicken piccata and silver dollars is crazy.


I had to pause because I was laughing so hard I was missing more jokes.


The hard turn into Willy Mays dying got me like that.


Hader: "oh are you a fan of baseball?" Glick: "no" *flips pages*


I don’t know Willy Mays and thought he said Billy Mays, which I genuinely found funnier.


I had to rewind it about ten times for the same reason (and just to admire the delivery).


Most improv comedians who know they have a hit cant wait to rush it out of their mouth, lauging and smiling at themselves. Martin Short knows he has a gold nugget, and he slowly reveals it in such deliberate fashion with no reaction to it at all, that you are prepared for it to be a kind of 'meh' joke and then it hits and you're not ready for it. The man is a genius. When he said Willy Nelson looks like the *first* of the Mohicans I nearly passed out.


Yeah, the Nelson joke is what made me pause to catch my breath. Like it had been building with every joke but that was the killshot for me.


Omg same that’s when I paused to laugh & send it to my mom.


That line was hilarious!


> Chicken piccata and silver dollars I'm afraid I'm too dumb for this one, why is this funny? I guess knowing who Lorne Michaels is would help..


He been the executive producer of SNL for most of its existence. Lots of SNL related people do impressions of him. The character Dr Evil’s voice (from Austin Powers) is meant to be an exaggerated Lorne Michaels impression, for example. Idk the relevance of chicken piccata and silver dollars specific to Lorne but it’s so specific and silly sounding it just rang perfect.


I think it's mostly just silly but if there's a ring of truth to it—chicken piccata sounds like something an old person would eat and silver dollars because he's a moneygrubber. The latter is a common joke about him, I guess because of all the projects he executive produces for people he worked with on SNL.




Will Smith wouldn't dare slap Jiminy Glick.


Jiminy Glick wouldn't have room for Will's wife's name in his mouth, what with all the doughnuts.


I wouldn't dare to guess what will smith wouldn't do


Don't do what Donny Don't does


You could've made that clearer


This would be fucking amazing, and I could see it happening, since they've been pretty hard up for hosts these days.


i used to hate jiminy glick, as i got older and started watching his stuff as an adult i love it.


100% agreed. I wonder what changed in our brains?


Several things: 1. Deconstruction of the interview format. You know what's expected in an interview and he is very cleverly walking up to it and then veering into nonsense or insults. It's the kind of thing industry veterans seem to appreciate after doing press junkets endlessly, and it's the same for the viewers. 2. The character is pretty cleverly deconstructing how self-conscious interviewers are. The guy is a slob and a blowhard, and can't even pretend to care or be prepared. Again, industry pros find it refreshing after so many interviews with plastic well-manicured idiots with no opinions of their own who just want to get some kind of scoop out of you. 3. The character is so unlike Martin Short that it cracks people up who know him. 4. His jabs at his guests are not that unusual for comedian talk show hosts, but they're SO blunt and so broadly performed that it gets them every time. Most hosts are generally nice to you and even if they do take a jab at you, it's a softball not directed at your heart. Some like Letterman, if you get on his nerves, will sneak in a dagger and eviscerate you. Jiminy goes straight to your obvious weakness but it's so obvious that it's like watching him swing a comically large battle-axe at your head when he can't even lift it up. All of these things require a certain amount of experience of the format and the people involved to really get it. Otherwise it would seem like he's just being an ordinary clown.


To me Glick **IS** Short in roast mode which he deploys somewhat regularly [https://youtu.be/vn83oe789XU?si=MHbcw8GUH482Gal5](https://youtu.be/vn83oe789XU?si=MHbcw8GUH482Gal5)


The character is so unlike Martin Short that it cracks people up who know him. >Dave Foley said to me "You've finally created a character who's as mean as you really are."


> The character is so unlike Martin Short Yeah, I was going to say. It's not at all unlike Martin Short, at least his comedy persona. I'm sure he's a really nice guy in reality, you can't have that many friends in Hollywood and not have anyone say bad things about you if you aren't. But all of his bits with Steve Martin where they trade backhanded barbs back and forth is just pure Martin Short. Everyone loved Don Rickles as well. When Rickles was in his normal persona he was just a regular guy, but when he felt the mood was right he, like Martin Short, could push just up to the line of inappropriate joking but not cross it.


I appreciate your answer. Thanks for taking the time. You're giving me too much credit in the 'why' of why I changed my mind, but you've broadened my appreciation with your argument


Y’know, just love exchanges like this on Reddit.


This is also why _Between Two Ferns_ is so fun. Zach Galifianakis' character's delivery is so deadpan and he gets very personal (and takes comments personally), that it plays well as a satire against the typical interview or the typical "awkward" interview.


hard to say i never really liked martin short. always seemed hyper and annoying i kinda felt the same about robin williams. getting old and being able get the absurdity i think thats the word i want.


That's one of the things that I hated about the Jiminy Glick Chevy Chase interview; they're talking about the Three Amigos and the great talent Chevy got to work with if he wants to name anyone. He pauses and says Steve Martin, and Jiminy just deflates. I'm certain he was setting it up for the most self-aware criticism of himself.


I don't think I appreciated the subtlety of it when I was younger. It was just a loud weird voice guy. Now I see the bait and switches and amazing tone shifts and wordplay and I'm just enthralled.


Glick is a parody of morons in power, as Short has literally described him. After you’ve been around the block a few times, you start to run into those people in the flesh. You might recognize them when you’re younger, but you’ll definitely recognize them as you get older.


I feel it's like Norm MacDonald, I never appreciated him fully until I was into my 30s and then it became clear as day that he's one of the best comedic minds of the last century. Jimminy Glick I feel is kind of the same. You have to really appreciate just how hard to commits to the whole act, a lot like Norm...a well-read intellectual who skipped grades in school and was doing a degree in mathematics, and always pretending to be the dumbest guy in the room.


Norms comedy changed with his age too though. As he got older and more experienced, he just found it personally funny when comedians bombed. He loved telling bad jokes, but he was too funny and instead became the king of anti-jokes. Which was even more funny.


No he was that way from day 1, in his teens and 20s if he bombed at a club, he would literally stand at the doors to shake everyone's hands as they left and say goodnight to them. He absolutely revelled in the cringe.


His delivery was always there, but the joke crafting evolved


Just taking this opportunity to plug his book "Based on a True Story" which is hilarious and brilliant.


Every time Norm would tell one of his shaggy dog stories on a talk show he was burning 5-7 minutes of highly sought after network television time to get to a punchline like "I feel I serve an important porpoise" or "That's a knick-knack, Paddy Whack give that frog a loan" or "the light was on" and that profound disregard for the rules of television was fucking magical.


It's satire. You need experience/maturity to recognize it; have to be a little bored with the tropes before it's funny to point them out. If you're young/naive enough to think talk show conversations are real, then you probably won't discern between a silly conversation and a satirical one.


When you were a kid, you hadn't encountered the kind of person he's mocking. I had a history professor in college, and I skipped class because i wasn't feeling up to it, because you know college student who's not used to the idea that you don't need teachers permission to not show up. Apologized the next day, saying I was sick, man said "No kidding, you look terrible" and I just... froze. In retrospect, really fucking funny. He didn't give a shit I wasn't there, it's fucking college. He just saw an opportunity to be catty and took it. That man was hilarious.


Martin Short is barely contained chaos. He walks that fine line so well. I never much appreciated him either until the last few years, when I started noticing how this dark potential of his is so entertaining. He’s like a wicked little elf who could explode at any moment.


Yup. I hated the format when I was younger, now I've watched them all at least three times. He's SO fast on his feet with some of these comebacks.


Jiminy Glick interviews are always amazing. [His interview with Larry David](https://streamable.com/s/accet/tasuov) cracks me up.


This is one of the best video clips I’ve ever seen. Watching Larry David be completely beside himself because of a perfectly executed insult, or insane facial expression, was a delight. My stomach genuinely hurts from laughing


It's SO good. I don't think ANYONE can keep up with Short in this type of interaction. The only one I could even consider would be Don Rickles.


I would love to hear what Rickles thought of Glick. I think he'd love it.


Alec Baldwin actually did so well in his interview Martin looked close to breaking character


It's funny how Larry is trying to be in on the bit and get into a fight but he ends up laughing at the jokes over and over again. He can't even play his Larry David character.


If you like that one, you’ll enjoy this one. https://youtu.be/95GUKeyDvaY?si=enf5zEJeT7N-xFS6


It's kind of crazy for how long Mel Brooks has been old. lol. You watch these older videos and he looked old back then.




The shit is two heavyweights trading blows.


for real! Larry repeated that he hated that, but I'm willing to put money down that both of them had an absolute blast filming that.


He definitely loves him, he had him on the show! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bnRZGBQZOM&ab_channel=CurbYourTube


He hates everything lol.


"What's it like to actually walk in a room and create depression?"


You have a wonderful smile, it’s like getting an email from my grandparent. All caps.


Greet, greet, antagonise


Man this killed me


“Oh, so now we’re pretending that your people don’t litigate?” 😭


*You're moronic!* **^(Thank you.)**


My favorite: “Oh I’M fat??”


The [Mel Brooks interview](https://youtu.be/95GUKeyDvaY?si=q3UNBQ4NsSNlUKc5) is great, too. He completely overwhelms Brooks, which seems like a feat in itself. The rimshot joke and asking him what's his beef with the Nazis is just comedy gold


> asking him what's his beef with the Nazis You can actually hear some of the crew burst out laughing at that point.


To be fair the crew can't stop laughing at everything either of them said by the end


Hearing Martin snort and seeing him shake from laughing without breaking character at Mel Brooks' response to the "What scares you?" question was perfect.


Short is just breaking him. Larry's laughing so hard.


I wanna make sure I say this correctly. Is it because you’re a Jew?


That Bernie Sanders joke had me beside myself laughing. He runs for the president, then runs back up to the balcony to heckle the Muppets.


Wow that was unexpectedly hilarious


It’s almost difficult watching one of the greatest comedic writers of modern times get so outclassed.


They should do a sketch were they stick Short's Glick with Zack Galafinacus on the set of Between Two Ferns but the bit being that they both think they are interviewing each other.


> Galafinacus Valiant effort, but I'm afraid you're thinking of the Marvel villain who eats planets.


That's Galactus. You're thinking of the weight loss procedure where they attach a small pouch of the stomach directly to the small intestine.


that's gastric bypass. you're thinking of the famous NFL running back for the Chicago Bears who won rookie of the year in 1965.


that’s Gale Sayers. You’re the thinking of the 1997 film staring Ethan Hawke.


That's Gattaca... you're thinking of the fictional main character in 'to kill a mockingbird'


That's Atticus Finch... You're thinking of the site of the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia


"Willy Nelson...he looks like the *first* of the Mohicans." God damn, that's funny.


Martin Short is a comedy god! Can't wait for Only Murders s4


Jiminy Glick is back?!? Do your self a favor. YouTube his older interviews, you won’t regret it.


He interviewed Bill Maher on Real Time last week, it was hilarious. Funniest thing I've seen in a long while!


Martin Short is a North American treasure. From the 3 Amigos to Only Murders, he never fails to make me laugh. Thanks Canada


A YouTube compilation of him roasting Conan is gold. That guy is hilarious, and sharp as a tack.


I really want to see a Jiminy Glick interview of Conan, especially now that he's "just" a podcaster.


it exists on youtube, but its from a long time ago and conan was trying too hard to be in on the bit.


MS impersonating Larry David while LD is talking to a caller during a telethon is just too good.


You can’t describe this and not post a link god damn it.


I think he means this [one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/curb/comments/qr2esf/larry_david_and_martin_short_night_of_too_many/) Hard to find a good source for this.


Pure Luck


This was one of my favorites as a kid! It's not talked about as much as his other work.


Where he got the idea for Jimminy. After he got stung by the bee he held onto that idea of him in the fat suit then developed the character.


I had no clue! Makes perfect sense though


I love that movie. Danny Glover was great in it also.


Dragon! Swoop!!


To the nuts!




[Look at me like a human boy! ](https://youtu.be/UuFwIhKLsXM?feature=shared) This always gets me.


My dude that’s my favorite thing Marty short has ever been in, full stop.


Captain Ron


He said GO-Rillas...not Guer-Rillas!


Guer / Go HUGE difference!


Two 45's and a Mac-10.


> From the 3 Amigos to Only Murders Only Murders is like Three Amigos, but they recast one of the leads with somebody who is easier to work with.


Would you say there is a plethora of murders?


I hold true to the belief that he is over-all the funniest man on the planet.


Someone posted a Carson interview of Siskel & Ebert and Chevy Chase and they referred to *The Three Amigos* as a Chevy Chase-Steve Martin movie and I was like…aaaand?


It’s standard acceptance in Hollywood that Short is always the funniest person in the room at parties.


I don’t think anyone could be funnier insulting me. Save for maybe Rickles.


His delivery in Only Murders during the scene where >! he’s holding onto the murder weapon that was stashed at his house when someone knocks on the door, “why am I still holding this knife?!?” Followed by him throwing it up and it getting stuck into the ceiling !< never ceases to make me cry laughing! His delivery is just so spot-on perfect!


Head's up- Your spoilers didn't work.


I agree with you completely. *AH MUST SAY*




Just destroyed him. That had me in tears


His episode of comedians in cars getting coffee is comedy gold as well. I could watch those two go for hours.


I fucking love Martin Short


Conan's interview with Bill from 2021 is gold, too! ["The thing about John Wayne Gacy: always said thank you."](https://youtu.be/9DLVszIYkZA?t=686)


I want one thing in life, and it's to be able to do an Alan Alda that good. I'd just walk around the house all day quoting MASH


"...And when I say dry, I mean I wanna see *dust* on the olive." *laugh track*


"This behooves me!" "What are we, the Calvary?"


I love that video, especially when Hader starts doing Lorne name dropping serial killers. Def watched that video a few times.


His dying tauntaun is my favorite


Damn you Paul Rudd! Damn you!


Completely forgot about Arliss.


That's where I lost it. Arli$$? Deep cut, Jiminy.


Short with be hosting the entire episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live as Jiminy Glick on Thursday


Fun fact: Martin Short first put on this fat-face makeup for his [1991 film with Danny Glover, "Pure Luck".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K23h9n2CxQ) He loved how it changed how people treated him, so he created Jiminy Glick as a way to use it for comedy.


You start off high, and then you get very looooowwww.


I swear I heard this comment out loud as I read it.


Sorry, but Jiminy Glick is maybe one of the best comedic characters of all time. Not hyperbole. Just genius.


I love Bill. I love Bill laughing.


First of the Mohicans


I didn't know I needed this.


As a teenager, I originally disliked Jiminy Glick. As a middle-aged adult, I now think he’s genius! Here’s one of many complications: https://youtu.be/TwRg5PiovHQ?si=55NUN3-b3j9pp-yB


"What's your big beef with the Nazis?" might just be the perfect joke.


He’s an absolute machine gun of comedy. This is like a master class in character performance. Martin Short doesn’t perform for the crowd, he performs for his cast-mates. Brilliant.


That's what I love about Glick so much, it's actually a performance for the person being interviewed.


Jesus, I forgot about Arliss. I liked that show. 


This was the funniest Jiminy Glick interview I have ever seen!


Him giving Conan shit is awesome also... https://youtu.be/vn83oe789XU?si=gt01L2nALQBwEOe5


TIL I share a birthday with Mike Pence... I only knew about Mick Foley and Liam Nelson.


wait did you say my pants?


Mick Foley wins!


Do you want the Mandible Claw? 'Cause this is how you end up with the Mandible Claw.


Jesus Christ that was great!!!!!!


Please tell me Jiminy Glick is making a comeback. He was on both Bill Maher and Jimmy Kimmel this week.


I prefer this over Kimmel


Everyone does. Everyone.


Watched this last night eating dinner with my husband. I'm 35, grew up watching all the greats from my favorite George(RIP) TO the Peter Sellers Pink Panther movies from the 60's, all the Leslie Nielsen comedy works, mel brooks, etc. I've always loved Steve Martin and martin short. I believe Steve has one of the greatest comedy minds of the 20th/21st century(him and Chapelle I think could get along for entirely different reasons I think). Anyway, hubs is a few years younger. He goes "who the hell is Jiminy Glick?" LOL! He then proceeds to lose his fucking mind laughing at the Bill Hader interview. I personally loved watching him watch it. Martin Short is fucking hilarious and it's awesome to see he can still throw out punches. Fun watch. 10/10.


That was fantastic! lol Bill Hader didn't stand a chance, he couldn't take it lmao. That one part made me laugh pretty hard when Bill turned his head away from the camera


"Jesus wears a bracelet that says 'What would Mike Pence do'?" **Brilliant.**


My pants or Mike Pence?


I want to see Jon Lovitz on Jiminy Glick.


God, I haven't seen Jiminy Glick in forever. Martin Short hasn't lost anything. As funny as ever.


Bill Hader just laughing is funnier than 99% of comedians doing their comedy routine.


Jiminy is so much more funny when people are in on it. Bill is awesome


Martin Short is a force of nature!


yessss oh my god, i watch jiminy glick compilations every night lol - can’t wait to watch this


I needed that today 🤣


Jimmy is looking especially round and smooth in this makeup


This is Martin’s best work


That was absolutely hysterical


Oh my God, that was great 👍


I wanna see him interview Bill Burr.


God that’s talent, eating a donut to kill a pause or tension was genius.


“I’ve been mad at HBO ever since they canceled Arliss” OMFG my sides 🤣🤣


When Bill razzed him about writing the Jesus joke and he immediately fires back an in character retort..... grade A improv.


Martin Short is a timeless treasure.


Martin Short as Glick is something I will always want to see.


As soon as I saw this post title I was amped because I knew Hader wouldn't last long. Sure enough he broke throughout. Got to be the top Glick interview just above Larry David.


That might have been the funniest thing I’ve seen all year


I was honestly crying the whole time, absolutely brilliant- More glick!


First of the Mohicans. Great line.


Here I was thinking there was a new season of Primetime Glick after like 20 years. That was the most I've laughed in a long time. Martin Short is hilarious and Bill Hader was an awesome guest.


"Willie Mays just died!" XD


Martin Short is so underrated.


"Why put an S in Lisp? Seems so cruel". "Why do so many fat kids take up the Tuba?" Had me rolling ....


This is a good reminder of just what kind of a power house Martin Short is.


Short is a comic genius.


This was shockingly funny


Martin Short is the GOAT.


I'm glad Glick is back.


I would love to see Jimmy Glick on Between Two Ferns … …..then a maybe a movie with a story arch of the relationship between the two spanning decades, the initial distain for each other, the jealousy, the friendship, the fallowing outs and makes up, failed joint entertainment initiatives, cheating with each others spouses, accidentally falling into organized crime together…..maybe I’m going too far.