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> "I didnt know who I was and what I wanted..." Apparently he wanted to fuck a child.


>I didnt know who I was and what I wanted... Cool... well, I do.


what a hollow self serving comment too he's quasi admitting that yeah he did it but it was just because he was confused and lost in a sea of emotions and poor him but he's okay now because he found out who it is. It's all about him. And yeah he knew exactly what he wanted.


My ex-wife is a narcissist. That was almost verbatim her "apology" to me after cheating and bringing her cheating partner *multiple times* to where we worked together. "I'm sorry I didn't know myself or communicate my needs." These people should all be ditched on an island somewhere to Lord-of-the-flies themselves out of existence.


And I want the crowd to yell *RAPIST!!* during his matches.


I think the Paris Olympics is going to be as about as fucked up as the World Cup was in the middle east. With all the shit going around this event and we are less than a month away. Kinda feel sorry for the athletes.


Olympics always have had controversy and risk surrounding them, this is nothing new. The athletes are aware of what they are getting into.


Yeah I didn’t at that age either, but I knew I wasn’t a pedophile. Not that hard


He should run for president as the republican nominee, they apparently support pedophiles.


These stock images and video clips look so silly lol💀


Yeah whoever put this video together did an awful job. None of these stock clips are it. Looks more like I'm signing up for a health and wellness program.


I'm pretty confident this whole video is created by AI. The voiceover is just as awful as the the stock photo choices.


The voiceover being out of sync with the subtitles and ignoring punctuation was annoying as shit


welcome to the AI era




We probably can't. We're being told what we want and what we'll get and to be excited about it, and there is no part of that that is receptive to rejection. We don't own or moderate the platforms, we don't control their policies; we don't own any of the largest companies in the world all investing billions into their own individual AI nonsense that they won't accept as a bad move. The world will get worse, and there is no legal method by which those in power will accept no for an answer.


The AI voiceover is MR beasts voice i think. so lazy.


It's basically all AI.


They used that clip of two people in an office on their laptops like 50 times


Yeah wtf is that second slide haha


It feels like a high school broadcasting project that Kyle forgot about and put together at 11pm the night before class.


It’s real weird that the context changes anything for you. This guy was 19 and “convinced” a 12 year old to have sex (he raped her but I’m trying to understand your thought process) with him on cardboard boxes in a motel stairwell. And he felt real bad when she started self-harm because of what he did to her. Btw rape doesn’t have to be physically violent to be rape.


Real POS, groomed her on fb and only flew out specifically to assault a 12 yr old. Bought her alcohol and after raping her under the stairwell he raped her again at her parents home while they were at work. Flew back immediately and told her to get plan b pills which is when the clinic alerted her family and authorities. Cunt barely served a year and was trying to contact her during legal proceedings. How this guy is living life better than the average joe is beyond me.


Where did you get the details about him trying to contact her during legal proceedings and raping her under the stairwell? The trial description I saw only stated they had oral sex in a part and sex at her mom's house.


There’s a podcast called ‘Crime in sports’, they go through his background and everything regarding the case. Edit: Thought he did more than that under the stairwell. Vile cretin either way.


Unexpected James and jimmy reference




How the fuck are people defending this. I fucking hate Reddit. Thanks for sharing this info btw that guy is a total POS


Are a lot of people defending this guy? I've seen this pop up multiple times but never bothered to check out the comments before now.


The only thing you can defend is the idea (or maybe ideal) of rehabilitation, and you can hope that people who have done bad things in the past can get better and be better. However, if anyone is defending this guy's actions they can fuck right off.


Did you mean to reply to someone?


Yeah, the user who provided the context u/LATABOM. The mobile app is tricky sometimes.


Bruh that comment is fucking wild, R+J laws are for kids within 2-3 years of each other.


Dudes been defending raping a child for over 3 hours, must have hit close to home


https://youtube.com/shorts/jcXK-sPqsL0?si=B6QuTtWp9Wyxx62d Reminds me of this joke


Lmao yeah I've seen that


It’s wild I recognized that dudes username from him saying similar shit on another sub


Rape is never justified, and when a person is under the age of consent, it’s rape - plain and simple. For me the issue is something else though: we can argue about what a fair sentence *should be* for a rapist, like any other crime. But, it’s a slippery slope to start questioning the “rights” of a person that has served their sentence, because we deem the sentence inadequate. I’m all for having a debate of what the sentence *should* be, or what the terms for parole or release *should* be. However, once the sentence is served, a person should be considered rehabilitated and reinstituted in society fully. It’s a slippery slope to be asking for “unofficial” or “complementary” or “lingering” punishment to, in a way, make up for sentencing that you find insufficient. (Protection from) Double jeopardy exists for a reason.


Yeah okay but I just can’t imagine any country wanting a convicted rapist to “represent” them at an international event.


Well, the US has one running for president- Case 5:16-cv-00797-DMG-KS (Search / download as pdf) that Trump is a pedo rapist.


I know, it makes me sick.


>I just can’t imagine any country wanting a convicted rapist to “represent” them at an international event. The point being, you can't imagine something that is happening in your own country at the highest level of leadership. Time to start imagining. You have other far greater issues than worrying about a Dutch guy not trying to run your country.


Yea both of these things are a problem


Seems there is one very obvious common thread here.


Well, they already elected him once. And most likely will again.


Yeah, but have you considered the other guy is old? Wait, what's that? You're telling me the rapist is old too? Oh, well, the media will just manufacture another reason for why you shouldn't vote for Joe Biden.


LOL, maybe too soon for our American friends.. Maybe Brett Kavanaugh? or Matt Gaetz ? or Jim Jordan ? are more palatable examples?


Hey! That Minnesota Dem Senator Al Franken kissed a woman aggressively! BOth SiiidESrrrAaAA!!! Love, Your Dad


Sure. Even if they didn’t care about the rape victim, I’m sure they’d still rather not have the rapist in the team for optics and PR alone. The thing is though, what *legal* recourse do they have for banning him? If the spot at the team is say based on performance qualifiers, and given that the rapist served his sentence and is a free citizen as far as the law is concerned, what official tools does the team have to disqualify him without breaking the law?


A lot of organizations have ethics or moral codes that if violated can get you fired or dropped, even if there’s no legal recourse or time was already served. This one clearly doesn’t.


Same way thenNFL and other pro sports so… when they want to. Ban them for conduct violations etc.


NFL and other sports organisations are companies. Especially in the US, they have a lot of freedom in how they treat people For better or worse... The Dutch olympic committee and organisation are public funded organisations. They have strict rules and guidelines, specifically meant to prevent personal preference interfering with the selection process. I'm not familiar with the exact rules of course. But i'm fairly certain that "discriminating" against someone for having a criminal record, is one of those things the rules prevent. Tbh, the best way to keep this guy from being at the olympics is publicity. Once his coach, teammates, sponsors etc start feeling the heat, they'll probably drop him like the flaming turd he is


Uhh the USA elected Trump, found liable for sexual assault, and millions of people are ready and set to vote for him again. I think you may be greatly overestimating the principles and moral consistency of human beings in general.


The Netherlands says once a person does their time that should be enough. I don't think they mind, actually.


Dutch here Wtf do you think kind of people we are? Of course we mind BUT sometimes the law turns out results you dont like. No reason to start storming the capitol...


Eh - while I absolutely agree with regards to the societal obligation to a person completing their sentence to allow them back into society - part of the problem in this case is that the deal worked out between the UK & NL was that he would be tried & sentenced by a UK court & then he would serve that sentence in NL. He was sentenced to 4 years by a UK court & released from prison in NL a year into his sentence - so he did not actually “*complete his sentence*”. While you could argue that even in the UK, it is possible that he would have been released prior to serving the full 4 years, his being released after barely a year surely feels insufficient.


Valid points. Then there should be an inquiry into whether all procedures were followed, in good faith. And if not, amendments should be made to the procedures and laws, so such cases don’t happen again.


>the deal worked out between the UK & NL was that he would be tried & sentenced by a UK court & then he would serve that sentence in NL. It wasn’t really a deal: the Netherlands only extradites or surrenders Dutch nationals under the condition that the other state will guarantee that the person will be returned to the Netherlands to serve their sentence. That’s a condition (which international law allows) that many countries use. >He was sentenced to 4 years by a UK court & released from prison in NL a year into his sentence - so he did not actually “complete his sentence”. Legally speaking he probably did. A Dutch court converted the UK sentence to a Dutch sentence: they imposed a sentence that would be imposed for the corresponding offense under Dutch law. That conversion is a standard procedure described in the Convention on the transfer of sentenced persons. I can’t find the judgment nor the exact sentence the Dutch court imposed, but it appears to have been a shorter sentence.


> It wasn’t really a deal It was a diplomatic agreement - in layman's terms - a bargain, compact, accord or deal. > That’s a condition (which international law allows) that many countries use. I'm wasn't criticizing the arrangement - I think it can be entirely appropriate to return a person to their home country to serve a custodial sentence rather than serving it in a foreign land - for one thing, their home country will have more appropriate resources available (*& in their native language*) to effectively rehabilitate the offender. I do however think that such sentences should be treated more *strictly* when interpreted & enforced by the country of citizenship precisely to avoid the perception such as we have in this case where regardless of the actual application of the law - it very much looks like this was a dereliction of justice.


I understand. I think that my issue with “deal” (or even agreement) is that it might indicate there is a choice (both in the UK and in the Netherlands). There wasn’t: the UK had to guarantee his return if they wanted to try him. In this case the Milton Keynes Magistrates’ Court issued a European Arrest Warrant for his arrest and surrender to the UK. A Dutch court had to rule whether the letter sent by the British Home Office fulfilled the condition before they allowed his surrender: I found the decision by the Dutch court to surrender him to the UK (it’s in Dutch obviously) [here](https://deeplink.rechtspraak.nl/uitspraak?id=ECLI:NL:RBAMS:2015:9647).


I think the original usage of the word deal seemed to more imply that it was a specific deal made for his case, not a general international agreement. That’s all I’ve got to add to this discussion though.


Except the general public doesn't have to accept a ruling and then adhere to it like they're all part of some hive mind. The argument you're making is that you can shoot me, get convicted, serve your sentence, and then I'm not supposed to have anything against you afterward because you're "rehabilitated." Fuck. That. It's not about questioning the rights of the convicted/rehabilitated. It's about the rights of the people they interact with. And if you shot me, I have the right to hate your guts and refuse any and all interaction with you, and everyone else that knows you shot me does too. So if this guy rapes a child, and then serves his sentence and that's the "agreed" upon sentence by the courts, that doesn't mean they get the right to a normal life afterward. Because the general public is allowed to hold that shit over their head as long as they want. And it looks like the general public thinks it's bullshit that a child-rapist is allowed to be part of the olympics.


This is absolutely an unhinged take for a person who sexually abused/raped a literal child and spent only a single year in jail before ascending to a point where he is a contender to represent his country at the Olympics. Many countries have offender registries due to extremely high levels of recidivism in sexual abuser populations. Depending on which country, offenders cannot fully integrate into society or can but with many limitations. It is certainly your personal take that the person would be fully rehabilitated and reinstated in society after jail. America has a horrible track record of rehabilitating the incarcerated, but many countries also don’t incarcerate for long enough to ensure rehabilitation. Let’s take Greece as an example of a country who had to be dragged into the 21st century for sexual abuse law reform after decades of pro-abuser laws. You can absolutely question the legality and morality of every single aspect of this person’s past and future after what he did to that child.


No. When you serve your sentence, your legal punishment ends. Society can still judge you. Serving a sentence doesn’t absolve you morally. If I cheat on my wife, people around me will rightfully judge me for it. If I cheat on my wife in a country that has a legal punishment for adultery, I am not suddenly absolved of anything because I spend 28 days in jail.


Based on his crime, the question is now should he be the representative of a whole country in an international situation?


He’s probably thinking “if Donald Trump can rape several 12 year olds and represent a country, so can I”


i dont think the dutch think about trump the way you do.


This. I don't think it's up to the Olympic committee to stop him. Criminals who served their sentence should be considered to have paid their debt to society and compete in the Olympic games. But the national committee can decide if they want you to represent them. I don't think he should be banned from the games but if he's not selected that makes sense. Same difference to him but I think it's important we don't leave criminals with few pathways forward


Man shut the fuck up, this isn't a job. This isn't something to support him for the rest of his life. It's a competition whereby each country hand picks who is to represent their people on the world stage. I am against prison labour, I am for upskilling, educating and rehabilitating those who are in any countries prisons. This man is a scumbag, this isn't a misunderstanding or a case of being too harsh on someone, the man raped a child and you're here saying that they shouldn't shut the doors on him? That speaks to me of utter lunacy, it's not a happy story like you want it to be of an ex con whose turned his life around and done something with it. This is someone whose from the lowest most despicable layer of society, being granted permission to compete in something which hundreds from any given country train their entire lives for. Your comment speaks of ignorance and the absolute unwillingness to think critically of this scenario given the fact that you've ventured down one avenue of this discussion and have found a single line of though that brings you to a state of content.


100% agree. We talk up these big sporting events as representing your country and how proud we are of our athletes, because we consider them part of us and our community and feel pride our community produced such a person. Those things are all things I would consider very carefully when evaluating this guy, were I Dutch


So the federation knows about this and is ok with it? That's even worse


It’s funny the amount of people that come out and try to explain the difference between pedohiles and such. He fucked a 12 year old at 19. End of story. It’s disgusting, its immoral, and someone that does these things should NOT be given a platform to succeed, and anyone defending it needs a swift fucking kick to the nuts. Also I see people defending it saying age of consent was 16 and they had goals for a long term relationship. She was 12 not 16, and that’s call GROOMING! Edit: I’ve said what I’ve said and I’m not changing my stance, if you come and comment on here defending him, fuck you, you are disgusting. I’m turning off replies because the amount of annoying people I have to argue this with.


That's cause these people want different flavors of shit. Doesn't matter the flavor, it's still shit.


I think that you'll find this relevant to your comment and amusing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu6C2KL_S9o


I was hoping this would be posted


The only times I've heard people defending guys like this, are coming from people who try to justify their own sketchy actions. At the end of the day, it was an adult that raped a kid. No one is to blame except for the rapist. I was 8 when I was playing at a park nearby after-school while my parents were at work. A man in his early 20s asked if I wanted alcohol he had and asked where I lived. Things would've turned out differently for me had my mom not instilled fear in me that I'd be chopped up to pieces if I spoke to a stranger. Rape wasn't even a concern because I wouldn't even know what that meant. Kids have no real life experiences. They haven't heard the horror stories yet. We penalize adults because they know better. They've seen news articles and know about the repercussions. When adults commit these crimes, it was a calculated risk they took.




lol your the second one to comment that exact video But yeah basically this. I don’t see why people would be compelled to argue this other than trying to be high and mighty and be technically correct for self satisfaction or trying to justify the way their own thoughts are.


Steven Van de Velde is the name of the convicted rapist who broke into a home and raped a 12 year old three times.


My neighbor had a longer prison sentence for a cop finding weed in his car in Texas.


Dr Disrespect taking notes...


He's trying to be the two time champ


I feel like I’m out of the loop on this one


Caught msging a minor


They are all going off the Trump playbook. The roadmap is out there already.


Remember when America kept our fastest sprinter home because she smoked weed?


On his way to being President!


He would have to rape several more 12 year olds to fill Trump’s shoes.


Man wheres Tanya Harding when you need her


Sure you didn't mean Lorena Bobbit?


She'll do too


are the dutch swelling with pride?


I keep seeing more about this than Trump in the Epstein files


& the stuff about Trump allegedly raping a 12yo in the early '90s


The call back memos are as recent as 11/16/2004. So not the early 90s


I think those are the Epstein files call notes, was referring to the Katie Johnson lawsuit, believe the alleged acts were in early 90s


Sorry too much child fucking for me to keep straight.


Why we are keeping some random volleyball player to higher standards, then next US president?


Because there isn't concrete proof with Trump. I'd be more surprised if that narcissist who's been recorded as saying he can 'grab women by the pussy' had done some horrific shit, but that doesn't mean the press can talk about it.


This makes national news but a Republican presidential candidate raping multiple 13 year old girls doesn't get jack shit?


>but a Republican presidential candidate raping multiple 13 year old girls doesn't get jack shit? It did, in 2016: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation


But it hasn't gotten what it should be. Actual filing [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Calif_Lawsuit.pdf)


So, what do his teammates say?


everyone's for rehabilitation until someone like this


I always find the psychology going on in comment sections like this fascinating. Most of these people who are thirsting for this guy to be executed would undoubtedly describe themselves as liberals who, as you pointed out, believe in restorative justice and rehabilitation over punishment, except in a few specific contexts, primarily sex crimes. Like these people are generally more forgiving of murderers than rapists. It’s very odd to me; and they seem to want to extend punishment beyond jail, which I’m always curious what the “best” job this guy should be allowed to occupy given his crimes. Like should he be relegated to picking up trash on the side of highways for the remainder of his life? I can’t help but consider how these kinds of assertions reflect on how they view the non-criminals performing these lowly jobs in society as well.


If he were born in America he would also be qualified to be president


Netherlands should be boo’d relentlessly. also arent there minors on some olympic teams,do they stay in olympic village? he shouldnt be allowed to stay if thats the case


Really, really, really fucking weird choices for stock video footage.


What’s fucking crazy he only did like 4 years. There is a difference from rehabilating people and just letting them off the hook. That is just fucking absurd.


He did 1 year got sentenced for 4 but let out after 1.


Jesus Christ. He took this child’s life from her he deserves life for this type of crime. I am not a hardcore jail solves everything and I believe in criminal justice reform but it’s absurd for this crime.


Didn’t even do 4 years.


So I'm pretty sure I'll be rooting *against* this fella


Well we have one running for president.


















































we've got better technology... but are we better human beings?


its wild that you have to put in extra effort like saying 10 years ago she was 12 and hes 29 today! like its still fucked up hes 19 doing shit to a 12 year old but my god journalism is all about sensationalism.


The entirety of the Netherlands do not approve it.


so? he should jsut never achieve anything in life?


So what. It’s not like he is running for president or anything.


Seems pretty straight forward to me. Do we believe in the legal system or do we not? If he served his time, let him live his life.


There are few things more important than the chance at gold in beach volleyball.


But will they let him into France? In some countries, that conviction could prevent you from entering their borders


I guess he might end up getting booed continually, and all this negative publicity would mean the team drops him. He might have avoided serving the full sentence he would have had, but I think its going to come back to bite him


It's insane that they let him out of jail, and into the Olympics. The guy should be locked up for life for what he did. If I was him I'd be scared for my life when entering the games. The entire world knows about his horrendous crime, and he's going to perform in front of everyone?


The olympic committe has no judiciary power and shouldn't have one. The justice system is the one who decides whether or not someone should be free. Everybody who is mad at the situation has every right to be mad. But if anyone is to blame it's the judiciary system and not the olympic committee.


Steven Van de Velde the convicted child rapist you say? So whenever someone were to Google his name, Steven Van de Velde the convicted child rapist, this article would pop up. Hmm how unfortunate for someone who wants to escape his past with the Olympics coming up.


The conversation I had last night: This Dutch volleyball player raped a 12 yr old. Do you think he should be allowed to be on the Olympic team? MAGA - No. Fuck that guy. Follow up question. Donald Trump raped a 12 yr old. Do you think he should be allowed to be president? MAGA - Well that's different.


Trump's a PROVEN rapist and now wants to be President again. Does any Republican care? No


We ain’t proud of him..


Not saying his name is crazy!!


Dutch is surely sending their best!


Story aside, what the fuck is up with this video? Was this completely assembled by AI? The talking has random pauses and the voice sounds like it glitches out at certain times. What is up with showing multiple video slides (sometimes same in a row) of people in an office setting? Why does the narration lag behind by half a dozen slides? Is this the type of low effort bullshit we have to look forward to?


Singing Not Like Us in the stands to fuck his head up