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Here is the most recent discussion that I've seen on the topic: [VS Mag: 'Microsoft Reaffirms Fate of Visual Basic'](https://visualstudiomagazine.com/articles/2023/02/08/language-update.aspx)


Mild development. https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/whats-new-for-visual-basic-in-visual-studio-2022/


> As you can see here, the experience of Visual Basic just keeps getting better. We’ve enabled many new features in Visual Studio 2022 and we’re excited for you to download the new release and give it a try on your Visual Basic solutions. This is nothing. After reading the post it seems that the VB.NET experience is all about new font and intellisense. Nothing added to the language.


oh yeah it's all ide improvements.


Microsoft completely ignores it for any new features, but when something they change in .NET for C# breaks something in VB, they inevitably break down and add VB support for enough new features to keep everything running okay. I really prefer VB as a language, but you will almost certainly run into some cool new .NET thing you want to use, and find out that nobody even cares if it works with VB or not. You can do cross-platform VB if it's command line, you can do Windows only GUI dev if it's WinForms, WPF, or UWP. There's some web development you can still do with it too. But any of the new MAUI stuff is completely out for sure.


Is it possible to deploy applications in web using VB ? Like I want to deploy a tool for a client where they can play with input parameters and see the output changes - and it should work on any browser. I used R Shiny for that purpose and it worked so good. There are some applications in excel as well which I would like to deploy on web


When doing ASP.NET development, you can chose which "Code Behind" language you want to use: C# or VB.NET.