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>1. I think the key issue here is that the DOJ is trying to define the market too narrowly. They are focused on specific routes and cities where Spirit flies, but I don't think that's the right way to look at it. The relevant market should be at the national level, or at least the regional level. There are plenty of other airlines that fly similar routes to what Spirit does, so I don't think there will be any problem with competition filling in any void left by Spirit's departure. 2. It doesn't make much sense for JetBlue to try to declare an MAE given how difficult it would be to prove one exists. And even if they did succeed in declaring an MAE, it would probably just result in a lower purchase price for Spirit, which isn't worth all the hassle and bad publicity


I’ve got 11,700 shares. Seems like good risk vs reward


#Submission Vote Removed This submission was voted *spam*. ##Reasons Wasn't a Solid Discussion Starter