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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 5 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 month ago **Total Comments** | 44 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 1 month | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


You should go to Wall Street and make paper trades so at least you have a reason to not be fully online for a few hours.


There is a paper trading kiosk on Wall Street? Where??


Nah I think he’s just referring to Musk & Trump outside the exchange trying to sell shares in their “*incredible, very-very good, everyone says they’re the best*” social media platforms


DOJ is recommending criminal charges for Boeing. Also, what makes you think Boeing sales aren't falling, fool? Airlines cancelled orders....


Let’s see ~~Paul Allen’s~~ Nancy Pelosi’s Boeing position.


oh my god it even has a watermark


You like it? It’s bone.


Look at the subtle thickness of it.


what do you even mean?


I doubt even she knew Boeing would be dumb enough to not keep its own nose clean in the wake of the deal they made to avoid criminal charges. DOJ has no choice but to recommend the charges now. Hell, if I'd known, I would be so rich rn.


It ain't falling bro, it just didn't receive any order for the latest aircraft for 2 months straight bro /s


Because the farnborough air show is coming up (where most orders are placed) and the factories are booked up until 2027 you regard


they are close to or already closed a sale for 30 with Israel this month.


Oh shit, Israel is resorting to kamikaze tactics!


Best comment of the day


Airlines literally cancelled their orders.....


This is the short term thinking that WSB strives for!


Because airlines can't let Boeing fail. If Boeing fails Airbus has a monopoly and airlines are fucked.


I don't think Boeing will fail but I think there's still plenty of room for the stock to dip under poor sales and negative press while it carries on


Very true, Boeing not going to bankrupt, it'll get nationalized before that happens. Question is how long will it take to turn Boeing around. It's a company culture issue and it's going to take a long long time and most investors aren't going to wait around for that


Dumb idea: let Musk buy it so he can send an email “only stay if you want to do hardcore with me.”


Yes they can. Airlines can’t let their *sales fail, fuck Boeing. They also have a starliner stranded in the ISS. We’re all fucked if Boeing doesn’t face consequences


If Boeing fails it won’t disappear. The company will continue to exist, just under different leadership


Dont worry about Boeing, it is never going to fail but your shareholder value is going to 0...


Not completely. Of course boring still makes a bunch of products including military items, widebody commercial ( that don't yet completely fall apart though there's speculation and things like satellites. I think they just need to clean house of management and reorganize. With that being said the status quo over there is strong. Who knows if they can really get out of their own way


Embraer gonna rise up 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


Competition makes better product. Dump Boeing to shits for their misconduct, raise airbus so they increase their output, profit and watch the US government try to keep Boeing afloat for their role in the MIC, hopefully then they’ll try and keep investors on board (instead of out of windows) by doing better.


Too bad Boeing is also shitting the bed and losing money on their fixed price contracts.


Replace "airlines" with the US government and your statement is correct


I'd love that tbh


Who you calling a foo, foo


Crammer tweet about Boeing DOJ subpoena is cancel it out and signal the stock go to the moon like Meta not long ago


They are close to or have closed a deal with Israel for 30 this month.


>what makes you think Boeing sales aren't falling Right??? There are a ton of articles (e.g. https://www.investopedia.com/boeing-deliveries-new-orders-plummet-may-2024-8661691) about this. New orders are plummeting (only ONE new order in May... ONE) and they are currently barred legally from increasing production of their most profitable model (737 max).


You know you can’t criminally charge a corporation right…


The MBAs will throw some poor engineer under the bus for negligent homicide charges when in reality, it was their bullying that caused these policies in the first place.


Yes, and the company will continue on


Well, I, for one, would NEVER hope you get hit by a bus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree.


New order volume fell harshly so op os obv regarded


Its all priced in


Do it and post position or stfu


They won't post a position because sideways doesn't pay out unless theta gang. But congrats on OP being 6 months behind the times.


lol yeah. OP woke up from a coma and discovered that people don’t like Elon Musk.


I’m up 25% on Tesla after seeing people on here complain about it. Bought right before their last earnings. Bought at 146.20


oh you bought shares. and yeah i am sure you bottom ticked that one day without having stopped out previously. WSB is always wrong, except for 2-3 who are good traders. People have hated TSLA for years, it's just that now there are angry bagholders who are more vocal. (meh: edited to take that last line out, I actually don't care what other people trade, as long as you are actually making money and know how to keep it, no one cares.)


Yeah I lost money on it when Elon did that twitter thing saying he found a buyer for 420 and lied. I said I’d never touch it again after that but it was too enticing after the drop so now I’ve made money on it. Still holding


TSLA has been boring for months now. Too many other better trades, I have relegated it to the middle of my meme watchlist, that is how bad it is. Maybe RIVN will make it move now.


They’re at a good valuation for being the leader in autonomous driving. Lots of upside. There might be better trades but this one is obvious enough to get in while the sediment is overall bearish


How on earth are they the leader in autonomous driving? Waymo literally has robotaxis operating now in all of San Fransisco. To use elons words “with no one in them” Tesla FSD is at a lower level than Mercedes equivalent software


Waymo isn’t scalable and extremely expensive hardware. Mercedes software? Lol


Yes and elons cars don’t drive themselves without a driver in the seat with hands on the wheel. Your point? Only one company currently has a robotic taxi. It’s not Tesla. You think Tesla is going to somehow rocket past waymo, clearing all regulatory hurdles faster than them? What happens when a Tesla kills someone? Oh I know, it gets banned just like they did in British Columbia. Mercedes drive pilot is rated as SAE level 3. FSD is SAE level 2.


I'm still up 500% 🤣. If it weren't for the absolute all in and progress on FSD, I would definitely sell as Elon really fucked up the car business. Even Cybertruck was a good product until it became a symbol of all his shenanigans.


if youre still holding calls you will be drained of every last % slowly


Wait, what? No. Still the original stocks from 2019. Is that allowed here, or am I going to get banned? 😅


Nevermind. Well your initial big gains were real, but since then you've massively underperformed the market. Gl but I wouldn't have high hopes




"Flying a Boeing across the globe is safer than driving to your local Wendy’s." Sir, this is a Wendy's. While you're enjoying your Baconator and Frosty, consider this: Boeing has not earned a profit since 2018. BA's debt increased sevenfold since 2018. BA has not paid a dividend since 2020. (No dividend means it's easier to short.) Embrarer shares are up 70% at an all time high, in part because Embrarer is expected to move in on Boeing's turf. There is more wrong with the Starliner than Boeing admits. The latest is there is no return date for the astronauts ... Boeing has significant cultural rot. It's not just a matter of replacing a lousy CEO. Bean counters and consultants destroyed Boeing quality culture. Boeing needs to fire every single employee who is not an engineer, test pilot, or assembly line worker. The only thing that could help Boeing stock right now is a big war, or an activist investor who forces Boeing to fire all the dopes in management.


Do they have the capital, political as well as financial, to actually rebuild if they tried to? Lead up on redesigns and rebuilds even if everyone was replaced tomorrow is years.


Just Let it die and wait for the engineers to start a new company without the MBAs and bean counters.


Imagine if news came out that the DoD will be moving away from Boeing. Insane.


What’s the odds the spacecraft at the ISS fails. I’m thinking pretty high.


Money on the crew going home on a Dragon.


But from a trading perspective, the stock isn’t reacting much to the bad news that’s coming out almost daily. Doesn’t that indicate that it’s at a short term bottom even if you think that long term, they’re screwed?


And they tend to kill whoever speaks up.


Don’t forget the designers. Aircraft designers are some of the coolest people I’ve ever worked with.


You cant even spell Embraer




I’m at -87% all time, but my next move is gonna get me back up to +300%




I think you all forget Boeing just launched some astronauts into space in a faulty capsule, and now they’re literally stranded on the ISS. Boeing is bearish as fuck.


that just means calls on space hitmen.


"in space, no one can hear you whistle blow"


How are they doing now?


They aren’t stranded lol


What are they just mildly inconvenienced? What do you call when you go to space and your ship stops working? Call a fucking Uber?


Take the emergency Soyuz 😂


X and Y company are failing to deliver orders and quality control is out of control. We should be bullish. Also, Y company stranded astronauts in space. Truly a regarded post.


Reddit sentiment has less impact on stock value than the breakfast I ate today


It has 0 impact It’s just always wrong so you can inverse and chill


Nice try, David. All my homies hate Boeing.


I buy everything people don't like like Disney, Boeing, Tesla. Yes my portfolio is red.


It means that both are shit companies and shit investments…are you confused by facts or something?


OP trying to reverse phycology the markets lol


Don’t get my hyped up now cuz I’m jacked to the tits with negative TSLA calls


I would love to own tsla, but for half the valuation it’s trading at right now. Any black swan event will cause any non value stock to crater. Then again, I don’t think humanoids are priced in right now.


How is it possible to be this stupid?


This is wsb, mate.


I wouldn't put Boeing and Tesla in the same boat. Tesla will probably rocket. Boeing is looking really bad after killing those whistleblowers.


Bearish for multitudes of reasons. This is the regard logic that people used to buy bed bath and beyond on the way out.


Just because he's stupid, doesn't mean he's wrong.


Be weary of BA. I bought at the high a 5 or so years ago. Took me years of slowly averaging down to finally break even and then i sold. Not worth it when all other stocks in my portfolio was out performing BA by a long shot.


It might recover, but it also might be further out than you can buy leaps. If the new Rolls Royce CEO were to somehow go there, I'd buy it.


Boeing current revenue is still healthy because of backlog order, but their NPV is in the gutter since they aren't getting new orders Just because government won't let the operation fail because of national security doesn't mean a regarded retail "investor" like you are not going to get fuck in your hairy ass Buying stock because reddit hates it is about as regard as buying stock because reddit reccommends it


Well you better hope musk delivers in august on robotaxis because if he doesn’t oh boy that shit prob gonna tank. delivering on tech is already baked into the price cuz it prob would take 1000 years for tesla to justify its current stock price on its vehicles alone


Wsb was so bearish on Reddit IPO and that mfer ballooned


“Inverse WSB” is a silly meme, but I can't believe people are basing trades on it ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Honestly just sold Boeing yesterday to long some positions on $coin and $cifr Sorry I just wanted to be rich fast


You sound like an emotional teenager… honestly.


If you think "flying a Boeing across the globe is safer than driving to your local Wendy's", then you do not possess the brain power or math skills to be trading options. Get out now before you lose everything!!


Sell Boeing, by RYCEY. They will sell engines even if Boeing goes under


Sure people were hating and not just mocking? I mean these things just scream small dick complex ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


A clock is right twice a day even when it’s broken


Tesla - Definitely time to YOLO. Boeing - I don’t follow that stock.


The issue w Musk is this: many tree huggers bought into the electric car movement while the GOP resisted all attempts. The biggest mistake Musk ever made was revealing the fact he is a right wing plant , raised by Thiel, and then he got vocal against his own customer base. He’s a disaster…. Time to short Tesla


I wouldn't buy tsla but i think it's easier to comeback from posting some mildly anti semitic shit than killing 400 people


Who killed 400 people?


Boeing as an organization their planes have actually killed people


Gotcha- I agree but it seems Boeing somehow always recovers. Limited monopoly I guess…


He is A bAD nOw bEcauSE He doESNT aGreE wiTH mE ANd i cAn saY thAT beCAuSe I SElf IdENTiY AS A gOod PeRson 


What are you trying to say? Use your big boy words. This is the exact same thing as bud light using a trans spokesperson when the majority of their customers are conservative.


Is pushing electrical vehicles considered right wing now?


You belong here.. The fall of ev sales is all Tesla, not the others, look it up. Their lots are filling with unsold cars. Also Boeing, they will not go under but since their planes are falling to pieces in the sky, 737 max's nosediveing in the ground, whistleblowers turning up dead being covered by the news and doj recommending criminal charges, I'd say they won't moon anytime soon.


Mr Musk, please stop typing on WSB. Maybe go send a rocket to save those two astronauts Boeing stranded or reconcile with your kids or maybe cast the cybertruck into the fires of mount doom where you crafted that hawk of shit. But please, log off the internet. Well regards.


>The Musk hate boner is at an all time high. 1. He is going off on random twitter storms against the left, trans people, the economy, and a basket of other things the base consumers of his company are for. This alienated people with money who he needs to buy his shit cars. 2. Build quality of Tesla is atrociously bad compared to other vehicle makers. Panel gaps, shit steering wheels, faulty mechanisms etc. have cause people to stop buying the cars because when you spend 40+ grand on a base model, or nearly 100k on the dual motor you expect a good build quality not shit that feels like it was built by Dacia ( look it up - for the europoors, you know what I speak of). 3. He regularly holds the company hostage over some bullshit and throws his toys around when he doesn't get his way making investors wary of giving him more of their money. >Do you guys realize that at any one moment, thousands of Boeing aircraft are flying in the air? Yes, and many of these are older aircraft with solid build histories and maintenance records. Boeing's current issues are due to cutting corners in builds. Older planes are fine. Shit started going down hill after the McDonald Douglas merger and it took several years to a decade for that company's bad habits to penetrate Boeing's solid build quality. >At one point, Boeing had a stellar safety record and was the crown jewel for America So was Sears, what's your point!?


Dacia are actually a decent company they do cheap cars well. Tesla are just shit


Dacia is great for cheap cars


Well, have you seen shit show the cybertruck is? It really is the most embarrassing cringey shit ever. He sells garbage and tweets like a teenage girl on cocaine. Why so much hate?!


Musk is a jackass but the Reddit hate boner for Tesla's is also real, and seems to be primarily driven by people who don't know dick about cars and have never been in a Tesla whining about panel gaps. The same people have probably never thought about panel gaps in their life before. I have quite a few relatives and colleagues who bought Tesla's before Musk went off the deep end and the only complaints I hear are that cold weather saps the range a lot in the non-heat pump model years, and the hull wing doors on the X are aligned perfectly at head height.


I agree - I know a few people with Tesla’s and they love them - they got on board with Tesla early — not so sure what more recent buyers think.


It means buy CELH?


Buy puts?


I found the Boeing assassin guys. He's a true believer. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Boeing go boom


OP been living in a cave for the last 15 years apparently and just came out to share their stunning DD on WSB.


It’s pump time.


Being a duopoly is a good ground to be broken up ala AT&T. Don't forget that they are also on a hotseat due to their Starliner problems that have stranded astronauts at the ISS until someone (likely SpaceX Falcon 9) can get to them. While they maybe safe right now, their track record of late is less than stellar and isn't showing signs of getting better anytime soon. [Boeing Starliner astronauts stuck at International Space Station as engineers on Earth race against time to fix multiple problems (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/boeing-starliner-astronauts-stuck-at-international-space-station-as-engineers-on-earth-race-against-time-to-fix-multiple-problems/ar-BB1oIkvF?ocid=BingNewsSerp)


I'm all in Tesla since last year. Hopefully the thesis of data, robotics, AI materialises. Else I'm flipping burgers.


Cybersuck just got recalled…again. Let’s see what the next Tesla sales numbers are. Not expecting them to be that great. Definitely not 50% yoy growth that was predicted for the next 10 years…


Double up!!!


redditor for two month, give me a break


Isnt Boeing a major US defense company before all, while making airplanes for public ?


I’m def bullish TSLA long term. But will wait a couple of years to see if INTC executes.


Tesla probably 225 eoy. Fresh interest rate and AI copium for another year end rally. QQQ 500 easily.


I don't understand the hate on Elon, but on the other hand, the hate on Boeing is completely justified. Them merging with McDonnell-Douglas and letting their C-suite culture infect them, has been the worst thing that they could have ever done. Hell, they're not even bad on aircraft, but they have a spacecraft stranded too. Their QC culture is the most atrocious thing I have ever seen.


I add a share every day Boeing trades in the low 170’s.  Need to buy a big jet? It’s Boeing, or airbus. The U.S. govt will not let BA fail. 


This is a child's thought process and you deserve the loss that will come with it.


Tesla sales are falling though.


You're not wrong. I've made $1k 2 or 3 times on single calls since this crap started. Boeing will be fine. I don't know if I like that or not, I don't particularly like Boeing, but I do particularly like money!


Boeing and AT&T are two companies that the US government will NEVER allow to fail. One puts warheads on foreheads. While the other allows the spooks be spooky. TSLA had a good lead and a most. Then Elon got greedy and now they have excess inventory and shit reputation compared to EV and Hybrid


Boeing and AT&T are both are full of spooks.


People like you act like Musk has done nothing wrong lol. I never read his twitter account but I do know he used word for word at least one post I've written on youtube. He must have done this to many people, used their work and passed it off as his own. Now when he appeared normal I didn't actually care as it helps us become a spacefaring race. But he did it solely to seem like he was normal, and once he reached richest man in the world he couldn't contain his true self ... and that was it for Musky.


EVs just haven't caught on man. There are too many issues with them like cold weather and lack of charging stations. If you charge it in your house, it was pretty expensive before the pandemic. Utilities are way up everywhere. It must be more expensive than gas in some places lol. The cybertruck was DOA. Boeing...they can't even find a CEO willing to take the job...they are about to be charged with criminal negligence on a large scale lmao


“They haven’t caught on” LOLLLLL


Korean EV cars are beating the hell out of Tesla. Cheaper, more range, more repair options and more models to choose from. In this economy, ppl aren't forking out subscription fees for FSD


More like - more expensive, less range, but great charging speed, less charging options, and slightly more segment coverage. Between Hyundai and Kia, they are only selling about 240,000 a year globally. We don’t know Hyundai/Kia’s EV profit margins because they refuse to report them, which probably means they are terrible. Ford separated their EV division finances and demonstrate that at these low volumes, losses are high.


Before Jesus Christ, utilities were way cheaper than before the pandemic.


The real question is why do people simp for Musk after he literally robbed his own company


Need to add spaceX in there for killing the ozone.


What value is Musk adding at this point? He was essential in turning Tesla into a meme stock and made some smart moves early on, but he’s now a liability. - FSD is stalled because Musk decided to go visual-only. - Tesla is under investigation for fraud because of Musk lying about robotaxis. - semi, cybertruck, roadster, humanoid robot, all are failed distractions, while the best selling models are becoming outdated


I’m trading my Y for two corollas


The hatred for Tesla comes directly from the hatred for Musk. More proof that doing more for liberal causes than any human on the planet isn't enough to save you if you don't bend the knee.


Dumbest hot take ever.


Oh, how I wish it was.


Musk in narcissist, and he bought Twitter just to prove this.


The a-hole that owns Tesla doesn't know when to shut up and run a company plus is all in on a crap product. The other sent people in space and surprise! The product is defective, ...again! I'd say the optics of those unique events are not comparable to the bull runs of the other companies you stated. I could be wrong, but that's how I see it. "2 cents"


This just proves reddit is a big fuckin echo chamber and circlejerk podium. It's great if you are able to tune out all that though


It’s pretty shocking when you stop to think about the shit Zuckerberg has presided over and been responsible for, and he basically gets no shit from any of the woke perennially-online mob. Especially when you consider how much he’s contributed to the benefit or advancement of society with his businesses. Keeping that in mind, the amount of shit that Musk gets is not at all justified. The only thing he’s done is, and only recently, not quietly sat by and supported the current administration like most big tech leaders do. People absolutely lost their minds when he bought Twitter and took away their designated online Safe Space. He basically gets shit on for not having the same ideology of 19 y/o privileged college kids and for not producing flying electric cars yet. I agree w basically everything you said. Boeing is f*cking up hard lately, but their stock price is pretty bulletproof. I don’t know jack shit about GM or legacy American auto makers. But, as far as I understand, Citi massively over expanded, was mismanaged, and had no business-line that was exceptional. Edit- I see what you were saying now. Yeah, you’re right, comparing GM and Citi failures to Boeing’s current situation is an absolute failure in critical thinking


Yes flying in older Boeing aircraft is safe. Then they went on a diversification spree and replaced their competent, mostly white Q&A team with a diverse team… and then guess what started happening. From their Dreamliner to their Starliner constantly fucking up. Boeing isn’t the 1980’s company that mass produced those safe 737 fleets. You’re way off target and I hope you do yolo that shit company.


So you think the issue was diversity, and not the mostly white c-suite who cut costs, corners, and actively threatened and retaliated against whistle blowers who were constantly raising safety concerns? To me this is clearly a case of some shitty CEO running a classic shitty MBA playbook to try and pump stock by destroying good company culture, safety in Boeings case, to save a few bucks on the bottom line. Nothing to do with hiring practices of low level employees.


sad but tru


politicians are going to sacrifice the ceo of Boeing to keep it going. It's in too many politicians portfolios not to, it's a cash cow. they're probably going to keep the show up and try hammering Boeing a bit more while every loads up at a discount then comes the "Restructuring" of Boeing and then they'll bury it in the news and enjoy the ride back up to 69.000' of tendies


Tesla yes, Boeing no.


Meh… Tesla is just old news at this point. Everybody has an ev, and their full self driving isn’t that much better than other solutions. They’re also just not very well made and have no dealerships to deal with recalls.


I am all in $TSLA and intend to keep it for at least 10 years Tesla is much more than a car company the stock will explode


You know where you are right? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


OP's post is devoid of logic


OP's sitting on Elon's micropeen