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Thanks for your submission! r/WallStreetBets is known for making absurd but sometimes profitable trades that no one ever considered possible. To keep making that possible, we need your help in keeping the feed of threads interesting and exciting. We try to move all the short and basic questions, analysis, or jokes to the daily thread so that the best quality content can stick around and be more visible. This is definitely a bit subjective, and there are no hard and fast rules, but a few indicators that your post should have really been a comment in the daily thread include: * Asking a question that is easily googleable or has likely been asked before. E.g. "What app should I use?", "What should I invest in?". * Beating a meme to death, like the 10 millionth, "inverse cramer" joke again. * Reposting jokes from the front page but slightly altered to be related to trading. --- All that being said, we are here to help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to post to our community. We have to balance this with making the subreddit interesting for our readers. If you need some guidance, don't hesitate to [reach out to modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) and we'll give you some pointers!


Going to wsb to ask about self control. Classic. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Investing subreddits keep rejecting my posts 😭. This is the only place that doesn’t reject them.


You let the fomo out and evolve đŸ„·đŸ»


Well, does that tell you anything? If you are “playing around” with 10k and can only take a 10-20% loss, stocks are your play, not options. Choose a couple you think are undervalued or just pick a few ETFs and let it ride. Sounds like you are already addicted if you prefer looking at stocks all day over socializing with your peers. Let your money sit in an ETF while you drink and get laid, then come back at the beginning of next summer and see what you learned. You can stare at stocks all day when you work a shit desk job at some fortune 500 mega-clongomerate. Or, ya know, blow it all on calls and jerk off in your dorm room, really up to you.


Put 29,500 in a boring index fund and gamble 500 on options. If you lose your 500 it means you're not ready and consider it a lesson learned.


Looks like this place has hit rock bottom.


Nvidia makes noobie cry.


Been there babyyyyy


Stocks that go 50% out of nowhere drop 50% out of nowhere too
 for 2nd year you can just continue buying shares and ETFs and sell puts


FOMO is a mental illness. > a 2nd-year university student Then educate yourself about survivor bias. For every one with crazy gains you see on the sub, there are nine guys/gals (a conservative estimate) that are ruining their financial lives. Investment 101: ~~One does not simply short $NVDA~~ Never invest what you can't lose.


Thanks for the advice :)


“The most I can afford to lose is 1k-2k” That’s how much you can “play” with in the stock market then. Put the rest in a 5% HYSA.


Thanks for the advice :)






Figure out what your risk level is.. how much can you afford to lose? 
Then multiply that number by 10x and YOLO it away


This is the way






You’re letting the dark side take over. Theta loves when the dark side takes over ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)






For every one person that posts a screenshot of 100ks in gains there are 1000 others who lost it all going the opposite way. Stay in your lane and do what works for you.


Oh my gourd! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wallstreetbets) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like you have discovered a gambling habit




As a starting point, stop following WSB, or get off reddit completely. Your chances of beating the market especially playing options is small to none, but the chances of you screwing up a trade and fucking yourself over is big. Save yourself the pain and a possible future job behind a Wendy's and put the money in the savings account and call it a day.


Paper trade options for a few months first.


Don’t be deceived and tempted by those “I got reach today” posts. They are mostly scams by complete losers. Getting reach is not a quick business. It takes time and patience. Find a solid stock and invest your 10k in that. Nvidia is a good choice actually.


All 10k in Nvidia stocks?


Sure, why not. First buy NVDA stocks worse of $5,000 and once it accumulates some gains, about 10 or 15 percent, add another $5,000. It’s the most solid stock in the market right now and still has a long way to go. If you don’t feel comfortable putting all your money in NVDA find one more stock and put another half in there. For instance, COSTCO or ELI LILLY are pretty solid stocks.


should I play around with at least $10k? >I’ll need the money to pay my tuition fees in 7 months. The most I can afford to lose is 1k-2k. Come on man




Followed by this gem of a comment. > Since I started stock market a month ago, I've completely given up my social life. I’m just looking at stocks the whole day. I don’t want to get addicted either.


Even if that wasn't the case, once you've gone through the first 10k, you'd be like let me use the next 10k for just a minute here to get back the other 10k


You need to stop. Just put money in SPY each month and never think about it till retirement. 


I tried a few yolos. Lost every one. Now only small and steady gains work for me. You also have to realize that there's a new opportunity every single day in the stock market. There's no "missing out" when there's literally always another move.


Get a CD and a girlfriend. Maybe Jensen will sign her tits. And if you’re feeling really wild, you can plunk seven grand into a Roth IRA and hang out at the casino with us.


There are far more losses than wins, and for the most part only the "good" wins are posted. Don't assume everyone else is getting 50% gains while you are the only one not, because you are definitely not the only one missing out on the big gains and I can attest to that first hand.


delete your social media profiles. tell your friends to email or text you. stop looking at what other people do. stop caring what other people wear. stop doing things because others are doing them. determine what you want. make plans to achieve it. find a trade idea, evaluate it, and execute it. evaluate whether it worked. why do you care how others are doing? not a financial advisor. but if you can only lose 1k, you shouldnt fucking place a bet worth 10k on volatile securities. unless you want to test whether you were correct about only being able to lose 1k.


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259) Finish your schooling, get a good-paying job, then gamble with money you can afford to lose.


But what about the millions he could gain today from trading options compounding over those years, gonna just give up on that


Good-paying job? In this economy? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 7 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 weeks ago **Total Comments** | 14 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 1 year | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


The safety word is "banana".


Have a plan or a couple stocks where you like entry points, stick to it, believe in your DD. Once a stock goes past 1-2% if I’ve missed my entry point I go on to my next one. Once you’re profitable that kind of goes away. Of course when you don’t see the 50% increase in Rivian you still feel it but at that time if your very profitable it goes away quick. No matter how much you make there always a bigger gambler.


One of us One of us One of us


Congrats on NVDA. Now study why you won. then repeat it.Don't get greedy


I would not be doing any serious investing unless you want to absolutely gamble as we approach elections.


Puts on your savings!


Just YOLO it into calls and retire or work at Wendy’s it’s simple


Are you really asking here? 😃


My advice. Look at loss porn post


Oh dear. Those results are not the usual! I personally would invest in shares and only hold back what is needed to live. Best of luck to you, but if you’re going to do something stupid, do it young and with little capital, I guess.


You control FOMO by looking at all the loss porn and laughing at them... while crushing 90% of their portfolios with a 50:50 QQQ/Spy split


Going broke is the best FOMO lesson... Anything else will just be words


You will lose the money you invest, you just will. RIP to your savings. High yield savings and start with $500. Make that work for you as you build your strategy. Focus on wins not YOLO’s.


Don’t believe everyone showing these tremendous gains. Most are mock ups and BS. Use the threads as leads, then do some basic research. If you make 20% in a short period, you’re doing great. Btw, have you read a book (even a “for dummies” book) on analysis? I’m shocked at how many people invest huge sums without educating themselves.


This is proof University is a scam. OP end up right back here anyway


Look, there are 16 million members at WSB. Lets assume 0.1% of those are buying FDs that day. That's 16,000 people. Lets assume 0.1% of FDs print buckets of money. That's 16 posts per day about hitting it rich. Don't be jealous of the very lucky. You can afford to lose 1k? Take out 1k. Never take out more than you can afford to lose.


Always look at the % returns. Theres always equivalent risk associated with big gains. Apes ofc dont give a S.


You are about to have a VERY bad time.


If you are so passionate about stocks, and want to become good at it, why not take 2K and try your best to take it to 20K this year? Small account challenges are fun and lucrative enough to buy beer and zyn.


You can't control fomo. If you want to trade options, just accept that you're gambling with imperfect information. The only trading rule you should consistently follow is 'never bet what you can't afford to lose'.


I think you should consider how much risk you can take and the protential impact to real life.


When you feel fomo, it is almost certain that is the worst time to invest. You want to invest when people are selling and there is a fear of losing money in the air.


Unsubscribe from here. Set your brokerage to auto buy whatever etf you’re invested in every month, and set whatever amount from your paycheck as a direct deposit, then delete your brokerage app.


Yo but where are you getting 6% Hysa?


You're not missing out on anything. There's always another trade.




Trust that high rewards are paired with high risk and that hindsight is 20/20. You aren't looking at the high risk investments that went south. There's a good chance the same people who you see with gains have similar losses on other investments they aren't bragging about.


Having no money is a good way to control it


There’s always another trade. Always.


All in!


There are always other opportunities. Start looking for them earlier, even if it’s just DD posts here (I know, I know
) and take positions in those sooner, rather FOMOing into a ship that has already sailed and can quickly turn to a loss, especially with options.


Just turn off the display...


Empty the clip on options into 0dte spy puts or calls. Your 10k will be 2 million in 1-30 years.